The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 27, 1908, Image 3

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    gpp P'I'WPPPWP
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1jMfV .,.
Enormous Penalties ofAct Cause of
Its Undoing- North Carolina Ratu
Law Also Declared Unconstitutional
on Same Grounds. .
Va.'hiiii;t()i, March J t. Tti roftisluu
to Riant lo Attorney (jiucMl Yomi-, oi
Miimooom a writ of bates rnius
ivloartiR blm trom the penally tin-uoac-d
by tin? United Stale district,
court for the cllnti'lcl of Minnesota on
11 o charge of contempt or eeitit in In
Hiltuting a uiocruding in a tutu com
lor thn cnlorccmeut of tlio rallionct
luto law niter the federal coin t linn
j. ohlbitoil a course and in affirm
iris; tin' decision oi .Imlge I'rllchnrd ot
the United Stat" cheull omul for the
western diftrht of North Carolina,
discharging fumi iininlaonnient .lames
11. Wood, u ticket agent ol the South
ern railway at Aniic-ilUo, alter Ik had
heon sentenced hy tlio At-hevillo police
cowl to srn" a term on the rock pile
on the charge or e.ollrc ting for u ticket
o (hat road a i',roaUT pnn limn wan
I'cnnittod' hy. the st;ite milicud law.
the huprcme court of the (Inltei
Hiatus added another lo tlio sorlc'H o;doiiK whli h have icndeted uotahh
llie present lmi of th.:i coin I.
Judcje Harlan Dissents.
In both i uses the light of the slatci
lo fix rates lor railroad tniimportatioi. the issue and ooth involved eon
filets between the federal and tin
utate couits. The decision In each
cape was opposed both to the atntcfc
and to their courts. The opinion ot
the court in both cases was announced
by Justice Pcckham and, with the ex
cepUon of Ju.'rtice Harlan, all tlio other
members of the court btooil behind
Mm In the announcement in the
court's finding. Justice Marian read a
dissenting opinion in the Young case,
In which he took tho view that tho
milt was practically a proceeding
agnlnet the state and therefore not
sermlselblo under tbo Klevcnth
amendment to tho constitution. He
therefore characterized the opinion as
ra-making in the history of the court;
said tt had the effect of closing the
courts of a state aguinst tlio stftte
both practically were decided lu one
opinion. Tho principal pronounce
ment was made in tho Minnesota case.
Justice Pcckham's Opinion.
Justice l'cckham s opinion was out
lined ns follows: "The court has de
elded: That by reason of tho enor
mous penalties provided In tho rati
laws, by wa of lines against the coin
panics and Imprisonments of then
agents find employes, the compnnio
are in effect prevented from ever tpics
Honing the al.dtty of those laws, li
the risk of conization of proncrtv
and i'nj H-oiuiK'til ot agents lu east
the companies lulled in their defeimc
was too much to undertake in a Ju
diclul "decllon of a question of suel
validity. Suoh law. aio therolor
hld unconstitutional, its they pi
vented the companion from lOKorllu,
to tho court?, and therefore deprived
them of the equal protection of the
'Tho question of tho sufficiency of
lite rales to enable tho company to ob
tain Home return to Its stockholders
for their Investments has for many
j ours hold lo be o'Je for tho eomts to
deride, ns 11 would be a violation of
the constitution of t!.o United State
to lb: rales s.o low nu to be confisca
lory if enforced.
"The law i providing rates for the
raieiportalioti of passongers In tho
.wo cases under consideration have
been held by the com I below to be
so low :w to be substantially confis
catory, and hbould therefore not be
enlorced until after further trials.
The courts had jurisdiction to make
such an order."
Final Order in Buck Stove Case by
Justice Clabaugh of Supreme Court.
