u- J Spray Your Fruit Trees and Vegetables with Noxall Bordeaux Spray Mixture It will protect your fruit from moths, wormn, scabs. GLCotting The Druggist. : LOGALETTES 2 The county commissioners are in Mission this week. The. lied Cloud buse bull team went to Hebron Thursday to play ball. b'or Sale Typewriter, practically nevv. Enquire- at Newhouse Bros. Jim Thomas of Omaha is visiting friends and relatives here this week. Tho Red Cloud high school base ball team will go to Blue Hill- Monday to play ball. John 8. Itrown and Linnlo Baker of Lebanon, Kas., were married by Judge Kdson April 27th. Henry Schuttc and Mary Spocht of Htillwater precinct wore granted a licon&e April 25th. Wanted to buy a good 1200 or 1400 pound work horse. Mrs. I'harea, at F. Newhouse store. John Wecsner's term of school ex pired last week at Webber, Has:, and ho returned to this city baturday. All members of Belief Corps arc urged to be present at tho regular meeting, May 2nd to arrange for com ing encampment. Drs Nelson sold his livery barn and htock Wednesday to Art Myers of Leb anon, Kas., and L. L. Itoron of this tslty. They are now in possession of the same. Chas. Orout, John Kensol and Sam Kizer will go to Lincoln next week to attend the Woodman state camp meet ing. They are delegates from this lodge The ministerial union will meet at Xhc roomH of Rev. J. M. Bates on Mon day evening May 4th at 8 o'clock. Paper will be read by C. A. Wilson. Subject "The relation of the Holy Red Clovid ChaaitauqviaL dates are Ajgist 5 to 15 JleFAKliAflD The Gpoeep Alt the Phones McFarais Spirit to the Work of thu Gospel Minis- try." Bert Dickey was down from Mindcn over Sunday. The new city council will meet next Wednesday night. I Mrs. Fred Taylor was down from Uiverton Monday. ! Stella Ducker came up from Super-! ior Friday evening. I Art Hoby and wife returned to Heat- rice Monday morning. Cash Scrivner went to Limon Junc tion, Colo., Tuesday morning. John Foster and family were in Hastings Monday visiting friends. Wanted - Cattle and horses to pas ture. Inquire at F. Newhouse's store. Mrs. Ralph Foe came down from Mc Cook Sunday for a visit with relatives. Mr. Wonderly has commenced the erection of a new dwelling on Cherry street. The school children were iriven a half day holiday Monday to attend the circus. Mrs. Hunt of Uiverton came down Sunday to. visit her son Willie, the barber. Frank Burse of Omaha, representing the John Towle Bridge Co. was in town Tuesday. F. V. Taylor of Wichita, Kansas, ar rived in the citv Tuesday for a visi with friends. Mrs. lien I'egg returned from Strat tou Sunday where she has been visit ing relatives. Wanted A girl for general house work. Inquire Mrs. l'haros, at F. Newhouse store. Henry Gilliam has been having his house moved back and will soon build a modern new house. Walter Cox went to Omaha Wednes day morning to attend a meeting of the Cyrene Commandery. Last Monday Judge Bdson united in marriage John S. Brown and Linnie Itakcr, both of Lebanon, Kas. Thomas II. Matters, attorney, from Omaha was in the city Tuesday look ing after his suit against the city. Judge Edson issued a marriage license last Saturday to Henry Schutte and Mary Specht, both of Stillwater pre cinct. Drs. Weirick & Riddilc, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists. Glasses fitted. Over German National Hank, Hastings. The following shipped stock Sun day: H. O. Cutter, two 'Cars of hogs; Win. Weesner, one car of hogs; Ed. Seatton one car of cattle. Mrs. Mercer, formerly of Red Cloud, but now of Arapahoe, writes that her son Dwight has located at Boulder, Colo., with tho Temple Drug Co., and she will join him there. A class of candidates were initiated by the Royal Neighbors last Friday night and a big supper was in order after tho initiation. There will be another class initiated tonight. Having just put in some new script type we are prepared to do fancy printing wedding invitations, com mencement programs and any other stationery requiring the use of script tpyes. The following themes will be used at the Baptist church next Sunday. At 11 a. in. "The Central Motive in Christian Service or the Ministry of Reconciliation." At 8 p. in. "Heroic