The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 17, 1908, Image 1

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I Subscription
Eight Page
es I
Home Print I
3i a i car
in Advance
MflHIft v
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i :
District tnrt Prtceeititte
At the time of going to press the fol
lowing cases had received a hearing:
Hurnham, Hanna, Mungcr & Co. vs.
Alfred Hadell & Co. Verdict for de
fendant. Edward It. Cowles vs. John O. Yeiscr
et al. April 13, order to show cause
by April 1ft. April l.r., order extended
to April 17.
Samplinur Clock Co. vb. Alfred Hadell
A' Co. Anneal dismissed at defendant's
llurton T. Judson et al vs. Mary S
Creighton et al. Case continued.
Chas. S. Olmstedo vs. Citv of Red
Cloud. Verdict of S'-'.OOO damages for
Providence Jewelry Co. vs. Win. A.
Smith. Case continued.
Cha4. T. Smith vs. City of lied Cloud.
Leave to file reply. Continued.
Elizabeth Hughes vs. Merrill Hughes.
Defendant given leave to llle answer
in tauter.
John Olson vs. 1!. D. Russell. Case
dismissed on motion of defendant.
Lucas M. Woods v. .lolm A. Denton
et al. Defendants given :so daos to Hie
Clias H. Potter s David Morrison.
Defendant given leave to answer.
Plaintiff excepts.
E. K. Harvey vs. Reno 1). Russell.
Defendant to file answer instanter.
Iowa Hour and Cattle Powder Co. vs.
A. A. Ford. Defendant given leave to
take further deposition.
J. M. Hellers vs. Marion Xeal et al
Application of plaintiff for a hearing
by the court on the equitable defense
and hearing had on the answer and
In the matter of the application of
Edwin B. Rogers, administrator of
estate of Annie E. Rogers, for license
to sell real estate. April t:th, order
to show cause why sale should not he
confirmed. April 14th, sale continued.
Louisa Corbctt et al. vs. Levi L.
Hart et al. Sale confirmed,
Lena Sohwenka vs Andrew (). Brick
won. Damages lor jsajwiu r imuuaii.
Judgment on findings. t
Chus. Ournoy e't al vs. School Dis
trict of the City of Red Cloud, H. P.
Jlaincs'ct al. Motion to make more
Hpscific overruled. Pluintifl to file re
ply April 20. Trial set for April al.
State of Nebraska vs. C. J. Wilbon.
Continued for term.
Nebraska Stale It. V L. Assn. vs.
Mary Winfrey et al. Iternarri Mc
Ncny appointed guardian. Decree of
Darl Rttntcli vs. C. O. Pitney. De
fendant irivon leave to file answer in
In the matter of the estate f Cath
erine H. Manspeaker. I.ieen-e to sell
granted. Cuardian to give bond in the
sum of ?.00.
Victor R. Fulton vs. Mildred Fulton
et al. E. P. Overman appointed guar
dian for Mildred and Robert Fulton,
AdelbertT. Walker vs. Ralph Me
Call. Plaintiff given leave to file peti
tion instanter.
Mary i. Watt and Ceo. I.. Watt.
Divorce granted at plaintiffs cost.
Chas. F. Blily vs. Edwin II. Palmer
as adm. Demurrer of defendant, Eva
Myers, sustained. Plaintiff excepts.
Chas. F. (iund vs. Christian Koehler
et al. Continued.
Elmer C. Howe v. Win. H. Aowe.
Leave given sheriff to return writ of
Always Hustling.
In this advanced ago of civilization,
there is so much competition in every
Hue of business and entertainment,
that it is only the most enterprising
that succeed.
Nearly every yfcar some circus closes
or consolidates with some other: this
year several are closing, and why?
Rccause competition has become so
strong that it takes only the shrewd
est and keenest business men to keep
up with the onward rush and take out
a circus that will he up to date in
every respect and satisfy and please
the tastes of the people today.
Men who intend to cater to this gen
eration in any line of entertainment
must he up und doing all the time, no
laggards can stay in tins race, for race
is what it amounts to; and there is not
a day, week, or month in the whole
year that the energetic Campbell
Hrothcrs can set aside for rest or vaca
tion. As soon as their season closes
they begin to prepare their shows for
the next season. From the day they
go into winter quarters at Fairhnry,
Neb., till they open in the spring,
there is not a busier bunch of business
men than these well known Campbell
Their ell'oits of the past season are
seen in the mammoth Consolidated
Shows that will exhibit in Red Cloud
on April 27. under water-proof tents
in two big performances at a and s p.
m. Don't forget the hig street parade
at 10 a. in.
Bigger and
Better than
Ever before
New Features
The most
Elephant Act
in America
Hed Gload,
Grand Spectac
ular Street Pa
rade at 10 a. m.
2 Performances 2
Rain or Shine
At 1 and 8 p. m.
presented as
JIon., Apr. 27
At the Tepee theatre next Tuesday
..... .1! ..... I..1.
(.veiling. April -1. a wie.simiK mm;"
will take place between Heorge (Hon
of Aurora. Neb., and Richard McDon
ald of Red Cloud. Ceorge (iion is the
middleweight champion of the north
west and is conceded to be one of the
fastest men in his class In the state.
