The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 03, 1908, Image 2

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    She CHIE
Red Cloud - - Nobrnskoc
'- -jk '. x-N''vv vvf'' vT" v 'x'v'v'v'vr- s
Batoml lu tlio I'patofllre hi iikI no
ns Second CIubh MrUit
!fX)ROK Nkwiiouhk
Nineteen Men In the Shaft Were En
gaged In Fighting the Flames occ
nd Explosion Occurs anu Slate
' Mlno Inspector and hescucrs
Hanua. Wyo., March ao.A caroiul
ly prepared ltt ol tho mlsbi0 us a
result of tho two explosions hi mmo
fiu. I of tho Union I'nclllc Cuu. lu.h
qmy contains fifty-eight names ami ui
thl uutubor, flvo dead bodicH havo
bn recovorod. lleforo tuither ut
tempt at rescuing tho dead can bo
jimdo,, tho flro in tho tenth level,
vrtiloh was tho direct cause of thu two
explosions, must bo extinguished.
Work to thin end consumed thu entire
ly, offorts being directed especially
to close tho west slope, which, it is
lioped, will eventually smother tho
naming flumes.
. Tho known dead are: Robert War
"burton, Peter Muiihon, Aloxander Ton
narit, Matt Uuhtaln, Uonjumin Pony.
Tito missing are: Davis lilias. state
mine Inspector; Alexander Brlggs.
mine superintendent; Joseph Uurton,
Alfred Dodds, James Knox, Otis
lUmle, P. A. Hoyu, G. Labi I, John
Ytikouun, Emilo Solfrust. Thomas
Mint, John Kvuns. Robert llerron,
Harry Lyons, Jacob Rlinmer, William
1'aacoo, Richard Wilson, Frank Col
Huh, Peter Travis, J. Dodds, Charles
Hushes, Alfred Ilollltlay, Samuel Mc
Cormlck, L. Conty, John Norkoll, Will
iam Johnson, Albert Riley, Bert Fink,
Grant Routt, P. Franti, Isaac Wlmero,
Andro'w Illrcheral, Henry II. Blrcheral,
James M. Hoy, Andrew Hoy, Harry
X" 'tor. John Tate, James Snieaton,
jv w Burns, A. Madden, Charles Har
Finding ourselves with too many goods
in some lines we are making extra price
inducements to move the goods and get
the money. Discounts are from 1 5 to
30 per cent off on regular plain figure
cash prices.
Ktatii'iirri high grade 17-jowcl Men's Watches
in silver, .silverino and gold filled eases.
A ffvv extra good bargains in Ladies' I'lmta
lft Watches in silver, gold and enameled.
Mone saving prices on an extra large line
of Silver Knives, Forks and Spoons. A reg
ular SI. 75 set of Tea Spoons at 81. HO and
many others at like cut prices. Knives and
Forks the Sfi.03 kind ut 81.00.
b line fancy pieces, such as Cold Meat Porks.
Fruit Knives, Soup and Oyster Ladles at
factory prices.
A clean up on Photographic Goods To
clean up mr stock of Photo Supplies before
mir new line comes in we will make you
some extra good prices to move our stock.
now. Prices
Quality is our first consideration in the buying and selling of our goods, and there is nothing but absolutely dependable
goods offered, and the prices make anything you may purchase now a genuine bargain.
C, B. & Q.
r.."J dlrelul than the ono which
had already snuffed out tho lives or
nearly u scoro of their comrades. Tho
party continued to work their way
Blowly toward tho tiro, abandoning tho
Idea of closing No. 8 entrance way.
Second Explosion Occurs.
It la thought, however, that some of
tho stragglers in the roar, struck with
the some idea of cutting off tho spread
of tho gas by closing tho entrance, inv
rl:iXlohu Arthurs, Isaac Penn, John mediately put the plan into effect,
Cookson, William Jokl, John Tully, with tho result as reasoned out by In-
Chris borguson. Robert Armstrong,
tamuol Cuudy, Victor Cundy, Thomas
Cundy. Samuel Jacobs.
Details of the Disaster.
It was whllo Superintendent Brlggs
nd clghtoeu companions wore light
On the Ore at the tenth level that tho
rdt explosion of gas occurred'. But
ono man Is known to havo escaped
death .wuo wob with this party. This
rwas Charles HarrlB, colored. After
olng to his home to notify his fam
ily of his escape, Harris returned to
the mlno with tho rescuing party or
ganized by State Mlno Inspector Ellas
to recover the bodies of the unforttt
utets who mot death In tho first ex
likMlou. HarrlB' name appears In the
Hut resulting from tho second explo
sion. According to tho story of Camp
bell, who reached the entranco of tho
mine with tho bodies of Warburton,
Munson and Perry, killed lu the first
explosion, and thereby escaped death
liimself, Inspector Ellas scattered tho
mouthers of the rescue party through
I ho entrance for a distance of 1,500
foot, removing wreckage and making
temporary repairs of 'damage caused
by the first explosion. The firo at the
tenth level was raging furiously and
Inspector Ellas ami several others
with him discussed the wisdom of
ibratticlng No. 8 entrance. It was
decided that tills would lie suicidal
us the gas would ho forced' back Into
the fire at the tenth levol and would
'vrobablv cause an explosion more tor
spector Ellas and tils Immediate fol
lowers. Be that as it may, the second'
explosion occurred, and although it lj
known practically that fifty-eight per
rons met death lu the two explosions,
preparations are being made to care
for more than this number of dead
bodies should It become necessary.
