The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 17, 1908, Image 8

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I' '
(From tho Signal.)
Word from Omaha to relatives hero
Informs thorn that Mrs. Eiirl B Crary
has undergone a successful oponition
nud is impr ving us fast us win bo ox
pootod. MIsh Louella Watt foil from a chair
while wuHhiug windows striking a nuil
whioh toro an ugly gauh in lir loft
chuok, which was very painful for
sovoral days.
(From tho Leader)
A groat many sidewalks aro being
laid in Bluo Hill, this spring all of
Mrs. Kathnrina Krugor died Inst
Thursday, April 2, aged 77 years, fl
months and '2.7 days.
Win, Kort, known to his friends and
relatives hero, as Undo Kort, and who
has been living in this neighborhood
with his nephews, was found dead in
bod yesterday morning. Ho was stay
ing at tho home of Win. Kort, two
miles north, and on his failing to como
down to breakfast yesterday morning,
Mr. Kort went to ins room to arouse ,
him and toumi mm uoaa. no was
quito advanced in age, being nearly
eighty years old, and death is sup
posed to havo boon caused by his ad
vanced ago.
(From the Times)
Mr. and Mri, (Srant Porter of Ilogue,
Kansas, weio called hero yesterday
evening by the serious illness of Mrs.
Porter's mother, Mrs. Milton Shields.
Mrs. 10. A. Krotschmer is reported
very ill in Kansas City where she has
been (or some time and Albert and P.
A. (Jorge havo gono down.
Mrs. ('. M. Audrus and two youngest
children left Friday morning for
Cabool, Mo., whore they wore called
by tho horious illness of Mrs. Audrus
Au election to voto bonds to tuko up
tho flouting indebtedness of Lebanon
was hold Tuesday. Not a moat deal
of interest was taken, as only l."3 votes
wore cast. Of this number 0." woro
favorablo to the bond proposition and
09 against.
(From tho Enterprise)
Elmer McCoy and Dr. Wegmann
loft Monday morning for Holt county
where they will look over farm lands.
A professional man who buys of an
order homo and a merchant who has
his printing dono out of town belong
to the same lodge -same degree.
Wallace Vance, our genial R. F. D.
man now makes his route in a horse
less carriage. He drives a mule team.
Little Beuluh Harris, daughter of
Ir, und. Mrs, S, E, Harris, hud the nils-
fortune of having her arm broken last
week. Her little brother had his arm
brokeu Oil hist Thanksgiving day.
iiorn to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross this
week, a boy.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Ander
sou this week, a ten pound boy.
Win. Koilir purchased the forty aero
tract of land lying just east of town
yesterday, from Uncle Jus. Lock hurt,
at U'J.'i an acre.
(From the Journal)
Samuel Lowroy, living near Lebanon
and the father of Carl Lowroy, of this
place, was taken sick with nppondici
tls last Friday and an operation was
performed Sunday by Dr. Mc Cliutock
of Topoka, assisted by Drs. J. B. and
II. A. Dykes of Lebanon and Dr. F, M
Dilby of Konsiugtsn. Ho is doing
nicely at this writing.
John Moorm n wont down to Cuba,
Monday to put tho finishing touches
on tho fltio new opora houso at that
Henry Bowman of Bollovlllo was
hero last week and closed a contract
with the mill pooplo to install a mod
em oil burned in tho furnaces under
tho boilers.
M. I. -mith is tho now man In'.chargo
at tho Cornell Pharmacy. He closod
a doal for tho stook with Mr. ornoll
last Monday and took possession at
Mrs. C. '. Funk received a telegram
last Thursday evening announcing tho
death of her father, Frank Foster, at
Long Island, this state.
(From Franklin County Tribune)
Tho board of supervisors today voted
to call a special election for tho voting
upon tho proposition of building a
now court houso for this county Tho
election will bo hold on tho 23th of
July. 11)08. and tho question will bo
wnethor to voto n 5 nim iovy for
period of throe years.
