l I ., v ;i RED CLOUD BUSINESS DIRECTORY The Star Barn A. A. M3NKEL, Prop. fecb, iVero anb Grange Prices roeHoimblo. Boll phone II). J. W. BOGEHRIEF MACHINIST Blacksmithing, Horseshoeing and Wagonmaking L H. FORT Insurance Agent, Abstracter and Notary Public. Damoroll Block. Phono 88. Dr Nellie E Maurer Dentist Damoroll Block. Ovor Albright Bros. Phono 201. C A SCHULTZ Photographer Family groups and baby pictures a npucialty. Damoiell Block. CHAS ALLSOP Mason Cement work a ftpcoiulty. Bod Cloud. Neb. W. K. GEER Shoes Shoos mado to order. Repair work a specialty LA. HASKINS FLOUK, FEED mid GRAIN Kerosene, Gasoline Etc. 'Phono r7 cnruonc acta 'tint1 tooit the poison VLiiiry m? MVfiRACTA while Mr. Alexander was temporarily JNJliWb UK NiUSlXAMiA. out of the rofMI1 nnd on ilis return No motive Is as EXPRESS RATES WILL BE CUT Supreme Oourt Renders Decision bn fodng Sibloy Act, Lincoln, April 11. Express rates In Nebraska will be cut nuill lo io per cent. This much was ueclUeu uy un. Nebraska supreme court wnicn plant ed a temporary restraining order, en joining the express companies Iroin violating the Sibley law, wnich pro vides for the reduction. Pending a trial of the merits of the ' bade htm goodbye, signed for The act. Express Companies Must Obey Law. Lincoln, April 1G. The attorney general thinks that there In no possi ble way ly which the express com panies can evade obeying tho pro visions of the Sibley law, which went Into effect today pending a final bear ing of the merits uf the caso. BO YOU GET UP WITH A IvAMB BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures maue vy in. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great; 1i ncy, liver nod "blad der remedy. It is the great med ical triumph of lift nineteenth canton ; discovered after year of scientific research bv Dr. Kilmer. Hit eminent kidney and O. A Nelson Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist. ,m,. 1Mtik B:ini' City Laundry J. P. HANSON, Propr Phono 12. Bed Cloud, Nob. Fred E. Maurer ATTOBN'EV-AT-LAW to the court. The decision is a victory for the state, which has been securing ad vantage step by step In its contest with the express companies. It means that until the litigation over the rates Is settled, at least, the i educed charges only may be in force. Attorney General Thompson, .luly u, 1007, began the action in which the icstraluing order was granted. He sought to prevent the express com panies from violating the Sibley act. Tlin i.nuo wiiu unriti iiflot' I rniisffrrcd Notary Public. Pensions u Specialty. ' tho fC(Unil court alu, iat0r sent Girl's Death Due to Poison. i Chlcaco. Anrll 14. Francesca Nlc- ! case, Involving the reasonableness of cooro declared that the death of . uxpress rates, tno lower cnarges win Mnry ncn(ia, an elght-yoar-old girl ki,l,ier Medalist, and is wonderfullv therefore be In effect. wi,0 jjod 80me days ago under sub- successful in promptly curing lanrcback, Tho supremo court appointed former ,,ci09 circumstances, was caused by uric acid, catarrh of the bluddcr and Supreme Judge J. J. Sullivan or Co- 1)0g0n, which he had placed In the BriRhPfl Disease, which is the wor-t lunibus referee in the case to take flour al , sKKOtlon or tho girl's fo ,f,5i'lnc,y kr d ,. . ..aiiii, nt.. ii.. iniiinniimi i in. .......... ... ....?.. ... ."... i Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not iet- posed that he conduct the hcnriiiK Pp. oxcent that Mrs. Rcnda wa ?. K"1"1 !.f?"Yc,2i ""i'".1. 