('J K PANHANDLE, Tlio IhuiIi we are going to call your of Tgkas. I'iiIcm the niiin of Toxiih mid to locate you nt)()iitG)0 milo from Kuusiis City ami GOO mllos from Galveston the nearest seaboard harbor of any Importance, where froight rates- y wator to rfafrlatni aro practically tho sunio as from Now York. To transport a hushol of vvhoat from Hastings, Nob., to Now York by rail will coat you JCJo per 100 IIni or 28.9 per bit. From tho Panhandle to Unlvoston tho rate Ih 9c por bu. or a Having of 10.9c per bu. Cau you figure Panhandle lias over you? To show haw over you. wo want to quote a few figures on the Bowing and yield of whoai :it tho experiment station, a short distance from whoro wo oifor you those urout bargains in laud. Yield of Wheat for 1906-Kasko Wheat Sowing 3 pecks to tho acre yields JO.O.'i biiHhols, test 02 pounds 1 t. u it 0 u i it Darom Sowing .' peeks to tho noro yields 2.1.10 hushols, test (12.50 pounds ii ,j ii it uic "22 2." " " (tl " .i 5 i. i ii 4 ii wJvq ii ii 02.50 " Now you have tho figures before you for consideration. It will tako you ti)t a few minutes to compute the difference that tho Panhandle farmer gets mora for his grain than you do. (f tho experiment station oau roach such results in farming and doing it right, you can do tho sumo thing, or cau raiso fi bu. loss and beat nnytbing you van. in this part of tho country. With an uveuigo of 21 inches of rainfall for tho last twelve years, nothing vtnodsin the toad of farmers becoming independent in a short time and fixing Mnioolf so ho can live at ease. Fa it hot in tho Panhandle, is asked by people who aro not familiar with oaditious in that, country. Wo will say that tho average in tho hottest mouths in tho year, for twelve years is as follows: Juno, 72; July, 7ii; August, 72, and toptomber, 08. This government report was by the U. S. woathor observer (Thos. J. Consodim), at Amorilla, Texas, right in tho center of tho Pauhaudle. Water is procured in sand and gravol and is of the very purest quality and hdn proven very beneficial for the general health of mankind. 'Wo are making those trips to tho Pauhandlo every First and Third Tuesdays in each month, and would bo pleased to poo you and talk it over with you, tis we cauu' t tell you all in a short ad liko this. Red Cloud Investment Co. I. a. HOLMES, President. D. J. MYERS, Vice-Prosident. A. B. SELLERS, Secretary, and Tfeaaurer mMMTrmrAN -Rl?QraTa.!8K,on; .?,nS ?"'"" either premier 1JCI.J.JI.1 AJAI1II.X11 AIJUKJJLVJ.lkJ KING ACCEPTS RESIGNATION OF BRITISH 'PREMIER. ""' ir Henry's Condition Remains Un .changed His Prooable Successor U Chancellor of Exchequer, Who Has Seen Acting Prime Minister, London, April C It was officially anuounced that tho king has accepted 4ho resignation of Sir Henry Camp-fccll-Oannorman, the British pritno miniter. Sir Henry's condition re mains unchanged, according to the physicians' bulletin. The king, In telegraphing his acceptance of the j)iotnler's resignation, conveyed an ex pression of his regret and esteem, with the best wishes for Sir Henry's recovery. No further official announcement with regard to cabinet changes has fcoen made, but the king has sum moned Herbert II. Asqult,h, chancellor CAMPBELL-BANNERMAN. of the exchequer, and the latter will od Ruth Miller, who died from the ef utart for Biarritz, where tho king is so- . fects 0f eating poisoned candy, an Journlng, this afternoon. The chan cnllor, who has beeu acting premier in place of Sir Henry, Campbell-Ban-nerman, 'edited a meeting of ho cab inet to submit the premier's resigna tion and discuss the courso of hual ns Without Premier or Ministry, Great Britain is In. a peculiar pc TEXAS, attention to aro in tho northwest part you can rondily see that wo aro trying tho advantage that the farmer in tho you tho groat adva tngo the Panhandle .. I IT. ii Gl iH.GO ii co.r Wheat or ministry. According to tho court circular, Sir Henry resigned on tho urgent solicitation of his medical ad Vjsos. As the constitution provides no"autoruatlc successor, it falls on tho klnjr tc choose a new head of gov ernmentand In accordance with cus tom and procodent the whole cabinet resigns with the premier. Tho position of tho country is un precedented, there being no previous example of a change occurring in tho premiership whilo tho sovereign was abroad. On this account the courso of the procedure to he followed is in some doubt. The resignation of Sir Henry Camp-bell-Bannermnn, tho first Liberal prime minister of England since Lord Rosebery gave up office in 1895, has