The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 10, 1908, Image 4

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1 1
1 on-alcoholic
If irMi ttilnt- rnn nonrl o -n!n
ii yvu uiiiin yuu uwwu iuiiivj
ask your doctor. If you think
yuu uccu tiUiiiciiiiiiK lui yuui
blood, ask your doctor. If you
f IIIIIK lllll "US lllllll IIKf I V
lililin jwm nwwiw v
Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsapa
rilla, ask your doctor. Con
sult him often. Keep in close
tmich with him.
We publish our formula
W b.nlih atoohol
w from our medicine
We urge you to
conault your
inghor birthduj. All the old maids
wore dressed us ghosts.
A farewell recoption was given Mr.
nud Mrs, A.H. Uudd lust evening by
tlio Indies of Hindoo, at tho homo of
M . and Mt-H. Chas. Spntico.
Chas. Boom 1h building ft fino largo
cottage on tho ground rocontly pur
ohtiHod by him in tho west part of
town from Chris IJiorhuus.
Wm. Jonuings of Davonport, who
has recently purchased tho bank stock
and residonco of A. It. Uudd, arrived
Monday ovodiuir and started in as
cashier of thn bank tho first of tho
Ask your doctor to name some of the
results of constipation. His long list will
begin with sick-headache, biliousness,
dyspepsia, thin blood, bad skin. Then
ask him if he would recommend your
using Ayer's Pills.
Jlade by the J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mm.
(From tho Express.)
J. S. Marshall of tho Wobbor count ly
returned from Kansas ity Titos ay
whoro ho has been to have an opera
tion. .John Martin of north of Bostwick,
was in Superior .Saturday, getting
figures on lumber for a fine largo
house which he expects to build tl ie
Harry SVhito of Hardy took Dr. Wait
L Hrodstono and Mr. Kays to the Odd
Follows meeting at Nelson Monday '
night. They report a u big tiino and u '
line banquet.
(From tho Messenger)
W. T. Fay is tho name of tho now
man at the Chicago Lumber &. Coal
company hero nud ho hails from Burr
Frauk Yooum, who has been the
depot telegraph operator for flvo or
six years here, goes to Phillipsburg to
take oare of the operator's position at
tho dopot there.
A. L. Davenny received a message
tho first of the week stating that his
stepmother, Mrs. T. W. Duvenny, has
boon stricken with paralysis and was
lying in a, critical condition at hor
homo in Blreno, Oklahoma.
At the home of the brido's paronts,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Bui well of Cry
st il Plains township, Wodnosday ovon
in,?, March 25, Mr. John E. Wagner ai d
Miss Sarah Evulino Burwoll, more
commonly known us Eva Burwoll,
wero united in marriage.
(From tho Loader)
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Huso
who reside north of town, last Friday
a boy.
Wm. Uostock is having an' addition
buiit on his houo near tho mill which
is occupied by Ed. Wilson.
Mrs. Jotham Martin was given n
pleasant surpriso by hor children and
grand childrou last Saturday evening
that being hor 89 birthday.
Last Saturday evening twenty-seven
children aud grand childrou of Mr.
and Mrs. T. Schlichtman gathorod at
their homo to help thorn celebrate
their golden wedding
W. ('. Frahm was up from Hod Cloud
Friday lookiug over tho work of re
pairing tho cellar and fixing tho
ground so as to commence tho con
struction of his new building.
Grandma Krugor died yosterdiy
morning at. 11:30 o'clock after an ill
ness of about live mouths caused by
cancer of tho stomach. Sho was 77
years, G mouths and 22 days of ago.
Ora White roceutly purchased of
John Pohl tho houso which tho latter
owned, and was located just west of
whoro ho is living. Ora had it moved
tho first of the week on a lot ho owns
south of whoro W. A. Barcus resides.
While Mosontino Bros, woro loading
thoir car Tuesday, a team of mules
tlioy woro driving in hauliug their
muohinory, got from undor the control
of tho driver, nud ran from tho black
smith shop and down tho street, and
woro stopped by coming into contact
with Ii. A. Simpson's coal shed back of
his oiQco.
by Miss Oia I). Griso, a Topeka nurso
against Wil Arnold of Pawnee town
ship for 81(1,0 K). Tli jury allowod her
Joe Brown, Clm. Fowler and Andy
Fowler loaded up their cafpontor tools
liiMt Mondaj and wont out to Will
Hubbard's farm to build a now porch
aud otherwise ilx up his already neat
aud cozy homo.
