"r'ip-? T-p t ijr " jp- VHHPKijiHMW k i V .. IV. I J To the Ambitious e The International Correspondence School of Scranton, Pa., are doing more for the ambitious man and woman of the United States than any other institution in existence. With a million and a quarter students enrolled, ten million dollars capitalization, seventeen years' experience and two hundred and nine courses, they arc in a position to furnish education to all classes of people. P. J. Foster, president of this unique and wonderful institution, has just granted a special discount to any person in Red Cloud or vicinity who may be interested in home study, and in the near future the representatives of the schools will have a display in the window of THE NEW YORK DEPARTMENT STORE showing workings, results, etc. Opportunity knocks at least once at every.one's door. Do not let it knock in vain. For one whole week From Monday, March 30, to Saturday, April 4. I. in. ii a $' k h- i k tes i m if w wmimmmmmmmmimsiimmjmmB Watsr and Life. Of ail the conditions preparatory to JIfe the preseuco of water, composed of. oxygen nnd hydrog.-n. 1b at once the most essential and the most worldwide, for If water bo present the presence or other1 necessary elements Is prebably assured. It' water exist, that fact goes ball for the necessary temperature, the gamut of life being coextensive with the existence of water art Htich. It is consequentially, life being impossi ble without water Whatever tho pluu et, this is of necessity true. But the absolute decrees of temperature with in wliich life can exist vary according to tho mass of the body, another of tho ways in which mere size tells. On tin; earth 212 degrees F limits tho ranee ut fluk tint mill ft4 liiirnuic fi ill- flu IliJ.1 v torn In the case of frsh water, 27 do- grees K In the case of Bait On a smaller planet both limits would be lowered, the top one the most On Mara the boiling point would probably Ik? about 110 degrees V. Secondly, iroin the general Initial oneness of their oiut(tueuts a planet that still pos sesses water wJH probably retalu the other substances that are essential to life pises, (or the reason that water vaKr Is next to hydrogen-' a ndi helium the lightest of them all. aud solids be :ausi' their weight would still more conduce to keep them there. Water, Indeed, acts as a solution to the whole .problem. -Professor l.owcll'8 "The Ev ol tit Jon of Life" in Century Magazine. rat nign giass rounciabouts, nenv up lUBlStcd. "Not that I know of," replied the guide.' "Why do you ask such odd questions?" "Why, 111 tell you, boss. 1 was think in' of the mighty uncommon inuguitudo of them grasshoppers." Kansas CU Independent An Artist's Ruse. A llomnti cavalier commissioned a great artist to paint his portrait. ik definite price being agreed upon. When the portrait was Unbilled, the painter asked 10(i crowns In payment. The highborn sitteramazed at the demand, returned no more nor dared to send for his counterfeit presentment, whereup on the artist hit upon the happy expe dient of first painting bars across the portrait, then atUxlug the doleful leg end. "Imprisoned for debt" rtiul liually placing It In a prominent part of his studio, to which Itoman nobles fre quently resorted. Ere long a rich rela tive came to the rescue aud released his kinsman. I n Other Reacon. A teamster retires ,ut the age of ninety with an accumulation of $50, 000. lie says he wants and is entitled to a rest Homo inquirers want to know how he could have saved so much ou $12 u week, the highest woges lie eer received. The answer Is easy. lie got 9K a day. Ho lived on 22 cent:) a day. He saved tho difference. I lived in New York on 0 cents a day for nearly six uroliths and was in magnlll cent health. Some people cat to llc: others live to eat As the old chap on tho ferryboat said to the small boy: "Sonny, why does a pig eat?" "'Cause he's hungry." "No. There's another reason." "Whufs dnt?" "lie wunts to make a hog of him self." New York Press. Only an Office Boy. "If you want a ready-to-haud study in the downright eusuedncss of human nature unwarped." said an Insurance ugeut. "just watch the otllco boys in jour own or any other place of busi ness In four cases out of five the thing will come out this way: "A new boy Is engaged, ilp is meek and mild, apologetic of bearing and courteous of speech, lie is apparently seeking an excuse for during to make .n living. He looks reproachfully at the head of lice boy, who orders uhu around in a rough, catch-as-catch-can st.lc Such rudeness pains him. "Note this boy a little later. His rude superior hue resigned or been dis missed, and he is now head oflice boy. Is he meek and mild, apologetic and reproachful? Say, he's a worse young rulllan than his predecessor-bullyrags , 1he newcomer, ignores -the cuspidor, ' uses language not fit to print and " -comes dangerously near "sussing' ills