f H,, ,( ? V 1 1 i New Wall Paper s i Our new stock of Wall Riper is nearly all in and we can show you all the latest patterns and color ings and we want every body to come in and see them. The Druggist. 0. M. Smith returned home Tuesday Mrs. Hmauuel Fits', is on the uiuk list. from lUrd City where he hud been visit- m. Neil of Hulde Kock was In town ing his daughter. Wednesday. John DurUeo of Woodbine, Iowa, has Gco B,blv nnd niother loftTllurjllhlv accepted a position In Wolfe fc right f()r 0nIeuai Kftbi eiaeusmiin snop. MeCoolc Tabor's A. 1. Hly was down from Monday and helped operate new moving picture machine. Miss Nellie Jones of !lay Center Neb. is here vhitlng at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Myers. Pearl Mines and Mrs. Charles (Jod sey left .Sunday for Alma whore they will visit the parents ot the latter County Judge Kdson was in Oxford the first of tin week ami Uev. Cress man was acting judge dining his lib- M'llOO II. S. Stevens and family of Wiscon sin are moving on the place recently vacated by Charley Turner southeast of town. Isaac Myers was down from Lebanon, Kas., this week. O. C. Teel was in (Ira ml Island on business this week. J. I Male returned Thursday from a trip over In Kansas. C. K. Quick of Hastings was in town Thursday of this week. A. (!. Urecn lias home grown inn pie trees for sale. Seo him. Mrs. (.'. J. IMatt entertained the After noon Whist club Tuesday. II. J. Oatman of Oak Creek was in town the fust of the week. Mrs. Waller of Cowles was here this week visiting at the Simons home. John Mvers and family left Thurs 20 Per Cent Discount Sale OF Marry Dedrielc, who has been visiting ,iuv fot. u Visit m Cincinnati Ohio. J e L0O.LETTES i J .M. Hates was in Uivertoii tills down from Law w jiu tljf r U-v WUfll. II 0 Woods was roncf this week. Tin county commissioners are is ses ion this week. iMi.s,-. Kmma Perry is reported to be quite sick this week. 0. P.. Whitaker of Stratum. Neb., was in town this week. C. P. Uund was down from P.hie Hill the licit of the week. James DoWilt is movinir "11 the Joe Took im place south of town. F M Usirlach of Cowles was trans ".11 tin ' business in town last week. Gr Overing and Mr. Grant were in t.)bs a couple of days last week. Mrs. r. H. Fort left Tuesday for a vi.'itit with her daughters at Orleans. C. C. Cowden returned home Satur day from a six weeks visit in St. Joe. Mrs. L. M. Vaime went to Guide J.'.oek Tuesday to visit with Mr.s. Hello Vane Chvriey Stone.r and little son were nowi troin Inavale the iir.st of the V'Mfk .Mr and Mrs. Win. MeP.ride wore vis aing with F.d. Gillards at Naponee, lust '.veek. Oh M. Fort stopped of here Monday Miroute from Kansas City to western . TiO III'-. ski lain. Kn.aiury He Wolf, the Argus foreman, ( U .'us .itated into the M. W. A. lodge Uu last .wok. N A t. Tansey, who recently took the 11 .... l... ,!.! 1 1 I .re" ' irsilip 01 llie iii.i-un mum urn- has adored his resignation and loft st Mel.- for his homo at Chariton, la. McFarWs Lent commences March 4. omeh. All kinds of FISH at The Gfoeer All tho Phonos his parents here for the past week or two. expects to return to Hillings Mon Pnin this week. F.tlitorTait lift the Iir.st of the week for Kxcelsior Springs, Mo., where ho will take a few weeks' treatment tor stomach trouble. Mr.s. Anna Tul leys and daughter Mr.s. Dave Whitaker left Tuesday for strut ton Neb., where Mrs. Whitaker expects to m ike her future home. Will Heed and Mrs. Wash lleod drove down from Campbell Sunday to nutlet a visit here with Mr. and Mr.s. George New-house. Will returned Monday. Pert Crow, 11. W. lioborlon, G. P.. McCall, W. II. Hratlfortl. K. T. Meiri man and others all of Guide Hock wore visiting in Ked Cloud the Iir.st of the n.'ok. A great deal of sickness has been in our midst the last few weeks. Dur ing tliese sudtlen weatner cuanges ti behooves us all not to be too expectant for summer resort weather by discard ing winter apparel. Krne.st and Lloyd Mines left Wednes day for Republican City where, they will assist the Orleans band who give a concert there. It. speaks well for our band boys when otheii organizations call on them for help and we ought to appreciate that fact. Marion Mercer and Paul Johnson left Wednesday for Republican City where they will assist in a band concert which tlic Orleans band will give that place. While there Mr. Mercer will confer with several band nion with a view of locating a leader for our band. Congregational church Sunday. Muh. .".', lO-ITi a. m., preaching, siibjei:'. "Future Itetribution." 