Carnegie to Give $5,000,000 More.
New York, April 4. Andrew Car
negie has promised to Increase his
endowment of the Carnegie foundation
by an additional gift of $5,000,000, so
as to provide pensions for professors
of state universities.
Dean Harvey is siuk with tho chicken
p x.
Dr. Phillips went to Kansas City the
fi st of tills week.
There will bo a dance inj Hunter's
hall Friday evening.
John Knight has his foundation laid
and will commence building soon.
C. S. Jones will commence moving to
Guide Rook the first of the week. He
has exchanged his property hero for
town property.
Miss Sadie Jones and Frank Strick
land were married at the homo of the
bride's parents, M r. aud Mrs. Tom
Jones, last Tuesday evening.
The Laidics Aid society of Inavale
will hold their annual apron sale
Wednesday afternoon aud evening,
April lfith in Hunter's hall. Supper
.served in evening, adults 2."ic aud child
ren l."c.
(From tho Enterprise.)
Mr. and Mrs. A. It. Uudd will dopart
on or about the 15th of this month for
Houlder, Colorado, whoro ho pur
chased n placo last week.
A number of tho "Old Maids" of
Bladen surprised MIsbEIvossh Stewart
Wednesday evening, tho occasion bo
(From tho Times)
Born- Sunday morning to Mr. and
Mrs. Ern Kennedy, a girl.
A girl mado her appearance at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Dodd,
Wednesday, March 25.
Tho suit which was brought by F. R.
Colo ngainst Mrs. II. E. Bomis and C.
H. McCord for tho collection of au ac
count, was aottlod out of court last
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Aspor of Downs,
moved thoir household goods up Fri
day and occupy tho dwelling first door
east of the Weaver hotel.
Tho broach of promise suit which
occupied tho court's attention at
Smith Center most of last week was
decided Friday. The suit was brought
when eating, that your food Is of
highest wholesomeness that it has
nothing in it that can injure or
distress you makes the repast
doubly comfortable and satisfactory
This supreme confidence you
have when the food is raised with
Retiring Howd
Aboluntet?r Pa
The only baking powder made
with Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
There can be no comforting confi
dence when eating alum baking pow
der food. Chemists say that more or
less of the alum powder in unchanged
alum or alum salts remains in the food.
Clara Lewis has the chicken pox.
Josie Wood is on the sick list.
Ed Winslow visited at the home of
J. M. Pixler Sunday.
Will Fay came down from Smith
Center to spend Sunday.
Born, on Friday March 27, to Mr.
and Mrs. S. C. Wells, a son.
Miss Minnie Ellis returned home
from her school last Saturday.
Mr. Horton and wifo arc at Burr
Oak attending camp meeting.
Bert Winslow and family were up
to his mother's visiting Sundaj'.
The young folks enjoyed themselves
at the chirivari, last Wednesday night'
Mr. and Mrs. Skeels returned from
conference at Salina last Saturday
Several of the young people went to
Uostwick to a babkot supper Friday
Romaine and Miua Dixon from near
Topeka are visiting their uncle, C. E.
Bullock, and family.
Mr. Sabiu returned home from
Topeka Sunday. Nellie is improving
and will be home in about a week.
Miss Etlle Hollingsworth is attend
ing school at North Branch. Her
school having closed Friday.
Grandma Davis is very sielc with
pneumonia. There is not much hopes
of her getting well. Her son, Fremont
is aUo sick.
The ball game here last Friday
between the Maukato and Burr Oak
high schools resulted in a victory for
the visitors by a score of 7 to I.
Mrs. Roy Canady was quite badly
hurt Thursday by the team running
away while she was disking. She is
some better at present and we hope
she will sot n be out again.
Try the New Grocerymen
They have everything you want in the edible line.
Handle Four Brands of Flour.