employer. Ho knows It all. and a lit tle more. "There are exceptions, but they prove the rule." New York Ololte. A Big Grasshopper. A geographical expedition which set iut for Australia ou un exploring and mapuiaklng tour had engaged a negro .Hiok. who took great Interest lu every thing he saw. While the party wiib en route a kangaroo broke out of the grass and made for the horizon with pro digious leaps, an event that interested iho colored gontlemuu exceedingly. "You all have pretty wide meadows hereabouts, I reckou." he said to the native who was guiding the party, "Not any larger than tho. e of other countries," returned the guide most po litely. I '.'iV.eiJ. there must b 7. jvupw. Newton'a Telescope. Newton's, telescope Is a clumsy look ing instrument uine Inches in length, two inches In aperture and capable of magnifying thirty-eight times. It was entirely made by Nowtou himself, who first exhibited it before the Itoyal so ciety In 1071, and more than 100 years later his successor In the presidency of the society laid before George III. Sir William Herschel's scheme for mak ing a telescope on Newton's plan, to be forty feet In length nnd four feet la aperture. Pall Mall Gazette. 8am Weller. It wns Sam Weller who made Dick ens famous. "Pickwick Papers" wer a complete failure financially until tlii unique character was Introduced. Th press was all but unanimous In prulr lng Samlval as an entirely orlgiiiu character whom none hut a great gen lus could have created. Dickens re celvod over $10,000 for "Pickwick Pa pers." and at the age of twenty-six hi was Incomparably the most populn author of his day. Loudon Standard Tame Your Rattlesnakes. A tame rattlesnake lielonglng to h Arizona farmer sleeps every night the frout gate of Its owner's garden colling himself around Uie gate am. gatepost, so that n lock aud chain t keep out Intruders are not ueeded Pittsburg Dispatch Financial Expedient. Shoeblackr-Rhlne sir? I'our sous'' Passerby No. thank you SI' c'llnck Two sous? Passerby -No. Shoeblack For nothing, then? Passerby A right, if you like. Shoeblack (nftci having finished one shoei It's (I sous to clean the other, sir. Nor Iolslrs. Kept Busy. One of the contemporary poets ask' . "Whore are the bright girls of the past?" Our own observation Is that pome of them are administering ca tions doses of paregoric to the brig' girls of the future. Tender Hearted. Mrs. Muggins- My husband Is loo tender hearted in whip the 'd 'n Mrs. Rugglus- Humph! l, husband Is so tender hearted that he can't even beat the carpet! Where envying Is there Is confusion nnd every evil work. New Testament. Foiled. "Ah!" said Rraglc.i. with a view to making Miss Wise Jealous "1 wns alone last evening with some one I ad mire very much." "Ah!" echoed the bright girl. "Alone were you?" Philadelphia Press. A Losing Scheme, "They tell me that poor .lolly Is a victim of his own good fellowship " "That's so. He lost his own health in drinking other p.-opio's "-Baltimore American Tho Cocp. "This flat Is a mere coop" "Y"s. John." said his wife sweetly, ":' 1 the cook hns Just Hew It." Pitta ti"i. Vwr How to Stop a Nose Bleed. When the bellboy responded to the Ignal lie found the elderly traveling nan Mantling In the center of the room milling a handkerchief to his nose. oni which the blood was oozing. "Give me a l p alongside of the end, good aud hard." said the elderly an. ttriiliig his laic to -n rd the bo. id speaking with dllllctilty. "Hut. sir. I" "Don't stop to talk." sputtered the aveilng man "Slap me. I tell you." ;ilu ho! Mug his head :! aid. The he I'iitcd !' ;i iiio'iti'iit. then tim . '.ly slapped the man's lace. "Harder!' i inuiiui e,l the suihti'ii one The box i- it 'I'd nit I'tnwr. but I h Ills open ! t:i! hi dealt tin- tii.-iu a vigorous blow. I "That's better." grunted the gory one ' is he removed tle liauil'.ii'rchlef ami ' a'"ter a test found the b. ceding had -topped. "I'm su'ijeit to these attacks if n.i-U' bleed." lie c. plained to the as- i ihhc.l .v until, handing him a lip "I have tried all soils of reme'.les. but nothing acts mti.e promptly than a 'l-iw iilmig Ide the brad 'I lie shock Winn to p.iral.xze the ruptured blond vessels and the qi'lt un-k ei om Try It some time If yon h.i.c the ncen Ion. I got the Idea lioui an o. I physl lau lu Mclco." New York Pi ess Could Sco For Himself. Clarence I-osier t"Pop"i the old bah player, was always hus. e nig in hi pare moments in the clubhouse I'os (er was a Intiuisnuie fellow and took pride lu keeping himself looking ilea ,iiid natty as far as his attire went, and lie was as particular as an old maid re i KlIiuiiiK inn vmilll-.i. tn lin ui-ii iMin.i doing the tailor act with the needle and bread. One August "Pop" was tukeu 111 mil was nlllng for some few days. The 'net of his Illness got Into the public press and so became common talk among the players. A few days after he announcement was made that Fos ter was III the St. Louis aggregation blew into the Washington grounds. The first day Foster was discovered sitting in front of the clubhouse, busy at his everlasting sewing. "Hello. Pop!" shouted Catcher Jooj Miguen. i ucarii you were bick, out how are you now?" "Well, loe," carelessly responded Foster as he pnuBed a moment In bis tailor stunt, "I have been sick,. but Just at present, as you can neo for yourself, I happou to be on tho mend." Wash ington Star. L. SHERMAN, General Auctioneer Residence: Firt door south of Ked Cloud .Mill, 101 South Webster street. Can bo found at homo ovory fore noon. Terms reasonable. T?"