1?,"; f .! will all possible celerity and make an nnRry with n,,r huskand, who desired immediate lepoit of his ilndlngs back to movo from ther present residence. while Bhe desired to remain. Oflico ovor PostolHco. Ijosf & fuller THE BUTCHEEs Phones. Country 103 Hell :.. (JO TO Robinson & Son I f you want a Square Meal for 2f ots. Soda Fountain in connection with Restaurant. .Soft drinks in season. Henry Diederich DKALKIt IN Boots, Shoes and Angle Lamps Repairing Neatly Done. DR. E. A. THOMAS Dentist Over C'ottinn's Drug Store. Hell Phono HIT. Farmers 1'-'. A. T. Walker REAL ESTATE, LOANS, and INSURANCE. First Poor North of Postollice. V. T. Al'LD, President. J. W. AULD, Cashier. back to the state couit. The expiess I companies then tiled an independent action on their own pmt In the fedeial 'lourt, whit h is not yet decided. Morton Predicts Taft's Nomination. , Omaha. April 1 1 Paul Morton. ' president of the Kquitnblu Life Assur ance society and former secretary of , the navy and vice president of the ' Santa Fe railroad, discussed insur unce, political and commercial ques tions with his Mends, said ho was ' protul to bo one of Senator LaFol hette's "One Hundred" who control the commercial destinies of the coun try; that Taft would be nominated and elected president and that the in ' surnnce business had passed from an into one of ap- HURON THREATENED BY FIRE kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will le found just the remedy you need. 11 )ib been tested in so many ways, in hotpital work and in private practice, nnd has proved so successful in every ense that a special arrangement has been made by which ull readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample brittle sent free bv mail, ulso n look tell ing more about Swamp-Root, and bow tw South Dakota City Surrounded by Flames Several Buildings Burned, iiinnn iv Anrll in TIiIr Hiv findoutif vouhavekidneyor bladder trou was until tdy surrounded by prairie I Me. When writing mention reading litis ilres. the smoke from which was so ' generonsoeriui.ml"i' . jw. iIihihk Mint Mm Kim wiik itimpmrwi fitui address to Dr. Kilmer .1...., ...i ....t -.. .t i .i...i & Co.. Ihnghamloii, i uunt tiiiu iiBin-i) nii; uimuii ill (.iwuub, .. ,. ...,; .,,.i-l 1 i. x. it its""" , fifty-cent and one- Sttatc ttanh of Hcb Chub. T)pb. "a f Investigation preclation. Paul and his biothers, We do a general Bulking Business. Red Cloud Joy and Mark Morton, were guests at a dinner given by General Manderson at the Omaha club last evening. 1 rMi si..t. aIm ritiU r ... Investment tomparvy. i Ljncoin April 15. compiuint was Woke & Wright Engine Repairing a Specially Horseshoeing, lllacksmithinp and Wagonraaking REAL ESTATE nud FARM LOANS Potter Blosk. 'Phone 33. J. P. HALE The Real Estate Man Roul Estnto and Farm Loans. Phones, Uoll, oHco 61; ros., 35. Country 40. JACOB ELLINOER Auctioneer red churn, NEH. Farmers' phone A 8. Hell phone a; Plumb's Flour & Feed Store. You save money in buying your Hour in MlO-pound lot-, of him. Newhouse Brothers Jewelers and Optometrists Pattern's Ijort O&er l2ousc. Lunch and Short Orders. Peterson Block. Automobilo Livery and Repairing Red Cloud Automoble On HOY HALE, Manager. vw' Phone?: Shop. Bell 117. Oiilee, Boll 01; res., Hell :. I ml. reslG filed with Attorney General Thompson against the Nebraska Grain Dealers' association, alleging that It is a trust and as such Is trying to drive Inde pendent dealers out of business. The complainant Is O. F. Godown, secre tary of the Beaver Valley Grain com pany, at Danbury, who asserts the ruembeia of the association, In an ef fort to deprive him of business, are paying soeral cents moic for grain at Danbury than the mRiket price and much more than they pay at their ele vators In other towns where they have no competition. by the high wind. The first fire came from the northeast, but the wind changed and llres hoon were sweeping in from all directions. Uroadland suf fered the most. The Chicago and' Northwestern station house, water tank and two boxcars were Inuned; al-. Hip Alias lumber yaid and Atlas clrwitni containing several thousand bushel ol grain. The Holland hotel and one other hoii.se alto wi're buiiu 1 The Great Not thorn bridge anosb the Jim ilvcr, two miles northeast of this rit, was