Tho school board hold a meeting
Tuesday evening of this week and
elected several teachers who had re
applied for their present position in
this school. Tho following teachers
woro re-elected, by unauimous vote.
Suporintendet, V. L. Strickland.
Principal, Miss Kriimtmch.
Intermediate. Miss Gardner.
Hud Primary, Miss Sadler.
Jas. Thompson was chosen super
visor yesterday to till the vacancy
caused by the resignation of J. W.
Castor, who had removed from his
district, No. 7, composed of Franklin,
Oak Grove and Turkey Creek town
ships. Tho city council met last night and
made a contract with n representative
of a Hrm dealing in bonds for the dis
posal of luo bonds and tho superin
tending of the construction of tho
water system.
Last night John Bunger was thrown
from his wagon at the bridge west of
town, the Koelmol bridge, and sus
tained a badly crushed arm.
(From the Journal.)
partition oi tno property. Tuts con
Orville Kline is about the most un- sists of 180 acres of land and some
lucky boy when it conies to aocidontp. other property.
Last evening while peinting the roof
of the Felt property, he fell to the
ground, breaking his arm berwecn the
wrist and elbow.
The Superior Alfalfa Meal Mill Co.
are rearranging their plant and instal
ling a mixed feed plant.
Mrs. J. H. Morrow, sixty-five years
of age, a widow residing nt Broken
Sow, was very badly burned yesterday
morning by an explosion of keioseue
at her home. She was trying to help
along a refractory lire when the ex
plosion occurred.
Walter Drew is now able to sit up
but is improving very slowly.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bates ore moving
into the King houso, south of Mr.
Fred Ptleiderer, Jr., has moved into
the house south of vvhoro lie has been
Harry, tho little sou of Mr. aud Mrs.
Art Harding, had the misfortune to
fall and break his arm Thursday even
irg, while ploying.
Auguft Baumgarfs barn, iu Webber
was burned to tho ground this morn
ing about 1 o'clock. The hores wero
saved, as were also about 700 bushels
To look over your Insurance Policies and see that you
have everything fully covered. The lightning and storm
season is on. I represent six leading companies and have
800 risks in Webster County.
of corn. How the barn was set on tiro
Is a mystery.
W. A. Diolil will loave this evening
for Croston, Iowa, callod thero by tho
illness of his sister.
C. C. Bagtey is adding a nico porch
and a kitchen to tho houso ho recent
ly purchased in west Suponor.
Mrs. Howe, who was injurod in a
street car accident in Kansas City
some time ago, has boou brought home
to Superior.
Mrs. Stevenson has sold tho Super
ior hotel, furniture und fixtures, to Mr.
Forrester, of Orleans, Not). C. i?.
adsworth, of Orloana. has taken pos
session and will run tho hotol until
tho arrival of Mr. Forrester, who is
now engaged in tho restaurant busi
ness in that cit.C.
(From the Sentinel.)
Wednesday moraing of this week
tho little three mouths old baby of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Brees died, death !
boiug tho result, as far is known, of
congestion of tho lungs. j
By its action Monday night tho
school board, in regular session,
elected teachors for tho coming year
for all tho departments of tho school.
Prof. Ed M. Hussong was re-elected
Stipt. with a slight increaso in salary.
In tho high school Mrs. Mamie
Humphreys and Miss Pearl Pettit were
re-elected to their present positions of
principal and assistant principal re
spectfully. In the Grammar depart
ment Prof. J. 1. Burwell, now in the
Bloomingtou school, was elected to
take the eighth grade and whatever
work, in the high school Prof. Hussong
might assign him.
Marion township voted to levy $."00
for general purposes the coming year.
Her expenditures last year wore 81:200
of which $'Y1T) wus expended towards
payment for the township hall.
Mr. Ewing's milk-delivery wagon
was partly demolished in a runaway
Friday on account of tho family driver
feeling its oats or some thing.
Married at tho home of the bride's
parents Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Van Sc.ylo
their eldest duughter Maud Winnafred
to Mr. Uri V. Walker.
