The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 03, 1908, Image 5

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Spray Your
Fruit Trees
and Vegetables
Noxall Bordeaux
Spray Mixture
It will protect your fruit
from moths, wornif., scabs.
G L. Cotting
The Druggist.
'3 L01,4LETTES J
(Jeo. Morhart .spent Bunday at Guide
John Yost has moved into tlio Ryan
Irv Collins was a pleasant caller last
Isaac Myers of Lebanon was in town
this week.
Judge Duffy was up from Guide
-Rock Monday.
A brother of Mr. Ouech is horo this
week visiting.
"Bill" Rcnkle was down from Ina
valo last Monday.
Jim Mcintosh was in Ouido Rock the
ilrst of the week.
Fred Gerlach of Rosemont was in
town Saturday.
This is vacation week in tho public
Hchoola of this city.
Chas. Cathcr-was a business visitor
at Bearer City last week.
V. Wilson of St. Louis was in Red
-'Cloud the first of the week.
O. W. Gardner of Omaha was in Red
,1oud the first of the week.
Paul Lindley waB down from Kiver
ton the first of tho week.
Bishop Anson It. Graves of Omaha
nrrived here the first of the week.
Mrs. T. J. Ward spent several days
lust week visiting in the country.
N. L. Fitzgerald and family of Kau
nas, visited at Joe Fogcl's Sunday.
Presiding Elder Martin of tho M. E.
Conference in in town this week.
Chas.Qurncy shipped two carloads
of cattlo to Kansas City Monday.
Miiis Winnefrcd Sherman, who is
Aching in Holdrege, spont her spring
Free Tieket
to The Tepee
with every $2.00 cash
For every 20 dozen Eggs
brought in
The Grocer
All the Phones
vacation Ihto with her parents, Mr.
anil Mrs. M. C. Sherman.
Aaron Fry has just completed his
new house on his farm southwest of
Harry Barlow left Sunday for Peoria
after a few weeks' visit here with his
Miss Mae Hadel left Monday for
Hastings to spend her vacation with
Oscar Burroughs and sister, Miss
Hutli, spent Sunday with friends nt
Miss Bessie Phares left Saturday for
ilolstein, Iowa, where she will visit
with her aunt.
Mrs. W. A. May of Lincoln is visit
ing her mother, Mrs. Marker in father
ton township.
F.ditor Tait is home from Excelsior
Springs, Mo., where he has been tak
ing treatment.
The 8th graders will celebrate their
vacation by having a fishing party and
picnic at the river. Jessie Ducker, who is teaching
school at Miuden, spent this week here
with her mother.
Roy Hutchison went to Superior
Monday where he takes a position
with Montgomery & Co.
O. C. Teel, wife and daughter spent
Sunday and Monday with relatives at
Superior and Nelson.
Beacli Robertson has moved his
family onto the Jas. DeWitt farm
north of town, Monday.
Foil Sam: Karly Ohio seed potatoes
at 81. Oo per bushel. K, L. Hunsicker,
2 miles east of Iuavale, Nebr.
Mrs. Leslie Chancy after visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Chancy returned to
her home in Superior last Saturday.
T Lnli.i imililili. til - flllllll
ii juu imvv biuuum itu juiit uju.-j,
cars, nose or throat, seb Dr. Warrick,
Wednesday, April 8. Eyes tested free.
MisB Daisy Sellars and Mrs. C. W.
Grout left Saturday morning for Hol
drege for a week's visit with relatives.
Mrs. Kunchey and son Jiminle left
Monday for Seattle, Wash., after a
visit here with 11. D. Kunchey and
Drs. Weirick & Riddile, Eye, Ear,'
Nose and ThrnaT-Specialists. Glasses
fitted. Over German National Bank,
The tie that binds newly married
couples to Almmoht Bkotiikhs' Fuk
nituhk is the quality they carry and
the prices they offer.
Dr. Warrick the specialist, will moot
eye. ear, nose and throat patients and
those needing glasses properly fitted
at Dr. Damcrcll's office in Red Cloud,
Wednesday, April 8th.
Mr. Arncy and Mi. Davis, represent
ing the International Correspondence
School, were in Red Cloud this week.
See their display exhibition in The
New York Store window.
Albert Rhinehart was captured south
of Guide Rock by Sheriff Hedge dur
ing the week on a charge of cattle
stealing in Colorado. He was taken
west Saturday night by a sheriff of
that btate who came after him.
