t li I A Non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla If you think you need a tonic, ask your doctor. If you think you need something for your Dioou, usk your uuiaur. 11 yuu think you would like to try Aver's non-alcoholic Sarsapa rilla, asK your doctor, con sult him often. Keep in close touch with him. A We publUh our forniuU yers We banish alcohol W from our medicine We urc you to ooniuuyour doctor Ask your doctor to name some of the results of constipation. His long list will hi-giri with sick-hcadachc, biliousness, dyspepsia, thin blood, bad skin. Then ask him if he would recommend your ush" Aycr's Pills. AUi! by Ui J. C. Aycr Co,, Lowolt, Mm. I County Commissioner's Proceedings. Red Cloud, April "A, HW. ioard met pursuant to adjournment. M niber- present, Overman, Chaplin, 1 1 tunnel ;uid Ohinstcdc. n tin- umttur of double assessment .r tin- jcar l'.K)7, on house on lots r, ti in I 7. block l!.'. titiiilo Koelc, owned by I' M Woltingcr, total assessment was luecd -100. )n motion, county chrk was in -trueb-d to refund money advanced :iud al- petition in road ease, Clark "hMpsot al, by request of the petit-H-acr. On motion, rotul overseer of Dist. 10, Hod (..loud precinct, was ordered to 'ipm road on section line between sec tion 1 and v, as same has been ob sttuHod by fences. County Judge Edsou offered the fol 'o.viug quarterly report of fees col tooted by him in his oilicu for the term from .lnu. I, 110B, to March 31, U0S; Jan. 1, to Jim. 31, inclusive.... 8 80.90 Feb. 1, to l'eb. 2J, inclusive.. . 130.1)0 Moh. 1. to Mch.T.1, inclusive.... fil.S0 a sum of approximately 8300 to SfiOO to repair the treasurer's vuult and build a v.iult for the county judge, which would then be In poor and unsatisfac tory condition, but the best we can do with the old building and we so recom mend. I'pon the question of the adoption of the report it was moved and carried that unless the electors of the county take steps by July 1, 1003, to provide a suitable court house building that not more than $300 be expended under the direction of said committee in the re pair of said vault and building vault for the county judge. 13. V. Overman appeared before the board with a petition signed by K0 or more tax payers asking for a bridge across the Republican river about mid way between Red Cloud and Guide Hock. Mr. Overman presented the claims of the petitioners for recogni tion and proposed plans for construct ion of bridge. On motion, petition was laid over until full board was present. - INAVALIi Jim l.arkley is down from Indianola this week visiting with relatives. There will be a dance in Huntir'.s hall Friday night. John Knight has his new house nearly finished. Oris Matkins has been putting in cement sidewalks at home this week'. John Dellruner was expected home the first of the week from Wasting". Miss Francis Nisbit has finished teaching in the Koontz. district and in tends to start for Texas soon, to visit he, sister, Mrs. llert lloldrege. Total. j. S 2s7.U0 Mi motion, the county uttorney was instructed to look after the matter of lie insurance case of Fidelity Ius. Co. v- Webster County. 'tounriaries of road districts were fixed ns follows: Fach division line to be equally divided between over seers of adjoiuing preeincts, auddesig. itated on plat (on file at the county 'lcrkV ottlce) by number of road dis trict written in red. The following report of the commit tee appointed to iuspect the vault con- litious at the court house was rccived. We your committee appointed to in- "P :ct the vault of the couuty treasurer .iu J clerk of the district court find the "a:nc in bad condition and entirclyun- fit for purpose for which it was in- K ruled and that the county judge has u vault or proper facilities for keep- n the records and files of the eountv ourt. We find that unless- some pro- vision is made for a new building and v v.lts, it will be necessary to expend HIGHLAND NOTES. Nice rain Sunday night and Monday. Madge Michael is experiencing the pleasantries of the measles. N. K. Rulloek's little girl, Jennie is seriously ill with pneumonia. Leta Tcrrill is just recovering from a bad attack of the measles. Mrs. Sabra Haker died at her home near North 1 '.ranch Friday and was buried at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Kivett are the proud parents of a boy, born April 2.". The Burr Oak high school ball team was defeated by a like team at Esbou last Friday by a score of 16 to 7. C. C. Lane hos been confined to the house the past week by illness. T. J. Kennedy will close out the stock at the Star livery