Already seventy coffins have been de
livered here. The reason that no
definite estimate can be made
ot the number In the mlno when the
second explosion occurred Is that the
rescue party was mado up hurriedly
and many who entorod the mine went
L" ri .' m!' r'L TrV. :"::r.r,"."u . robbery as the object. The local and uuii iiioiuo mu uiiiiu ncivi.i mm- I i,-... . . !. .i ...t
mines orthe Union Pacific Coal com
pany In this camp or a miners' union
official is left.
Tho disaster brings the number of
victims of the explosions In No. 1 dur
ing the twonty years of Its operation
to tho neighborhood of 300. Tho great
est previous loss of llfo occurred on
June 30, 1903, when 169 men fell vic
tims to deadly gas.
Milton to 8ucced Senator Bryan.
Tallahassee, Fla., March 28. Gov
crrnor Broward' appointed Hill Milton
of Mariana to succeod the late Sen
ator Bryan of-Florida-lu the United
States senate.
Robber Slays Wells-Fargo Employe
Near Newton, Kan.
Newton, Kan., March 30. O. A. Bai
ley of Knusas City, an express mes
senger of the Wells-Fargo Express
company was killed by an unknown
person on Santa Fe train No. 115 be
twoen Florence and Newton. Tho
murder was a very brutal one, with
It was not until daylight that the
bodies of Alexander Tennant and Matt
Huhtala were found and thoy wero
found lying on the prairie somo (lis
tnnco from tho east slope. Tennant's
head and one arm was blown off, anu
Huhtala's body was horribly mangled
nlso. Tennant's head has not been
found yet. Tho dismembered arm wus
found quite a dihtauco from where the
rest of the body was picked up. This
evidence of the terrific forco of tho
set ond explosion makes ceitain that
none can possibly havo lived through it.
That no one hesitated in responding
to the call for volunteers In their res
cue of their fellow workmen after tho
first explosion i.i shown In the fact
that not "working official of the three
Will soon be here. You will want a
monument by that time. Come and
see us early as it takes time to prop
erly finish a monument. We have
many styles and sizes for your inspec
tion and selection and our prices are
right. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Overing Bros. & Co,
Artistic Monuments.
440-446 N. Webster. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA.
least $1,000 in money and somo Jew
elry taken.
The dead body of Messenger Bailey
was found at 4 a. m., when tho train
reached Newton. It was stretched on
tho Hoor of tho car, tho head beaten to
(i pulp and lying In a pool of blood.
The back of tho skull was crushed
and the ond of the car lu which It
was lying was spattered with blooa.
There was no evideucu of any strug
gle, tho indications pointing to the
committing of tho murder while the
messenger was asleep, before he could
offer resistance. Bailey was last seen
alive at Strong City.
Tho custom of tho messenger has
been to go to sloop soon after leav
ing Florence. After bolng struck
whllo sleeping and rendered uncon
scious his body rolled to tho Hoor and
tho robber, after beating his head
brutally, covered It with tho dead
man's coat. Front the dead man's
pockets keys weie removed and the
bales ransacked.
Two theories are held by tho of
ficers. One is that tho robbers en
tered the car unobserved at Emporiu,
Strong City, or some other point along
the line ami' concealed themselves un
til a favorable opportunity camo, and
the other Is that Bailey admitted
somebody he knew and considered a
San Diego, Cal., March 30. The
naval tug Navajo arrived' hero from
Mngdalena bay with mall from the
fleet and left again with many hun
dreds of mall bags aboard consigned
to tho vessels still in southern
waters. Tho Navajo did not tako the
mail consigned to the Connecticut,
which has been detached from the
fleet to bring Admiral Evans to the
hot springs of San Luis Obispo, Cal.,
for a course of treatment.
The Connecticut finished her record
target practice last Thursday and, ac
cording to the men of the Navajo, the
flagship is believed to havo brokon
previous world's records with her 12
inch guns. This Information Is entire
ly unofficial, however, and' may be ma
terially changed when the correct fig
ures nro announced. There is much
rivalry among the crews of tho Con
necticut, tho Louisiana, tho Kansas
and tho Vermont nil slstor ships and
all belonging to the first division of
the fleet under tho Immediate com
nutud of Admiral Evans hlmsolf.
Wall Paper Paints and
Contractor for Papering, Painting and Interior Dec
orating. Fine papttr hanging a specialty. Acme
brand paints Bell phone 296.
75e Red Cloud )
8 Implement Co.,
wish to announce to the general public that thoy havo bought and
nro now itt possession ot tho .Tamos Peterson Hardware und Imple
ment business. Thoy ask u contiuuiiuco of the patronage of all tho
old otistomors, mid tho purchasing public is cordially invited to call
und gpt acquainted with tho new firm and u bhuro of its pntronago is
solicited. A few of our prices may be of interest to you.
A 14x16 Disc with tongue trucks, only.. .$28.00
A good top Buggy 47.50
A Sulkoy Lister, 3 different kind, only.. 33.00
Cultivators Well, I should say! Wo
aro leaders. Walking Cultivators, only. 12,50
Gang Plows, only 55.00
Sulkey Plows, only 32.00
Call and lot us show you our mammoth stock of implements and
hardware Ours is tho largest implement stock west of Omaha. We
nro price makers, tho rest follow.
Newton, Studebmker, Burg,
Wlnonm, Rushford, Webber,
Mitchell, Bettendorf, Bain.
Wo carry tho famous LINCOLN PAINT in stock. Call and lot us
llguro when in need. We carry in stock Gas Engines, Farm Scales,'
Windmills. Cream Soparotors; and, in fact, ovorything usually kept
in u first-class house of this kind.
WM. WOLFE, Secretary.
'wore born, his daughters and three' getting deeper in the nolo, soUio boys ,