The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 24, 1908, Image 2

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Red Cloud - - Nebraska.
Bntorcd In tbo I'oitofTlco nt Ited Cloud, Nob.,
as Second Class Matter
E. H. Newhouse
Hills Near s'lsselon, S. D., a Panorama
of KJames.
SJsseton, S. D., April 22. Word was
fortnight to this city or the hurtling to
death in a prairie fire of Mrs. Kreet
man, wife o a fanner, near old Fort
Sisfcoton. There is also an uncon
firmed rejiort or the burning to death
of smother woman and a child. The
Urea were so close to the city that It
was found necessary to send out fifty
men to light them. Thousands or dol
lars' worth of property has heen de
stroyed. The hills last night were a
panorama of flames.
Gifts for Weddings, Birthdays
Three Drown In Drunken Fight.
Shawnee, OKln., April 22. Having
heen ordered hy the police lo leave
tho city as Idle characters, John
Swisher, Andy Coates and Harney Cal
lahan huilt a raft of old luniher and
launched It 911 the Canadian river,
boarded the craft, intending to drift
down to Foil Smith. They were pro
vided with some food and an abun
dance of whisky and when about forty
milts down the river engaged in a
drunken light. The struggle or the
men upset the raft, all three being
spilled irto the liver and all were
Attempt to Assassinate Cabrera.
Guatemala city, Guatemala, April
22. An attempt was made on the life
of President Estrada Cabrera in this
ity, hut the attempt was not success
lul. The president was on his way
from his private residence to the na
tional palace to give an audience to
Jhe recently appointed American min
ister, William llelinke. when students
llrcd at him. The students were im
mediately surrounded hy loyal troops
and made prisoners. The sltuntion at.
present Is under the control of the mil
itary element.
Just opened up for your inspection one of the most com
plete and freshest lines of the newest creations of the
silversmiths' art. An exceptionally nice line of Silver
ware of all kinds fancy pieces for the table
Berry Sets-Tea Sets -Com Dotes
and many other pieces for table use. Also a very com
plete line of
Fancy Spoons, Knives and Forks, Berry Spoons, Sugar
Spoons, Fruit Knives, Jelly Spoons and Knives
and numberless other pieces of utility and ornament. Also we have a very extensive assortment of other gifts for commencement
and birthday remembrances, such as RINGS, WATCHES and and a variety of inexpensive little souvenirs, making acceptable
gifts for many occasions. No trouble to show goods Just as welcome to look as to buy.
Quality is our first consideration in the buying and selling of our goods, and there is nothing but absolutely dependable ,
goods offered, and the prices make anything you may purchase now a genuine bargain.
C. B. & Q.
' Tucker Indictment Faulty.
Topeka, April 22. Judge Amidon,
In tht United States district court
here, Indicated beyond all question of
doubt that he considers the indictment
of H. H. Tucker or the Uncle Sam Oil
company faulty, hut dererred formal
action on the motion to qtiuFh the in
dictment. A third indictment against
Tucker Is expected to he brought by
the grand jury now in session. It is
understood the district attorney will
R8k that the old indictment, he united
and Tucker held for trial on the new
Wheat Acreage in Canadian Northwest
Ottawa. Ont., April 22. Official ie
ports received from agents throughout.
Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta
show that the total act cage under
crop In the Canadian north west will
bo about 20 per cent greater this year
thaii last, with indications pointing to
a record yield or wheat. Reports In
dicate that the arrival of American
settlers to take up land will be this
year largely In excess of last year.
Specializes In Church Robberies.
St. Paul, April 22. Robert Kelile.
who in the past two weeks, it is al
leged, has lobbed three convents and
the Methodist deaconesses home, was
caught and made a full confession.
Ke'nle is known to the police of twenty
vities as a man who makes a specialty
of robbing religious institutions.
