The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 20, 1908, Image 6

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    J5he CHIEF
RerfOleud - - Nebraska.
Intend In iho I'omofllro m iel Cloud. Nob,
up Second 'tm Mutter
GtOROB Nbwhouhe
' KfK'
nrf h
(From the Sentinel.)
Lawrence Shlneman mill Verna Tap
per were married the 29th of February
atSmllb Outer. I'hey kept it a Bcorot
for over a week.
A. W Mhmiii Ir down In Clay Center,
Kiuj., where he uod Ive nnd whore
relatives Ht ill reside. Ho ownH some
farm proi orty In that county and Ib
there lookinK ufter his Interests.
Tho plana and specifications for the
water works arrived Wednesday. The
board was to have had a meeting last
night to confer upon thorn. It begins
to look aa I' wo could soon obtain our
water by morely turnlm: on u faucot.
Grandma Haller, ov-r outh of tho
river died last Sunday and wan buried
Monday in tho Franklin cemetery.
The funeral sermon wo preached by u
RoniHvillo minister. No data wore
furntohod for the publication of an
obituary notice
(From tho Express.)
Mrs. Ohns. Diehl. who has boon visit
ing her brother, J. H. Kcstorson and
family, returned to her homo in Strut
ton this morning.
John Coatcs, formerly of this local
ity, but now of Wallace county, Kns.
is hero on account of tho scions ill
ness of his father.
Mrs. Frank Brokaw returned from
lied Cloud this morning, where she
was called by tho sickness and death
of hor sister, Mrt. Chris Zeiss. Mrs.
Zeiss died this week.
Mrs. J. II. Wade and Miss" Cora
Mayo, mother and sister of Mrs. J.
L. Campboll came in Tuesday from
Beaver City for a visit. Tlmy will re
turn homo Saturday. Mrs. Campbell
has been in very poor health lor the
past mouth.
While trying to board u train at.
Syracuse. Nub., a Tew days ago. Claud
Myers, formerly of this city, was
thrown to tho ground and seriously
injured. Mrs. W. A. Myers, vho wunt
there a few day.- ago. writes thalClaud
is unable to use his lower limbs which
aro apparently paralyzed.
Why Don't You Have That Child's Eyes
Tested 't
It costs you nothing and it may save your child trom blindness. Many cases of sick
headache and nervous diseases are caused by defecti e eyes. In school children perma
nent injury to the individual's health is often done by making the children use their de
fective eyes in close work at school A few dollars invested in glasses now may mean
perfect vision and health for your child in the years to come or a few dollars saved
may mean poor vision, perhaps blindness and perhaps permanent injury to the health.
If you have a child that complains of headache, objects blurring the reading
and running together, eyes feeling dry and a burning sensation after a short time at study,
you may depend upon it that child is in need of glasses and you are falling short of your
full duty if you do not at once have an examination made of their eyes.
We are prepared at all times to make an examination and give you honest ad
vice we tell you frankly whether it is glasses or something else that is needed. If it is
glasses we can make a correct fit.
It is the duty you owe to your children to see that their eyes are in proper con
dition. It should be attended to at once. We are licensed optometrists.
T ;
(From the Signal.)
Miss Austin Staiford went to lied
Cloud Tuesday evening to meet hor
two sisters who accompanied her homo
the following day.
F. W. Miler, who recently moved into
tho Ayr property is moving away tho
old house and will erect a new up-to-date
rusidenoo on the old site.
P. W. Roland accidentally cut quite
a gash in his left wrist with an ax
Monday. It was necessary for tho
doctor lo take two stitches in the
John Stuohrk and wife of Cedar
Bluifs woro here tho fore part of tho
week visiting John Yung and family
Mr. Stuehrk is head clerk of a large
mercantile establishment.
