$w Ol, ill- Ovv.-vji i i I i 1 I HITCHCOCK FREE OF CHARQB ! Ar.tor Acquitted on Olrectlon of Court When One Wltnew Falls. Now York, iMnrch 17. Raymond Hitchcock, the comedian, was acquit N)d by direction of Justlco Nlanchard " ,i0 supremo court of charges 1 brought by Bovoral young glrla after Vno of the girls hud testified that tho legations the had made against tho tor wcro untrue. The acquittal was oil the Indictment glowing out of 'lmrgo: made by Ellen Von Hagen. KAiiMU.Nl) 1U1U1COCK. I'h-'ro aro t-everal other Imllcliucats on .similar charges still pending. Tho resumption of the tilal fur iilHltnl u sensation when Flora Wills fcm, who had been called as a corrob orating witness, completely i edited Jier testimony given beton- tho grand jry In reply to questions by ABSlst .iut District Attorney Guivan tho girl declared that Hitchcock never had harmed her and that she had told Mio story fo the grand juiy as she had been directed to do by an agent of I he (li'rry society. la directing tho jury to return a ver dict quitting Hitchcock on tho Von I logon Indictment, Justice Ulanchard said ho regarded the testimony of tho Winston girl as of the most startling .mturo and suggested that It be made the Bfibject of an investigation. GENERAL BROOKE WINS SUIT Need Not Pay Countess $250,000 for Destroying Her Beef Monopoly. rwa-saiugton, aiarcn ii. cno mug ponding claim of tho Countess of Duoua Vista against Major General iirook" was adjudicated by tho su premo court of tho United States un- JavoraWy to tho countess. Tho suit wus higun in the United States dls- j Irlot i-ourt for the southern district l of Nov York and was a demand for " the payment ot damages to tho extent or $2ru.O00 claimed to have beou sus- j laiiiod through an ollicial order is- j wiied by General lirooko while serving as rullluiry governor of Cuba, by which the countess' exclusive right to slaughter cattle in Havanu was abol- I islind rihe claimed this right as the jlaugiit.iT of the hereditary high sherilf ' of llavaua. The slaugliter right was j -uu of tho perquisites of the olllce of tpK When lior father, the last r&ualo tubulin ot the line, mod mo omco was bolhihed, but his daughter continued , hold tho franchise until It wus ; S.. ...... ii, I )... xinlur nrmiwiil llmril;i uiid the district court intimated that i Y wliiio uo action would He against Gen- ' f oral lirooko. there was legitimate dalm against tho United States for damages under the Paris treaty. With-1 out oKpressing direuily an opinion as J to tht responsibility, of tho United ( MtateH governniont, tho supreme court Hlllrriied the decision on tho ground that Uh countess had suffered no loss of property. j American Warship on the Way. Washington, .March 17. An Amor-' ieiiu war vessel, probably the gunboat j lfcigle, is now on tho way from Guanta- J nauio to Port au Prince, llaytl, where tku llaytien government summarily executed a number of alleged revolu tionists The vessel is not sent there because of any serious apprehension on the part of officials bote that Amor- lean mteresis ai run au i-rmi: u v ton jn (he CQUrt room W,)0U thc vo,.. other points In llaytl are in serious d(jt waH ren(, , Forenmn D. s. John danger, but as a matter of precaution. ; sjjn r mm, onR,neor. The finding It ia not believed at tho latc depart-, gC(,me(1 ,IievUabIo from the b,.s. moot that foreign interests In Haytl , . nn . ,.,, ,,,, rnnoivr.,i u in si. aro seriously menaced. The dlspoai- Jr.n of the administration is to keep hands off and to give the people ot Hay I an opportunity to work out their vwn salvation. It is realized that in ' .1 it..., luttii rovniutinniirv movements steru repressive measures often are j pjVe Years for His Acts, necoasary and tho impression hero Is I Cj,jcaj,0 March 14. John R. Walsh, that It Is not up to tho American gov- formcr president of tho Chicago Na ernment to Interfere with tho acts of t,onn, bank ot- tha cllyt who wa3 our nolghbora unless tho .situation is tonvctco of Illegal uso of tho funds such that our Interests are In jeopardy j of tho nBtUution. was denied a new or that brond humanitarian Interests j t(.,a, by Judge Anderson in