!WWR ni M JSHr tf- M u.7' --5 Jf 1 VMM ivs PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clfin."! ami li-mctim the hair. I'riiiiinlrt it tiivulniil growth. Mvcr Vail to llr.toro Ory linn- to tin fuutliful Color. Cut!'. .ii f .-.. fi holr t.llloE. W it DfiigitUll Don't Biy land nor loan (Money on Real Estate without getting ouo of Tcel's perfect Alwtrncta of Title. The oldest and most reliable sot of Abstract Iiooks in Webster Co. 910,000 bond filed and approved. Represent nix of the best In surance companies doing busi ness in the state. aNPMWMwaaaMiwHHMmaHHi( LOANS MADE o CITY PROPERTIES O. C. TEEL, Red Cloud, Nebr. OtHem Im Ovmrtrng Blotk. No Coma Back. Borne of the West Indian Islandern have learned that when n foreigner misbehaves on their shores It Is Isjtter to suffer In silence than to mete out punishment at the risk of a descending gunboat from the miscreant's native land. A judge In Haiti, however, re cently took occasion to pay off old 'cores and to redeem his self respect lu the case of an oircuder brought be fore him. To his first question us to the nation ality of the accused the interpreter had answered that the prisoner was from Hwltzerlaud. "Switzerland!" snld the Judgo. "AmF Switzerland has no seat-oast, has it?" "No seacoast. your honor." repllc'' tho interpreter. "And no nnvy," continued tho Judge "And no navy, your honor." wns the reply. "Very well, then," said the Judge "give him one year at hurd lalior." Hrooklyu Life. CATARRH &Y lY-fEVER RMtt ""I tV rovju fiH Si '1 & m x& v "Doctor, you have saved my life! feel thut I can uever repay you!" "1 feel that I'll sue you If you don't Houston Post. y0jirm Ely's Cream Balm 8uro to Clve Satisfaction. OIVK8 RKLMEP AT ONOI. It cloansos, sootkm, heals and protects tho diseased membrane nwulting from Cntorrh wid drives awuy n Colli iu tho Head quickl v. Iteatorcs tho Bonnes of Tnsto ami BmclL Eoay to two. Contains no injurious drugs Applied Into tho nostrils and absorbed. Largo Bizo, 50 conts at Pruggista or by mnil Liquid Cream Balm for uso atomizers, 75 cent. IX BROTHERS, 66 Warren St.. New York. JklUlMttaA A man was recc-i.tly be.ng . ' murder, but the evidence again was so weak that the Judge i'.:. tho Jury to flud u verdict of guilty" aud notified the court ot Intention to stop the case Hir t youthful counsel for the defouse wan cd the opportunity of becoming fa mous. Ho asked permission to addrers the court. "Certulnly. Mr. Cuntspout.'" remarked the Judge. "We'll hear .wu with pleasure, but first for safetv' sake, we'll acquit the prisoner" The learned el In. i lied. Loo Rcduceo Size. fter a conceit at Matiehester, Kt'g land. Joachlu.. tin- " cit violinist, '.v.u at a s(,t;loii. waiting nr a train ..cctable looking inaii. appuient- t.i .. ,..vvy in Uls be-1 clothes, paced at u - .... Idle, ...ii. lilug him vvl i ti .ciest. I-'ln.i .l. he asked fm . .id got It. A .ie drew at I g.'t It htarteu lie looked .loin '., i lie face i b. i JUt as be .h i . gn im lie . 'I the vlolluiM h . .e i i,.,. iinanini t.ie uiaii." - I . mil iiKfd ie sn. declaies - -'-"W The Safest ReguBBi" for Children Children require the very gentlest and safest bowel regulator you can Thi give them. Violent purgatives are ffogJU UL-nlv to An more, harm than pood. alW A nd moreover, thev caulie unnecessary GuiranUt ..CCnr-Xnrr fnm rrrininfT ini nnUir!.1. auiibiiu iiui" t3l-'"& 1 IUV IUUWV.. ever made. If these Orderlies do not benefit you, if you're not entirely sat isfied with them, bring back the empty box and wo will promptly hand back your mon ey. The com plete formu la of these new laxatives given vpon request 3g2sS Orderlies arc undoubtedly the best bowel-medicine for children ever discovered. They assist Na ture to renew her functions so quietly and naturally that there is no unpleasantness whatever. They cure constipation without griping or nausea, and afford immediate and lasting relief. Rcxall Orderlies are pleasant tasting, vanilla flavored tablets, and children take them as eagerly as they would candy. Large Box (38 tablets), 25c. Small Box (12 tablets), 10o. ).. ol t P Sti mil in I i mil h ;iiit to whittle ' that he tiev Whole p ,i 1 a had i.e r ' o tine The h. B. Gricc Drug Co., THB REXALL STORE. I I a f