. tXTK- J3he CHIEF ?sd Cloud - - Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY FUIDAY. '-VN, A- 'C ''V" 'N've Gifts if Weddings, Birthdays or COMMENCEMENTS rW. itrci lu tho I'oitofllce nt Itcd Cloud, Nob. h& Second (.'last Matter u f. Nuwiiouse Manager I DIE IN HOTEL EIRE i 'PRINCIPAL HOSTELRY AT FORT WAYNE IN RUINS. Chief of Police Fears Twenty Others Arc Still in the Ruins Thirteen Arc Seriously Injured Hotel Register Is Consumed by the Fire. Foil Wayne, IiwI.. May 4. El" ven t siivji deaJ, M.any niKsluj; and thir- ku -erlously ;njtticd m the r silt of i;r that il'.iti(i.M,(l tin' :i' w Avelino .-"J. Fort Wayne's piincipul bos - .. nt cm e.itly liotir. ( hi"l ot I'nllco ii:r. enbiucl: said ho Ixlicvod twenty S-r-t' - were otill lit the ruins. f... fisMi" intoiior of the building j, .. .smoM":!ng heap ot ltilns, and : many dojd ate (oiuoaled b the : '- ran u'" be coujectuto-l The ?'-! reght"; was consumed b the v.- ;ind lh ,s tto aentiate means :.'Jeimiitlf4 who It iiilsslng 'J l-e IsiKiwt. dead ate: It. ii lolmson J '.urn. 111.. M. I Mi. -It of New Voik, .' !' Miller at Whtbuygail. .1 E Kills, j c-tiian. C'lirago; W. A. I'.ttlioi j'.'-mai'. IV I U'a.utr; .1. V polin. i:e ii!i:j. I'l'f'.ub'lphia; thice unidtii t!'i men a:ii one woman J 'if known : .'.liis: I'iniih Master, at 'jricy, Atilivu. Iinl ; E 15 Alty (if ' Jy'iash, Chvlo IMvJaiuin, salesman. it. '.tit: Mi) Satah ll.tthnw.iy and -wMjianlon al Mlslinv. l.a, Ind.; It S. .ri'jli' of Dullieil, Te. The complete destitution of the in- 1 -rior of the hotel makes the work of jveerlne: lu lien u dlfllrtilt task. A .wfijjMl heap of charred wood. btlcks v0 twisted tilulfiii is piled up bo seen the hare walls to the second . -ory. Piece by piece this must bo re- noted before the toll of the dead can o roninleted Soi.i" of the bodies alyu oa' ar. mangled and charted 'vttd recognition Infantry com jay I) unit buttery i: of the National Vwird re on duty and aiding the jire and police lottos to tb'ar awuy K d'iiu Started in Early Morning. The 111" w.is disc-in e.od at )-'M a. m. tii bi olfi'iitnr shaft bv Niuht C'loil: lloti Hooliius. lie i usliPil to the nil-' s'x ) er floors akumiug the guest until lie Jlam ., which had spread with an- -vailing rapidr.. tfrous liiui bad, Hid f L-j is, however, saved many lives. fue liotel wa. elected half a ccntuty pM'iai Just opened up for your inspection one of the most com plete and freshest lines of the newest creations of the silversmiths' art. An exceptionally nice line of Silver ware of all kinds fancy pieces for the table Berry Sets-Tea Sets-Compotes and many other pieces for table use. Also a very com plete line of Fancy Spoons, Knives and Fof ks, Berry Spoons, Sugar Spoons, Fruit Knives, Jelly Spoons and Knives and numberless other pieces of utility and ornament. Also wc have a very extensive assortment of other gifts for commencement and birthday remembrances, such as RINGS, WATCHES and and a variety of inexpensive little souvenirs, making acceptable gifts for many occasions. No trouble to show goods Just as welcome to look as to buy. Quality is our first consideration in the buying and selling of our goods, and there is nothing but absolutely dependable goods offered, and the prices make anything you may purchase now a genuine bargain. NEWHOUSE JEWELERS OPTOMETRIS T8. BROTHERS, WATCH INSPECTORS C, B. & Q. . . . - i i i - - - ,T..' .".::: ," '." ?: i out on their retieat wete able to inauo iiihi way to the Hie etapt. an I mj vie saved with runipaiatie cube. Soon the Unities inoke ltoiu the windows and cuileil about the Hie escapes. Some of the moie hnuly ones braved the llaiues and made their way thiciiRh fainoUe and Hie bnvn the it on htaii ways. The Avelinc hotel was a slx-at y building of brlcl;, in the bu.sine (en ter of the city, its election was be gun In 1832, but it was not complete! until several years later. In 18f3 th" building was extensively leinodeled and two stoile.s were added. The ho tel and furnishings were valued at $S,000. '.jiai'liM Utissy unit t a !':;. o. ' v- -; At the heiiffh otllie it wa- vain mat the authoiitics had obtained no clow as ct which might aid in traelm; the men imolved in the plol to blow up