The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 01, 1908, Image 2

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    ..i.i. .-. i - TK-i ;--K- j- ajri.-ftJ j -
Rd Cloud - - Nebraska.
Katorcd In tho PoitoMro nt Kod Cloud, Neb,
hb Second CIbhs Mutter.
3. H. NEwnousE
vNr"v" v w -
Gifts for IVeddingSp Birthdays
Member Practically Pledge Them
selves for Two New Battleships
I Every Year Senator Beveridge
I Hints at War With Japan.
Washington, April 28. Two battle
ships a ycur is what President Koose-
elt nays he linn accomplished through
Ills fight for IiIh naval program. Hail
Imj been victorious In having four such
ships authorized at this session, tho
United States could liavo dictntod
terms of dlHaininniunt to the nations
f tho world. This statement, inude
following- the passage by the senate
of tho naval bill calling for two new
'attleshlps, Is understood to reveal
'ho president's source of strength in
he naval light which has been waged
no strenuously. Furthermore, two
chips this year, with the of
"vo ships each year to follow, which
The president has accepted as a bona
:!do stipulation on the part of the sen
'to, means simply a program which
v 1 1 1 place the United States in tin'
ront rank of naval progression, but
vhlch falls to place it In the position
wf dictating a cessation of muni ag
Thtifthi; president, on the whole, Is
pleased with the result of his efforts
'Ith-.congresa on this subject was
-.nade' manifest; that he firmly believes
n tho, ability-of the. United States to
-lictate the naval policy of the world
mi tho future, through demonstration
of ability to overwhelmingly outstrip
livnl construction, is equally manifest.
President Hoosovolt wanted four
battleships this year. He got two.
AVlth the two he obtained the promise
'hat two moro would bo forthcoming
'ach year. This means, considering
the dimensions of the battleships
T.'hlch modern construction dictates,
hat the United States 6hall keep fully
n breast of the naval armament of any
other nation.
T'o frlendB of the prosldcnt are
Mtitiied' with what they regard as a
signal victory for his international
Just opened up for your inspection one of the most com
plete and freshest lines of the newest creations of the
silversmiths' art. An exceptionally nice line of Silver
ware of all kinds fancy pieces for the table
Berry Sets-Tea Sets-Corn notes
and many other pieces for table use. Also a very com
plete line of
Fancy Spoons, Knives and Foi ks, Berry Spoons, Sugar
Spoons, Fruit Knives, Jelly Spoons and Knives
and numberless other pieces of utility and ornament. Also we have a very extensive assortment of other gifts for commencement
and birthday remembrances, such as RINGS, WA TCHES and and a variety of inexpensive little souvenirs, making acceptable
gifts for many occasions. No trouble to show goods Just as welcome to look as to buy.
Quality is our first consideration in the buying and selling of our goods, and there is nothing but absolutely dependable
goods offered, and the prices make anything you may purchase now a genuine bargain.
C. B. & Q.
ifivant japan. At times me discussion
came near becoming acrimonious, es
pecially sharp exchanges occurring be
tween Sonators Aldrlch and Uovoridgo.
The former's reference to Beveridge
incited Senator Smith (Mich.) to pro
test against the senate chamber being
"made a slaughter house for the young
senator from Indiana."
It was developed by Senator Allison
during the debato that there is a well
defined understanding among the sen
ate leaders for. tho authorization of
two battleships each year until the
American navy is regarded as suffi
cient to meet any demands that may
be made upon it.
As finally passed, the bill carries ap
propriations aggregating $123,115,059,
and' provides for the construction of
.wllcy and the details of this victory,1"0 "iwai two comers aim
:. ' tlwt tui rili riLn r It n,l,1Wlnk.,.l f
mv uun.iiu.ii; ui uutji; UUUIUUIIUl L'UI
tho vwrt
-ire freely given, and declared to re
tfeet the exuberance of the president
Senate for Two Ships Only.
