The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 08, 1908, Image 5

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Tn.. is the most durable
Ixfand Barn Paint that
. i made and is also a wood
prev'rvcr; color, a beautiful
maroon. Guaranteed for 5
years If you want the best
n paint of any kind come
and see us.
"- L Gotting
The Druggist.
4944 jjaaattc-tfrtc-ttecf-
T. . .
Mm Harklcv of Indianola is in town
1 1 . WCl'lt.
'i. U. Ovcr-jnu wont to Hastings
'ft ursday.
M (larhcr vas in town two or time
r.ays this week.
. II. Rlaekledge returned from
Of aha Thursday.
.'oe McClelland was down from
R.romington yesterday.
'or Sale Typewriter, practically
if a". Enquire at Newhouse Rros.
.Irs. Rrown aud daughter, Mrs. Ivan
I'.'kenson, ciiuic down from Inavnle
v 'dnesd&y.
loy H&lc vrr n. to Deliver Thursday
i hi.s automobile. Itoy Tcel aceoin
u. lied him part way.
Yanted to buy a good 1200 or 11C0
jnd work hcrse. Mrs. Phurcs. atF.
v "whouse ntore.
Jn. Weirick A Riddile, Eye, Ear,
" -Mi and Throat Specialists. Glusbcs
'.-led. Over German National Rauk,
b .stings.
'cstcrday Judge Kdson issued a
ui .rriagc license to Frederick W. Aus-
a of Fraukl'.n and Anna Wilkens of
Rite Hill.
Themes to bo used nt the Haptist
". arch next Sunday, in the morning,
"From center to circumference." In
rh. evening, klSin." C. A. Wilson,
."has. Grout was elected a natiom 1
ile egate to the head camp of Modirn
Woodman of America from this district
which meets at Peoria, 111., in June,
'I h.i Ls "the first time Red Cloud has
vr hal the '.cnorof having a dele
gar. ejected to the headcamp, and we
in feel proud of Charley.
As it is drawing near the
hot v eather I am
C lousing ovit
Dried Ff ait
At very low
prices. .
It will pay you to call. Ex
tra special prices on Flour
in 500 lb lots. Fresh vege
tables every day.
fresh every day.
The GroeeF
A'li the Phones
Sheriff Hedge was in Fremont Mon
day. Chas. Fort was in town the first of
the week.
Abe Kaley of Elk Creek is visiting
in the city.
Chas. liurncy shipped hogs the litst
of the week.
Dr. .stockman is now the owner of a
nice buggy hors
Elsie Tabor is visiting with relatives
in Wabash this week.
The rain we had the llrst of the
week did lots of good.
Darrel Hurden returned from Ruskin
the first of the wee1;.
ill Powell has resigned his position
as clerk at the Royal Hotel.
Attorney Saylor was in (Kford the
first of the week on bushies,.
E. t (hcriuan went to Lincoln
Monday to attend nupremo court.
The Eagles initiated sevetal new
members Wedneslav niirlit.
Will Hunt is having the city connect
his house with municipal waterworks.
Wanted- Cattle and horses to pas
ture. Inquire at F. Ncwhottse'.s store.
John Kinsel went to Lincoln Mon
day night to attend the Woodman con
vention. Wil! Hunt moved into one of (has.
Pott'r's houses east of the school house
this week.
Wanted A girl for general home
work. Inquire Mrs. PhareP. at i.
Newhouse store.
County Clerk Ross having bhaved oil'
his musta 'he is now threatened with a
leap year proposal, but says he hasn't
said "yes" .vet.
Roone Saunders has returned from
Missouri, but did not bring home any
iack snipe. However, he reports hav
ing had a good time.
The new city council met Tuesday
night and granted saloon licenses to
John Polnickv. Doyle Ilusheo and
Johnnie Hart.
Last Thursday our ball boys went
to Hebron and lost one game to
Hebron by 7 to 8, but the next day
shut out Hebron ;: to 0.
