The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 10, 1908, Image 5

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Spraj Your
Fruit Trees
and Vegetables
Noxall Bordeaux
Spray Mixture
It will protect your fruit
from moths, wormr., scabs.
O L CottinS
The Druggist.
Roy Hutchison was up from Superior
iiv r Sunday.
Roy Morgan of Superior is visiting
in the city.
I'M Walters departed Saturday night
for Nevada.
0. W. Rushce came in from Holdrcge
iiver Sunday.
May Iladell came home from Hasl
ings Monday morning.
Frank Etherton returned from
Wytnoro Friday evening.
Walter Klliot of Kanoua, Kansas, is
in town on business this week.
Attorney J. C. Saylor was in Lincoln
attending supremo court Monday.
Attorney Overman was in Lincoln
tending Supreme court this week.
Mr. Leonard of Riverton was a lied
I'.loud business visitor Saturday.
Lloyd Hradbrook of Long Island,
Kansas, was in town over Sunday.
Will Weesncr shipped a carload of
hogs to Kansas City Wednesday morn
ing. Warren Longtin came home from
KxceLsior Springs, Mo., the first of the
Hatnp Wis'ecarver came in from
Holdrego Tuesday to take a hand in
the city election.
L. H. ltlacklodirc and Barnard Mc-
Neny are attending Supreme court in
liincoln this week.
Mabel Potter returned from Wilcox
Monday morning where she has ben
spending her vacation.
Mrs. A. C. Slaby's health has im
proved 60 much that she was able to
take a short walk Sunday. Hopes are
entertained that she will make a complete-
Free Tieket
to The Tepee
with every $2.00 cash
For every 20 dozen Eggs
brought in
The Grocer
All the Phones
Hilly llarton has teturned to tho city
once more.
Mrs. John Osborn was on the sick
list the first of tin, week.
.1. O. Itutlur was called to Ohio Tins
dnv night by the death of his mother.
Charles 1'Jtherton was in lllooming
ton the first of the week looking after
his real estate interests.
The bill posters of Campbell llros.
sliow wero in town this week adve tls
injur ami posting bills.
Mrs. .1. A. Tulleys left for Naponee
Friday evening on account of the sick
ness of her daughter, Mrs. Anna Oil
lard. Mrs. Will Tabor went to lJlue Hill
Thursday. She was called there by
the serious sickness of Mr.
brother's child.
The Red Cloud Rase Rail team will
play ball with Lebanon Monday at
Lebanon, frwm there they will iro to
Smith Center to play bail Tuesday.
Martha J. Carpenter, widow of Solon
It. Carpenter, deceased, has been
granted a widow's pension. Fred
Maurer was her attorney. Mrs. Car
penter lives at Inavule.
Bd Green is again able to be back at
his post as engineer at the electric
light plant. Ed says he is willing to
try to keep his fingers away from
those inviting dice-box valves.
Will Galbreth was arrested Sunday
on an old warrant charging him with
procuring liquor for an inebriate. On
Monday he paid a fine and costs
amounting to S. mid was released.
Geo. Newhouse and family hft to
day for Campbell, Neb., where thev
will visit for a few days and from there
thev expect to go to the state of Wash
ington to make their home in the
Saturday night's rain was a hum
dinger and Sunday was an ideal June
day, the rain having freshened both
the vegetable and animal kingdoms so
that both smiled their pleasure for
being living entities.
On his 35th birthday last Friday lten
Pcgg was agreeably surprised by his
wife and 35 surprise guests to help him
commemorate the day. A pleasant
evening was spent in refreshments and
George Waters, a farm hand, waB ar
rested Sunday on a charge of being
drunk and disorderly. He was ar
raigned before Judge Reed Monday
and was assessed a fine of $10 and costs
amounting in all to 814, which he paid
and was released.
A gang of dago section hands was
unloaded at Riverton Monday, but
were run out of the town and came to
Red Cloud Tuesday. The railroad
boys here got after them, however and
thev soon left town.
The ladies of the M. E. church will
give their annual Easter bazaar in the
Fourth avenue hotel on Saturday,
April 18th. They will also serve din
ner and supper. Dinner will consist
of chicken pie and priced at 25 cents.
Services at the ltaptist church Sun
day at 11 a. m., theme, "Man In Gods
Sight." At 8 p. in. theme, "Masquer
ading." Itible study at the home of
Dr. Raines on Tuesday at 8 p in.