"Uot More Than One Hundred Saloons
Voted Out of Business Flght'Unlque
!n Many Townships Cairo Keeps
"' Chicago. April 22. The saloon
forces were generally successful in
the forty or more towns and villages
of Illinois which voted on the local op
tion question. Definite figures are
lacking In many cases, but it seems
certain that not more than one hun
dred saloons were voted out of busi
ness. The larger communities airaosi
without exception retain their licensed
dramshops.. Cairo, the largest city In
which the question was an issue, gave
the saloons a majority of 3,352. The
principal exceptions to the general re
sult were Effingham, Thebes, Pluck
neyville and Napervllle. Some thirty-
five saloons lost their licenses In these
four cities.
In Cook county twelve of the vil
lages bordering Chicago balloted for
or against, the liquor Interests. In
onl one, however, was there a change
from previous conditions, Harrington
going "dry" by a small plurality. Ten
others voted to retain their saloons
and one decided not to admit the
The result in many of the towns is
puzzling. Some of these communities
. lie within townships which had al
ready gone contrarlly to the result of
the vote. Blue Island, a town of some
size just south of Chicago, and which
is located in two townships, one of
which is wet and the other dry, Itseir
voted wet. The supreme court or tho
state will be asked to adjudicate these
""''nino .uu Involving practica'iv
the snme facts iiclng already beluTL'
tho tribunal.
New Hampshire Republicans Decline
to Indorse Secretary.
Concord, N. H., April 22. Six of
the eight members of the New Hamp
shire delegation to tho Republican na
tional convention nt Chicago were se
lected here at the state and Second
district conventions, and the platform,
wh'ch was Identical in each case, con
tained a resolution to the efTect that
"the real interests of the party and'
of the presidential candidate to be
nominated at Chicago will best be
served by the omission of instructions,
specific 01 Implied, In the form ofreso
lutions of preference." The platform
also favored an early revision of the
tariff and Indorsed President. Roose
velt. A resolution indorsing William
H. Tafl for president was tabled by a
rising vote, only twenty-five delegates
out of 763 vottnis for the resolution.
Leaders of the Tart movement in
the state, Including rormer Governor
Frank W. Rollins and' Winston Church
Ill, while expressing disappointment
over the outcome of the state conven
tion, stated after the proceedings wero
over that In their opinion five of the
six delegates chosen will vote for Sec
letary Tat't on the first ballot.
Will soon be here. You will want a
monument by that time. Come and
see us early as it takes time to prop
erly finish a monument. We have
many styles and sizes for your inspec
tion and selection and our prices are
right. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Railroad Engineer Defeats Pillsbury
for Mayor of Sioux Falls.
Sioux Kails, S. D., April 22. W. T.
Doollttlc, a veteran railroad engineer,
defeated Mayor F. M. Pillsbury, who
was a candidate for re-election, by 498
majority. The anil-saloon party was
defeated hy a majority of 533. The sa
loon was the main issue In numerous
town elections throughout the state.
Tho sharpest contest was at Mitchell,
which went dry for the first time In
thirteen years by the narrow margin
or twenty-one votes. Canton and
Miller also abolished saloons by small
majorities. Returns from other
towns Indicate little change in the
present standing.
Pledge Home Rule and Age Pension.
Manchester. Kng., April 22. The fu
rious election fight that is being
waged here has brought forth two
weighty pledges from the Liberal niin
istt'is. The first or thesn was Winston
Spencer Churchill's home rule pro
nouncement and David Lloyd-Georgo
offered to bet Ills opponents that tho
old age pension scheme would be es
tablished within a year.
Overing Bros. &
Artistic Monuments.
440-446 N. Webster. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA.
Fear Eagle Has Carried Child Away.
Medicine Hat, Alberta, April 22. A
twr.-year-old child or James Norquay,
a rancher, wandered away and became
lost Saturday hist. Fifty riders are
going over every foot of ground. It is
feaied an eagle has carried tho child
President Will Sign Liability Bill.
