The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 10, 1908, Image 1

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mrfi rf-yninimiii
fnftnvanL ntainiTt inxBBlH'HHHBBRl
I Subscription
$1 a Year
I in Advance
Eight Pages
Home Print
After an All-Day Battle the Vetera
Deckle to Remain "Wet."
The following men were elected Inst
Mayor, T. 0. Caldwell.
Treasurer, J. O. Hutlcr.
Clerk, L. 11. Fort.
Police judge, Clarence Iteod.
City oiigiueer, Geo. H. Ovoring.
Ed Amaek and Ed Pulsipher, alder
man First ward.
J. A. MeArthur, Second ward.
P. V. Studebaker and Henry New
house arc the new members of the
school board. Q.uite a number of ladies
participated in this light.
J. A. MeArthur, the temperance
candidate, defeated C. 1). Robinson in
the north ward by 42 votes.
All day the fight waxed strong, car
riages and automobiles whlz.lng to
and fro carrying the voters to the
Kills. Now that the light is over it
would behoove all citizen- to en-operate
for the best interests of lied Cloud
generally and for the school children
Elmer H. Harvey vs. Ilcno l. Itus
r.cll. Replevin. For pleading May t.
Omaha Tent and Awning Co. vs.
Hayes. Default. Judgment for plain
tiff. Johu S. Brittain Dry Goods Co. vs.
Hayc. Default. Judgment for plain
tiff. Commercial Hank Rluu Hill vs. Paugh
ct al. For trial and proof April I.V
Estate of Thus. Raymond MeClure, a
minor. Report of guardian approved
and Hied.
Estate of Richard N. Lewis, de
ceased. Appraisers' commission in
homestead matter to A. 1). Raker,
J. R. Mattock and A. M. Simerson.
trder to Straw Cause.
Htatb or Nmiiuaka, I In ,,. , coniitvCoiin
At tKUDir court I'L-Jii hi ni(M'Oiini court
room Jn ana lorsstu county vwijna'ciijr, ajtii
I at A. 1). 1908.
In the mtttcr of tho estate of liiichti-1 u I. en K
On reading anJ illinntlto petition of Onirics
U Lcwln praying that the ItiHtriitncnt tiled on
tho 1st day of April. WS, and i-iii tortliif; to tip
the lnt Will and Testuineat of tlie ftuld dc
ceased nay b proved, oppnivrd, protuteil. nl
lowed nail recorded iw the lht Will Hiid
Teitameui of the said Itat-huel K. Lewis.
ilecvcEed, and that the execution of the in
Htmraent may bo committed and the ml
mlnlotratlon of said ebtate dihv te granted to
Chnrlea L. Lewie ai executor
Ordered, that Wednesday, the Jiml d) of Aj.rJI
A. O. ltwri. atone o'clock p m.. i- aligned for
tieaiJns f'd petition when all ptrhons Inter
OBted In said matter may apju.-fir fit a futility
?onrt to ho held In and for Milt! county and
nhow cauBe wJiy iho prayer of petition Miould
not bo cianted ; and that notice of the rcndc-iicy
of said petition and the henriiie thereof be eiven
to all perKOHH lnterchted lit hiiid luxttcr. ty iul
IlKliIrirt a copy of this order In 'I he ltcd Claud
Chief, a wefttly newbpiiper printed 111 Mild
count7 Or three ueeclvc weeks prloi KimiIiI
day of t"srni(,'. I Vi Kiir-ns.Coiiit) .Indue
fta.ul Ulti
i Spfina 8
IQflQ (jM
i 13UU yMWBB
buiis Mffll
3 Nothing manufactured shows I i'ifl w'fll! '
so great an improvement as WM W'
X Clothing. liach season shows VifB mm
this more forcibly. va uP, ,5j 3
? Wthn-MiJe Clothe J
i This Spring's line is better than ever. i
(llail to show you. ? I
Real Estate Transfers.