Prayer meeting on Wednesday at 8
p. m. C. A. Wilson, pastor.
After twenty-five years in the news
paper business at Smith Center the
editor of the Messenger broke away
from the desk long enough to discover
that he had no business to make the
break. He now repents in sackcloth.
May he continue to prosper.
Red Cloud is now the only "wet'
town in Webster county, Itlue Hill,
ltladen and Guide Rock having gone
"dry" by small majorities at the elec
tion held Tuesday, and Rosemont hav
ing been refused a saloon by the
county commissioners several weeks
The road running south from the
river bridge has been greatly improved
under the direction of the board of
county commissioners and travel has
been mado much easier. That part of
the road from the "chalk hill" south
has been turned over to the Kansas
authorities, who will do their share of
improving it.
Sammy Davis, road manager for the
"Dago Kid," a well known Nebraska
wrestler, was in town Wednesday, try
ing to arrange a match with Rich Mc
Donald, tho local knight of the mat.
However, as McDonald has a match on
for the 21st with a wrestler from
Aurora, Neb., the affair was postponed
to some future date.
Tepee goers arc being treated to an
unusually good picture production this
week "Tho Passion Play; or the Life
of Christ." Mr. Taber is using good
judgment in the selection of his enter
tainments and the general
ought to show its appreciation of his
efforts in its behalf.
Arch Horen was down from Oowles
I'M llurr of Guide Rock was in town
,1. 0 Urooks of Catlicrton township
was in town Monday.
Mrs. Uhus. Urout and son returned
from Holdicue Thursday.
l-'or hai a ladies new bicycle,
v heap, Enquire at thisotllee.
Several of the Sund.ay school workers
here attended the convention at Guide
Uoek this week.
B S. Garber, representing the Itlue
Valley Mercantile Co., of Beatrice was
in town I'lnusduy.
Campbell llros. show is billeil for
Red Cloud April 27. Now the little
j(,v wlll rake the lawn for pennies and
Mrs. Kenaday, district deputy for
the Royal Neighbors, is here working
up a class of candidates for the local
lodge here.
Drs. Welrick & Rlddlle, Eye, Eur,
Nose and Throat Specialists. Glasses
fitted. Over German National Rank,
John Mart, has finished the Installa
tion of the electric light plant at Te
euinseh, Neb., and spent Sunday at
Seward. Scwanl Kludc.
What threatened to be a serious fire
at the home of Frank Smelser last
Monday was extinguished by the ladies
using the Monday wash water.
Dr. Cook had a "tourist" patient this
morning. Mr Tourist had been shot
in the leg, accidentally or otherwise,
and called on the doctor to repair his
lacerated feelings.
Our compositor was guilty of a sin
of omission last week in failing to
show that n certain "senseless" article
was contributed leaving it to appear
tl at it was the sanctum sentiment of
the Uiu-i. ve hereby make apology
for haying failed to look more closely
into the pertinency of Mr. Sherer's re
marks at the W. C. T. U mass meeting
a week ago last Sunday afternoon.
- -
letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for at postofllco at Red Cloud, Neb.,
for th- week ending April 9, 1008:
Mrs. Sadie Carr, L. A. Crouch, James
H. Foley, Orrie T. Sheldon.
These will b eonttotho dead letter
office May 9. 1908, if uncalled for
before. When culling for above please
say "advertised."
T. C. Hacker, Postmaster.
Br Sale
Lots 13 to 18 Radcllffc addition,
make offer by mail to: Daniai. A. con-
moan, U. F. D. 1, Kcllervillc, Illinois.
If you havo pains lu the back, urlnxry. blad
der or kidney tr-ublc, him) want a 'crtalti, pica'
ant tierb euro for woman' Mh, try Mother Gray'
A btkalian Lkaf. It In a sfo and never rail
ing regulator. At DniKKlntN or by mall 60 coiiw,
Sau plo pnekago free. AddrcBd, Tho Mother
Gray Co.. Lei toy, N. V.
6ettlnft Even.
"No, I don't believe in expensive
practical jokes," said a San Francibco
business man, "except by way of re
taliation. "Now last year I received a telegram
from a friend who was traveling in
Italy. It came collect and cost me
seven dollars; and when I opened it all
I read was, 'Thank yon, I am well.'
"Then I sallied forth and sought me
out a cobblestone a nice, large cob
blestone weighingabouteleven pounds.