the Unit- rcuulre us to mieriero. i IVTOttO yu oacK on ouni. Washington, March 17. The sea glon of tho house was devoted to the consideration of bills under suspension of the rules. A number were passed, including ono providing for the resto ration or tho motto "In God We Trust" on American coins, and' another lu creasing tho efficiency of the medical CONVICTED 01 (.RAFT SANDERSON, SN DER, MATHUES AND tHU,AKN FOUND GUILTY. Pennsylvania Capitol Furnishing Suit Holds Kcccr wtfraudea State Out of VJ,Ui'U,..v.O in Furnishing uuildlng. Penalty, Two Vears and !1,000 Fine. Harrisburg, March 14. Tho Jury in the lirst oi tho capltol conspiracy cases to be tried gave a veidict of guilty as to every one of tho lour men who have been on trial lure tor tho last seven weeks, niter six hours' de liberation. There were two ballots tnkin, but the Jury did not coino Into com t until two houis alter reaching a conclusion. Tho men loiind guilty i in o John II. Sanderson, contractor; William P. Snyder, tormer auditor general; W. 1.. Mutinies, former stato tieasurcr, and James M. Shumakor, rornier superintendent of public build ' lugs and grounds. Motions for new trials were made in each case. Only Sanderson and Snyder wero in court when the verdict was given ami neither would talk. ' Maximum penalties for each defend ant in this case Is two yeais' Impiis' oument and $1,000 fine. The lour men were convicted of defrauding the state In furnishing tho . new capltol, which cost the stato , about SlS.OOO.CO, Instead or $4.000.-1 000, the figure at which the contract I was estimated. j The present case constituted one of the longest jury trials in the history of the Pennsylvania courts, mid it at tracted much attention throughout tho country. The prosecution of the alleged frauds was the outcome of the polit ical upheaval in Pennsylvania In ll)0r, which resulted In the election of Will iam H. Perry, a Democrat, as stato treasurer, In tho fall of that year. Horry threw open tho books of the stato troasuiy and showed that the cost of building the capltol was more than three times the amount of tho contract. The case was laid' before the attor ney general and indictments wero found against four persons, i When the cases now pending against ; the four convicted persons are con j eluded, the other defendants will be I heard. Tho state claims that there j are frauds amounting to nearly $5, 1 000.000 in tho furnishing of tho cap , itol. DEATH SENTENCE FOR ALIA Priest's Slayer Found Guilty of Mur der in First Degree. Denver, March 13. "Is there uo ap peal': These wcro tho only words spoken by Giuseppe Alia when Informed by Interpreter Matter that the jury round him guilty of murder in the first de gree and fixed his sentence at death- Just eighteen days alter firing tho shot which brought death to Father l.eo Heinrichs at the altar in St. Eliza beth's Catholic church, while in the art of administering tho holy sacra ment, this wait from Italy, an alleged, but not proven, anarchist, heard his doom. In the court loom not three blocks from tho church where he committed his crime and within tho sound of tho chimes which he said drew him to thut church, Alia received tho judgment delivered by a Jury of his peers. Stolid to the last, he simply nodded his head and whispered to the inter preter, "Is there no appeal?" Then his chin sank on his breast and ho made no further comment. When the jury had been polled the Judge thanked them for having done their duty and expressed his approval I of tho verdict. Attorney Widdccombo of j tho defense made a motion for a new ! trial and was granted live days In which to file papers. The prisoner was then ordered to bo returned to tho county jail, pending this action. Tho trial, which had lasted only I three and a half days, was over. Un ; der tho laws or the stato, Alia cannot i ho hanged within sixty days of the I rendering of tho verdict. Thoro was absolutely no demonstra- apparently satisfied with what . , ' . had been done. WALSH DENIED NEW TRIAL ' Judne Anderson Sentences Him to oil States district court and sontenced to serve five years in the federal pen itentiary at Fort