1 Y I '"ffff "fflWfPfRBWHj flvrM MMMl THE RED GLOID CHIEF Subscription I Eight Pages $1 a Year 1 m,u in Advance Home Print mmmmiBMBiBmmmmm VOLUME XXXVI. KKI CLOUD, NKItKASKA, APRIL tf, 15M8. NUMKEJt 14 7 ( ; IK t V -v M i k X Hfl Cltv ElectUi. On next Tuesday the voters of Hud Cloud will be culled upon to decide whom they will hnve for officers for the ensuing year and also decide the policy of the city with regard to license or no license. The issue is square cut, it is not a question of hieli are the men who in your judgment will make the bout oillcers for the city, but whether or not license shall bo granted or not. Those who are opposed to the granting of license should vote for Win. Wolfe for mayor, J. A. McArthur for councilman iu the second want or Henry Diederich and Wm McKlmmey in the ist ward, while those who favor the granting of license should vote the llepublican ticket. That there may be no misunderstanding wo wish to say that the Chief iv opposed to the grant ing of license, believing that it i.s for the best interest of the community. There has been quite a mix up and considerable guessing done as to who would be the candidates finally to be voted for but the political atmosphere has at last cleat cd and we tind that the following are the nominees: Republican ticket, for mayor, .1. 0. Caldwell; clerk, das. Hurdeu; treasurer .1.0. Hutler; Couneilmen 1st waul, Kd Amack and 13. .1. Pulsifer. Council man and ward. (.'has. Kohinsou On the citiens ticket Wm. Wolfe tills the place made vacant by the re signation of W. It. Cramer and II. Newberg for councilman in 1st ward; fie ether couneilmen have withdrawn from tlio citizens ticket Then there is the ticket which has been nominated by petition consisting of Wm. Wolfe, mayor: L. H. Fort, clerk; J. O. Hutler, treasurer; Henry Diederich and Wm. MoKimmoy, coun eilmen in 1st ward and .J A Merthnr, councilman in 2nd ward. On the school board Frank Stude baker and Henry Neuhor.se werj nominated by the republicans, and L. A. Raskins by the citizens convention. 1. flr'HoftneVnud Henry Uilham have been put on by petitiou. On the school boanl we have something to say in another part of this papir. At the meeting of the ministerial union Monday April 6, b p. m. Kev. 0. H. Smith will present u paper: sub ject, "What is a successful minister?" INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATIsM CUItED IV 3 DAYS Morton L. Hill, of I.ohntion Ind.MjT,; "Mj wife bed Inflatnmntorj Khouir.Rtlsse In evorj rauecle and joint; tier MitTorliijr was terrible and tier body and fauo were bwollen almost be yond recognition; 1ih1 been In tOd sji wooki and hnd clRbt tilrjtlclans but received no benefit until the tried Dr. Ditil'otV UtHef fot IthcumMIrm. It Knvo lmmedlAto relict Riid ohc wrh fcble to walk about In three days i nm tiro It wed ber life." Sold b? It. . Gtico. DrnggUt, Jlod Cloud. WMdMeii Ctwity Can. The Webster county Woodmen camp met in the Woodmen hall, Hed Cloud, Wednesday morning at 11 n. m. The purpose of the meeting wiw to elect a delegate to the state camp at Lincoln May 0. The election resulted iu favor of C. W. Grout, of Red Cloud. II. P. Hooper of Hlue Hill was elected an alternate. Hlue Hill wan selected as the next place of meeting for the county camp which occurs iu Kill. Then a eounty picnic committee wan formed composed of one member from each camp in the county who are as follows: J. C. Hay lor. Red Cloud, chairman; A. I). Ilaney, Hlue Hill, .secretary; A. W. Cox, Bladen; .las. Me Bride, Cowles; J. S. Largent, Guide Hock; S. K. IVeht, Inavale; Chns. A. Guthrie, Koscmont. Bladen was selected as the place for holding the picnic which will probably occur dur ing the county fair. Th Ked Cloud Woodmen feel particularly grateful tw the Guide Rock Woodmen for their as sistance in the election of delegates to t'te state eamp cointyTolrt news. I'ltoitvtr. Kstato of I'riali Lcnhart. Inventory and appraisement tiled. Kstato of Stephen 15. Hockett. In ventory and appraisement Hied. Instate of Harris Noble. Inventory and appraisement Hied. Kstato of Richard N. Lewis. Hear ing and order granting homestead to widow. Estate of Rachael K. Lewis. Last will and testament tiled. Petition for probate and letters. Order for hearing April 22. Kstato of Carl Gust. Hearing claims continued to April t. CIVIL. Symtis Grocer Co. vs. Neal. For an swer May I. Omaha Tent and Awning Co. vs. Hayes. For trial April U. frier U 9Mw Cause. Webster Com ty. f uio county court. At sa .County Court held nt tho