The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 01, 1908, Image 8

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Reorganization Cut Price Sale
New York Store, Potter Blk., Red Cloud
Beginning Thursday, April 30,
We rclace on sale this entire stock at a Cut Price Reorganization Sale. This will in-
.. . M .. . "
elude all the New Spring Goods. In fact, everything in the entire stock will be placed to
on sale at wnolesale cost, and in some lines at even less than cost, so as to make this
reorganization and change in the shortest time possible. We are going to tell you
exactly why we are going to hold this Reorganization Cut Price Sale, so you can fully
realize the EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS you can secure by coming to it.
yjTi possibl
:jving to certain conditions and on another business proposition arising, we have decided to sell out this entire stock in as short a time as j)
ut. 1: ... ,i.. :., ..!.... t ,n ert r, uill imvp tn ;t:infl nuite a loss. In some lines of iioods in this stock we are going: to sell out en- it
possioii. e ieuu.r hi uiwu,. .. - -, Ti m 1 i- 1 11 1 u ,1
tircly. We will plainly state that never during the past four or five years has Good New Seasonable Merchandise been placed on sale at such rf
Extraordinary Bargain 1'rices. -j-
Wool Dress Goods, Silks and Waistings and Wash Dress Goods to
Bargains in Cali ocs, Percales. C.inghams, ( hitings, Muslins, Tickings, Shirtings, Table Linens Napkins, Towels, Bed Spreads, Blankets, Com-
forts1 Underwear all' kinds' bargain prices on all the Shoes, Lace Curtains, Rugs and Carpets, Ladies' Suits and Skirts, Ladies and Misses Jack- f
ets, Coats and Rain Coats, Ladies' Hats and Millinery, Ladies' Underskirts and Waists, Lmbroideries and Laces, Iloiery, Men's Shirts & Pants fll
We have fully demonstrated in the past that when we advertise Special Bargains '
.1 1 1 :... i unn , nriirtic. i-J.r MiiRlins at Sc it is the i2ic orrade as vou can always tell by the brands, and 12k Ginghams to
. . .1 i -i 1 ...! .. .1 . ., :., n,.ec r-.r.ote nnrl nil nhor inn?; m this entire stock, we have determined to make this sale achieve 1:
the purpose we are holding it for, and have made prices that will surely do it. Remember that after this stock has been sold at these prices that
they CANNOT BI; HAD AGAIN, so it will pay you to attend this sale as soon as you possibly can. It will pay you to look over this list in
order to get an idea of the Extraordinary Bargain Values you can secure and carefully comparing the prices you have been paying for the same
kind of goods, and you will rind that in many lines you can save fully one-half on what you would pay elsewhere.
In fact, the entire Store will be a great Special Bargain Emporium during this Sale
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.lust :i uvaryin' for you
Hvorytliiuj,' u-ft'eliiitf bhu,
Wishing for yon: voniloriu wlnn
You'll W coming hoiin nain.
I!'stlt'sw! -don't know what to do
.lust a-won ry in' for you.
Iioom's so loncsoino-witli your chair
Kmnty-'iy tin tiivplai'o th'n!
.lust can't stand tin- sight of it ! . . .
Uo outdoors and roam a hit.
lint tlu woods an: lonesoini?. too
.hist awi'aryin' fou ymi !
Morning comes. Tlu birds awak
'l'hoy lire singing for your sak' !
Itut there's sadness in the notes
Thateome thrilling Um their throats:
Seem to feel your absenci . too
They're just a vxearyin' for you !
Kvening I'miics. I miss you more
When the dark glooms in the. door:
Seems just like you ought to be
There -to open if for me!
Latch goes tinkling thrills me through
Sets me a-wearyin' for you !
Blossoms, falling to the ground
Softly, like your footseps sound.
And the blooms on tlower and tree
Only paint your faee for me !
Kairer when your fare I knew -.lust
a' fou vou !
.lust a-wearyin' for you '.
All theUtne'u-feeling blue:
Wishing for you -wondering when
You'll be eoming home again !
Uestless ! don't know what to do
.lust a-wearyin' for you !
. . 1
Are you a reader of the
Chief? If not, why not?
Animal Instinct.
A friend of mine saw two cats p-
pnmehltig oach other on the top of a
hoard fence. There was no room for
them to nass oach other, and he won-
nerod what would happen. When they
w?ro nwir each other one of Jtaehi
ntoppod, turned around and retreated
(111 it on mo to another board fence that
lolned at right angles the one they
wei'o on. The oat stepped off ou this
fence and waited there till the other
went by. My friend thought thin not
showed' au appreciation of the problem
licyond the reach of Instinct. No doubt
1 hose cats had met before, and one
was master of tho other. What more
natural than that the defeated oat
should retreat before tho superior and
when It came to the other fence step
off upon It and lot tho victor pass'
The action Involved no mental process
,uny more than when two Inert bodies
In motion meet each other and one
gives way. There was uo other course
'opeu to the cat. If she or ho had
turned back and taken to the bide
' fence solely to accommodate the other
'cat, why, that were another matter.