its dramatic phase, for as ho passes from tho stage, tho mixed forces which ho held together as a party ap pear also to he approaching tho end of political power. Tho Bannerman government, it should be stated, com bined too many factions and too many fads; all tho elements of opposition to conservatism and of discontent united to make common cause against the old government, and when Joined together in an administration n working team of Homo Ruleis, Laborites, Socialists, Liberal Imperialists and Llttlo En glanders was found well nigh Impossi ble. But it speaks much for Banner man's leadciship that the disintegra tion of his party has gone on so much more swiftly since the attack of heart trouble, last fall In Bristol, where ho had gone to make a political speech, which removed him from tho possibility of active leadership. Bryan Will Not Attend. Dea Moines, April 4.- William Jen nings Bryan will not bo present In New York to attend olthor of tho Jef ferson day banquets, to be held thoro on tho j night of April J3. Mr. Bryan telegraphed President F.ojc of"the Nqw York Democratic club that ho could not bo present. This puts an end to tho controversy botweou tho two fac tions, both of which claimed Mr. Bry an as tho speaker on thaf date. Morasch Jury Unable to Agree. Kansas City, April C.Tho Jury in tho' cado, of Mrs. Sarah Morascb, charged with the murder of four-year- nounced thnt It was unable to agrea upon a verdict and was discharged. It is understood' that the, Jury stood eight for conviction and four for ac quittal. r ' "Aren't you ashamed to beg?" "Sometimes, mum. When I find how stingy tpcorlc arej.1 falrlyr blushes for them.", - , . IIAliIlIMA"-A,'SYi MAKES GENERAL LCNIAL OF . LEGATIONS OF GOVL.RNMliiT Denef T,at Acquisition of Stock of Various Lines and Systems V.as 'o Kill Competition or Monoid . Trade and Commerce. Salt Lake, April 7. Answers o, h . (lcfeiidanta in tho eult of the i ... Status against tho Union Pac.iic, v.. II. Harrlman ct nl., for dissolution of the so-called Harrlman system wcio filed in tho federal court here. Tho answers make general denials of al legations of consolidation for the pur pose of restraint or competition and monopolizlnz trade and commerce. Mr. Harrlman, in his answer, denied that he, with Jacob Schiff, Otto 11. Kahn, James Stlllman or others, havo owned or controlled a majority of the stock of the Union Pacific. He admits that he is president and the other men wero directors. Schiff and Kahn re signed In 1000 and Stlllman In 19u8. He admits thnt Schiff and Kahn were members or tho firm of Kuhn, Locb & Co., and that this firm bought stocks and bonds of the Union Pacific and E. 11. HAIUtlMAN. Orogon Short Line, but It is denied that tho company wris a "fiscal agent" of the Union Pacific He denies that ho and the other defendants conspired to restrain trade among the several states and foreign countries or to re strain competition among defendant Bteamshlp and railroad lines, or to de prlve th.o public of advantages of trade nncrtcommcrco through inde- pondent competition, if any there was, or to effect a conBol.IdMJon wltfi tho , Idea of monopolizing or restraining trade and commerce; admitting, how- ever that the Union . Pacific acquired a majority Of tho capital Stock Of tho .various lines and systems. Ho denleH In each Instance, that tho acquisition Of stock was to kill com- petition or monopolize trade or com merce. Admitting that tho directors of several of the defendants are Iden tical, he denies that the Union Pacific hus control in management or opera atlon of the affiliated lines. He avers that In the transcontinental lines of railroad' reaching the Pacific coast south of Portland the Union Pacific is hut n link about one thousand miles in length an intermediate carrier with out any power to make rates upon such traffic; that tho Southern Pacific owns and controls lines between Og den and tho coast with no power to make latcs on business east of Ogden; thnt no rates could bo made from the Missouri river to the coast without tho joint consent of the Southern Pa cific and tho Union Pacific; that while the Union Pacific and its con stituent companies separately owned connecting lines operated as a single system from tho Missouri river to Portland, Ore., and operated certain small steamships between Portland and San Francisco, yet such a route via Portland was not only Impiactica hie as a competitor of tho Southern Pacific, but any attempt to use It ns Mich would have greatly Injured the Union Pacific, because the Southern