th? tiain. PERISH Police IN BROOKLYN FIRE! Lives in and Firemen Risk Work of Rescue. l New Yoik, May I. An early morn ing lite in a l'our-stoiy brick tenement j 150 and the woodwork was dry as tin-, u J 1i-- fl hi.rn.wl liln, iiiiililivvftii.l unit CailSCll xi. iliiin u few minutes from 'the time 'je tiro wus diicovoieil the whole in- 'esrlor of thy hotel was a mass of 'ijaznttsi that tilled the touldois and 'Ootes wi'h suffocating clouds, of mok tun! laid fiery barriers across i? rwi'ini of est ape, nave by the win- Kjv. Tho (Ire depaitment lepcued ninay by means of ladders, but t-onie, tjicoirled bv tlio oiiwaul nisli of the ;t.vnei, leaped fioni high windows to iVw: p,i''d stieet Tt. S. .loliuson of ivma, It Jltsbt'Jy 'iiick a baltony and bound vS fr uiin t'.e street, lie was a t'oahtji and bleeding mass when jitOcM nt'. and died a shoit time later n. sit Ji ..'pb . hospital. s ii' ilann'i ini'i eased, men and wlmi wi'ti' -een 111 the windows of 5?fij -(!-.. vheie tlie wibll.v im il-iied !i-'ipa Tboso who uot fioni Humboldt street, Brooklyn, the death of six persons and the serious Injury of four others. Every member of one family, con sisting of a mother uud four children, aio among the dead. There were many tin Ming rescues by police and Hie men and it was due to their biave woik that the death list was not larger. A half dozen or more per sons who weie trapped in the upper stotics were saved by jumping into life nets The financial loss is $10,000. The dead aie; Mrs. Dora Abiams Known Dead Number Eight, Culcapo, May I - -The flnillnar of an other body in th. ittins of t'.n- Cbiiimo Kiiluction (Diupauy's plant at Thutv ninth and lion stivet . which was wrecked by an explosion and tiie. makes the list of known dead eight , Tho body was identified as that of J William l.enze, a WeUhman. One of , the bodit- preiously i'toeied was I believed to be that of l.enze. i Bryan Introduces Lecturer. Lincoln. May ;. Profe.--or John V. Lloyd of Cincinnati deliwiod a lecture heie last night, under the auspice.; of the Lincoln Medical college, on "An Evening in the Orient." He Wh. in tioducd by William J. ltryan, who ie lated their expediences in quarantine nt Suez, two years ago this month. Mr. Bryan and Mr. Lloyd met at that time and weie companions in forced exile for several days. jumped fioni the llfth story, t '' auu -airie. aiiiih ami v mines. 1 Aoiaius; .mis. Jennie t.oueu. Three Dead In Butte Wreck. Untie, Mont.. May I. tlcorge IChle, fireman of the Hurliugtou oeilaud limited, the tiain which was Unamlt ed b bandits uai tliis city, is ibail. This makes tin I'i'id latality ol th" wreck the other tun b!n:: Englii',er DEGORflTIOfl DAY " soon be here. You will want a monument by that time. Come and see us early as it takes time to prop .erly finish a monument. Wc have many styles and sizes for your inspec tion and selection and our prices are right. Satisfaction guaranteed. VAA'SAA' J. C. SLOSS Wall Paper, Paints a.nd Mouldings Contractor for 4. 1 brand paints. Hell phone 2q6. S aaTAVvs AAVAA,AArAAA Papering, Painting and Interior Dec paper hanging a specialty. Acme Hell phone 2q6. sr 1 1 ii Ml I V I li w w f ing Bros. & Co, Artistic Monuments. 440-446 N. Webster. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Kearney Can Advance 'Phone Rates. Lincoln. May 5. By a liiling of Stato Railway Coutnils.sioner Williams, the Kearney Independent Telephone company is permitted to advance its piesent lates of service. The i tiling sets a precedent lu that it is the Hint time such a concession haa been granted slmo the lonimisslon assumed juilsdirtion over the telephone lines. Shoots Self Through Heart. Harvard. Neb.. May ." II. O Fletch er, manager of the brokeiage house of II E. (ioocIi &. Co. of Liniolii, is dead at his home heie, as a result of a guu--hot wound through the heait, thought to be self inflicted III wile louud him tMng on hi ii-tuiu home No cnu-e is known L. H. Korty Resigns. Omalm, May '2. Louis II. Korty, for twenty-one yea is superintendent of telegiapli lor the Union I'aciile system, has 1 1 signed on account of ill health J. IJ. Hheldon, who has been manager of the headquarters' telegraph ofllce. has been piomoted to succeed Mr, Kony. Spoiled