Not a drop of Alcohol Doctors prescribe very little, if any, alcohol these days. They prefer strong tonics and altera tives. This it all in keeping with modern medical science. It explains why Ayer's Sar- saparilla is now made entirely free from alcohol. Ask your doctor. Follow his advice. A yers We publlih our formula m wo nun aiconoi -T from our medicine Wo urgo you to con-ult your dootor Unless there is daily action of the bow els, poisonous products arc absorbed, causing headache, biliousness, nausea, dyspepsia. We wish you would ask youf doctor about correcting your constipation by taking laxative doses of Ayr's Pills. - Mnde by tho J. C. .Ayor Co., Lowell, Mas. - Sliver Mndal Contest. Tho second silver medal contest un der tho auspices of the W. U. T. U., was givon in the Congregational church Thursday evening. Tho house was packed fully a half hour before the time to begin and this late comers had to do the best they could. The pro gram was an excellent one, comprised of-music y ii mixed quartette, recita tions by six young ladie.s between 1 1 and J7 years of age, and tableaux. The medal was awarded to MissNota Argu bright, and wan presented by dames Oillmtn, who made a brief tallc con giatulating the contestants and pre senting each with a pretty little book as a souvenir of the occasion. Th W.C.T. U. ladies will take tlsis same chiss to Guide Rock in the near future where a similar program will bo given. COUNTY COURT NEWS. I'KOIIATi:. ' 1'Istato of Harris Noble. Inventory and appraisement filed. Kstatc of Carl Oust. Hearing and order on claims. CIVIL. (Jotting vs. Ilines. Continued. Kirkcndall Co. vs. Deidrich. For trial tho 2Gth. 65th Anniversary' Monday of this week was celebrat ed what rarely occurs, a (S."th wedding anniversary. The gathering was com posed of the children of Jacob Carpen ter, who fifteen years ago, at the gol den wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Carpen ter, inado a promise to get together once si year thereafter if possible. Those present Monday were Mrs. C. II. Itoso, of Hastings; Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Carpenter of lied Cloud; Mr. and Mrs. It. i ISurton, Mr. and Mrs. W. 15. Carpenter; liosco Iinrton and wife, Mrs. Van Meter, andMattie llunderup. We know it must have done the heart of Mr. Carpenter, who in a few weeks will be ninety years old, a world f good thus to sec himself surrounded by the children. We congratulate him on his long life I'Yankliu Sentinel March 20, W08. The Nebraska Kxporlment Station lias just Issued Dullctiu No. lOTi, cn titled "Growing Cattle in Western Ne braska." The bulletin may bo had free of cost by residents of Nebraska by making application to tho Agricultural Experiment Station, Mncoln, Nob. Letter List. List of letters remaining uncalled for at postodico at Red Clond, Neb for th wook ending March 20, 1008: Wm. M. linker, K.rle Hrcault, Hen Frb, C. U. Moon, G. A. Mallott. Those will b sontto tho dead lotter oflico April 0. Um, if uncalled for buforo. Whon calling for above plou. 8iiy"advortiHed." T. C. Hackkr, Postmaster. Resolutions. Whereas. It has pleased Almighty God to take away the beloved wife of our brother, Chris Zeiss. Therefore, be it Resolved, That we, the undersigned, representing the lied Cloud Aerie, of '.agios, express our sympathy to our bereaved brother and his family. And be it further Resolved, That these resolutions be sent to Chris Zeiss and family and in serted in the minutes of the aerio and be published in the Advertiser and and lied Cloud Chief. D. G. 1'itzoi:i:ai,1), W. C. Fhaiim, .1. O. C'AI.DWlil.t.. Commissioners' Proceedings. lied Cloud, Neb., March 17, J'.kkS. Hoard of county cotumissioucU met in regular session. Members present J. G. Overman, W. It. Anderson, T. .1. Chaplin, Geo. W. Hummel and G. Ohm stede. Moved and seconded that board ap propriate not to exceed 850 to help pay hospital charges for treatment of the daughter of August Melzcnfeldt. Car ried. In re erroneous assessment of II. M. Laird of Oak Creek precinct was or dered that amount of poll tax be stritken from tax list. In ro of assessment of I. M. Boner it was ordered that assessment bo re d ii cod from 81 WO to S700 on account ol amount he still owes the state not be ing deducted. Tho matter of It. J. Komotscher for saloon license at Iiosomont, Neb., ii Oak Creek twp., and the remonstrance of 1. 