C. I Norris and son Roy will farm
tho old home place seven miles north
west of town this year. Mr. Norris has
boon traveling over the country for a
year or two for Ins health and says he
has been rewarded abundantly, now
having tho best of health.
lust as wo wont to press last week
wo were informodithat our friend Goo,
Hunt, who recently came from Nu
hnuskn, had secured a -5 inch How in
his well tiva miles vet of town. The
(low had been reported much smaller
than that, hence tho limited mention
madfl last week. But a 'Jti inch How
ovor a U1.. inch casting is a well that
any man in tho valloy might be proud
of and we congratulate Mr. Hunt on
tho funeral of a son, who was killed in
a railroad accident and was returning
and had reached Hastings, almost
home, when death came.
E. H. Watson and family left last
Thursday night for Colorado Springs.
Mr. Watson is interested in u'hiow
town which is to bo built southwest of
that city.
Mrs. Parrel Truoblood arrived Thurs
day night from Fairbury. and spent
tho week visitinir her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Woodworth, and her former
Smith comity neighbors.
Roy Stauileld and wife, the former a
brother of Mrs. II. N. Duntnn and
Mrs. Oscar Baker, were Lebanon vis
itors this week. Mr. and Mrs. Stan
Held were on their way back to their
homo in Colorado Springs.
Arthur Smith went down to Hollo
villo last Thursday to meet his sisters,
who were returning from Lincoln.
Miss May, who had been in a hospital
thoro for two weeks is improving nnd
it is thought will soon bo able to bo
out again.
As Miss Clara lloganand hor brother
were driving to school Wednesday
they oncountorod a motor cycle nnd
their horse frightoned, upsetting them
and tearing tho buggy to pieces.
Clara was thrown into a wiro fence
and received several cuts on tho head.
She was wearing a heavy jacket which
was cut in strips and her dress noar y
torn on" her. Her brother was not
hurt much.
editorial palace. They woro former
sou Saturday evening. She was ac-
residontsof Rivorton and havo many j oompanied by Miss Clara Feis.
acquaintances in the valley and in i Charles Hoberg of Chicago arrived
Smith county, Kansas. Tuesbay evening and is visiting at tho
Bon Arvidson wont to Holdrego , homo of tho Larrh-k boys, south of
Wednesday evening to moot his son town.
Edwin who has been under constant Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cox returned
treatment in tho Omaha hospital for Monday morning from Shelton, where
almost six months. Tho boy is still J they havo beon visiting at tho homo of
somewhat delicate, but it is expected j i,,s brother,
that time will lestoro him to full, (: ,, ,IUei. and daiIBiltcr of Cul-
health. , hoit-mi. who have been visitini? hero
for a few days, returned to their home
Monday evening.
Mr. John Collieott, who has been
visiting at tho homes of her brothers-,
I), and .Just Crotn, left for Superior
Monday morning where she will visit
before returning home.
(From the Review.) i
Chil Fulton has just completed a j
now cement sidowalk for Goo. Morrow j
at his now residence on Gold street.
IT. .11.. 1.. .,,... lo V...i!. Hnin ,1'HTC llv. .
,.., ,... . ... ;:":. R. ' Chevalier has commenced tho
ingt ho approach ways to the different . . ,
,7, , . .4 m i . .. ; 'erection of a nice little residence on
bridges, making it possible to cross m , , . .. .
h ' . " ' the lots recently purchased by him of
proper style. j Frauk Wlielnn, just north of tho prop
Andrew Beck has impioved tho I-orty ho S(,i(1 Fre(1 Woruor, and will oc
pearance of his property on Fuller cupy thosnmous 800U lls eomplotod.
street tins weeic oy piaciuKU""" ii-
and men's furnishings into the build
ing recontly vacated by Win. Arndt
and owned by Fred Hopka. Tho build
ing has been papered and painted on
the interior and it will make him l
nice store room.
around his grounds.
Mrs. I A Williams returned the fore
part of tho week from Chicago whore
sho has been for tho past three months
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gold Williams.
Miss Mable Hannam formerly of this
placo came Wednesday for n short
visit with relatives and friends, sho re
ports Denver as rathor quiot these
Mr. and Mrs. J!. L. Avery aro now
snugly domiciled in the cottage for
merly occupied by B. H. Hancock on
Gold street. Mrs. A very and son Hoyt
urrived the latter part of last week
from their former homo at Edgar.