The widow of James McClure of
Martin township who recently married
Frauk Wilkio has brought suhVagainst
. .. .
I. B. Williams is quite sick on tic
count of an abscess in one of his oars.
O. K. Chitwood is mauager and head
push in Hugh Robinson's store during
the bitter's enforced contluemont on
account of un injured foot.
Miss Ada Caruahan came up from
IUvertou Monday to visit her friend
Mrs. J. M. Patterson and also to cause
un X-ray photograph of her bond aud.
wrist to bo taken. Miss Carnahan
was thrown out of a buggy about three
years ago in a run a way und tho in
jury received at tho time has never
rightly recovered.
Prof. J. I. Bnrrwoll has rented tho
old Taylor Cameron resideuce in the
east part of town and expects to move
down here in a short time.
A I Holverson has closod his restaur
ant and will move his fixtures and
stock to Oxford bodily where he will
engage again in tho restaurant busi
ness. Orville Wharton and his father ex
pect to start the last of next week for
southeast Washington. They are hav
ing a public sale advertised at which
they will sell everything except tho
Found tho Set.
This story is told by a mnn who dla-
lilies nothing 6o much as to be asked
"My little girl Is very fond of sea
hells," he said, "and. having been
called to Atlantic City on business one
day, 1 took advantage of the oppor
tunity to run down to the beach to see
If I could pick tii) a few. I was stroll
ing along the Rand, gathering a few
shells and pebbles, which 1 placed In
my handkerchief, when along en mo one
of those old Idiots who ask questions
with their mouths which their eyes
could answer, lie smiled upon me und
sulci: 'Fine day, Isn't It? Aro you
gathering shells?'
" 'No.' I snapped back, saying the
first thing that popped into my mind;
I'm looking for a net of false teeth 1
lost while In bathing
"He expressed his sympathy, and
then his face lit up as his eye caught
sight of a pink and white object on
the sand. 'Well, I dcclarct Here they
are now!' he exclaimed, and, sure
enough, he picked up a set of false
teeth lying right at his feet. I was too
surprised to do anything but grab them
and put them In my pocket. The fun
ny part of It Is that I never had a tooth
pulled In my life. I wonder whom thot
false set belongs to." Philadelphia
He Believed the Boy.
A Judge was explaining to a young
student friend the Intricacies of evi
dence, lie Illustrated well the case of
conflicting evidence how when the
statements of two witnesses aro op
posed the more probable statement is
to be accepted.
"I'sually In conflicting evidence," he
said, "one statement is far more proba
ble than the other, so that wo can de
cide easily which to believe. It is like
tho boy and the house hunter. A house
hunter, getting off a train at a sub
urban station, said to a boy:
" 'My boy, I am looking for Mr.
Sinlthson's now block of semidetached
cottages. How far arc they from here.'
"'About a twenty minutes' walk,' the
boy replied.
" 'Twenty minute's!' exclaimed the
house hunter. 'Nonsense! The adver
tisement says live.'
" 'Well,' said the boy, 'you can be
lieve me or you can believe the adver
tisement, but 1 ain't try in' to make no
sale.' "Cincinnati Enquirer.
A Dish of Tea.
In reference to a note about a "dish
of tea," It tuny be mentioned that
"dish" throughout (he eighteenth cen
tury wus a colloquialism for cup. In
fashionable houses at first, nud foi
long, tea was drunk from a cup with
out handle brought from China. The
vessel was termed a dish. When the
Chinese cup was first copied by Eng
lish potters, the convenience of a ban
die was added. The paueer also was
brought from China, ft received the
name because of Its resemblance tc
the English saucer, a platter In which
sauce was sorred. The familiar gibe,
"saucer eyes," was originally inspired
by the sauce saucer long before Lord
Arlington gave (he list tea party hi
England hi Arlington House, where
Ruekingltam palace stands, at tho Res
toration period,-London Chronicle.
Troops to Leave ""Soldfield Ma."!.: 7.