1). Dexheimor, is moved by Chap lin that Thursday, March 19, 190S, at 1 o'clock p. in. bo set for tho day oi hearing on said application and re monstrance. Motion seconded and cai ried unanimously by board, all o whom are here present. It is there fore ordered and adjudged that the hearing on said application for licensi and also remonstrance against same In set for hearing Thursday, March l!t. l!0s, at 1 o'clock p. m. The applicant for license and remonstrator beiny present before said board by theii attorneys are thus given due notice ol the time set for the bearing. Ii. N. .Simpson claims that on ac count of tne destruction of thebuildinu in ltlue Hill, by lire, that tho assessor . a ROYAL Baking Powder The only Baking Powder made with Royal Grape Cream of Tartar made from grapes Insures healthful and delicious food for every nome every day Safeguards your food against alum and phosphate of lime Cleaninrt Sale (0 11 it j It fc fc t h ! " 1 h t) it) it it 4) ti J .1) i i it w Pianos thai have been in stock for over six months will be closed om at a big reduc w turn from the regular prices I would rather lose money on a few sales than to allow iw the stock to become shopworn. 1 his means a BIG SAVING to you. and il ou fl W contemplate purchasing; a piano tins season UUiN 1 Llil lUIbOPPOR Of High Grade Pianos ?. .tni-mm Wffitfi 4h.3 vifiW W IS ? J-"' ft ft ft ft ft ft m ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ll il k) it) it) purchasing a piano tins season UUINI Llil 1 1 lib Ul-TUK I I M I Y m PASS. The stock is now in fine condition None of it has been out of the faitorv k as much as a year. m WE MANUFACTURE THE ONLY POLISH YOU SHOULD USE ON YOUR jj PIANO. ASK FOR IT. ft ft f ii i r 1 1 a t r ii. f ruT t t t rr -n. - a a it secono nana ukuains at any oici price to make room lor inw MULK Althonuh H 1 prices will be cut to pieces during this sale, you can buy pianos and organs on the nt ki payment plan if you wisli. so tnere is no use of watting till later in the season My i, object is to MOVE THE GOODS. SHEET MUSIC AT HALF ft ft ft' 20 per ct Disc, on Artists' Materials and Framed Paintings. r jx . hi BUT DON'T FORGET THE PIANO BARGAINS. We have another line it) it) 0) vt) it) ijj If you want one of my REAL PASTELS don't wait longer as I am j oitivel no ft making new ons except upon SPECIAL ORDER at an advance i v i i In puces il) vt) it) w r tl n -v. Huiopiano Regular price cut to $550. The price In tlii.s sale will be exeeptkinallv low us wo can ulVord to ADVKKTISB IN THIS WAY. Tliehe euts hliow TMK AUTOl'IANO us played bv hand and us used with MUSIC KOhlih. Any oii'i ean play any composition upon it. As played by hand. As played by foot. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 6. V. A1SABRIGHT, RSusic and Art, lied Cleiid R.' m m o - -- --w n - - a u$ t. i& & -rv -i a -- u -rf r ft ft ft m -$ aluation should be reduced fromS:il() to S'-'tiO foi the years 1U0U and 1007. On motion the Mime was earned. .1. W. iMclntyro asks that fences be emoved from between section It and i', Line twp. On motion ehiiirman was authori.'.ed to appoint a committee o investigate same. Committee ap pointed: Ihuninell, Olmstcde, Chaplin. On motion the special appearance of Attorney M. McNony in the road case between Sheen, Lippincott and others was overruled. Carried. On motion Lso DeTour, ex-county clerk, was allowed S.'W for four days' work, overtime, and 3214.80 for extra clerk hire for making out tax list. Car ried We, the committee appointed to set tle with and clieck up county clerk, llnd the books to correspond with tho the Bcmi-uuuunl statement tiled and corrected. .7. G. Ovi.iiman, T. J. ClIAI'I.I.N. Mnrcli 18. Itoyd Munsell complains that John llasselbacker and Charles llesso have obstructed tho public highway on half section line of sec. 0, a regular laid out aud platted road, by fencing and plowing up the road. Tho chairman, J. G. Overman, was appointed to inves tigate and report next meeting. On motion John Aubushon was ap pointed overseer for road district No. 0. Carried. On mosion the bond of Frank Moon, overseer for district No. 12 was ap proved. On motion tho bond of Samuel Sor ensen, overseer for road district No. 15, was ayproved. Annual settlement was made with John Mailer, overseer of road district No. 30. Tho afternoon was set apart for tho meeting of the overseers of the various road districts in the county. Proceed ings were in the nature of a school of instruction under tho new road law. Matters pertaining to the best inter ests of the public in the way of good roads was discussed and the prevailing sentiment seemed to be that seltish in terests must be put aside and that tho "greatest good to the greatest number" must be tho rule. J. A. Dalton makes complaint that on account of working road running east and west on half section line through section 13 and 14, Guido Hock precinct, overllow of water wnfchaugcd from its natural outlet and that dur ing the wet season his laud will bo Hooded, endangering his crops. Chair man appointed (J. Olmstcde to investi gate and report at next meeting. The petition of II. J. ICometseher for licence for the sale of liquors in ho village of Rosemont has been with drawn. (.Continued next week. KJji jQ Hie Official !KH fQrS Tests show Dp, Price's iH PJ Baking Powder to be most M bk efficient in strength, of highest znm 0 purity and healthhdness pJ m PRicrs CREAM BAKINGPOWDER No Alum, No Phosphate of Lime - J -.- f i i i 1