Washington, March 24. Tho Amer
ican Federal iou of Labor and Presi
dent Gompers and others of thnt or
ganization were permanently enjoined
from "conspiring, ugreelng or combin
ing to restrain, obstruct or destroy"
the business of the Buck Stove and
Range company in a decision rendered'
by Chief Justice Clnbaugh of the su
premo court of tho District of Colum
bia, making permanent the temporary
Injunction of Justice Qould aguinst
the federation in that case.
The federation's counsel immediate
ly noted an appeal to tho district court
luiiitutiij, ui no unoiiiuoa ui iiuiiu.i .
and atso bars tho federation from
placing tho compnuy on the "unrair
list," or Trom stating that the compa
ny's products should not be purrhnsod,
cither In Missouri 6r an where else.
Bishop Fowler's Funeral,
Now York, March HI. With impres
sive honors, befitting the obsequies of
n great hurelnuan, tlio funeial er
lces for Charles lleiuv Fowler,
twenty-lour years a bishop ot the
Methodist KpiM opal eliim h, v re
held at the Madison Avenue Methodist
Episcopal i hurcli. The lit" t pnmnncnl
clergy and laymen of the church at
tended (ho ceremonies. After the
hurcli eeiemonlos the body of lttIinn
Fowler was taken by spei train
to Woodlawn cemetery, wlu-r. commit
tal services were conducted and Hid
body was placed in a receiving aull.
Civic League Anti-Trust Bill Is Intro
duced In the House by Hepburn,
Washington, March 21. -The bill
prepared by the National Clvlr Feder
ation alter conferences vltli tho presi
dent aed representatives of lapitiil
and of labor to remo'vo the stringency
of the Sherman antl-lniBl law, wat lu
t: -diiced in the house by Representa
tive Hepburn of lovvi, chaliman of
the rommillto on Interstate nud for
eign commerce. It was refer m d b
Speaker Cannon to tliat eimimlttee for
comideratlon and report, and it Is un
derstood that President Roosevelt
will, In a message to congress, make
a iccomincndatlon concerning It.
One of the most Interesting sections
of the federation bill Is thai wulch
seeks to lelleve organized labor frem
the suppressive ellects of tho recent'
supremo court 'eclslon declaring labor
unions to1 be conspiracies in rostraint
of trade and thereforo unlawful. Tho
blll.broadly speaking, alms to restore to
the unions their rlghtof peaceable ex
istence, including the" right to strike,
but leaving them still amenable to tho
Shot man net in the matter of boy
cotts, picketing and similar cocrclvo
practices. Tho Bectlon is as follows:
"Nothing iu said act approved July
2, 1890, or in thiB act la Intended, nor
shall any provision thereof hereafter
bo enforced, bo as to interfere with
or to restrict any Hunt of employes
to strike for any causa, or to combine
fnctory terms for tholr labor, satisfac
tory conditions of employment, or so
as to Intirfero with or to restrict any
right or employers for nny ciiuso to
discharge all or any of their emplojes.
or to combine or to contract with each
other or with employes for the pur
pose of peaceably obtaining labor on
HiUiifai lory leiniB."
Dines With Her In New York and
Goes to Washington.
New Yor'.v, Match IM. t'rliteo Ilelle
do Stigaii, who Is a suitor for tlio
hand of tome. Anna Gould, Is bellexod
to have arrived lu New York within
it few diiyt;. Willi the object of renew
ing his attentions to (ho American
helrcs. The mail who is believed to
be I'rluee Hello registered at a New
York bote as "V. 11. Thompson" and
Bivvo no address. He reached New
York two dj alter Mute, (build and
dined with her last evening at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Morse.
Tho visit of the prince hole at Ibis
time a umnpected, at least by thohe
who know something of the aflalrs of
the prince himself and of Aline (.build
She left I'u la to apeild some I line
iu this loiintrv, away from the i,m -that
had weighed upon her iu ih
French en;) till.
The man who Is believed d be the
prlnc leit h Li hotel for Washington
bandits who hold up Edwml 'HofYmnTn
ami secured $17,000 belonging to Tho
Coalition Mining company, made their
way to Schurz during tho night, stolo
a handcar and mado their way Into
the Walker Indian reservation. They
ate now being pursued by former
members of tho Walker Indian police
Handwriting Expert Testifies.