I'ietv." The Lord's Supper will be observed at tho close of the raorniug service. C. A. Wilson, pastor. Arthur Hcssinger while riding a horse last Tuesday near North Branch collided with another horse and as a result one of his knees was twisted in such a way as to make amputation of the limb almost a necessity. He was brought to Dr. Cook's sanitarium where he is receiving the required at tention. Argalmght P I SELLS Chickering Bros. A. B. Chase, Packard, Kimball, Price & Teeple, P. C. Weaver, Lauter, Bush & Lane, Mathushek & Son, Decker & Sons, Everett and the AIT0PIAN0 Standard Goods. A N O S The dates for Red Cloud's Clniututt- qua are August ft to 15. Lodge emblem cards at this olllee. L. II. KlacUledge went to Omaha Wednesday night on legal business. Harvey Vincent and wife aiv the parents of a baby girl, born Monday. I Newt Smith came down from Illue Hill Monday to play ball with Red Cloud. Al McCarter and wife are the par ents of a nine pound girl, born Tues day. There were several poople from dif ferent towns in town Monday taking in the circus. Ed Relher shlppod two ear loads of cattle to Kansas Cltv Wednesday. He accompanied them. The fruit has been undergoing severe tosts this week. And It has frozen ice several nights. The Chief olllee printed some new directories this week for the Farmer's Independent Telephone Co Miss Nellie Jones who has been visit ing with J. C. Myers and wife returned to Fairfield the first of the week. Charles Frisbie was thrown from his l buggy one day last week and received a seven injury to his right hand. Tho Red Cloud high school base ball team got beat at Franklin last Friday in a ball game by a score of VI to 0. W. II . Tabor has purchased a new talking machine of Newhouse Bros, for his Tepee. It is the loudest ma chine on the market. Evangelist Homer Alexander of Chicago began a revival meeting at the Mt. Clare M. E. church last Friday evening and has sent to Chicago for a singer. Last Sunday while helping load stock into a car, John Wolfe was shut ting the car door and it flew back and hit him in the face, cutting his tongue quite badly. Under the recent act of April 10th. 1908, all widows of U. S. soldiers are entitled to receive a pension of 812 per month. Fred Maurer has the neces sary blanks. Judge Dungan has appointed Dr. Damcrell and L. H. Itlackledgc as the new insanity commissioners with Geo. W. Hutchison, clerk of tho district court, as cx-ofilcio member. Fred Hedge, Night Watch Kensel and Marshal Gcer gathered in a round score of hoboes at the stockyards Wednesday morning. They arc ac cused of being box car thieves. After the show was over Monday afternoon Red Cloud and Burr Oak crossed bats. The Red Cloud boys suc ceeded In getting 9 scores off Bert Garber, while Burr Oak got one se?re off Clcgg, tho Red Cloud pitcher, through an error. Campbell Bros, circus was not very well attended Monday, owing to the coldness of the weather. The parade was up to standard, but the performers and all others connoctcd with the show were disheartened owing to the severity of the weather. Congregational church services next Sunday at 10; 15 a. in. The pastor will preach the third sermon in the series on "Rewards and Punishments;" sub ject, "Nature and Character of Future Punishment." Evening subject, "Why Are There More Women Than Men in Our Churches?" All cordially invited. Mow the Brahman Cleans His Teeth. When the Brahman cleans his teeth he must use a small twig cut from ono of a number of certain trees, and ho fore he cuts It he must make his act known to the gods of the woods. lie must not Indulge In this cleanly lmhlt every day. lie must nhstaln on tho sixth, the eighth, the ninth, the four teenth, the fifteenth and the last day of the moou, on the dnyB of now and full moon, on the Tuesday In every week, on tho day of tho constellation under which ho was horn, on tho day of the week and on tho day of tho mouth which correspond with those of IiIh birth, at an eclipse, at tho conjunc tlou of the planets, at tho equinoxes and other unlucky epochs and also on tho anniversary of tho death of his fa ther or mother. Any ouo who cleans his tooth with his bit of stick on nny of tho abovo