barn at Uurr Oalc Saturduy. Changed His Mind. A gentleman who once served on an Irish Jury tells an amusing story of his experience. When the hearing was over mid the Jury retired to their room (o consider their verdict they found that they stood eleven to one lti favor of an acquittal, but the one happened to bo a very complacent old gentleman who rested his chin upon the head or n thick bamboo cane ami announced de fiantly that he was ready to stay there is long as any or them. The hours dragged on, evening ar rived, and the old gentleman obstinate ly held out. The other jurors wearily arranged themselves to make a night of It. From time to time the old gentle man would contemplatively suck the heal or the cane. Finally he fell asleep, and the eauo Iroppcd heavily to the floor. 'I lieu one ol the J'lr.vnien picked It up and found, to his .surprise, that li was nearly full of Irish whisky. The eleven passed the cane rottud, relieved It of Its con tents and then awakened its slumber lug owner. Slowly he lifted the cane to his mouth, looked at his watch and then arose with the announcement. "Hoys, I'm aftlier eliangtn' me iiiolud." -London Telegraph. Inheritance cf the Blind. The blind chlld-tho deaf blind child has inherited the mind of seeing and hearing ancestors, a mind measured to live senses. Therefore he must be In liiieneed. even if It I'c unknown to him .self, b. the light, color, song, which have been transmitted through the language he Is taught, for the chain iK'rs of the mind are ready to receive 'hat languuuc. Thw brain f fie race s so permeated with color Unit It dye een the speech of the blind. Every object I think of Is stained with the hue that belongs to it by association unit memory. The experience of the deaf blind person In a world of seeing, healing people Is like that of a sailor on an Island when1 the Inhabitants speak a language unknown to him, whose life Is unlike that he has lived. He Is one; they are many. There is no chance of compromise. He must learn to seo with their eyes, to hear with their ears, to think their thoughts, to follow their Ideals. -Helen Keller In Century. Hit Ltao. Hawkins How's Henpeck gettlug on Hlnco his marriage? He used to vow- that no woman could ever get aheud of him. Hagg-Oh, he's still leading, I uppose, but she's behind holding the reins. I.oudon Tlt-BIta. A Twitted Aniwir. "Don't you ever get homesick, cap tain'" asked the passenger on (he ocean liner. "No; I'm never homo long enough," replied the captain. Philadelphia Press. Sheridan's Star Actor. When Sheridan was a maiiuir.-r he oven indulged in such catering to the public taste as offering to the public a dog piece by Reynolds, entitled "The Caravan; or, The Driver and the Dog." Of Its first presentation It Is recorded that Sheridan after witnessing the per formance suddenly entered the green room, shouting: "Where is heV Where Is my guardian nngelV" Presuming ho meant to congratulate the author, Reynolds replied, "Here I ami"' "Pooh." replied Sheridan, '-I don't mean yon; 1 raeon the dog." Later one Dlgnum, who played In the piece, approached Sheridan one night with woeful counte nance, saying: "Sir, there Is no guard ing against Illness. It Is truly lamenta ble to stop the run of a successful play like thb, but really" "Really what?" cried Sheridan, Interrupting him. "I am so unwell that I cannot go ou longer than tonight." "Yon!" exclaimed Sheridan. "My good fellow, you terri fied me. I thought you were going to say the dog was ill." Spring 1908 Suits Nothing manufactured shows so great an improvement as Clothing. liach season shows this more forcibly. JffMrjI frfeillfl Hi! W v I li M H Kuh n-MdJc Clothes This Spring's line is better than ever. Glad to show you. PHUL STOREY The Clothier. ,Avv, ROYAL Baking Powder The only Baking Powder made g with Royal Grape Cream of Tartar fe maw irum grapes IW Insures healthful and delicious food for every nome every day Safeguards your food against alum and phosphate of limo Th Lift Plant. There Is a strange wild plant in Gua deloupe called the "life plant." If a leaf he broken off uud pinned by the stem to the wall of :i warm room, each of the angles between the curves of the leaf margin soon throws our u number of very white tentacles, or roots, ami soon a tiny new plant begins to sprout and in the course of u week or two al tains a height of two or three Inches. When the old leaf shrlveK the new plant is cut olf and planted. When carefully cultivated, the life plant pro duces curious red and ellov blossoms. As a plant freak It certainly is as in teresting