Pacific would thereupon have pre- fcrred the rivals of the Union Pacific "'' In routing and Interchange trafflc at i Fleet to Sail North Saturday. Ogden and the business In tonnage- San Dlogo, Cal., April C.Tho bat and revenue thus lost would have tleshlp fleet haying completed, target greatly exceeded tho total 'volume of practice at Magdulena bny, the crews business! received! ovjer such nn im- will gtvo the' greater part of the week practicable route in competition with to tho work of putting the big shlp3 the Southern Pacific. , in condition, for tho receptions that J await them atalirornia ports. Tho Latter pay 8ainti in Session. warahlps wllj weigh anchors on Satur- 'Kansas City, April 7. The annual day and point their prows toward San report or the condition or tho reorgan ized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was read at tho 'world's conforenco, which is now in session at Independence, Mo. Tho church has 57,365 members, a. net gain ,alnco 'last year's conference of 23,230. The larg est gains have been made In Canada and the next largest in Missouri. Iowa has the greatest number of members, 8,982, and Missouri la second, with 8,- 656. Stakes Funeral Cash; Loses. Atlanta. Ga.. April 7. AlleglnK that vhe had been "mntchqd" out of $700 which had been Intrusted to liira to pay tho hospital and 'funeral expenses of a friend. JumeB G6odrlch asked for the arrest of tho two men whom ho said had swindled him. , - WORLD'S TITLE WON BY GOTCH Dcftats M.ickcnschmidt In Wrestling Match at Chicago. Chicago, April 4. George Hnekcn Bch tnlclt unit in his match with Frank Gotch for the cateh-as-catch-cau wrestling championship of thu world. giving tho title to the Iowa muu by default. After moro than two hours of un availing tuggng and desperate scram bllng. the Russian said to Gotch; "I'll give you tho match." Referee Ed Smith at once declared Qotuh tho winner. Tho end camo so unexpectedly that tho great crowd of 8,000 which wit nessed tho contest could scarcely com prehend what had happened. Not un til the rofereo had announced that Hackenschnudt had Htirrondoiod the championship of tho world to Prank Gotch did tho full significance of tho event strike homo Then tho excited men swarmed Into the ring, surging about Gotch until tho police camo to his roscue and drove tho crowd back through tho ropes. The match was in soiiio respects sensational, but it served mainly to show that Gotch bat a defensive system which no one can brealv down. For an hour and forty-five minutes ho eluded every attempt of the Rua bian Lion to fasten a grip on him. Gotch sidestepped, roughed his man's features with his knuckles, hutted htm under the chin and generally worried Hackenschinldt until tho foreigner was totally at a loss how to proceed But when, In the clinch that finally came, Gotch shimmed his opponent to the mat and camo within an ace of securing a firm toe hold, following this up by lifting Hnckcuschmidt clear of tho mat and slamming him en his shoulders with tn rifle force, the Ku lopean exponent was hcait-brokcn Tho lines slowly deepened on his face, the hoots and gibes of tho crowd hurt his feelings and, after consider ing the mutter for a few seconds, he decided that It was time to milt. Pew of the spectators but wero will ing to give Gotch tho palm. The Iowa man was in tho butter condition, was cpiicker and trickier and showed a far bettor knowledge of the game. KILLS ONE, WOUNDS THREE Enraged Because Convicted, McDonald Uses Pistol in Court Is Shot Down. Terro Haute, Ind., April 3. Found cnlltv nf n. nharco nf arson Henrv F. McDonald, Jn the circuit court room, shot.An(1 meA William A. Dwyer, ae- noualy wounded threo other officers ftn(1 wa3 nmaelf seriously wounded, Th0 ai,00tng fallowed tho announco- mont of th(J verdict of tho Jury before whlch McDonald had been tried on cnargea of dynamiting' stores and ,ni.hM In Snnfnr.l.liist Veai-. whpn tho ,.,rv renort0d lt verdict McDonald Jumped to hlB feet and drew a revolver. Ho fired at Prosocutlnc Attorney Jamas A. Cooper, Jr., but missed. Cooper dodged and McDon ald directed his flro at the officers seated around' tho table. Without an opportunity to defend himself, Detectlvo Dwyer was shot down. Almost in an instant police offi cers nnd deputy sheriffs in the court room drew their revolvers and opened fire on McDonald. Tho convicted man fell with half a dozen bullets in his body. Harvey V. Jones, superintendent of police, was shot in tho sldo. Deputy Sheriff Ira Wellmnn sustained a wound In tho chin. Sylvestor