The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 24, 1908, Image 1

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    Stato Historical Sjci'ty
pdSnMiWK WnHnfnT lu&nmura QiIljWatANBi R
Eight Pages
Home Print
I Subscription
vj a i tsai
in Advance
Schoal Beard Proceedings
The outgoing school board in regu
lar adjourned session Inst night trans
acted the following business:
Hed Cloud. Neb., April s:i. 'OS.
At a regular adjourned meeting of
the sehool board, 11. V. Halite presid
ing. L. II. Fort secretary, K. .). Over
ing, V. 11. Fulton, W. A. Sherwood and
.1. C. Caldwell.
A communication from 1 tenia rd Me
Neny, attorney for C. F. et al,
was read to the effect that "if the
school board would adopt the resolu
tion adopted at the mass convention
held in the court house some time ago,
that the case now pending in the dis
trict court against the school district.
" would be dismissed at the plaintiffs'
The board after -discussion and con
sideration decided to do nothing in
the matter.
The follciwiiiL' resolution wa then
Resolved, that the board of educa
tion submit to C. V. father et al the
following proposition of settlement of
the case now pending: That if said
Gather et al will at once dismis.s said
case, said board of education will agree
that a committee of three person, con
sisting of State Sttpt. Meltrien, State
Inspector of High schools Heed, and
State Inspector of Normal .schools
Downey shall select a location for said
hehool building being continued only
to locate said school house -south of
4th avenue and said board binds itself
to abide by any location said commit
tee shall select.
Or said board further agrees that if
said Cather et al are not pleased with
above plan we agree upon thedismisal
of said case to submit to the legal
voters of said district a proposition to
vote for a location for the building of
said school house south of said tth
avenue line. The location receiving
the greater number of votes to be the
location for said school building and
we hereby further appoint a commit
tee consisting of Overing. Fort. Fulton
and Fro f. Mori t. to confer with said
Cather et al with full power to carry
out this resolution.
The board then considered the fol
lowing resolution which on motion was
unanimously adopted:
Hesolved. In view of the fact
that there is now pending in
district court theeaseof Cather
et al vs. School District of the
lied Cloud, in v hich the plain
tiffs attempt to invalidate the
bonds, saiil attempt being only
a pretext to prevent the school
board from exercising their
legal authority in the matter
of locating a school house, and
furthermore, since such legal
obstruction tends only to work
a hardship upon the district,
depriving our children of suit
able school facilities, ruining
their health by compelling
them to attend sehool in rooms
poorly lighted and ventilated,
forcing us to lower oar eduea-.
tional standard md thereby
causing us to lose our prestige
and recognition as a normal
and university accredited
sejiool; therefor', be it
Resolved, by the board of ed
ucation in regular adjourned
mcctinir assembled that condi
tions warrant and circum
stance demand that at the ex
piration of the present school
year we temporarily dismiss all
grades from Two to Six Inclu
sive until more suitable quar
ters can be found or until such
a time when the plaint ill's will
dismiss the suit or discontinue
their blocking tactics, thus
permitting the bonds to be
hold and a new school house
Nothing further appearing the board
adjourned to meet (this) Friday night.
cus managers have been surpassed this
year and they are presenting the larg
est, cleanest and most gorgeous enter
tainment that has ever been given
heretofore under canvas.
No labor has been too hard, no ex
pense too great, to gather together a
brilliant array of everything that goes
toward the making of a first class cir
cus; 500 head of tine high spirited hor
ses, over 300 human beings, many of
them from foreign nations over he
seas, all trained to perfection in their
own special art, bareback riders, aerial
artists, acrobats, jugglers and others
too numerous to mention, besides the
large and elaborate menagerie which
has been secured at great expense and
consists of a herd of trained olephants,
camels, lions, tierce as in their native
forest, tigers, leopards, an Asiatic Yak,
imported direct from the land of Thi
bet! and others, as equally interesting.
The brilliant street parade will be
given promptly at 10 p. in.
N. M. Luce.
Wednesday morning at his home on
Fast Fighth avenue occurred the death
of M. M. Luce, aged Im years, who
moved here last fall from .Minnesota,
of consumption and dropsy. The
funeral takes place this afternoon
from the M. F. church and will be con
ducted by the Free .Masons, lie was
the father of Miss Cora Clegg, a former
resident of this city, hnd was a brother-in-law
of Mrs. G. W. Lindsey.
Bigger and
Better than
Ever before
New Features
The most
Elephant Act
in America
Hed Gloud,
F i7Hv, vwWNWwMifm
mr.' . ti.iu m.i .mMJ-JLrf-s i rfmYit.1 ? rj
Grand Spectac
ular Street Pa
rade at 10 a. m.
2 Performances 2
Rain or Shine
At 1 and 8 p. m.
presented as
pD, ApF. 27
-W-SW 'W-'W
Died Suddenly.
This community was shocked Mon
day morning on learning of the sudden
death of Mrs. Chas. Godsey while in
pursuit of her household duties. Mr.
and Mrs. Godsey returned from Alma
that morning early where they had
been visiting Mrs. Godsey's pareuts.
About 10 o'clock she was sitting on the
porch watching Daniel Garber trim
ming the trees. A little while later
she arose and went into the house, and
u few seconds late'r Mr. Garber heard
her coughing and groaning. He im
mediately summoned Mr. Godsey.