Uy an overwhelming vote President
Itoosevelfs four battleship program
'ailed in tho senate, just as it did in
the house. The amendment for fotn
battleships wns introduced by Senator
Piles, and the fight for Us adoption
was led by Senator Beveridge. Twenty-throe
votes were cast for tho In-
reaaed program, the number largelj
being made up of recently elected sen
iitors. Fifty senators voted to support
tlio house, and the recommendation of
the senate naval committee in favor of
building only two battleships.
Tho debate on tho battleship amend
nient lasted three days, to the exclu-1
Hon of all other ma'tfers. It was be
Kim by Senator Beveridge with an elo
Miient appeal for the support of the
president, and a suggestion that the
larger navy might be needed for war '
Members ol the committee upbraided
the Indiana benator for this elleu'
hint of war with another countij and,
.oiiuia to make him admit that he
Hers, the construction of submarines
and other necessary craft, and In
creases the pay of officers and enlist
ed men, as well as increasing both the
pay and strength of the marine corps.
Proceedings in the House.
A resolution was passed by the house
authorizing the news print Investiga
tion, but not until the expediency of
that investigation had been-discussed.
Williams characterized it as a method
of delay. The sundry civil bill was
debated for three hours. In this time
Tawney showed that the house had
cut appropriations $110,000,000; Ro
denberg (III.) held the Democratic rec
ord of the past few years up to ridi
cule; Marshall (N D.) criticised the
Aldrlch currency bill; Spight (Miss.)
urgod congress to refund to southern
stateB the $110,000,000 collected in cot
ton taxes during the civil war, and
Shackelford (Mo.) took Republicans
genei.illy to task and specltlcally crit
icised the shortage In the St. Louis
The conditions In both tin- senate
n.Y.'l the house weie su li that the spv-
Will soon be here. You will want a
monument by that time. Come and
see us early as it takes time to prop
erly finish a monument. We have
many styles and sizes for your inspec
tion and selection and our prices are
right. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Overing Bros. & Co.
Artistic Monuments.
440-446 N. Webster. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA.
i tne?.'2" 'i.
outlining hiB views as to legislation,
received but scant attention
Johnson Challenges Burns.
London, April 28. Jack Johnson,
the colored heavyweight pugilist, ac
companied oy his manager, Fitzpat
rick, nrrlvet here from New York.
They immediately visited the National
Sporting club and the sporting news
papers and issued a challenge to
Tommy Burns, the heavyweight cham
pion, to fight anywhere, for any purse
acceptable to Burns. Johnson went
further than this and' offers to bet
Burns $2,50 that he will stop him In
twenty routfds.
Mother and Three Children Victim
of an Incendiary's Work.
I.aporte, Ind., April 29. The re
moval of four charred bodies, the
blackened forms of threo children,
huddled about that of tho mother ns
If for protection, the arrest of Ray
Lamphere, formerly employed by Mrs.
Belle Gunnes, the victim, and tho col
lapse of Lamphere. at the jail, has
caused excitement In Iaporto that
may at any time break forth in mob
violence. Mrs. Gunnes lived on her
farm near here, with her three chil
dren. At 4 a. in. Joseph Maxwell, an
employe of the place, was awakened
by smoke. He made every effort to
rescue the family, but failed. Later
the bodies of Mrs. Gunnes and her
three childien were removed from the
There was a rumor that the bouse
had been fired because of malice, and
as a result Lamphere was arrested.
Lamphere had been employed on the
faun and' was infatuated with Mrs.
Gunnes. who was a beautiful woman.
.Mis Gunnes declared that the man
had annoyed her and she had filed pro
ceedings to hae him deilaied insane,
but a jury found him sane.
Found Dead in New York Lodging
House With Gas .Turned On.
New York, April 29. The -bodies of
six unknown Italians, supposed to be
mlneis from Midvale, Pa., were found
in a loom on the third floor of a
Greenwich street lodging house. The
gas in the loom was turned on After
the Italians had closed tho door for
the night, they had nailed it shut from
the inside and had fastened the win
dow tight, evidently in fear of thieves.
The appearance of the gas jet Indi
cated that one of the men had turnod
out the light, but did not fully close
the stop.
Warrant for Missing Cashier.
St. Paul, April 29. A warrant was
issued for the arrest of Thomas W.