Doyle, city court bailiff, was shot In the leg An other shot struck a bystander. Trainload of Oranges for Iowa. Han Francisco, April C The first solid trainload of California oranges scut to Iowa for consumption entirely within tho state left over the Southern Pacific and Union Pnelfic roads, for warded by tho California Fruit Grow ers' exchange, representing the grow ers of California. This follows a pub llclty campaign of sixty days by the exchange tlnotighout tho state of Iowa. The result Is a single shipment of 1,300,000 otaugos, providing one orange for every two persons In Iowa. Diego bay. Tho torpedo flotilla is ex pected to arrive nt Magdulena bay from Acapulco during tho week, Hastings Boy Killed by Kick of Horse. Hastings, Neb., April 7. Philip 8. Michael, tho six-year-old 'son of Philip Michael, was kicked In the head by a harp shod horse und, killed. Tho skull was mashed back of the left ear and nfe was almost extinct from Iosb or Diooa uerore a surgeon couia do summoned. Many New Autos in Nebraska. Lincoln, April 7." Auto registrational In the office of tho fecretary of state Bhow a rapid Increase. So far 2,400 machines havo been registered and the number Is expected to reach 2.500 by May 1. EDMI9TEN BACK IN LINCOLN Indicted Man Is in Feeble Health and ) Cannot Appear In Court. Lincoln, April 4. J. H. Edmlston, indicted several months ago for al- leged land frauds, whose ball bond of $10,000 was recently forfeited In tho federal court at Omaha, has returned t to his homo In Lincoln from Florida In very feeble health. Ills physician says his condition is critical; that he is Mifforlng from melancholia and thnt he cannot predict tho outcome. . Tho doctor snya It Is Impossible for Mr IOdmlstcn to nppear In court. Mr. I'Mmlsten was formerly vlco chairman of tho Populist national committee and , a leader of that party In Nebraska. California Companies Barred. Lincoln, April 7. Insurance Auditor Plcrco decided to notify agents of companies organized under tho laws nf California that thoy miiHt consc do ing business in Nebraska. This ac tion followed a refusal of Commls hloner Wolf or California to admit Nebraska companies. The action of Insurance Auditor Pierce affects tho Fireman's Fund of San Francisco, tho , Hoaio Fire and Marine of San Fran cImo and tho Pacific Mutual or Los Angeles. Telephone Girl Attacked by Negro. Omaha, Apiil 7. Mollle Gran, a tel ephone operator, was attacked by a ncsro at Seventeenth street and tho Huillngton tracks last night, strangled, tlnnwn under a box car, and fighting all the time, was overcome and a rojm drawn around her nock. Hearing tho nolsr or the struggle and catching sight of the negio, a passeihy up peaml Just In tunc. When the negro saw him he i an April Specials To the Pacific Coast Vory rnvorablo excursion rutos to the Paciflo Coast, during tho sum mor season, of 1008, including spe cial dates in April to California an . follows: April 2Gth and 26th. II luBtratlon, only 100 round trip Tho Coast tour is the finest jour- , ney in tho world. Mako it this -Mimmor. Also low one-way rates during' A i.ril." "" To Colorado nd Rocky Mountains Plan now for your summer vaca-. tion in ( 'olorado, w yotning, tho Black Hlllrf or Yellowstone Park. Very low mid attractive summor tourist rates to tho cool mountain resortsaft:!1 June 1st Homcaeekera' Rntas First and third Tuesdays to tho west generally. Big Horn Basin Auction sale for oholco of the newly irrigated lands under tho Oregon Basin, or Wiloy ditch, near Cody. Opening in Mny, 1008. Also splendid ohanceB yet for homo steading government irrigated lands near Garland, Wyo. Write I). CI in Denver, Laudneokors' In formation Bureau, Omaha. Ho will personally conduct laudHeokers excursions to tho Big Horn Basin first and third Tuesdays of each month through the summor. Excellent business chances in new growing towns on Burlington ex tensions. Writo Mr. Denver or J. P. EDWAUOH.Tiokot Agont. L. V. Wakoloy, G. P. A., Omaha, Nob. CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Sure to Oivo Satisfaction. GIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. i It cloausea, Bootaes, heals and protects tho dLsooHtd mombrancj resulting from Catarrh and drives nwuv a Cold iu thu Houd qnlcklv. Iteatores tho Souses of Taste and Smell. Easy to use. Contains no injurious drug Applied into tho nostrils and nbporbodA Largo Sizo, f0 conja at Druggiets or by mail, Liquid Cream Balm lor use IB atomizers, 7C oouts. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St.. New YorkJ 0Sk ! ,1 K dl M iti