For tho week ending Tuesday, April
8, furnished by the Fort Abstract Co.,
L. II. Fort, Manager.
Uhas J Piatt to Rridget M Me
Inercy, pt nc4, 2 1-11, wd
J T Denny et al to Warren L
Denny et al, pt 3-3-0, pt 4-2-u,
(10(1 !
Lena llanden to Warren Ij Den
noy ct al, pt 3-3-0, pt 1 2-0, qcd 1M)0
Itcrthu Farquar to Warren L
Denny et al, p. 3-3-0, pt 1-2-0,
(jed 2500
Orrin W Tabor to First Natl
Rank Rhus Hill, nw 13-2-12, wd :.000
Chas Renger to R C Chevalier,
no 10-3-11, wd ISO'J
Maria E Weiricks et ill to Nelson
Rnrg, n2 sw4 30-4-12, wd
Geo A Gueeh et al to J A Me
Arthur, sw 17-2-10, wd
Chas W Cowley to Norman Ford,
lot 7, Rlk 2, Spence's add Rla
den. wd
John It Plain to Joan A Penman
und i se 1-2-10, wd
Caroline Rarfkneeht to .1 C Nash
et al lots t, .". in 8, lot 1 in 17.
and lot 1 in IS, all in 1-0. wd
A F to Jacob (loll, lots
1, 2, 3, Rlk 7, liohrer's add
Itlue Hill,
A F Siebrass to Jacob (loll et al
lots I. 2,3, Rlk 15, Rlue Hill,
S 10,300
Mortgages Hied, S5180.
Mortgages released, S12005.
Mrs. Royee is on the sick list.
Vera Rrubaker is an iuvalid, cause
Jim Doyle was in St. Joe last week
with his fat stock.
Royd Harrington in putting in fence
posts two foot thick.
Seems like everybody is setting out
ii few trees this spring.
W. Harrington wasr-bnyiug hay of
Chas. Norris Monday.
A. C. Jackson has a lame shoulder.
Its causing him a merry time.
John Maliek, wife and daughter
were driving on the creek Sunday.
Such days as Tuesday are powerful
bad for sehoolmarms who ride bicycles.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Adamson are Sun
day school delegates to (.tilde Rook
convention this week.
E. Ashby and family were auto rid
ing last Friday, an old friend from
Hastings came down.
Uncle Geo. Raker was looking after
road work on the creek last Friday.
M. Price is deputy overseer.
M. Price is deputy overseer. .,
I IIW vlll"vl f f J
Wedding Bells.
On Tuesday evening at the residence
of Thos. F. Jones, in Walnut Creek
Township, occurred the marriage of
his eldest daughter, Miss Sara, to Mr.
Frank Strickland. The families own
and occupy adjoining farms, and are
among the thrifty, prosperous people
of that line part of Webster county.
The ceremony was at 8 o'clock p. 111.
so prompt that the contracting parties
entered the ceremonial room and were
in place while the clock was yet strik
ing the hour. The service was the,
usual religious one of the church of
the ollleiating minister, and was pro
nounced by Rev. I. W. Edson, of lied
Cloud. .Many beautiful gifts were re
ceived, vnne of great excellence mid
utility. From abroad, in attendance
were Mrs. Rurnett, of McCook, Mrs.
Worthcn, from Hebron, Mrs. Nelson,
from Shiekley, and others whose
names the writer failed, to obtain.
Mr. and Mrs. Strickland had all pre
liminaries arranged for occupancy of a
eo.y home on the Ilinkius farm west
of Iiiavalc. and there their friends will
doubtless lind them, as a score of visits
is nlreadv promised. It is plensii.g to
note that these young people, among
14 Ml
For Early Spring and
Ladies" long Sleeve Gauze Vest at 25c
Ladies' Sleeveless Gauze Vests at 10c, 12Jje, 15
20uii25e, 35c, und 5C
Ladies1 Union Suits in gauze and ilsh net in the
Set Snug style at ' 50C &Ml $!