And I wrapped It in excelsior, pink
cotton and white paper, and I boxed it
up in a handsome box; and 1 sent it by
express, collect, to my facetious friend
far across the bounding billows.
"And when he had paid his Utile
fifteen dollars, and had opened the box
in St. Petersburg, if I remember
rightly, he found in addition to the
precious contents a note from me that
explained, 'This is the load that rolled
off my heart on receipt of the news of
your good health.' " Woman's Home
Companion for April.
Atfmlral Evans Improving.
Paso Robles Hot Springs, Cal., April
6. Rear Admiral Roblcy D. Evans
wa strong enough to take a two
hours' carriage ride through the hills
surrounding the Bprlngs. The admiral
was given his first "mud" hath In the
Kurlmus slnc his arrival here. This
was followed by masRage treatment
for au hour. Ho not only enjoyed the
novel experience, hut declared him
self as wonderfully uonefitod by the
Congressman Hepburn Improving.
Washington, April 4. Considerable
Improvement was noted In tho condi
tion of Representative Hepburn of
Iowa, who has been confined to his
homo In this city since Wednesday.
u wns thought that ho would be ablo
to rC8Umo his duties at the capltol
next week,
We art blooming with frc-h blossoms of
Easter Neckwear
This is Neckweai Season anl our display must be
irresistible as well as handsome, for every looker
buys a Tie or two.
Choice weaves of silk in new patterns
from foreign and domestic looms.
New shapes in Four-in-hands Impe
rials, Puffs, Teeks, Ties, etc..
25c and 50c
The Man who appreciates som thing different in
Neckwear will .md many choice .mhI exclusive ideas.
Neckwear that you'll not see on every man you meet.
i The Gouiden-Kaley
Bargains in
ABC Goods
It tniikvs walking cany. Cures coriin, bnnloiiN,
ItiRrowInK nalla. bwoIImi hik) rwchUiii; feet At
alldruKcUtsand ahon rtorcs, 25c. Don't accept
Hny nubntltutc. Saniplo free. AddroM. Allen
S. Olmsted, LoKiy. N . V,
Aorjllcatkn for Ucenw.
Notice la hereby given that a petition H'lcncd
by thirty or more rutldent freeholder of tho
rirat warn or tno city or lieu luoua. puthh
Im- been filed with tho city clerk of naid city of
Ited Cloud prating that u license bo granted by
tho city council of Hald city to John Polnlcky
for the wile of malt. NplritotiN and vlnoun lliiuorH
on lot llvo (fi). block thirty-one (.11) oftheorig
1 Inal town, now city, of Hed loud. Nebrniika.
rnai union win do taaon on ram i nuiiou ii
the maror and city council n theflth day ol
Mar, 1903. or at tho tlrtit meeting of tho council
I.. II. PORT. Cltv Clerk.
Dated nt Hod Cloud, NebrntUn, thlnOih day of
April, 1908.
Morton L. HID. of Lebanon. Ind aaya; "Mj
wife had Inflammatory Khoumntlum lnovcrj
miiRclo and Joint; her nutTerlng was tcrrlblr
aud hor body and face were swollen almost bo
yond recognition ; had been In bod alz woeki
aud had eight phyMclanR, but received no
benefit until eho tried Dr. Dctclioii'K Relief foi
lllinumatlsm. It gave Immediate relict and
the waa ablo to walk about In three days 1 am
sure It saved her llfo " Hold by II. E. Orico
DniRglRt. Red (!mi(l
Oils and
Axle Grease
Wo are still sharpening Discs with
SHARPENER which rolls out tho
Disc, making n smooth, oven job,
aud saving all material, instead of
cutting or grinding it away.
Wo aro better prepared than over
to do all kinds of blacksmithing,
horsoshooli g and wagon work
promptly. Extra Discs on hand.
Ind. 'Phono 99.
For Infants and Children.
Tfii Kind You Havi Always Bought
Soars tho
Signatnro of
- N'Vv
Clothing Company
Nothing hotter on tho market.
"Wyandotte Cloanor and CloaiiBor."
Hotter tlmn lye or soap. Cleans every
thing. Fulton Maukkt, Damoroll lilk
Premium t
and Bacon
Red Cloud,
Fresh Garden
Seeds in Balk
Onion Sets
Get 'em now, while the
kinds and varieties are in
full stock, for seeds of
the good-growing, crop
producing kind are scarce
this year. We have a
large and choice variety.
Call and see them.