mentioned days will havo hell as his portion. "Hindoo Man ners," by Abbo Dubois. The Way to the Station. A party of autouioblllsta was tour ing through Virginia. An accident to tho car forced them to take a train home. As they walked down tho road seeking somo ouo from whom they could Inquire their way they met an old darky, says tho Success Magazine. "Will you kindly direct us to the rail road station?" ono of tho party asked. "Cort'n'y, sir," ho responded. "Keep a-goln right down dls road till yo' gets to wbero two mo' roads branches out. Den yo' tako de lof ono an' keep ou a-goln' till yo' gets to whoro do olo nostotilce ustcr bo," Yoang Felloais Suits Now, Mr. Young Man. from fifteen years of age upwards, we've something to say to you! If you appreciate extreme styles and smart kinks In the cut and tailoring of a suit. You're the chap we want to see! We've some snappy things to show, that the Young Man that kn ms, will appreciate. New Cheviots and Cassimeres In swell and handsome patterns. Coats slightly form fitting, with wide soft rolls, rocket tlaps on Coat and Vest, Cuffs on Coat, Vest out rather low. Trousers with or without cull's. Not a single style kink omitted. $8, $10, $12, $15 to $18 The Young Man, who is not posted on ...I..., ...in i. .i.:., :i.. uim iii ifu txn i, Linn rM'umm, u.lll ll.-illy p t, IQAA learn by coming to see our New Springhuits jik fcf KWahtima Cluciio The Gomden-Kaley Glothing Gompany Always Reliable. FIRST DOOR NORTH OF POSTOFFICE. FULTON FOR Bargains in ABC Goods ASK FOK ALLEN'S FOOT KASB. A 1'OtVDKK It tnakcH walking en?. Citron coriiH, hunlotiN, Ingrowing iirIIh. swollen and sweating feel At nil lniKi?ltH and thou Moreti, Vi&e. Don't ucrcnt but unbHtitiite. Snmpto free. Addrcf, Allen 3. Olnuted, l.eltoy. N. Y, Ftotlce t Creditors. Static IfaSSSlSfn'tV J county Court In the mutter of tho estate of Itaclmel K I.uwIh. deceased Notice Ih hereby nlen t all persons IihvIuk claims and demands nxidntit the cMnto of Itaclmel K. I.cwIh. late of Webster conntr, do censed, that the time tixed for till k claims Himlnst said estate. Is six months from the 1Mb day of May. 1908. All Mich persons ore required to present their claims, with the vouchers to tho County Judge of said county, nt IiIh olhce therein, on or before tho IMhdny of Nofember. 190H; and all claims so flltd will be heard before the said judge on tho ICth day of November. lftW, nt ono o'clock 1, m.; and that tho administrator Ih allowed ono year from thi 2,'!rd day of April. 1W). in which 1 1 pay the debt allowed ngnlnst raid estate and seitlo the same. I W Kdson, County Judge. skal.1 E. U. Overman, attorney for estate. 17-20 INfLAMMATOUY WIEUMATISM CUHED IV 8 DAYS Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon, Ind M711; "Mj wlfo had Inflammatory Itheumatltim In every muscle and Joint; her inffcrlng was terrible aud her body and face were swollen almost bo yond recognition: had been In bed nix wccki and bad bight physicians, but received no benefit until sho tried Dr. Detchon's Ittllef rot Uhoumatlam. It gavo Immediate relict and Nbo was able to walk about In threo days, i arc suro It Raved her llfo." Sold by II. K. Grloo. Druggist, Ued Cloud. Oils and Axle Grease Wo nro still sharpening Discs with our now SCOW'S ROLLER DISO SnAUPENKR which rolls out tho Disc, making a smooth, ovon job, and saving ail material, instoud of cutting or grinding it away. Wo aro bettor propared than over to do all kinds of blacksmithing, horseshoolug aud wagon work promptly. Extra Discs on hand. WAhLlN & SCHULTZ RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Ind. 'Phono 99. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of V" f r Ml it liv li M MARKET Groceries Nothing bettor on tho market. "Wyandotte Cleaner and Clounsor." Bettor than lyo or soap. Cleans every, thing. Fulton Market, Dameroll Blk Swift's Premium Hams and Bacon Fresh Meats Koon Bros. Red Cloud. Nebraska. fresh Garden Seeds in Balk Also Onion Sets Get 'em now, while the kinds and varieties are in fuil stock, for seeds of the good-growing, crop producing kind are scarce this year. We have a large and choice variety. Call and see them. Jrlrs.Henpy Diedrieh mi (W fi9 KmPsJpJI I : II