Ladles' Long Sleeve close fitting cuff or lace
trimmed cull' at 60c
American beauty st,i. 786 Chamois skin oiovcs, long wristed, at &3.00
KtUmiioo Cort Co., Makers . . .
HOSB-Ladies' and Children's
Ladies In tans, blacks and greys, in plain or fancy, from 10c to 45c
Children's In tans and blacks at 15 and 25c
White Goods
A nice line of white goods in all the new styles of bars, stripes and plaids.
If you are thinking of belts call and see my line of silk and leather belts.
A bargain in all silk ribbons. A'os. 5 to 12 at 5c
per yard while they last,
At F.
the best we have, decide to remain and
tuku up their life work In this county;
they will be sure to succeed because
they will deserve success, and will
know how to obtuiti It.
Miss Sara Arncson and "Riz" Frank
Points, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon
Points, of Walnut Creek, were united
In marriage by Rev. George Hummel
at the residence of the bride's mother,
Mrs. Mary Arncson, at high noon on
Wednesday, April 8 in this city. Only
the relatives were present. They re
ceived many valuable and costly pres
ents. This young couple have many
friends and commence their married
life under very favorable conditions.
On Tuesday morning Mr. John 11.
Royd and Miss May F. k'ehler of Rla
den. were united in marriage by Judge
I Edson at his olllce. Mr. Royd is the
'only son of 11. R. Royd. living near
Rladcn. while Miss K'ehler Is a daugh
ter of Dr. K'ehler of that town.
This estimable young couple cntir
married life with the best of prospects.
1 the gromn being a worker, intelligent
and active, and the bride one of the
most taleiitedaiid faithful young ladies
to be found in the county. None
doubt that they will succeed.
Ethcrton -PeW
Yesterday Judge Edson married
James C. Ethcrton and l.illie M. Pcgg.
mj 1 mw m m ?
Long sleeve and close Httlng at the knee,
union bult, at 25,t BC
J.orig sleeve Vests in gauze at,.,. .,.,!& ajAZSc
Knit Pant at 25c
Sleeveless Vests at 10 t 25c
A woman is conscious of her superior appearance
when she is wearing tin
American Beauty Corset
She knows she looks well then, that she is
charmingly attractive and that her beauty is
greatly enhanced because she is wearing a corset
that produces such iiiagiillieent results. A corset
that is designed for that purpose and ii the erca.
lion of painstaking skill in every step of its manu
facture. The woman who wears these dainty cor
sets, "gets the habit" and will wear no other.
To be. a good dresser, start right, that is at the
foundation, the corset.
Long Wristed Gloves
Silk; black and colors, at
B. F. Gately.
While on u vlnit with his wife and
stepson, L. C. Foss, at the homo of G
11. Michaels nine miles northwest of
Red Cloud, Mr. II. F. Gately of Lin
coln, an old friend of Mr. Michaels,
was taken sick and died hist Saturday
of apoplexy. Deceased was 02 years
old, was born lu Roston. Came to Ne
braska in 1877, locating at Crete.
From there he moved to Lincoln,
where he was employed in the R A. M
yards for 21 years. Ills visit to Mr.
Michaels was his lirst trip out of Lin
coln limits during all those years.
The remains were taken to Inavale
Sunday and the funeral took place, at
Lincoln Wednesday.
The Hottentot Tot.
If a Hottentot taught a Hottentot tot
To tot ere the tot could totter
j Ought the Hottentot tot
Re taught to say "aught"
Or naught," or what ought to lo
I taught her'.'
1 If to hoot and toot 11 Hottentot tot
' Re taught by a Hottentot tooter,
Should the tooter get hot if the Hot
tentot tot
Hoot and tootat the Hottentot tutor.'
Ren Garber wont to Esboii Monday
1 night.
v mrm irv , w
in, . v 1 ",
9 II
Kalamuoo Coitet Co.. Makers
$1.50 and $1 75
yard. A'os. 10 to 60 at