The lied Cloud Nation by J. P. Hale
was sold to the Red Cloud Chief last
week. The Nation was the only dem
ocratic paper in Webster county and is
no more, being merged with the Chief,
to be known only as the Chief. Red
Cloud now has only three newspapers,
all republican in politics. Fact is that
since Bryan has got. to endorsing the
Roosevelt policies, Hale of the Nation
could see no use for u democratic pa
per. Smith County Messenger.
Not exactly correct, but -
The W. C. T. U. rally at tho Baptist
church Sunday afternoon was quite a
lively affair. Some of the music by
the male quartette was very taking.
The addresses by Saylor and Cvcring
were particularly bright and pointed;
One speaker took occasion to pitch into
the moving picture show In a senseless
way. That ought to servo as a good
advertisement. Ho failed, however,
to show the connection between his
remarks and the object of the meeting.
The meeting lasted an hour and a half
which ia rather too long for Sunday
afternoon, for tlioso who go to church
twice on that day.
Ed Amack and Dr. Nelson caused
considerable excitement aud amuse
ment at tho depot Sunday morning.
No. 10 was about an hour late and a
large crowd had gathered. Ed and Dr.
were horseback. Ed dared Dr. to ride
full speed down the depot platform.
Dr. took tho dare and off they went
Oeorgo Hollister happened to be at
the west end of the platform and the
boys almost ran over him. George
dared the boys to come back and off
they went again, then George turned
A. 1 . 1. nnn n iliAiti M'lifkB Mr Itn Air m ml '
lite nunu un biiuui, xuujr nut utvvjit unit
forth several times aud the crowd
grew larger. The time went so fnst
tint bofore they knew it, tho train
whistled in and the fun was over.
Did April the 1st fool ,on anV
F.d Walters was dowd from Oxford
Farmers are getting busy with their
spring work.
II. 10. Mcltridc left for Omaha
Wednesday morning.
Miss Barker of Iuavale was a Wed
Cloud visitor Tuesday.
Lucius Frisbie of Lincoln was seen
on our streets Wednesday.
John Delaiiey was down from Belvl
dere the first of the week.
C. M. Wilson of Dallas, Texas, ar
rived in town tln first of the week.
Geo. Gueck was In Holbrook, Nebr ,
this week looking after his land intei
ests. Doan Saunders left Wednesday for
Bedford, Mo., where he will enjoy a
snipe hunt.
1. II. Holmes has greatly improved
the appearance of his house by raising
the roof.
Mrs. Burgess who recently moved
here from the farm near Iuavale is
seriously sick.
Alfred Hadell is again able to be
at his place of business after several
lays' sickness.
Mrs. Taylor was down from River
ton this week visiting her parents, Mr.
ami Mrs. Geo. Smelser.
Miss Queen Williamson of Lincoln is
visiting at the home of W. A. Holmes
and family this week.
Mrs. Chas. Barber from Almena,
Kansas, arrived last Friday evening
for a visit with relatives.
The deputy county assessors held a
meeting Monday at the courthouse and
received their books for this-year.
Miss Bessie Rickerson, who has
been visiting with Doan Saunders aud
family leaves tonight for Bedford, Mo.
Mrs. Simerson, mother of Mrs. Henry
Rathjen, and Mrs. McAfee arrived
Thursday from Mitchell county, Iowa,
for a visit with relatives.
A traveling saleman, a Mr. Gardiner
was operated upon for appendicitis at
the Hotel Royal Tuesday morning by
Dr. Archer of Hastings and some of
home physicians. ,
Congregational church services Sun
day, April 5th. Morning: Sacrament
of Lord's supper and reception of mem
bers. Evening subject; "Our country,
state and city, politically, morally and
religiously." This will be a timely dis
course on the eve of a city election.
Everyone and especially all voters are
most cordially invited to be present.
Gub Sodcrberg, formerly of Red
Cloud, but now on the police force of
New York city, has been in Nebraska
visiting, but could not come here and
sends the following from an Edison.
Neb., paper: "Chief Sodcrberg shows
a picture of his baby, now a New York
policeman, height 0 ft. 3 in., weight
199; he is a picture of muscular health.
Homer Clemmons left Tuesday morn
ing for Chicago, called there by tele
gram, where he has accepted a good
"phat" position In the advertising de
partment of the Swift Packing Co.
Homer has been a resident of Red
Cloud for the last four years, doing
newspaper work from "a to iziard,"
and made many friends while among
us. The Chief joins them in wishing
him abundant success in his new field.