Carson, Nov., Feb. 8. Governor
Sparks received a message fiom Presi
dent Roosevelt announcing that the
federal troops would bo withdrawn
from Goldfield March 7. It is expected
that the state police force will ho or
ganized by that date.
Train Held Up In California.
Ukiab, Cal., Feb. 11. A train on ,
the Alpine and FoU Bragg railrouil
was held up by two masked men neat
Glenblair Junction. While one man
held the nu (seiigers under a gun, the
other collected their valuables.
Walker Will Be Brought Back.
Mexico City, Feb. 11. William F.
Walker, the defaulting bank president
of New Brii iln, Conn., will go back to
the United States to be tiled, accord
ing to a statement made at the for
eign oflice here.
The Quest of Truth.
It Is a good deal easier to poke fun
at history than to write history merit
ing credence. Mr. Bodley when writ
ing his "France" experienced the forcoi
of this in n curious way. Ho shut"
himself up In France for years to got
the atmosphere and tho knowledge
necessary for his work. One of hi
trials arose over some question of elect
oral jurisprudence. It was not of lii'
ternatlonal Importance, but still Inter
esting to students of comparative pro
cedure. Thereforo ho wrote to a dep
uty who Is a parliamentary expert to
clear up tho obscurity In which tho
text books Involve the point and Incor
porated his reply lu the text of the
book. Lntcr, being Invited by an ex
perienced mayor to be present nt r
poll over which ho presided, Mr. Jlod
Icy put the question to him and re
ceived a quite different reply. Finally
the author referred the point to a
senator of Indisputable authority, wh
showed that the deputy and the mayor
were both wrong. St. James Gazette.
Woman's Wit.
An cmperoi of Germany besieged n
city which belonged to one of his rebel
lions noblemen. After the siege bud
lasted for n long time the emperor de
termined to take It by storm and to de
stroy all It contained by flrc.und i:wonl.
He did not, however, wish to Injure
the defenseless women; therefore, lie
sent n proclamation Into the town, say.
Ing that all the women might leave
the place unhurt and carry with them
whatever they held most precious. Tho
nobleman's wife Instantly decided to
take her husband, and the other wo
men followed her example. Tiny soon
issued f i om the city gale lu n lung pro
cession, each one with her husband on
her shoulders. Tho emperor was so
much struck with the noble conduct of
(he women that he spared all; even th(v
city Itself was left untouched.
Wouldn't Tip It.
A Uoronto man who visited England
last summer appears to think thnt
country the champion tip taker. Ho
says: "Well, 1 had tipped every man
from the swell gent who seemed to
own the house of commons down to
tho hireling who gummed the wrong
labels on my luggage, and I went Into
the waiting room on the landing stage
at Liverpool to wash my hands of ev
erything English, and what do you think,
stared me in the face when 1 had fin
Ished? A placard saying, 'Please tip
the basin.' I'll be bunged if 1 dldl",
Dr. Griffin I must say the work! 1
very ungrateful toward our profeesioa.
How seldom one sees n public memo
rial erected to a doctor! Mr. Oollfht
ly How seldom! Oh, doctor, think ef
our ceraeterlee! London Answer);
Doesn't Alwaya Follow,
Because some men get over n feDoe
safely with a loaded gun it Is not al
ways safe to assume that "they won't
examine a mule's heels to settle u bet
Washington Post.
The Difference.
Upgardson Doesn't Vteerws borer y;
you nearly to death? He talks like S
phonograph. Atom Not at all. When
a phonograph ruus down It ttone.
Chicago Tribune.
It Improves a girl's looks immensely
to be rich. New York Press.
Motoring. t
"Motoring Is the vei'y poetry of mo
tion." "Except when you have a sninshup''
"No; even then-It's blank verse!"- -London
Two Enigmas.
"Why don't we see men like the nov
elists describe?"
"I give It up. Why don't we see glr'
like the illustrators draw?' IoulsvlIKv
The Long Haired One Yon know,
poet is prophet.
The Sordid Otic Not to his publUb.
era. Baltimore American.