as the everlasting plant of Mexico. Why Go to Bad? It scums t me we make a mistake in prescribing special hours for going l- bed and for getting up. Why should we thus gorge ourselves with slumber' Why should we not follow the exampl" of the dog and take an occasional nup when we have nothing better to do? Wh. should wo go to bod whea we don't feel sleepy? Why should v.o not take forty winks when Inclined there to' It strikes me there Is too much inuthod and regulailty about our som uiferous arrangements. - Ashhy-Slerry in London Graphic. A ( EKTAIN (TKi: I'OU ACIIINd FHKT. SlinLcInto jour shoes AIIcii'h Foot Knsc, u lowdrr. it curct tired, hcIiIiik, rnllou. sweat hiK. wnlltti teal Al all OtiiKRUN mid hhnu fctnri".. i :.c. Sample KKKK. AUilrcs-t, Allen y. Ohns-tcd, LcKoy.N. V. GUIDE ROCK. Little Clcorn Vaughan was very sick with tousilitis several days recently. James Camp of lleatrico is at pre.i- .... , n. l .. TJ..I... i'.. I em, ficm wiiu ois cousin, nur i wur ! interests rison. Kev. James .Stoc.ley preached at the IJaptlst church .Sunday. The young girls of the M. K. church and Sunday school have organized :i 'Standard Hearers club" a missionary society under the leadership of Miss Helen Pool. Its olllcers are: 1'rcsident, Francis Luthrope. Vice-president, Irene Crow. Treasurer, Gladys Sheppard. Recording Secretary, Mabel Spire. Corresponding Sec., Mabel Simphon. There are already twenty-one mem bers. Mrs. Jennie Campbell iw baelc from New Me.ieo, where she visited relatives. Mr. Jones, tlie new brick yard owner , with the assistance of James Young has beguu hauling clay preparatory for brick making:. ('. K. Vaughan is hack from New Mexico. lie stayed long enough to make improvements on his land there and sow considerable alfalfa seed. The old friends are glad to see l-'rcd Watt and the boys back in Guide Koelc. For some months they resided at Cambridge. Idaho. His son1-. Elmer an 1 Walter and their families still live there. lar meeting, May l-'tb, when the ic port of tin' convention will be given. There will also be an initiation bv the team. Ira Plum's rcbidcncc. owned by Geo. Kceve, is being improved by the addi tion of a jKirch. John Largcut lias recently been down in Texas looking after .some land Mrs J. W. Kobinson returned Friday from the fifth district 1). of 11. conven tion at Cambridge, Nebraska, ."she re p nts a very pleasant and instructive meeting of two days and evenings dur ation. The meeting next year will be at (Kfoid. All members of the Degree of Honor should be at the nct regu- Miss Winnie Cooper is visiting with relatives in Denver. The Uaptist Sewing Society meets- at the church nevt Thursday afternoon, May 14. Theie is work. Mrs. Howard Wirt will serve the tea for the Christian Aid society at her home Friday afternoon, Mav 15. All are cordially invited. Relatives here have received an nouncement of the graduation Muy 11, of the Mii-scs Jennie and Cora Higgins as trained nutes from the Green Gable Sanitarium at Lincoln. Roth young ladies are well known here. Miss.Ten nie Higgins taught the school in dis trict 01 at one time. Pearl and Mcrl Smith returned home Wednesday after a week's visit with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Smith Miss lteohor, a uiece of Mrs. C. K. Vaughan is vihUiug in Guide Rock. Rev. Ashpolc died at Atlanta, Nebr. The body was brought here for burial Friday. He was the father of Mr Chas. Kanand .Mrs. l'holemus of this place. Mrs. Simmons inldivseil a good sized audience Friday evening at the Hap tisi church in the iutetest of the W. C. T. I'. The new ollieors elected by the.M. K. Aid society Thursday arc: President, Mrs. G. M. Albin: Vice-president. Mrs. P. Jones-. Secretary. Mrs. Win. Miner; Treasurer. Mr-. larencc Guv. The Kensini.""ii ladies were enter tained, by Mr- L I.. Watt Wednesday. The Beauties. Cai. of Virginia surveyed Ihe Met ropolitan Opera House tier and par tlerre with critical eyes; then lie turn ed to Monks. j "When Is n beauty not a beauty?" h I asked "Give it up," said Monks. "N'inely-nine times out of a liuu ' dreii." said Cary.-Xew York Tribune. An Awful Threat. Thai was an awful threat of a pu gilist to his antagonist, "I'll twld .vou round your own throat until l here's nothing left of ,ou but the ends of jour shirt collar sticking out of your iyes."- Pearson's Weekly. A factor for pure food ante-dating all state and national food laws G D? PRICE BAKING POWDER No Alum No Phosphates Be on your ouard. Alum Pow ders may be Imotvn ny uicir price 10 or 25c. lb., or one ceiu an ounce. A "I v s 4t- -v - ie.'i . s. a .'''