Leavenworth. As soon as tho court had announced the refnBal to grant a new trial, the attorneys for the defense entered a motion In arrest of judgment, on which they argued for some time. Judge Anderson then promptly over rilled the motion and sentenced the DoTTkcr to nvo years In Port Leaven worth. The court further directed that til the counts In the Indictment be served concurrently and further directed that the defendant pay the entire cost of the trial. An application wns Immediately made to Judge Grospeup of the United States circuit court of appeals for a writ of supersedeas, which was grant ed, and Walsh was released under bonds of $50,000 pending the henrine of his appeal. ST.ATE LOSES ANTI-PASS CASE Judge ThomaE of Columbus directs Verdict for Union Pacific. Columbus, Neb., Murch ll.-r-Judge Thomas directed a verdict against the state of Nebraska In the piijsiciiuirt' pass case, in which tho stato aa prosecuting Dr. Martin for accepting a pass troin the Union Pacific. The case was prosecuted by County Attorney Uenslcy, assisted by Judge .1. J. Sulli van, special counsel employed by the stato. Dr. Martin has been a physi cian foi tho Union Pacific lor Unity years and he has an Indeteiinlnate con tract to do the work at Columbus for tho Union Pacific in consideration ot $2;" a month and an annual pass over tho road Ills present contract was dated Jan. 1, lilUli. before the present law went Into effect. Tho coutt held tho pass to tho physician on a con tract was not a free pass and directed the jury to return a vctdict ol not guilty. ALIENS ON JURY PANEL. Irregularities In Connection With Fur nas County Body Are Uncovered. Heaver City, Neb.. Manh 13. Something of a sensation was sprung in the district couit when tho attor noys for the defense in the criminal court attacked the validity of the late grand Jury. The county commission ers testified that names were drawn that had not been selected' by them as provided by law. Ono member of tho jury admitted in court that he was not a resident of the United States, but was a Hrltlsh subject. Tho foreman of the jury was one name that was mysteriously spliited Into the panel. The judge has not rendered a decision, but there is no doubt the Indictments will ho quashed by reason of tho irregularities. Taylor Candidate for Commander. St. Edward, Nob., March 17. An drew W. Taylor, commander of Kins man post, No. 140, Grand Army of the Republic, is a candidate for depart meat commander. The encampment of tho organization will bo held at Hastings May 19, 20 and 21. Sreral other posts In central Nebraska have Indorsed Mr. Taylor. Would Organize Spanish Veterans. Lincoln, March It!. Major E. II. Phelps has mailed copies of letters to Spanish war veterans, asking for co operation In the hope of organizing tho United Spanish War Veterans. Drives Poker Through Mother's Arm. Lincoln, March 11. Charles liar rett,. aged nineteen, drove a poker through tho arm of his aged mother. He hecamo angry at a parental repri mand. Ho wns arrested. The Mildest and Most Effective Laxative Known No laxative sold in our store can compare with this perfect bowel regulator in gentleness and efficiency. It is not a re arrangement of old laxative and cathartic drugs, but an entirely new laxative and cathartic. All the good points of other laxatives have been carefully preserved in this new laxative, while their faults have been as skillfully eliminated. Orderlies simply re-establish Nature's functions without any unpleasantness whatever. Aro griping no nausea. To sufferers from constipa tion or sluggish liver they bring immediate relief, and no consti pative reaction results from their use. They work quietly, but thoroughly, and the rest of the body is unaware of their presence. Rexall Orderlies are as pleasant as they are effective. Put up in agreeable tasting, vanilla-flavored tablets. Box of 12, - 10c. The H. B. Orice Drug' Co., The Rexall Store. STATE ASKS FOB A REFEBEE Endeavor to Have Testimony in Ex press Cases Taken in This Manner. Lincoln, March 18. Orant Martin, deputy attorney general, acting on In structions from Attorney General Thompson, tiled a motion in tho