O. K Lebanon at $1,40
White Loaf Amboy at t',49
High Patent Riverton at 1,40
Imperial High Patent Bed Cloud at ,40
Also have the second grades in above brands at,
per sack ,3Q
Try a 11-lb. box of Premium Soda Cracker at SI. 00 per
box. Try some nice fresh Cabbage or Parnips, Ruta
bagas, Onions, etc.
w m
Johnson & Boner
Successors to Robinson & Burden
Bell Phono No. 4. Rural Phone No. 62.
It makes you
long for
Best for flaky pastry,
S wholesome bread and biscuit
-best for crisp cookies
best for delicious cakes, tooth
some muffins, doughnuts that
will melt in your mouth.
Everything you make well,
it will help to make better,
because it's "best by teat."
Anybody can cook well If they use
t'alnmct Bilking Powder, FUur
with It U almost Impossible.
It I chemically earreel and
maket Pur, Wholcaom Voodt
Prlo ! Nlodrt
h IjiVfitiJ
Mrs. Hannah (iarber is on the sick
Mrs. W. Hodges and little son are
Mrs. Colvin has been sick for several
Ono of Charley Eddy's baby boys Is
reported very sick.
C. E. Vaughan and daughter Sadie
departed Tuesday for New Mexico.
G. W. Pool attended the Ministerial
Association in Superior this week.
The Degree of Honor will have ini
tiation Tuesday evening April 14th.
Mrs. K. E. Burr who has been sick
for a couple of weeks Is reported a
little better.
O. C. Chase, a traveling salesman for
a grocery firm, spent Sunday with his
family here.
Charles E. Eddy has traded his brick
yard and residence for property at
Inavale and expects to move next
Mrs. J. A. Sheeley returned to her
home In Hastings the last of the week
after spending a few days with hor
mother, Mrs. II. Kailey.
Harry Vaughan and wife enter
tained heveral relatives Sunday among
them being S. E. Ely aud wife of
Emmet Hagan and wifo and Sam
liivins drove out and spent Sunday
with their niece Mrs. Robt. Parsons
and family.
Mrs. N. White and child and Mrs.
Lew Smith and children visited
Wednesday with I. N. Smith and
Dr. Warrick of Hastings and Dr. C.
F. Moranville removed an eye Thurs
day for Guy Imhalf of Uostwick who
was kicked in the face by his horse
last Friday.
Miss Mallssa Lambert returned to
Dlller Sunday after a weeks vacation
spent with her parents, W. S. Lambert
aud wife. Miss Lambert has eight
weeks school yet.
Mrs. Jennie E. Campbell is visiting
at Lukewood, New Mexico, with her
son Wendell Campbell and her brother
George F. Hunt and family, who
moved from here to that place last fall.
Guide Rock goes dry again this year.
At the village election the following
wero elected, F. W. Uailcy and John
S. Marsh on the temperance ticket and
1. 18. Colvin on the other side. The
members who hold over are C. F.
Scherbacner and J. W. Robinson.
A twelve year old boy named Conna
hcigh was badly hurt Sunday. He
was on his way to Sunday school at
Uostwick. His horse fell and rolled
over on him. At this writing, Thurs
day, the little fellow had not regained
consciousness since he was picked up.
Mr. Ilrown of Canadian, Texas was
the guest of E. M. l'urker and wife
Saturday evening and W. S.. Lamlert
and wife were also guests at supper.
Mr. Ilrown is a real estate man and is
lo .ted close to the farm, bought 1 y
Warren Vance in the Panhandle country-
He is a very Interesting ouver
sationalist and gave a splendid de
scription of the country he represents.
Cards arc out announcing the wed
ding Thursday eqening, April 9, of
Mibs Sadie L. Vaughan and W. Carroll
Willlhan at Roswell, New Mexico.
They will reside at Lakowood, Ni w
Mexico. Everyone in this vacinity ex
tends best wishes. This young couple
are among the mobt popular of the
Guide Rock young people. Roth arc
active in church work.
i I
L-Bm. i
A factor
(or pure food
ante-dating all state
and national food laws
No Alum No Phosphates
Be on your guard. Alum Pow-
j .-"-' .-.. wjr ..
price iu or zac. a ID.,
or one cent an
p ilrr IWJI w f " ' n.tIUiMy1 .
i .. t. nig