Last Monday afternoon one of Ed
Ashlin's little boys shot himself
through the hand, while playing with
a 22 calibre rifle.
Dr. Warrick the specialist will meet
eye, ear, nose and throat patients and
those needing glasses properly fitted
at Dr. Damerell'.s office in Red Cloud.
Tuesday May lftth.
The Royal Neighbors had a special
meeting Tuesday niglit and initiated
three new members. A lunch was in
order after the initiation and every
body reports a good time.
The board of education met Monday
and among other business transacted
decided to call a special election for
June li for the purpose of deciding
upon the location of the new schocl
The following are high school grad
uates for this year: Dessic Taylor,
Esty Smeller, Miner Sherwood. CharhS
Kellogg. P.ruee Rcckwith. J. II. Kel
logg. P.ruee Robinson, Elsie C-ither.
M'ma Lambreeht. Marguerite Richard
son. Marie Shiitc. and Ruth Johnston.
The following olllccrs were eleetid
for the m-t year by the Eastern Star
this week: W. M.. Mrs. Louise Me
Farlaud; W. P.. L. II. l'.laekledge; A.
M..Mrs. Cora Potter; Con.. Mr.-. L. II.
Rlaekledge: A. ('.. Mrs. L. II. Fort:
Treats. . Mrs. Dneker: See., Mrs. Edith
At the regular meeting of the minis
terial union on .Monday evening May
tth the following resolution was passed:
'SResolved. as the ministerial union,
that we dismiss our services on May
JMth to attend the soldiers' memorial
service in the morning, and the high
school baccalaureate service in the
Chickering Bros.
A. H. Chase,
Price & Tecple,
P. C. Weaver,
Bush & Lane,
Mathushek & Son,
Decker & Sons,
and the
Standard dood-.
Dr. Nelson and wife went to Omaha
Mrs. J. II. Elliugcr went to Heatriee
this morning
W. A. Howard of Guide Rock made
us a pleasant call today.
A new porch and vestibule is being
built on to the Episcopal church.
Household goods at private sale.
Inquire at house. Mrs. W. A. Sher
wood. Mrs. Grace Wiles and Mrs. Nettie
Ferguson of Orleans are visiting with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Fort.
Having sold his livery barn on Web
ster street "Doe" Nelson intends build
ing a new livery barn on the east corn
er of Fourth avenue ami Elm street,
where he will continue in the livery
business by letting out rigs for use iu
city only.
The Kansas and Nebraska Inter-1
state district convention G. A. R is in j
session here today, for the purpose of 1
locating the reunion to be held this f
fall. ,
Mrs. Marie C'onnorton, one of the j
pioneer settlers of Webster county,)
died at the Sisters Hospital in Denver'
recently. The immediate cause of j
death was pneumonia. I
In another part of the paper will be
found the commissioners, tin council
and school board proceedings. As the
proceedings of these bodies are of in
terest to all, we shall endeavor to give
these matters more prominence iu the'
future than in the past. j
The W. C. T. F. medal conti A at)
the christian church last Friday even-1
ing was an enjoyable event, sewn con
testants competing for the lirst pri.e
which was awarded to Miss Anna Gil
liam. Music was furnished by young
ladies and a male quartet frjin the
Rrethreu church.
While passing the Gurney farm last
Saturday on his way to Red Cloud
from Cowles Mr. Sprachcrsawa tongue
of fire shoot out of the cupola of the
Gurney barn. He immediately drove
to the house when Joo Gurney also
happened to come in from the field
and together they managed to save the
barn. A little boy, it is said, was try
ing to burn out old birds' nests.
Dr. J. Cams of Lincoln, superin
tendent of the anti-saloon league,
preached in the Rrethren church last
Sunday and also addressed a union
meeting in the Christian church at :t
p. in. and also lectured In the Congre
gational church at 8 p. m. In the af
ternoon a central county anti-saloon
league committee was elected: E.J.