Immediate medical aid seemed of no
avail. Upon Mr. Godsey's arrival lie
asked her what was the matter and
she said, -'Oh, nothing." These were
almost the last words she spoke. Mr.
and Mrs. Godsey moved here" from
Alma about a year ago where they
were married. The remains were ship
ped to Alma for burial Monday even
ing. We extend our heartfelt sympa
thy to.Mr.Godsey and his many friends
in their hour of bereavement.
Weather Report.
The instrumental readings are from
government standard instruments ex
posed in the manner recommended by
the chief of the weather bureau:
g Temp'ral'rel jfjj'J? I 2 I -
" ."I I If I J 4 ; al
, I I W I r- r
I : r a ; a. I '
17 To ho . I sK I r. uiuiuiy
IS 81 47 .00 NK Clear
III S7 13 .(10 ' NK 'lear
M HI 10 .00 1 SE Clear
j 71 M .07 1 sB Cloudy
Si 81 -19 ,U I SE Clear
t si 3 00 , SW 1'. Cloudy
For Early Spring and Summer
Ladies' long Sleeve Gauze Vest at 25c
Ladies Sleeveless Gauze Vests at 10c, I'-JJj'e, lf
20c, 2.rc, 3fic, and 5C
Ladies' Union Suits in gauze and tlsh net in the
Set Snug style at 50c and Stiff
Ladies' Long Sleeve close fitting entV or lace
trimmed cu ff at 60c
Long sleeve and close tlttlng at the knee,
union suit, at 25 t 5C
Long sleeve Vests in gauze at 15 and 25c
Knit Pant at 2Rc
Sleeveless Vests at f 0 tt 25c
Very respectfully,
April 'S., 11108. Cn.s S. Lrni.ow,
Co-Operative Observer.
Almost Fatally Injured.
Hoy Sanderson, aged 13, in attempt
ing to hop on train No. lift Monday
evening about 15:30, missed his hold
and was dragged from the stock yards
to the east end of the coal chutes.
When picked up he was conscious, but
sustained a broken rib on the left side,
a broken collar bone and his skull
was fractured in several places. .John
Trans brought hint up town to Dr.
Haines' otliee where a piece of bone the
size of a live-cent piece was removed
from his skull. The little fellow un
derwent the doctor's operations quite
It is to be regretted that the repeated
warnings of the railroad companies
and parents are not heeded by the
young train jumpers. Numberless
are the injuries received from 'tills
practice, but they do not seem to be
v. . '& Vy h
. JCJK. ft
Ml t V
I MLTbS?vf
I I Will tfJK
I I Jl,ijl 1
A m Shew.
Campbell Hros. Consolidated Shows of sullicient severity to act as cjetcr
e advertised to exhibit in Ked Cloud rents to many of the younger element.
on April 'J7, and on that day it is safe
to say, everyone will take a holiday as
there will be plenty of entertainment
from early morning till late at night
jf.jr young and old alike.
Ail previous efforts of these able cir-
Hoys, keep off the trains.
Dr. Italph G. Crcssinan of Oglesby,
HI,, was in attendance at the wedding
of the doctor's sister, Mrs'. Zephyr
A woman is conscious of her superior appearance
when she is wearing an
KJi W ii
') AmAS4in Doiitir AtCAi
She knows she looks well then, that she is
f MLtmtvi
"tt'AStffyi fhnriiiiiiLi'lv attractive and that her lieauty is
27 (!vNH-vr;vsf .. , , , i... .. i
JtS f'lM ;ic w miflf It tillll!) 11flM I If 1I1 11 SI Kill IS WI'ILTIIILT 11 UllirMTb
g-T 'H.i'AKM JA K' J -" " "
tftv"' fflnl&y- that produces such inagniflcent results. A corset
S't?X iSfKmiirf i,..i ; .i..wtirini1 fni ihiif. imiMHisi :iii(1 is the crca- lllnTT TJMI
W7'li tion of nainstakinir skill in every step of itsmanu-
I-ff ' . .... VV
tVl'lt faeture. The woman who wears these itainty cor- ti
' 1 1 'J VI I sets, "gets me naoii ami win wear im nuicr.
IMl I ' " ,M a gootl urcsser, start rigni, vnai is ai me
Wi, A foundation, the corset. AMERICAN BEAUTV Slyte C2C
mI'iMv' Kalamajoo Corset Co., Makett
sv yVlW 1 nncr Wr.isted (wtnvfts
T.. CHI.. Kl.1. .,..! nn1nn- Cl -rt .ll C. T-
f l, iv ill oilN , uia-i. ami i-uivjjo, uw fi3" mw " D
AMERICAN BEAUTV Style 706 ChalllOlS Skill CilOVCS, long WriStCtl, at 3.00
Kalamazoo Corset Co., Maker. .
HOSELadies' and Children's
Ladies- In tans, blacks and greys, in plain or fancy, from ioc to 45c
Children's In tans and blacks at 15 and 25c
White Goods
A nfee line of white goods in all the new styles of bars, stripes and plaids.
If you are thinking of belts call and sec my line of silk and leather belts:
A bargain in all silk ribbons. Nos. 5 to 12 at 5c yard. Nos. 16 to 60 at ioc
per yard while they last. '
a c jvrtMJiwn frci3c
11 r. irriiLfuo
- CrZs -
I x