7:110 p. in., preaching, subject, "The Wise Pso of Inlltieiice." Come and hear those important subjects discussed in a prac tical and plain way. All are made welcome. Uev. and Mrs. K. S. Galloway and Uev. Home Alexander, the evangelist and singer who are holding a series of revival meeting in Inavale, wore in Ited Cloud Monday sightseeing with Uev. Hill as their escort. They also took an automobile ride over this part of the count'. George Johnson had a little exper ience Monday that he says he does not care to have repeated. lie was passing a wagon on his bicycle when the han dle bars slipped and George was thrown beneath the wheels. Luckily he s capod with only the skin on his left leg from the knee to the ankle minus. From last reports the plow was getting on nicely. Albert Hayden had a great deal of Ills furniture smashed up at Hed Cloud last week on his way to Hastings. In switching, the yard 'man jammed his car into another so hard the horses were jerked loose anil thrown back into his other belongings, smashing a consider able of it. Hu put in a claim for dam ages which the inspector is consider ing. Franklin Sentinel. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson, Mrs. Mary Hrockow and daughter Lena, ami Mrs. Sarah Hates of Superior; Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Wilson, of Lebanon; Mrs. L. 1$. Hyler, of Kansas City; Mr. and Mrs. Duke Wilson and Mr.s. Helle Gilinore, Friend, Neb., were here in attendance at the funeral of Mrs. Chris Zeiss Sun day afternoon. The funeral services of Mr.s. Chris Zeiss were held from the Congrega tional church Sunday afternoon, Uev. A. A. Cressinan conducting them. The church was crowded to its full capacity and a large number could not get In. The secret societies of the city escorted Canned Fruit & Vegetables Am overstocked on Canned Goods and will place on sale in my store window beginning Saturday, Feb. 22, 1908 and continuing until stock is re duced a large assortment of Canned Fruits and Vegetables at 20 per Mrs Frank Smith of Portland. Ore.. !cenj cUSCOUXlt frOHl regular PliceS. is visiting her parents and relatives. O JT Your opportunity to secure bargains in canned goods. Don't forget the date and place Feb. 22. Fulton Market L. II. Hlacklcdgc was in Kansas Cit, and other points on business this week-. Lynk Skaggs and party of four wore down Lebanon Thursday in an auto car. the remains from church to the ceme tery where another large crowd was waiting to pay Its last respects to Its departed neighbor and friend. The funeral was on" of the largest we have noticed for some time. g nor the Harringtons, Mis. It. F. Farley antl sisterof Hindoo wore transacting business at the county court Thursday. Rudolph hehultv, who has boon quiet sick for the past two weeks, Is able to bo out and around again. Commissioner Ohinstode of Guide Hock was in town this week transact ing business for the county. Miss Hlauche Ferguson was down Guide Hock this week, visiting her sister, Mrs. W. G. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Hen McFarland are the proud parents of a nice big fat baby boy which arrived Thursday. Judge Kdson issued marriage license to Albert J. Fry and Miss Catherine U. Whitaker both of lted Cloud. The Catholic ladies gave a St. Pat rick's day dunce and party in the Woodmen hall Tuesday evening. John Hansen's household goods ar rived from Hcatrice Monthly, and he will reside with his son, Kdward. Orin J. Perkins of Lincoln and Miss Georgia F. Gard of Hed Cloud were married by Judge Kdson March 11. Foi: S.vi.i: I have some good Tni vorsity or Kherson seed oats. K. J. Pk'IWMin, Inavale, Neb. Mrs. Geo. Fentre-.s has again been returned to the asylum at Hastings to day, Sheriff Hedge accompanying her. Drs. Weirick Hidtlile, Kyo, Far, Nose aad Throat Specialists. Glasses lltted. Over German National Hank, Pert Morhart loft Wednesday for Teciinisoh, Nob., called there by the illness and death of Mr. Win. C. Muer stetta. Dave K'aley arrived homo from Lin coln Wednesday uiornlngaftcra weeks visit there. Mrs. Kuloy will stay longer. C. K. Stevens of Hellevillo, Wis., moved his household goods hero Satur day and will reside on his farm south of the river. C. II. Heigan of Ksbon, Kas., was the luck j party who drew the piano at the Catholic St. Patrick's day party at the Woodmen hall. Miss Dellaplalne returned to her home in Chicago Wednesday after a few weeks' visit here with her sister, Mrs. W. N. Itichardson. Judge Kdson was in Hloomington Monday evening where he attended the reception tendered to the new Haptist minister at that place. Homcc H, Clemmons, foromau of the lted Cloud Nation for the past threo years, has accepted a position on the Chief. We will, no doubt, have more to say next week. Sunday morning at the Haptist church the theme will bo "Kncourageinent." In the evening, "The Intercessory Christ." Uible study will be held at Alva Sellars' on Tuesday evening. C. A. Wilson, pastor. Chief Giinio Warden Carter has sue ceodod in getting the Niobrara mili tary reservation in Nebraska sot aside as gamo reserve, or has practically ob tained that, end through an order is suod by the president of tho United States prohibiting shooting on the reservation. As it is already well stock oil with small gamo it will servo as au admirable, brooding place and the surrounding territory will get the benefit of tho incronso in gamo if the statu gamo department can protect II. K. ASHKR Veterinarian. 15luk Hill -:- Nkhraska Will bo in Red Cloud Saturdays at Smith's barn. KIIIXMATISM I'l'KKO IN A DAY. Or.DutrlionH Hclluf forlilieiimiitlhin nnd Neural tin ruilinilly cnri- In 1 to :t 1iih. Its nctloii upon tho hj-Mem Ih rcmiirlmhlo him! niyMurlntiH. 11 remoVL'H ut once tlie ritiiso and iIioiIIsdbm) Im mediately itlMiiipcarn. Tho Hrst !oko kipiuI) lictn lltM, "." cuntt nnd II. Sold by 11. K. (linen dniKKlM, lied Cloud. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mclntyre re turned Monday from a few days' visit in Superior. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ?&&i Swift's Dremium Hams and Bacon xfJ-.M'.YA WA Boars tho Signaturo of t.NJM M 3& fd lMa ml I 'IrJ Fresh Meats Roon Bros. Red Cloud, Nebraska. J. C. SLOSS Wall Paper, Paints Lnd Movildings Papering, Painting and Interior Dec paper hanging a specialty. Acme Hell phone 206. Contractor for orating. Fine brand paints. .Vv-sxAAMI The CHIEF has the largest circulation of any paper in Webster County. Utfd In millions of homis tho Kunm after it ots on the resorva- I tioii. Tho rof-orvation comprises 00 1 soctions of land. Tho army post upon it has boon abandoned, but theov-l ornmont keeps 111011 on the laud to caro for the property. Stute Journal, 1 CALUMET BAKING POWDER It is nut up under the supervision of a competent chemist, from the finest materials possible to select, insuring tho user light, wholesome, easily digested food. Therefore. AMLtIET is recommended by leading physicians and chemists. Perfect in Quality Economical in Use Moderate in Price Calumet Is bo carefully and nclcntlflcally prepared that tho ' neutralization of tho Inirrcdlents Is nbsolutely perfect. There fore, Onlumut loaves no Uochelle Salts or Alum In the food. It Is chemically correct. "I'or your Mfoiimch'a ake ue Calumet. For economy's KaVo btty Cultiuiot. $1,000.00 clven fr any substance In jurious to health found la CaluuieU tft !' 1 1 r- "v. vf f