Overing, F. J. Sherer, L. P. Albright,
Frank Studebaker with one to be added
from each town in the county. The
state league is after county option good
aud hard.
Teachers' art Stmlent'ExaalgatlMN.
The regular examination for teachers
will be held at Red Cloud, Friday 'and
Saturday May 15 and 10. For the 'con
venience of teachers iu the north part
of the county, an examination will be
held at Itluc Hill, also.
Examinations for eighth grade stud
ents will be held at the same time.
Nellie West Caster. Supt.
Special Sale Boy's Hnnc Pants Suits.
.'.'i per cent discount on Roys Knee
pants suits. Odds and ends from last
season. All good durablesuits. They
are bargains.
C( u ii..s K i :. Ci 01 11. Co,
Roy Burden Attempts Suicide.
Sunday afternoon Fred Rurdeii of
this city received a telephone message
from Campbell which announced the j
attempted suicide of his brother Roy,
The cause of his despondency is said
to be a matter of rejected love. In
shooting himself he used a aa-calibrc
revolver, the bullet going entirely
through his body just above the heart.
Those hearing the shot ran to where
the dejected mortal fell. Immediate
medical aid was summoned. Rut he is
in a critical condition and the attempt
may yet prove fatal. He is well known
here having lived here for about a
year or more and is a nephew of James
Hurden, eselerk of district court.
Hom's This ?
We offer one hundred dollars reward
for any case of catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. v Co.. Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney fvr the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by his firm.
Wholesule Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal-
l.. acting directly upon the blood aud
mucous surfaces of the sjsteui. Testl-
monials sent free. Price 7,1 cents per
bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Take Hall's Family Tills for constipation.
Our Boys' Clothes
No use talking a healthy Roy will
romp, wrestle nnd climb trees.
You can't insure a Roy's Clothes
against wear and tear. but. you can put
oil' the day when you will have to buy
a new Suit, by getting the best Roys'
Clothes luaile.'in the llrst place.
You'll Hint them here -the best that
can be found anywhere the best that s
made. Clothes that we can guarantee.
Double Rreasted, Single Rreastedand
Norfolk Suits. The new Spring cut
Handsome stlcs, made from choice
fabrics made expressly for Roys' Suits
that are expected to do their duty run fiom s to Hi ears
If ou will test our sort of
y Suits you'll be highly pleased and
win a steady patron.
Gouiden-Kaley Clothing
Always Reliable
.-. 1 Door orth of Postofficc
Remember the Chautauqua
i August 5 to 15
Bargains in
A B G Goods
fernlnft Nay fl, 1908.
The Ptyal Male tuartette.
The Royal Male Quartette at the
opera house May 11th. To lovers of
good music and high class entertain
ments this is an opportunity of a life
time. One of the quartette is an artist
on the violin aud second to none on
the American stage. The impersonator
is not to be excelled. To hear and see
him will be worth more than the price
of admission. Money cheerfully re
funded if the entertainment is not
pleasing to you and worth double the
price. V. W. Cowdkn,
Svmns Grocer Co. vs. Ncal. Judg
ment for plaiutitl'.
Harvey vs. Russell. Continued.
Sunderland vs. City. For trial 1.1th. j
Wcstinghonse vs. City. For trial I
Estate of Carl Gust. Claim of Cha.
C Just disallowed. No othcrclaiuis Hied.
Estate of Sophie M. Rondrcaii. Ap
pointment of administrator as prated.
Rond approsed and filed. Letters is
sued. Appraiser's commission to X
I Demurs and Henry Rartels.
Estate of Wcndclin Ileiv. Petition
for probate of will. Order of hearing
Miv ,.'7th.
If jou lime nuns in the Imch. I'riniiry, Kind
tier or Kidney Imufolc, mill want i ecrtuip, I
jilt'flnnl lierli'iire for womiin'h UN try Mother i
iim'H AuHrnliHii I.tnl It lh u mfe iiml never
fHlllii u'niiliitor At (IriiKKlMn or l-y nmll ro
els Siitnplu i.ii'l;rt!;o KIICC. AiUlre"), The
Mother (im Co.. I.ul.'oy, N V.