Frankham, cashier of the St. Paul and
Western Coal company, who has been
missing for a week. He is charged
with embezzlement and a $10,000
(shortage In his accounts. It is teport
ed that when the books of the com
pany are thoroughly checked up tho
shortage may be much greater, pos
sibly as high as $50,000 or $70,000.
Extravagant living is given as the
cause of hlsjshoitnge.
Bomb Thrower Dies of His Injuries,
New York, April 29.-Sells Silver
stoln, the anarchist who attempted to
throw a bomb Into a group of police
nient In Union square and wao in
jured by the pieinature explosion of
tho bomb, Is dead. Silversteln's com
panion was killed by tho bomb.
Wall Paper, Paints eind
Contractor for Papering, Painting and Interior Dec
orating. Fine paper hanging a specialty. Acme
brand paints. Bell phone
ne 296.
Be Comfortable
Avoid the heat, dirt and smoke of a cook stove. Get
and be comfortable. Priced to save you money on
all of them. A good serviceable two-burner stove at
$2 and from this to the GAS RANGE at $28. The
Quick Meal is built for service, durable, ornamental
and convenient.
Make Money
Buy a Cream Separator that gets the cream from the
milk, one that runs easy, that cleans easy, one that
repair bill don't eat up the profits. Buy a BLUEBELL
a separator embodying all the most ur-to-date
features at a minimum of cost.
A Special Bargain in a No. 4 Sharpies Separator
at $68.
And don't forget that we have the four leading
makes of mowers, the
Peering, Standard, McGormlck and Keystone.
Red Cloud Hardware
i cnd Implement Co.
WM., WOLFE. Secretary.
Gordon, Neb , April 27. Bob Fair, a
fanner living about sixteen miles
northwest of Gordon, shot and Instnnt
ly klllod Enls Doty In front of True
blood Bros.' livery bam.
Fair and Doty are brothers-in-law
and there has been a family feud
browing between them for some time.
On tho way to town they quarreled
and Doty tried several times to pro
voke a fight with Fair. When the lat
ter reached towu and drove up in front
of the livery barn to put up the team,
Doty, who had preceded him but a few
minutes, came out of the barn and
pulled off his coat and moved toward.
Fair with belligerent looks. Pair sud
denly drew his pistol and fired, thfc
ball sti iking Doty In tho mouth and
coming out at the back of his head,
killing him instantly.
Fair immediately gave up his pistol
to the liveryman and surrendered to
the city marshal, who at onco proceed
ed with his prisoner to Rushvlllo and
gave him into the custody of tho sheriff.
AwllcatleH ft License.
Notice Ih hereby glfen tbnt a petition H'gned
lT thirty or more resident freeholders of tho
First ward of the city of Ketl Cloud, Nebraska,
hti been tiled with tho city clerk of fluid city of
ltcd Cloud prajlng that a llcenso bo granted by
tho city council of hnld city to John Poluicky
for tho sale of malt, splrltous and vinoua llnuorw
on lot five (6). block thirty-one (31) of the ord
inal town, now city, of Med loud, Nebraska.
That action will ho taken on aald petition bf
tho mavor and city council on theOttidayol
Mttv, 1003. or at the first meeting f the council
L. II FOUT. City Clork.
Dated at Rod Cloud, Nebraska, this 9th day of
April, 1D0H.
AtHfr,atUa fer License
Notice Ih hereby Riven that a petition signed
by thirty or moro resident freeholders of tho Sd
ward of tho city of Hod Cloud. Neb., tins
been filed with the city clerk of said city of Kcd
Cloud, praying that a Ilconso bo granted by said
city council to Mathew Doylo and Georgo
llushco, for tho sale of malt, splrl uoui and
vinous llnunm on lot one (1), block on (1)
Wllllttint,' addition to tho city of Ked Cloud.
Nebraska and that action will bo taken on said
petition by the mayor and city council on the
Oth day (if May. 1W3, or at the tlrst meeting of
tho council thereafter. I.. 11. Koiit, City Clerk.
Dated this Oth day of April, 1908, at Ked cloud.
Nebraska. 1018
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