county court room In and f orsitld county WudniMlay, April IMA u.im. In the mutter of tlio estate of Itiicliuul K. LcwIh, deceased. On reading and llllnR tho petition of Charles L. Lewis prnyhiK that the Itihtrument filed on the lt day of April, 1008. und purporting to be tbo lust Will and Testament of the Bald de ceased nay lie proved, approved, probated, at- lnwn.l afifl mp,ri1m1 uu tS.t lnul Will .ml Testament of the said JUchnel K. Lewis. I deceased, and that tho execution of the In Ktrumcnt nuiy bo committed, and the ad ministration of ld (state may be granted to rharlea L. LowIr. as executor - Ordered, that Wednesday, the 22nd dHy of April A. 1). IPO at one o'clock p in.. Ih bssIruciI for hciiriiiK Mild petition when all persons Inter- I ested In Raid matter may appear at a County Court to be held In and for bald county and hhow cause why the pia)cr of petition should not be granted , and that notice of tho pendency or sum petition unu tnc neuriiix tnercor do iiven to al) perfoiiH Interested In mild matter, by pub llslilnc a cony of litis order in The Hed cUud Chief, a weekly newspaper printed In said county, for three hicopphKo weeks prior to said nay or Hearing. i Kios.iountyjuuc Mtl I N lfl Spring 1908 Suits Nothing manufactured shows so great an improvement as Clothing. liach season shows this more forcibly. This Spring's line is better than ever. Glad to show you. PKUL STOREY The Clothier. Engagement Extraordinary act The Tepee Theatre One Solid Week Only-Gorameneing April 6, 1908. The Passion Play; or Tbe of ctoist Beautiful colored pictures and sacred music by our mixed quartette and our soloists. Performance begins every evening at 7:15, 8:30 and 9:45 p.m. Saturday afternoon at 2:15 and 3:30 p. in. Box office opens at 6:30 each evening. Rev. Father Imtgkuai.d will lecture on The Passion Flay. Owing to the great length of this production admission will be 25 Cts. to All Don't Miss This Treat of a Lifetime. Secure Your Tickets in Advance. f-fettftf-fttfttfff ttfrftt fettet tf-tffc-fftfttfftfrffnffeetfrfttffrtfttfn-sfr-n-a r txj MUSLIN UNDER WE A J? (j THE EASIEST WAY to convince ycu of the sterling quality cf cur J J, Underwear, of the satisfaction to you. Is to show exactly what we m U .., A ACA 1ATA Mnb iiA kaiia THE lino, Unu MAAA oA.AA nave iu wiigii tic iiiihw no iiwtp int imm inqiij yuviiiu agicu 1 41 with us, fudging by their buying. If fl to show you you will call we will be pleased SI a Skirts Drawers -VW' Muslin Skirts with five rows tl' Vah'ticii-ntu's Insertion with Val. litei' on orio nf llonnce Muslin Skirts with nine-inh Huiince with one- inch Torchon Insertion tuul Tor chon Lnco edge at Muslin Skirts with twelve-inch llonnce with tucks and ilrawnwork with four inch Kinhroitlered edge tit Muslin Skirts with two rows of two-inch Tor chon Insertion and L'Vnieh edge ( ij with eight rows of tucks at mIwV Muslin Skirts with three rows three' inch Torchon Lace and a rows tucks $1.00 .sith one- 75c nee with 1.25 1.5o Night Gowns Muslin Night Gowns with S rows Km- 4Lfr broidered Insertion in yoke at " 3 Muslin Night downs with Kmdroid- mmr ered Insertion in yoke at J k) Muslin Night Gowns with Km broidered Insertion lace yoke Kmbroidered Heading, Lace and Tucked Volte with ruille around yoke, edged ffl with lace ,)' Ladies' Muslin Drawers with laee trimmed flounce at Muslin Drawers with five tucks, Km broidered, edged flounce at Muslin Drawers with three lucks, ti inch embroidered flounce at Muslin Drawers with four tucks and insertion with S-in. Kmb. flounce. Muslin Drawers three rows of tucks with Torchon laee edge on llonnce 25c 50c 75c l.oo 75c Corset Covers $1.00 Insertion with Kinbroidery, Heading. Kmbroidered edgo at Wide embroidered front with tucked back at Lace and Insertion Yoke. Laee and Heading edge Kmbroidered Insertion front with Heading and Kmbroidered edge Long Cloth Corset Cover with sis row eieuues Insertion Lace and Heading edge around neck and sleeves 50c 60c 75c 90c s Vnlen- I. In Embroideries and Lsces we are headquarters for the best and cheapest. The Fashion Show of the i-usihoii appears in Hl'TTKKICK. FASHIONS, SPUING, 1U08. thu new publication issued by the great Huttcrick fashion house. The price is 20 cents including ti certificate good forONK Hl'TTKKICIC HATTKUN FJIEB. This book is printed on high-grado paper and contains styles from l'aris, London, Herlin and New York illustrated by home thousands of illustrations by foremost fashion urtists. GKT IT TO-DAY 1 " At F. NBWHOUSE'S 7V J l d l