School Board Meets.
Hoard met in regular session Mon
day evening May 1. All members pres
ent. Minutes of previous meeting read
and approved.
The committee on teachers recom
mended the following who were
First grade, Helen F. Cone.
Seventh grade, Clara Martindale.
Eighth grade. Mabel Day.
High school, Margaret McCutchcn,
Anna h. Richards, Hildah V. Savior.
It was then moved that a special
election for the selection of a location
e .i ... . ,.i ,., i i.Mti.i:,,,, i. tw.1,1
for the new school building be licit!
Tuesday June '. The attorney for the
board was instructed t draw up the
notice and the clerk instructed to make
arrangements for the
election in the
usual manner.
The board then adopted a set of
rules giving the superintendent full
power to control the various high
If p ft II 1
we II
Edcrhcitncr, Stein & Co.
Nothing bettor 011 tho market.
"Wyiuidotto Cloanor nnd Cloansor."
Hetter than lye or soap. Cleans ovary
thing. I'i'Lton MviiKtr, Damerell 111k
school athletic teams.
Nothing further appearing board ad
journed to Thursday evening, May 7.
Roard met iu adjourned session
Thursday evening and completed ar
rangements for the election June -.
Selecting the F. A M. bank building
as the polling place for the district for
this election.
The following are. the committees
for 1U08:
Ruildings aud grounds Fort, New
house, Studebaker. Text books New
house, Raines, Fulton. Finance
Studebaker, Raines, Newhouse. Dis
ciplineFulton, Raines, Fort. Claims
Fulton, Raines, Studebaker. Sup
pliesFort, Studebaker, Newhouse.
Teachers Newhouse, Fulton, Fort.
Premium $
and Bacon
Red Cloud.
Order to Show Cause,
bater County f '" Ui0 1 omi Court
At n county court luhl nt the county court
ro in In anil for rnld rotiiiti Weiliicmlnr. April
JO h A I). 11KH.
It. t o itiitltcr of ll i o-t.iie of Mlttou M. I.uce.
On rciilliiRnnil lillnc llio petition of PriscllU
I.uce. jinijInK Hint Hie lusiriiincnt llleil on the
'JSth rtny of Anrl'. J'.tS, nud inirixirtliiK to be the
)H-t Wlli nnd Testament of the mIi) ilecciibed
may bo iroti npi roved. iriiiiril, nllowed
iiiiil rrrerdcilnolhi' Inht Will Hinl Ttitnment of
tlioMthl Milton M I.iice. doroR'-td. and (hut the
cm'ciiiIkii of the lust rutiinit uiny lie coinniitted.
nnd (ti MlinliilhlrHtlon of mlil cklalf muy be
Krunieu tn jtim'U it Lucent, i xrciurix
1 h onlorcl. Hint Thurscty. tlio Ulst day of May
. ' v ." .'. i''0. I' ,"
I. IV S. t I oYioefc n in Is ii'flKiied for
liii.irht'. ktml i.i'tlttnti n hiti m1) fi(rmi!i( Intpr
-mnl in nld inntter nifiy pir Hiiie.utnty
( "uri io iu uciii in biiii tor miiii ci iri'y uuu
hhon i .ins . vtrliy the oruv ' r of in'tlllon
! stiotitil not be cmitrd; nnd ilmt ntlr of Hie
i 'i i lour of sali! t.itlllon Hiid the henrltiK
. thereof be uiven to nil ii'rMiiR interested
In khIiI mtiier liv )iiijlln!ilMi: acapy ' tail or
der tit the lied cloud C'hlif.n weekly uewnpuper
lirliitcn in sniu county, tor ttirce micccsstve
nrl'H iirlnr to snlil dtv of hcnrlnsr.
(EAi 1 18 2v I v. Ilusos, County Jtidfte.
' wA M
.J Jl