badly damaged. All build ings, except the dwelling on the Mor row ranch, were destroyed, together ' with much farm machinery. All build- t ings on I B. Parkhurst's farm, with implements and much gialu, were i burned. The school houe in Grant , township was destroyed. Ed Klines' houo, west of this city, was destroyed and Mrs. Kimes severely burned. Bains, cattle, sheds and thousands of tons of hay and grain wcro de&tioycd in every direction. No llyes are known to have been lost, but many persons were more or less burned. Iluudieds of men went out fiom here in automobiles and wagons to tight the tlie. BQwlK1! PV rytwiiKini HuBP dollar sie liottles arc nomo of pwumpTvnrt. sold by all good druggists. Don I luuke any mistake, but remember the ncme, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's SwftuijvRoot, and the address, llitigliaiuton, N. Y., u every lottle. n ifSSS vr.":i:i"i -r .'.'' m INSURANCE ngninst Fire, Lightning, Cy clones nnd Windstorms, see NO. B. STANSER, agent for the Farmers Union Insur auee Co., Lincoln, Neb., tho boat in anrance company In the s'-ito. Spinney Must Pay Back $7,800. Lincoln, April 11. Dr. E. C. Spinney of Chicago must pay back the sum of ?7,Sno, received ftom the Iron Chain. a Minnesota organization, .so de- l clares the supieme louit. Dr. Spin ney is at the head of a fraternity so viet v, the Bankers' 1'nion. This or . gan'7ation took over the Iron Chain 'n 1001. At that lime the homo olfice of the Ilanheis' Union was located at Omaha. The Nebraska tonit holds that the puichai-e of the Minnesota I society was not alid The suit was ! stalled b S. G. Stan, leceiver toi the lion Chain. Railroad Men Oppose Rate Reduction. Missouri Valley, la., April 11. Five hundred railroad men from all branch es of the service, at a mass meeting here, adopted resolutions ptotestlng against any further reduction In rail road tutes. The resolutions say the loss mutt eventually fall on the rail road employee. The resolutions are addreKied particularly to the Ne braska railway -commission, and a committee was appointed to present the commissioners a copy. "Mrs. Nay bor says," began Mrs. Yer ner. "that she uever has to ask her husband for money, because he gives her all the money she wants. I wish I could say that" "Well," Interrupted Mr. Yerner, "why don't you, my dear? You can talk as big as she does." l'hiladelphla Press. What Settler Can Secure In WESTERN CANADA 160 Aem drain-Crowing Land FRED k 20 to 40 ButheU Wheat to the Acre. , 40 to 00 Bothclt Oatt to taevAcre, 35 to 5 BiuheU Barley to the Ac?, Timber for Fencing and BulMIni PhEE. Good Law with Low Taxation. Sptenrf Railroad FaciGUe and Low FUte. School and Churche Convenient. Satisfactory Market for all Produclicia. Good Qirnate and Perfect Health, Chance for PrefUaUe Iarettment. Bomc uf lliokhokost crnta-produoisc lana l SasUatclkewan nnd Alberta muy mow t?eiCq-ure in these most healthful and prospNKi'fcejfifcn under the Revise. Romestead lettfatiwis by which entry may bo maue uy proiywn cerium coneltlons), by the (atht-T. mother, BoiltaWtfetcr or MSier oi wtenainc nomrssmrcp fcetneuiheatHatOjOO. F&rptTitbhlet Entry 'Last Be brother or sister .of iotendlnr hptneciefr , itrv f rt f n eah fcaic 1 "tllUJl st Best West." psirtktilars to ml rpj:tes best ttmo to co and where to locate upro to W. V. BENNF.TT 801 New York Life Ilkljc.. Ornate., mt. Canadian Govtrrwtul Avpat a" MAKE A 60011 INCOME nuilDtuIrut (u nt( iriiukn l)l bcmj ni mom Ui u tun t ill, KliMi ma tbow 70U bev feu ua n iitMtlTllM 1M!U. DIUUISO LlfMM.tUi, n. mH vrthiUMo esrJttiUretitJIaujotUr m Tt't tvvfw H bravy MiurM ft rrfi arntia ri u dnuuc ti wu, oiim tMi4 aj .wp ttM Mm fvi tk tuinUc. Urtl ff (Wh ' fWaiPJIHIl III1KWNI MNJIIWII VI bW 1 Li tUftfvr Vitk CLtWrBltrCULaL Stir Ihiilini Machine Bo., Mrerv,C w 60 YEARS' EXPERIEMCE II. K. ASHER Veterinarian Bluk Hill :- Nebraska Will bo in Rod Cloud Saturdays at Smith's baru. J W STOCKMAN Saunders Bros. lumber Coal wMmmmmaammmm Dealers RKD CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Wo huvo in stock at all times a complete lino of Building Material and Good Coal. Omr prieos are reasonable. Wo solicit your patron ago. BellTol.CO. Farmers Ind. 71. Lincoln Statue Unveiled at Omaha Omaha. April lo.