Easter Sede ! NEW YORK STORE I:.' I POTTER BLOCK, RED CLOUD, Special h -I 1 Vi VI w ' l si 1 ii; Commencine Tuesday Morning, April 7th We have received from a New York suit and skirt house, a special line of the newest and latest style skirts and suits Tuesday Morning, April 7th, we place them all on sale in onr special Easter Sale at Special Sale Prices. This is without question the nicest line of skirts ever shown in this city. Every skirt is well made and handsomely trimmed with taffeta folds, braids and self folds. We invite you to come and see them. We fit all skirts. Alterations when necessary, made free of charge and fit guaranteed. 85.50 black Panama Skirt, wile price 8 13.75 3.00 Fancy Plaid skirte, Hale price 1.95 ?G 00 black Panama Blurts, sale price 4.75 $7.50 shadow stripe Mohair skirts, sale price 8 5.50 $7.50 black Panama skirts, sale price 5.50 $7.50 black Panama skirts, sale price $ 5.50 $7.50 brown Panama skirts, sale price $ 5.50 $7.50 blue Panama skirts, sale price 5.50 $7.50 black Chillon Panama skirts, sale price $ 5.50 &7 nn wliito Pii.iiiiinn. skirts, sale nrice $ 5.50 .,tUH . ......... -- , i nrice .v i0 0 00 $ (1.00 . ..$ 0.50 . . .$ G.75 . ..$ 7.50 . . .$ 7.50 . ..$ S.50 . . .$ 0.75 . . .$ 0.75 . . .$10.00 7 r,n hiiw.kNt.rinH Panama skirts, sale price .u 7r,n hlnp f!1iifrmi Psm.iinn skirts, sale price $ 5.,' S7.AO hlii Pnnaina skirts, sale price $ 5.5 Ss.nn new srev Panama skirts, sale price $ ( Special Easter Sale on New Suits 88.50 black Panama skirts, sale price $8.50 white wool Serge skirts, sale price. . . . $ 0.00 brown Panama skirts, sale price $10.50 black Voile skirts, sale price $10.50 black Voile skirts, sale price $11.50 blue Voile skirts, sale price $12.50 black Voile skirts, sale price $12.50 black Voile skirts, fealj price SiK.ftO hln.uk Voile skirts, sale price $1.J.50 black Voile skirts, sale price j10,0.0 $15.00 black Voile skirts, sale price $10.75 $15.00 black Voile skirts, sale price 10,j5 $15.00 black Voile skirts, sale price $10. 5 $113.50 Ladies' fancy grey suits $15.00 Ladies' fancy Mohair suits $18.00 Ladies' fancy Mohair suits $18.50 Ladies' blue Serge suits $18.00 Ladies' blk Panama suits $18.50 Ladies' blk 4l " $18.50 Ladies' blk " " $25.00 Ladies' blue stripe Panama suits $25.00 Ladies' blk Panama suits $27.50 Ladies' blue Panama suits 8:50.00 Ladies' silk stripe Panama $ 8 50 ...$10 50 ...$12 50 ...$12 75 ...$12 50 ...$1 50 ...13 50 ...$18 50 ...818 50 ...810 50 ,..$21 50 Special Easier Sale New Spring Jackets & Coats $ 5.00 new plaid Jackets $ 5.00 blk silk Eton Jackets $ 5.00 covert Jackets $0.50 " " $ 7.00 blk silk Jackts $0.50 blk " FAon Jackets.... $ 7.00 blk " Box coat $ 8.50 blk silk coat ...$.) 05 . . . $ 3 75 ...8 4 00 ...$ 5 00 . ..$ 5 00 ...$ 4 75 ...8 5 00 ...8 0 75 $10.00 blk silk Jacket ? 7 50 $ 0 00 blk Broadcloth Jackets 7 00 $11.50 blk silk Jackets f 8 50 $12.50, 50 in silk Jackets f 0 50 $14.50 blk silk coat H 50 Special Easter sale on New Arbutus cloth, Featliersilk and Heatherbloom Petticoats at 98c, $1,25, 1.35, 1.50, 1.75, 2.0ft $2.25. Special Easter sale on all the New Springs Waists at from 50c to $5 Special Easter sale on all the new Belts ai 25, 35, 45 and 50c. Special Easter sale on the new long Silk Gloves. Special Easter sale in our Millinery dept. Newest and latest style Pattern Hats, new Trimmed Hats, and Ready to wear Street Hats on sale at money saving prices. Electric Flashes. A Chicago inventor ba- patented an electric device fop pocking a cradle. Krom .statistics recently prepared it appear that the giv.tt city of London uses annually 21.'i, 171,270 kilowatts of electricity at an average cost of about 10 cents a kilowatt. Chili is thinking of substituting electricity for steam on a number of important railroads. An American engineer is Hguiing on the project. In the up-to-date butcher shop the old hand meat saw is never .seen. In its stead a small band saw driven by an electric motor severs the bones in the leg of mutton, the rib roast or even the old-fashioned soip-bone. Heavy electric traction of the future such as involves the equipment of large trunk line railroads, will use the new alternating current electric motors. The motors are capable of complete and ctuelent control and are able in descending grades to return to the trolley