Kansas Cltv, March 21. In thn trial
of Mrs. Sarah Morasib, charged with
polhonlng lour-ycarold Ruth Miller,
It was established by evpert leidlmony
that tlio dcftiidniit wrote tho top anil
bottom lilies of the nddvepg on t)ia
box of polaouf'd cnmly wblt'h was
mailed lo the dead girl's sister.
Big Damage by Tornado.
New Oi'toiins, Mm eli 21.--A ov(-ro
wind ami rain i-torm, accompanied by
loss of life and much piopcrty dnm
age, pievi'llc.i in portions of loulsi
ana. Ml.-tsl- I j j i ami Vlabuma.
:6o Somewheie
Rock Island Daily News' Plant is
Blown Up.
Rock Island, 111., March 21. Dyna
mite exploded at the printing plant of
the Rock Islaiuf Dally News about 2: Ilu
a. m. destioyod tho machinery and
practically ruined the building. The
News was founded thirty years ago by
John Looney, a lawyer and politician,
and has lately given attention to sa
loons and a certain gambling element
in Rock Island and Chicago. lxoney
was indicted lust June on numerous
counts for alleged conspiracy, extor
tion and criminal libel, but has not
been convicted on counts that have so
far come to trial.
"Do you approve of workinr Sun
day V "Certainly not," replied the
mnii nfliii-pssed. "Why make an excep
tion of BundnyT-rnlladolpuia Ledger.
Mtvk That
Callfornltv Trip Now
Low ono way Colonist rules doily
until April ,'IOth to Utah, Coll
nia, Oregon, Washington and
Montana. "
Winter Tours
To tho South tind Gulf rt-orN
dully uutilApril 30th.
Horneseeksra' Rrvtes
First and third Tnosdaya of m'oh
month to Colorado, Dig Horn
Basin, Montana nud 'tho 'North-
The Big Horn Basin
iWproved rigidbrTBcc
Eyes Tested Free
(ry Vt
Optometry is the science of
measuring the refraction of
the eyes and the fitting of
Spectacle Lenses
Eyes Tested Free
Many people suffer from headaches which would be relieved by the
use of properly fitted spectacles. Children suffer with inflamed
eyes, sick headaches, stomach troubles and many other ailments
which are relieved by the use of spectacles. For twelve years we
have fitted spectacles in this city and our best recommendation is
tne host oi satisfied custom
ers, many of whom have tried
other optometrists without
success and have paid from
one and one-half to double our
prices before coming to us.
In frame fitting eur long exue-
Mr I). Clem Doavor, Landbeik
fleokers' Information Iluroao,
Omaha, will personally conduct
landsookers to this country tho
flrst nnd third TueHdiiyn in
April. Write Mr. Doaver'fdr in
formation about very desirable
irrigated lands in tho Haum, 'j ab
ject to homestead under the big
Govornmont Ditch or under pri
vate ditohos. 100,000 nflro of
now Basin land will come under
wator in 1008.
Business Openings
Wo have a list of o.xc'elletit. Imsi
noH.s uhnnooK in now rowinpr
towns on Burlington extoDsionsv
got established early ahead of
the coming population. Writi
Mr. Denver.
J. P. Edwards, Ticket Agent.
L. W. Wakoley, G. i. A., Omaha, Nob.
rience assures you a perfect fit
! M. 31
if- "f
lumber 6 Coal
Wo Imvo in stock at all times a
complete Hue or Buildiug Material
and Good ('oai. Our pi ices are
reasonable Vo solicit your patron
ao. Bell Tol. 00. Prinr Imi. 71,
We ise no drugs of any kind in the eye eus
they are unnecessary and often dangerous
Jewelers and Optometrists.
C.f B. & Q. Watch Repairers
Just Receivcjcl, a Car of
You can save money by
taking 500 pounds of him.