Just before going to pross wo learn
of tho death of Mrs. II. C. Best, which
occurred at their home southwest of
Bladen Iiist night. Mrs. Host has been
a suU'erer for some time and was not
expected to live sinco lato yesterday.
this splendid good fortune.
(N. M.) Progress.
(From the Argus.)
Mrs. Bert Lewis came in Saturday
morning from Aluii-nu, and has spent
tho wook visiting with her mother,
Mrs. J. Eldred, and other relatives-.
J. W. Adams ond wifo returned from
h two months' visitJJwith their sous,
Eniost, at Topeka, Will and Lon at
Barton, and Fred, at Foruioso, Mon
day evening.
Mrs. H. S. Durrutt returned from nt-.
tending Iho funeral of her aunt at
(From the Citizen.)
Mrs. Win Bierhaus left Tuesday
evening for her new homo at Madrid,
after a short visit with relatives. Jas.
M )ot accompanied her.
Mr. and Mrs. Mither, who havo beon
visiting for the past two weeks at the
home of Alec Koh. returned home to
Hastings Friday morning.
Mihi Unit t :'tlituriu ii viulm' nt' II. SL
Gibbons, who has been visiting, ro-j
turned nome biituraiiy to .mia. i.ioy.i i nUoil for lt (IUI1j ioitis last woek.
itioimns accompanied tier nome 101-
short visit.
Clyde Logan and children and his
sister-in-law. Katie Pierce, loft, yester
day for llay, hid. Mr. Logan expects
to remain Indiana and make his home.
Miss Zora Xebergall and brother
John of Greslunu came in Saturday
for a visit with their cousins, the Hoi
lister girK Miss Noborgall departed
Monday, and her brother yesterday
.Mr. ami .Mrs. .UoiT WttllicK woie
arrivals lust night from Tamora. Mrs.
Wallick is a sister of Art Soucio and
she and her husband will remain for a
woek or two visiting relatives here and
in the vicinity of Upland.
Mrh. 11. B. Chambers with her two
daughters of Evauston, Wyo.. who
havo been visiting relatives near Ohco,
drove down Friday evening for a short
visit at the Widdersheim home. They
left on tho train the following morn-iiu.
(From tho Journal)
Miss Addie Munson returned Tues
day morning from Jennings, where sho
had been sponding a week with her
His ninny friends will bo glad to
know that Walter Single is gotting
along in excellent shape aftor tho ope
Mrs. J. H. Hill left Tuesday morning
for Wichita, Kan., where she will spend
ton days in the interest of tho ltoyal
Neighbor lodge. Before returning
homo she will visit a few days at the
Burrow homo at Topeka.
S. S. McCormick of Toledo, Iowa,
surprised his brothers Ike and Charles
by dropping in on them for a short
visit last Friday evening. Ho lived in
Harvey township about twonty yours
ago and had almost forgotten what
this country roiilly looked like.
Mrs. J. S. McDowell look the train
last Monday morning for Topeka,
whore she will 'spend the week with
tho Burrow family. Before returning
homo she will visit her brother at Paw
nee City, Nob., and Mr. and Mrs. Mc
Quig at Nebraska City, Nob. Sho x
poets to bo gone about a month.
4 (From tho Leader)
Mrs. Chas. Watorbury left Tuesday
for Holbrook, Nob., for a week's visit
with her sifter, who resides thoro.
Robert Potts and family loft last
Thursday for the San Luis valloy,
Colorado, whoro they will make their
Mrs. A. Frame returned from Sid
ney last Saturday where sho had vis
ited a couple of weeks with hor hon,
Mrs. Hartzell Wallace, sister of thof
noted Bishop IiartzoU of Africa was,
Kreetod by a largo audience Sunday
night at the Methodist church.