lino tlu energy stored in the train instead of wasting it in heat and wearing out the brake shoes. In other words the motors will be turned into generators when going down hill and the current made in this way will be returned to the line. The abondoned saw-mill sites, where the timber lias vanished and put the mill out of business, tire being over hauled ami turned into small electric plants by groups of farmers for power or even to light small villages. One of the most valuable possessions in this world to-day is a stream of water capable of development into electrical power. Streams which will produce a steady and permanent supply of electric horse-power to any amount are better than a gold mine. One of the geniuses employed by the (ieneral KlectricCompanv has invented a device which will put nn end to the nefarious work of the incandescent light bulb thief. It is the custom, in larger cities, to steal the new light bulbs from the hotels and public places and resell or exchange them for drinks in the cheap saloons. The new device consists of a socket and a key. After . the new lamp has been screwed in the socket it cannot be unscrewed without the key. The bulb vwll turn around but will not come out. i An Knglish electrician gets the credit for devising a way to ripen bananas by electricity. The fruit is hung in an air-tight glass case in which there are a number of electric lights. The atti licial light and heat hasten the ripen ing process in proportion to the num ber of lights turned on. The three leading electrical manu facturers of this country consumed 111,000,000 pounds of copper during the fiscal year just closed a decrease of 0,000,000 pounds for the year lUOii-7. Of this enormous figure the (ieneral lUcetric Company consumed the most of the metal or 05,000,000 pounds The Western Electric came second with the consumption of 18,000,000 lbs. There arc 81 ."i miles of electric rail way in Canada, with a capitalization of f 75, 105, 170. The province of Ontario has 102 miles of track; Quebec has 108 miles; the maritime provinces 71 miles and the far west 101 miles. In 1007 the gross earnings were 812,035,005 and the operating expenses S7,7.17,252. Portland, Maine, is to be supplied with electricity obtained from the tides. Land has been secured n either side of lllack Hay and it is esti mated that 25,000 electrical horse power will be generated, enough to i light the entire city, furnish power for the street railways and supply a nuui- ' ber of manufacturing plants. The sliced of submarine telegraphy i is illustrated by the fact that five I minutes are usually sufficient to cover a complete buying and selling opera tion between the London Stock Kx- j change and Wall Street. The distance between these two points is about 4,000 miles and it takes the message less than a minute for the journey. An Anglo-Japanese company with a capital of 55,250,000 will develop sever al large water-powers in the southern ' part of the empire. Work on one of 27,000 electrical horse-power and an other of 8,000 horse-power will be started this year. A third water-power of 00,000 horse-power will be -tni-tod later. The Missouri Pacific system in Kan sas will employ telephones instesU of the telegraph in its railroad work. m m Treusseau Gowns "Trousseau gowns are lovlier than ever," siys the fasion editor of 1 he Woman's Home Companion, "but as they have iucrcascd in beautv, they have lessened in number. Very Jew ' brides of to-day, no matter how iash I ionable they may be, order a trousseau 1 consisting of a great number of cos 1 tunics. The reason for this h that fashions change so that it is necessary every little while to have a new-style-gown if one is to keep pace with the capricious modes. "The bridal princess gown in a style which will be in fashion for a lonf, time to come. One can wear it as long as the material lasts by merely chang ing the sleeves to meet the require ments of the prevailing fashion." NOW IS m IHH BV Bi' BIIH ! TIME To look over your Insurance Policies and see that you have everything fully covered. The lightning and storm season is on. I represent six leading companies and have 800 risks in Webster County. O. C. TEEL, Red Cloud, Neb. OERING BLOCK BOTH PHONES i. f . $ s i V Ji MMiarMM,f.wwu i --0 A "" 'rVi jrfL 7 nWP