su preme court lor tho nppolntmcnt of a releroo to take testimony in tho ox press cases. He asks that the motion bo argued April 7. J. A. Williams, member of the rail way commission, tiled a protest against tho appointment of a refeiee, holding that, testimony taken now un der tho old rales would throw no llg on the amount of business which might he done under tho Sibley law and therefore would be of no valuo in determining the Jmlness of the Slbloy rates. He also said the law Itself was a sulllcicnt injunction against the ex press companies and if an additional injunction was necessary ho pray the court to grant it and not to ap point tho referee. Tho express companies filed affi davits setting out that they intended to obey the Sibley law Just as soon as tho matter of Us Justness could bo determined by tho courts, and that they had no Intention of disobeying It; that this was determined at a con ference of olllcers and attorneys for tho companies. RAILROAD TAKESJADICAL STAND Missouri Pacific Says Commission Haa No Jurisdiction Over It In Any Way. Lincoln, March IS.--ln a cross-po-tltion llled' in the United States dis trict court, the Missouri Pacific rail road takes the ladhnl stund that the state, through the railroad commis sion, has no Jurisdiction over it In any way; that It Is tin Interstate corpora tion, subject only to federal control. The road follows up this contention by asking relief by the court from fur ther annoyance through nu injunction forbidding the state railway commis sion lrom attempting to regulate Its traffic rates or service in any man ner whatever; that It be enjoined from requiring tiny reports or tl)f business to be made; that It be un joined from advising railroad patrons what steps to take In order to secure lower rates, and that tho 2-cent fare law and the commodity law be de clared void' and their enforcement pro hibited. Prairie Fire Menaces Lexington, Nob. j Lexington, Neb., March 18. A pral- j rlo flro was started by a Crook living a mile east of town, who was burning , off a garden patch, and a strong north- ear wind swept mo names ewrucwy toward town. The fire department and hundreds oi men were on um ground in a lew iimum-a. ij !"""' miles or furrows and back firing tho flames were at last extinguished, but not until they had burned into tho very door yaid of houses In tho town. "When a lion eats au antelope It Is only devouring glorified grass." was the comforting reileetlon delivered by Dr. Andrew Wilson at Ilrlstol the oth or day. We see now that the king of beasts is apt to regard I he average wayfarer as merely a iiiiiu of straw. -London r;inl Box off 36, - 1fexag L. SHERMAN, General Auctioneer Knsidtinco: Firt door south of lied Cloud Mill, 101 Mouth Webster Hi root. Can bo found at homo every fore noon. Terms reasonable. Don't Buy Land nor Loan Money on Real Estate without getting one of Tcel's perfect Abstracts of Title The oldest and most reliable net of Abstract books In Webster Co. 91(1,000 bond llled and approved. Represents six of the best In surance companies doing busi ness in the state. LOANS nkiih on CITY PROPERTIES O. C. TEEL, Red Cloud, Ncbr. Office In Ovcrlng Block. Phones: Bell 98, Farmcrs36 CATARRH $&yl rr:un Kaim kwctS1 "WHEAX rHAY-FEVER )) i&A . i - 'Kg a j j Qtf r-W1 j v-' jw n ., frvm . mm ELY S VREAM tSALM Suro to Civo Satisfaction. CIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It clcnnw., Honlhcs, heals and protects tlio disused membrane resulting from Catarrh and drive away a Cold in the Head quickly. Rcstoroa tho Kwiscwof Tiwto and Kmcfl. Ijnyto line. Contiiins no injurious drugs Appliod into tho nostrils mid absorbed, liiirgo Hize, r0 cents at Druggists or by mail. Liquid Cream 31idm for uso m atoinizors, 75 ccntfl. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warron SL. Now York. Tho Guarantee it the atrongest ever made. If these Orderlies do not benefit you, if you're not entirely eat Ufied with them, bring back the empty box and we will promptly hand back your mon ey. The com plot formu la of thee new laxatives given upon request. iff. I 25c. dfsjmrtuient of tlio ai 8 ' I 6? t L imL MliflMMl4