! Thu Gordon setter that met a train
lof curs upon a railroad bridge and
'ttteppod down upon flne of tho timbers
i of the bridge and stood there while
, the train passed gave uo proof of tea-'
! Ko'nlng powers. It wan the only thing
I the dog could do. Nearly all animals
I Unow enough to get out the way of
I danger. If they did not, what would
become of the race of anlmalsV- John
I llurroiiglis In fluting Magazine.
I Old Roman Law.
I The old Homau law, accoidlng to
I'olqultouii, coufeircd on l he husband
'complete empery oxer the wife. All
. 1... ntvnuii iic filmed was wMimI In
him, and he noquiiod the same lights
lover her person and properly as if slie I
1 were his natural daiighiei. 1 11c who.
on the other hand, ncipiiied all the
I ili?lilK to a child and 10 her hushand'H
name and succession In the event of
hu intestate estate, and she could oxer
else all ihe privileges to which hor sex
admitted. The power of the ancient
Roman father over his offspring was
originally perpetual, nor could Ihe
child he emancipated from "' r
Hier's control during the father's Hfo
excopi by that patent's consent, nor
did he become sul Juris until Ihe fa
ther (being himself sul Juris died,
when 1 lie son was emancipated by tho
tdmplo operation of tho law. In those
brave days the father had legal per
mission lo scourge his children or to
head lliem. fettered like slaves, to
work on Ids estate or een to kill them,
choosing whatsoever means for their
taking off he thought proper.
Lif Saving and Law.
The Roumanians are ns curious In
homo things as thu Chinese. A girl
who fell Into the river and was swept
down by the current finally seized a
hush on the bnnk and drew herself
to shore. The owner of the land on
which the bush grew Immediately
claimed a reward of A shillings Iwaiiso
his bush was there and had saved her.
Her father refused to pay. and thero
was a lawMitit. What Ihe law has to
decide is whether drownlnir people '.an
make use of bushes on the bank with
out paying for ihe same or whether the
asslslaixe or the said bush Is worth a
certain sum of money.
In China if a person faIN into the
water no one must help him out. but
at the same time a spectator can be Im
prisoned for not advising the lctlin to
stay on drv lat.d.
.Best by Test
The Navel Orange,
l-'or a product of nature a California
navel orange as It graces the breakfast
table or the push carl is about the
most arliticlal thing In (he world. It
Is also a very striking illustration of
tho fact that while beauty may he
only Rkln deep II couutH for a whole
lot. To begin with, the tin vol orange
of California is an exotic, reaching Its
present habitat after devious wander
lug. And. be it over so Rweet tasting.
If lis skin has had its beauty marred it
scarcely ever gels farther than thu
orchard where It grew. Not only that,
but oven Ihe most comely ones before
I hey are boxed and shipped are brush
ed by machinery and polished and
otherwise fussed with lo give (hem a
beautj which mere uatuie never would
have provided. William It. Stew ait In
Technical World.
Advice t Hie Doctor.
M. do Culonne, one of tho last min
isters of finance of Louis XVL, in Ills
last Illness asked for a pencil and
wrole down Ihe following words for
the Pencil! of the doctor who attended
hlin: "Oooteur, voiis m'ave. assusHlne!
SI vous eteh 1111 lion note liominc, re
nonce, h la medicine pour Jamais"
(Doctor, .vou have murdered me if
you are an honest in tin, give up the
pracllot of medicine forever).
Fear and Danger.
Nervous Old Lady (to deck hand on
steamboat) Mr. Sleamhoatmau. is
llieie auy fear of danger? Deck Hand
(carelessly)- Plenty ut fear, ma'am,
hul not a hit of danger.
'What would be a suitable blrthdnv
present for m.v little boy V" Inquired t.uv
fond mother.
"Let me think." returned the mi:
boarder, who occasionally liked In
sleep late In the morning. Then, with
the glad, confident smllo of one vsh
has solved a problem, he added, "How
would a gug or a strairjaeket dor
Chicago Post.
Sergeant (preparing squad for viwr;U
par.'le)-ltcoruitH! 'Shun! Ttaoec m
can read will follow the rcglabhtina
Those ub cuu't read will go tinotitfU
the requisite motions, as rollout;; Onoi
Extend leP 'and 'oldlug prayer book.
Two! Raise right 'and to lvel of
mouth. Three! Moisten tbuiob V
right 'and. Four! Turn hover page
London Punch.
Utile girls believe In the man In the
moon, big girls in the man In the lion
oy moon.
Don't Bay land nor Loan
Money on Real Estate
without getting one nl Ifcel'r
perfect Abstracts of Tit. 'c The
oldest and most reliable not o!
Abbtract books in Webster Co
$10,000 bund filed and approYed.
Represents six of the beft In
surance, companies doitf bua
nebs it the btate.
Red Cloud, Nebr.
Otltcm tn Ovmrlnar Black.
Phone: B0II 98, F"armers,36 Jj
to f
ft '
t Ms
to J
to 1
- -I