Their Waltzing. In her memoirs Mine. lu llolgne ghes smile Interesting glimpses of Englisli social life, l'or instance, s!ie writes: "In 1S10 no youns English lady ven tured lo waltz. The Duke of Devon shire relumed from a lour in Germany nntl observed one evening at a large ball that a woman was never seen to better nd vantage than when waltzlug. I do not know whether he was anx ious to play a trick, but he repealed this assertion several limes. It was passed from uioulh lo mouth, and at the next ball all the youiitf ladles were waltzing. The duke admired them greatly, said that It was delightful and gave proper animation to a ball. Ho then added carelessly thai lie, at any rale, had decided never (o marry a lady who waltzed, it was lo the Duchess of Itlchmoiiil and at Carlton House that he saw tit lo make this revelation. The poor duchess, the most clumsy of matchmaking mammas, near ly fell off her chair with horror. Sho repealed the statement to her neigh bors, who passed it on, and consterna tion spread from seat to seat. The yjiy.ujr ladles continued lo waltz with Be Comfortable Avoid the heat, dirt and smoke of a cook stove. Get one of our QUICK MliAL GASOLINK STOVES and be comfortable. Priced to save you money on all of them. A good serviceable two-burner btove at $2 and from this to the GAS RANGE at 5-8. The Otiick Meal is built for service, durable, ornamental and convenient. Make Money Htiy a Cream Separator that gets the cream from the milk, one that runs easy, that cleans easy, one that repair bill don't cat up the profits. Buy aHLL'KBKLL a separator embodying all tne most ut-to-date features at a minimum of cost. i A Special Bargain in a Xo. .j Sharpies Separator p at $6S. And don't forget that we hae the four leading makes of mowers, the j Peering, Standard, McCormkk and Keystone. J s l Red Cloud Hardware and Implement Co. WM. WOLFE. Secretary. cicnr consciences. The ola laujcs weie furious, but the unfortunate dance was concluded. Before the end of the even intj thy good Duchess of Blchmoud was able to announce that her daugh ters fell an objection to waltzing which no persuasion of lieu could ever overcome. Some few girls of more In dependence continued to waltz, but the majority gave It np The beil reading- is what suits our temperament, mood or season of life. We leave Longfellow and Sscotl at sixteen, Bjroii at nineteen; Shelley and contemporary poets occupy us when we come of age, and subsequent ly we settle down to Wordsworth till we die. London Outlook. ii. "St. Louis doctor sets sixty crazy women to shopping as a cure,' she rend I'tom the paper. ".S'poso when the. can shop all dn. without buying anything he'll ie0ard them as cured," he commented. Her only rejoinder was a look of contempt.-Philadelphia Ledger. Netlce u Creditors. in thu matter of tin estuto of Jiiuhuvl l m. ir, in.'Ut.llH.-'J. NoilcoMitriNyKlvi'ii ( nil persons linvini! ulRltn iiiiij rJuniuicN uxhIiiM ttic i-tHte of ItiR'tii'tl K. t.oul-. Inloitf WebMer pouiilr.ilo ceased, imii me time iixeil fur illlnc clulmH i iinnlii'-t-HiiJ t'.uto Ishix mouths from the Ifitli , day of Mu. KiJ .Ml Hicl nernjii'. nro rtmilrcil in nr.i. ihM cliihif. lili tlie voui'liprN totln fount .Tudco ot nld i eouuty. At IiIh oillre tlit-rtlu. on or i,efte tho Mhdnj of NotoiMbiT. IWs; uiiil nil cUImM bo llll u 1.1 beticird before the khIi! JikIro on thu lOlh cJrty of November. lOn.S, nt one oY-lock P. in.: iiml that thu ndmitiihiriitor is allow cd ono jurfi-imiheA,riJdiiy of April, tftiH. in wlitcli to pn thtdftii-ullowed ufiitlnst Mild csiHteitnil suttlothcaiiip l.W i:umi.n,c.'oiiiiI .liulce. l-. i . E. I'. Ovcimiiu, nitoriic fur phtnuj. 17 -j (NFI.AMMATOUV RHKL'MATIb.M Cl'KSD IN 3 DAYS Morton I- Hill, of Lebanon. Iud i,rs; "My lfe Iir1 InllKmnmtory Hheumrttlim' In every muscle and o!ut, her bnireilns wan terrlbl, and her bod and face wero swollen alrnon be yond recoKOltloiii had been In bed sl weoki and bad e'tzht iiliMelani, but rccclvod no benefit until the tried Or DetehouMitlief lor Hhenraatlnn. It Rave Immediate rolloi aad she wl blc to wnlk about In three days i am sure li saved her life." Sold by II. S. OrJco, nniRL-lst.ltctl Cloud, ? s i S m i v---- -s-l f u