The seriousness of our school condi
tion is apparent to all and we believe
that the people- of this district should
come to a definite plan of action aud
that right speedily, we offer as a solu
tion a public mass meeting. We are
confident that the real trouble con
fronting us is a misunderstanding as
to what is at issue. Let us have a
meeting at once and let the board of
education and the men who have insti
tuted the suit against the bonds be in
attendance and preseut the matter to
the voters and let us get together.
Anything is better than nothing and
what ever is done must be done at
once. Prof. Moritz is in a position to
help. Let him be there. Let us all
be ihcro. Since writing the above a
meeting has been called to meet in the
court house tomorrow (Sat.) evening.
Shields the Food from Alum
Mke trea Pgrc Gripe Cxtm ol TarUr
1 riM-r
V'v' , s'Jy- J
The minute you are ready,
Suit is ready. Sir!
The first picking is the best
Spring i
Siits mW I
There arc certain advantages a Man de
rives in coining here for Clothes.
Our Clothing always pays the buyer a
good dividend in satisfaction! Note the fol
lowing points:
The fine selection of fabrics.
The high character of the Tailoring.
The certainty of the correct styles.
The conip eteness of the stock that insures a
perfect fit for any si.o or shape that comes to us.
The largest money's worth.
These facts, together with many otmir features, should Induce
you to make your Spring Suit selection here.
Suits at $8. $lo. $15 to 25.
The Comden-Kaley Clothing Company
Always Reliable,
and many other
Call in and see
Oils and
Axle Grease
We are still sharpening Discs with
SHARPENER which rolls out tho
Disc, musing a smooth, even job,
and saving all material, instead of
outrlug or grinding it away.
We are better prepared than over
to do all kinds of blaoksmithiug,
horseshooi g aud waon work
promptly. Extra Discs on hand.
WAMtlfl & SCJtUuTZ
Ind. 'Phono 99.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Slgnaturo of
John Hart was sick in bed the
of this week.
Denis Llndsey was quite severely in
jured in a runaway Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Oco. Pierce celebrated
their silver wedding yesterday and a
good time was reported by all present.
Knutv Seibert arrived in Red Cloud
this morning from Anamoose, N. I).,
and expects to stay for some time.
The Webster County Sunday School
Association will meet in Cluide Rock
next Thursday and Friday. An ex
cellent program has been arranged and
a largo attendance is expected.
The band concert Wednesday even
ing was enjoyed by a fair sized aud
ience. The band boys continue to
make good with their music and are
entitled to a more liberal patronage
than they have been receiving. The
work of Prof. Stewart comes in for
special commendation.
Service at tho Haptist church Sunday
at 11 a. in, Theme, "The history of the
gospel in the world." The Lord's
supper will be observed at the close of
the service. Preaching at 7:30 p. m.
Hible study 7:30 p. in. Tuesday at V.
II, Fulton, C. A. Wisou, pastor.
. I
your Spring
WF ll iK.M el
Cpytiull I90t
The I louwol Kiiixrulicimc
oannod, boxod and boMloil goods for table no.
us when you are needing nnythiug In our lino.
Real Btate TraMfert.
For tho week ending Tuesday, Mch.
31, furnished by the Fort Abstract Co.,
L. II. Fort, Manager.
W C Cox to Maggie E Carpenter,
lots 23, 24, lllk 11, Smith &
Moore's add to Red Cloud wd
Rep Valley 11 II Co to C B & Q
R R Co, right of way, deed ....
Nebr A. Colo K II Co to G U & Q
R R Co, right of way, ded
J din S Marsh to John II Ely, lot
1, lllk 95, Guide Rock cemetery
Sarah M Roby to Emcly M
Clarke, lots 18, 19, 'JO, 31, Hlk
21, Red Cloud, wd
Sarah M Roby to Emcly M
Clarke, lots 22, 23, 24, Hlk. 24,
Red Cloud, wd 2000
Mortgages filed, 8B775.
Mortgages released, S8030.
SurrcKRfiilly used by Mothur Orny. nurse In tlio
ChllilruirN Homo In Now York, cure feverish
iiuhH, Hurl HtuuiHuh. TcetliliiK DlNiinlurN. inovtt
anil rc;tilHto (ho Howo'h it ml l)pirnt WnrniK.
Oviirin.oootostliii' iiIhIh. ' They never fail At nil
DniRKlHts. 2fo Snmple Free. AililruaH Alien 8.
Olliihlail, L'K.y, N Y
fresh Garden
Seeds in Bulk
Onion Sets
Get 'em now, while the
kinds and varieties are in
full stock, for seeds of
the good-growing, crop
producing kind are scarce
this year. We have a
large and choice variety.
Call and see them.
(VIrs.Henry Diedrieh