Washington. April 22. As the re
milt or an opinion rendered to the
president by Attorney General llona
parte at the cabinet meeting. It Is be
lieved that the president will sign
the employers' liability bill.
Fire Destroys Mercy Hospital.
Rig Rapids, Mich., April 22. Fire
destroyed Mercy hospital, a $25,000
establishment, erected twenty-eight
yeai'K ago. All or the patients and tho
forty Sisters or Mercy in the buildings
csc.iped without Injury.
VVVSaA I ',A,,SAA,AN"s,,
Wall Paper, Paints and
Contractor for Papering, Painting and Interior Dec
orating. Fine paper hanging a specialty. Acme
brand paints.
nging a specialty, ncme
Bell phone 296. V
. ei:i
Avoid the heat, dirt and smoke of a cook stove. Get
and be comfortable. Priced to save you money on
all of them. A good serviceable two-burner stove at
$2 and from this to the GAS RANGE at $28. The
Quick Meal is built for service, durable, ornamental
and convenient.
Make Money
Buy a Cream Separator that gets the cream from the
milk, one that runs easy, that cleans easy, one that
repair bill don't eat up the profits. Buy a BLUEBELL
a separator embodying all the most up-to-date
features at a minimum of cost.
A Special Bargain in a No. 4 Sharpies Separator
at $68.
And don't forget that we have the four leading
makes of mowers, the
Peering, Standard, McCormlck and Keystone.
Red Cloud Hardware
nd Implement Co.
WM. WOLFE. Secretary.
Amateur Sportsman (after shooting
best friend) Too bail, too bad, but I
thought you wero a deer. The Victim
Don't fret. Amateur Sportsman
Don't fret! Why, mnn, I promised my
wife a pair of horns". Illustrated Hits.
The Main Trouble.
Wise Oil, give us a rest for awhile,
won't you? Doubley Well, every fel
low has a right to his opinion and
Wise Yes, but the trouble is that he
can't be made to realize that there may
be a wrong to It. Indianapolis News.
Traveler (after waiting patiently for
tnilu for four hours) She'll no lie com
In' the "'day, I dool? Porter Hoots,
mon, lino ye no patience? Ye'll Just
hide a wee while an' she'll be byl
Indiscretion, malice, rashness and
falsehood produce each other. L'En-clos.
Application for License.
Notice Ih hereby iflvrn that ft petition h'Kiicd
by thirty or inoiu n trident freeholders of the
KIrfct ward or the city of Ited Cloud. Nebranka.
lms been Hied with tho city clerk of Mild city of
Ited Cloud praying that 11 llccnso bo granted by
tho city council of ttald city to.Tohn Politicky
for tho milo of malt, Kplritous him! vinous Jlmjon
on lot live (5). block thirty-one (:il). of ihe orlg
Inal town, now city, of Ited Cloud, Nobrntika.
That action will bo taken on Mild petition b:
the mavor and city council an the Ctri day ol
Mnv. WW. or at the ilrnt meeting f the counclt
, , , ! 11 . FORT. City clerk.
Dated nt Ited Cloud, Nbratka, thlhOth duy of
April, 1908.
Application for License
Notleolsheieby glvou that a petition tlgned
by thirty or more resident freeholders of the !id
ward o' the city of Ited Cloud. Neb., has
been llled with the city clerk of said city of Ited
Cloud, praying that a Ilccnhe bo granted bv nald
city council to Matlitw Doyle and (eorgc
liiihhee, for the Milo of malt, uplrltnoun and
tIiiouh ll(iiorH on lot one (I), block one (1)
William)' addition lo tho city of Ited Cloud.
Nebraska, and that action will be taken on Mild
petition by the mayor and city council on the
elth day of May. 1U08, oral the llm meeting of
tho council thereafter. L. 11. Koiit, CHy Clerk.
Dated this Dth day of April, 1W8, at Ited Cloud,
Nebraska. icit)
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