--Patriotism reigned supieme al the unveiling of the statue of Abraham Lincoln on tho campus of the high school and alter nate peilods or solemn teverence and cheering appreciation prevailed whfii I MIfb Mona Cowell, member of the sophomoic class, pulled the coid ! which released the flag that had shroud' d the vtatue and the woik of HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN and i the sculptoi stood revealed to the ., , t , SURGEON . nowd whlrh -iiiioiindeil the pedestal uraduuto from Hahiiomann Medical College of LhiuuKp. Olllnu over John- s , Kc F)ce8 From Black HantJi son it Boner's atoro. Culls answered Lm.l 1,,,.., ,, ft .... ,.,,. ,n,i day or aiKht. Bell 'JO. Rural 110. ' . ;! , ' l " 'S IU IMC lllIVi- ilini Ji imums- ll.i nm j an haloon heepei had lelf town fiom 1 fear of the Blach Hand. His bai tend er. 11 .Monica, loceived a telegram fiom him announcing: his depaituie Monica axt-eits that a month ago Thomas wna approached hy two mem heis of the society and a demand made upon him foi $300. If he tefiised his saloon was to be blown up. Comptroller Law Valid. Lincoln, Apill ' 11. The supieme couit has handed down a decision re I veihlng the decision or Judge Iledick, I nlin lMinolil nut (lie law oroatint! tlin ofllee of county comptroller In Douglas county. The supreme couit holds the taw alld, dissolves (he Injunction and dismisses the case. fT3MyCpWCjPSftfyJLjrMrl ""i r NraMTv ' L. SHERMAN, General Auctioneer Residonce: First door south of Red Cloud Mill, 101 South Webster street. Can bo found at home every fore noon. Torms reasonable. Woman Commits Suiclda. St. Paul, Neb,, Apill II. Mm. Mary P. AlfNiUKltr, wife or Sheriff Alex under rommlifd suicide bv tnklnc KIIKL'MATISH OLKKI) IN A DAY. Dr.lk'trlioiis Itullef for IthctimalUm andNcurnl Kin ratllcally ciuch In 1 to.'idajH, Its action upon the nystuin Ih remaritiiljle nnd mj-stcrloiiH. It remove nt ouco tho cauw nnd thedlwcHKO Im racdlrttclv dfeappenrH. Tho tint doso Krontlj beinMllH, 5 ccntH and ft. Sold by II. K. UniCB UniRRlHt, Ilcd Cloud. ijTjnjra Tradc Marks. Designs Copyrights Ac. l PARKERS HAIR BALSAM Clrtntr nd bttui'Sltf the hair. lYoiiHitfi a lainrunl Krxnrth. Never Falla to Jlpctore Ory Ilalr to IU Youthful Color. Cum K)p rtlMK htur Taillxif. fic.nlauui li lmcl Anyone femltiiB aekclrli and description may iitlcklr aiceriuin our qpinioii rroo wntiwir ' P tlHl, 107, iul tprclal notice, without charge, lu tho aitlcklr ivciitW rlevyroiii v. (flilcdt amiior rur securing imi l'Afont taken tliruuuh Mil mi A nircctv livfiiitlon I prolmblr pateiitahtn,.Coroanli. tlonnitriewrronnciemiHi. rianuouuA vui-r.i imi rrtM). iimeflt a rrouddentlHl. eiior njraecurinoi tent i.eiila. Scientific American. A handeomelf llhtitratexl weekly. T xrMt rli niUiinn .if tiv ianitfle lotirnsJ. Tonne. 13 i ; four mon tin, l. Bold brail nex-kdcnler. NN.XGo.3("'rmW rpnaOfflce. ex, r at- Waibjejtgr. r) Ml City Dray and Express Line, F. W. STUDBBAKBR, PROP. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONES, Residence 188. Offieiig. itokkk)tb&Wk)kkk)4ikU- i 5 AY, niSTERl Do yon know that it will pay YOU, as well as US, to buy your Building Ma terlal and Coal at ouryards? Not only that our prices avkbaoe lower, or at least as low, as those of oar competit ors, but because we take especial care of and protect all can be (classed as REGULAR CUSTOMERS. j PL ATT c FREES CO. Col. Lumber. (MAfeAMWAf! V , rtwil '-l," , -tr r - - m - 3,7-3,, NfftO. . . .. W P& -.UkDtMiL dh. i . . L.. V-JMMMMMJjfJSJSjJ