Miss Buolah Children ot Hastings
visited friends hero a fow hours hist
Saturday on hor way homo from Hil
droth whoro she has boon visiting hor
father, W. S. Ashby.
Mrs. Blanche Hall returned yester
day from a nine months' absence.
During most of the time sho has been
in Vermont, but spent a few weeks in
Michigan nnd Illinois on her return.
Otto Erfman had tho misfortune to
(From the Advocate.)
Shcritf Walrath has moved into hi.-
nowly acquired residence property.
Mrs. J. B. McGrew started yesterday
morning for Iowa City, Iowa, wIioim
her brother in-law. W. E. Nicboli-, it
very ill.
Mrs. Susie Shoemaker of Franklin
who recently went to Omaha to be
operated upon, has recovered aud ii
now at homo again.
John Strangmau is building a largo
lino house on a farm north of town
It looks a little as if John was plan
uing on lorsaicing ms me 01 sjiik
Tho county beard has issued thw
deorco that in the future tho cou
house hall shall not bo used lor at.?
kind of meetings except of a politic-ii
nature. With this fact staring us ir
tho face it. makes it more irnperath-r
than ever that we should have an ope-
houbo or town hall.
Some ono in this vicinity recent.';'
sent to Sears A Roebuck for a pair o (
shoes and tlioy were sont by e7pres.
and the charges were SL40, and v
suppose the follow thought he vrb
saviug ti lot of money. It pays t
trade at home where you can see -vrhv..1;
you are getting and where no out:-,
charges aro added.
(From the Tribune.)
Just oh wo go to press wo learn .'
tho death of Mrs. Nancy Haokotto'
Rivorton. Mis. Hackett fell and di
located her hip about a week ug -
l which injury was tho ciut- of b
death. '
Mrs. J. B. McGrow camo hoixe Itozi
Excelsior Springs, Mo, Sunday an :
loft for Iowa Thursday morning, calif
thoro by her sister, whoso husband
Mr. Nichols, is in the hospital at lown
City in a very critical condition. II.
home is Nowton, Iowa.
Wo understand that there aja plats
under way for tho overhauling and u
tltting of tho elevator at this place, to
bo taken up very soon by the Updike
f"2riiii Cn ti inunnfc 'Plm Wiui n. -
get th. index Unger on his right ihiiiid I to le ,.ea,;imK0(li UlH wholo llruetme.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Burr of Fraser,
towles. Nob.. Tuesday evening Hor Colo., our pa and ma.arrivoii in Camp
aunt had beon cullod east to attend boll, Tuesday, and aro visiting at the J past, left for her homo noar Calbort
(From the Enterprise.)
.Mrs. Ernest Uiorhaus who has boon
visitimr relatives here for somo timo
badly cut Tuosdny, by gotting it in a
corn sholler, and it is only a question
.whether tho doctors will be able to
bavo it.
Mrs. Frunk Wilcox returned last
Saturday from Proscott, Iowa, where
she bad boon visiting hor daughter,
I Mrs. (Jardnor. Tho lattor roturuod
with bar and will remain a few weeks
Aug. Mugarin ships his household
goods to Cumbridgo today and loaves
with his family for that placo. He
purchti.sod a quarter of land botweon
Cumbridgo and Hartley lost fall and
will make bis homo on it.
ropaired, and probably an engine in
stalled in place of tho horse power ar
rangement. Wo are glnd to se the
Updiko people tako this renewed in
terest in their elevator at this point.
Mr. and Mrs. Wiaut and son Verne
were in this week at tho home of
A. II. Hyruui. Tho father and boa went
on to Uoodlnndj'Knu., where the family
will locate, and Mrs. Winnt will go
lator. This murks tho dopurtnrefrom
this county of one of tho old and5ub;
stnntuil families of tho valley, where"
thoy havo lived for a great many years
and their friends regret their decision
to locato elsewhere. Thoy hare been.
W. A. Garrison Is making arrange- living hi Franklin tho pnat few years
ment to move his stock of clothing ' sine leaving their farm near Bivwtotu