Richard McDonald is a local man who
lias won an enviable reputation in the
eastern part of the state as a catch can
wrestler. Tills contest will be a fast
one and all lovers of good, clean .sport
should attend. Prices .1.1c, and 7.-.C
Tickets on sale at the Tepee.
Commercial Rank vs Paugh et al.
.ludgment for plaintiff.
Receivers Westinghousc Co. vs City
of Red Cloud. For answer May Itli.
Sunderland Supply Co. vs City of
Red Cloud. For answer May 4th.
Kohmetseher vs Rose. Forcible dcten
tion. For trill April 17th.
Rlue Valley Merc. Co. vb Ncal. For
trial April 17th.
Albright vs Holmes, forcible deten
tion. For .trial April 20th.
Estate of Sophie L. Houdreuu. Pe
tition for administration. Order of
hearing May 6th.
Estate of Richard N. Lewis. Ap
praisers report of homestead filed.
Decree of confirmation.
Real Estate Transfers.
For the week ending Tuesday, April
l.-i, furnished hy the Fort Abstract Co.
L. H. Fort, Manager.
James P Hale to E Kailey, lot
5, Rlk 4, Red Cloud,
.lames M Loekhort to William F
Reiher, lots 1, 2, '. 4, lillc 0,
Rladen and se nw sw 8-4-1 l,wd
Chris Fasslcr to 0 W White; lots
3, 4, Rlk 8, Rohrcr's add to
Rlue Hill, wd
.1 P Hale to .lames Peterson, und
3' ne 4 ea nw4, na se, se se :t:t-;i-1
a, wd
Altie E Rudd to William II Jen
niugs, lots 17, 18, Rlk a, add to
Itladen, wd
Lincoln Land Co to Fred Maurer
et al, lots 2., 20, 20, 30, Hlk :i,
Ult add Red Cloud, wd
Riehwrd II Mcrrett to Henry
Sehlichtman, lots 1, a, Rlk 8.
Hoover's add to Rlue Hill, wd 1800
Henry Sehliohtman to Annie
0 ruber, lots 1, 2, Rlk 8, Hoov
er's add to Rlue Hill, wd 1"00
.John R Greenhalgh to Hugh H
Hunter, u2nw 18-2-.i. wd IMiO
William Montgomery to Charles
S. Olinstcad, lot i, Rlk .". C.uide
Rock, wd MH
Edwin S Carbcr to Donald McCal
lum. und 4 lots 12. i:t, 11. Rlk
12. and 7. if. Rlk in. Guide Rock
C P. A () R R to City of Red Cloud
part of lots in K v .1 add to R
Co for street, qcd
Ernest Welsh to City of Red
Cloud, pt lots 111. .'JO, Rlk It, K
v J add Red Cloud, deed
Easter services lit tin? t'ongroatlonal
church neJct Sunday. .Special sermon
in the morning by the Pastor. In the
evening the primary Sunday school
class will give a short program fol
lowed byn brief fennon. Extra music
hy the choir hoth morning and even
ing. All are cordially invited.
82 1,301
Mortgages filed, 8M100.
Mortgages released, 9:i(t:t7.;io.
The little seven-months old baby of
Orrin Tabor of Rlue Hill died last Fri
day and was buried Saturday near
I nil vale. Rev. Hummel conducted the
funeral services.
For Early Spring and Summer
Ladies' long Sleeve Gauze Vest at 25c
Ladies' SIccyoIcss Gauze Vests at 10c, 12Jje, 1ft
20c, 2.1c, 35c, and 5tC
Ladies' Union SaitH in gauze and fish net in the
Set SnugTstyle at
Ladies' Long Sleeve close fitting cuff or lace
trimmed curl at . . . MC
Long sleeve and close fitting at the knee,
union suit, at 25 t 5C
Loner sleeve Vests in gauze at 15 Mi 25c
Knit Pant at
Sleeveless Vests at.
i t i
i i
A woman is conscious of her superior appearance
when she is wearing an
American Beauty Corset
She knows she looks well then, that she is
charmingly attractive and that her beauty is
greatly enhanced because she is wearing a corset
that produces such magnificent results. A corset
that Is designed for that purpose and is the crea
tion of painstaking skill in every step of its manu
facture. The woman who wears these dainty cor
sets, "gets the habit" and will wear no other.
To be a good dresser, start right, that is at the
foundation, the corset.
Kalamuoo CorialCo.. Malxii
Kalamaioo Cortif Co., Maksn
Long Wristed Gloves
In Silk; black and colors, at $1.50 and $1 75
Chamois Skin Gloves, long wristed, at $3.00
HOSE-Ladies9 and Children's
Udies In tans, blacks and greys, in plain or fancy, from 10c to 45c
Children's In tans and blacks at 5 and 25c
White Goods
nice line of white goods in ail the new styles of bars, stripes and plaids,
ir i,:i,:nr f Ur.hc mil mul spp. nw ine of si k and leather belts.
A bargain in all silk ribbons. Nos. 5 to 1 2 at 5c yard. Ios. 16 to 60 at
per yard while they last.