r Subscription THE RED CLOUD CHIEF niaMiftmSiiGnffmima Kn m Eight Pages All Home Print a qia rear I in Advance Mwxums&vsnx l&Jib&TWWiymxsfsmfi VOLUME xxxvr. KED CLOUD, NE1JKASKA, MARCH 20, 1008. NUMBER I n i H Tabcr's "Tepee" Opens. T.aber'H electric theater. 'I'lii' Tepee, opened, to thu public Monday evening andthc auditorium was tnM-d to tin utmoRt and .standing room was at ii pn4nivun. Everything was in first class shape when tin doors were thrown -open ami the initial evening's entertainments were "craekerjucks." Onv of the most prominent features that Mr. Tabcr wishes emphasized is the fact that ladies and ehildren are 'specially invited as nothing shall he said or done that will give ofl'cnse to the most sensitive or fastidious nat ures. Another feature is the illustrated songs sung by Frank Witt. Tin entire program changes Motulays, Wednes days and Fridays, thus giving thiee changes a week. Mr. Tuber has spaivd no expense in this enterprise and wo trust the public will nppuciale his efforts and show it in a substantial way. This neat little theater i one of the best advertisements Ked Cloud could povsibly produce for ilsell. Real Estate Transfers. For tho week ending Tuesday, Mrh. 17, furnished by the Fort Abstract Co., L. H. Fort, Jlanager. John Fergubon to John W. 1 1 ughes lor 20 Kobert-s add to Cuide ltock 1M C. l Kly etal to Louisa hnbin s2 lot 2 blk 49 Guide Koek Coin etery 7 C. P. Kly etal to J. H. Hughes n2 lot 2 blk 49 Guide ltook Ccm etary '.'....'. 7 T. V. Child etal. to Milissi A. Scott pt swl 2-1 -J 1 wd :.CK) Warren A Vance to Raymocd I'. West c2 nw 9-2-9 w d :.tvu M. 1). Robertson to Sarah !:. Smith lots 7-S-9 blk 2 Kicbard son add to Ked Cloud wd mo H C. Oolburn to Peter .1. Spaclicr lots l-C-3-4-5 blk "A Cowle- wd. HiO Wm. Irans to Fred N. Gavika lot 7-S blk 4 Inavale wd :r. Mary J Holmes to Harriet Nel son lots 13-11 blk 2 1!. It. add to Ked Cloud wd .'(() Thora Anderson to Kmory Kcati uw 30-3-1 1 wd t'.lKK) Juliu-. J. Anderson to Kincry Benn uw 30-3-1 1 qed 1 Floyd D Crow to George A. Grow wd :.() William 1'. Vance to Hanson S. Proudtit sw 1 9-2-0 qed I Hanson S. I'roudfil to James 1. Varrell e2sw 9-2-9 wd (H)0 llumuth P. Varrell to Frank IS. Springer w2sv tl-'MI wd . . 1090 James P. Varrell to Frank 15. Springer e2sw 11-2-9 wd 1000 Wm. H. Mackey to Joseph V.lick ensta:!' lots 17-1 s blk M Ked Cloud qcd I Wm. 11. Mackey toJoseph Kliek enftail pt lots J9-20-21-.'2-2:! 21 blk 21 Ked Cloud wd 1200 A. T. Walker to 1. 11. Holmes s2 lot 3-4-5 blk 17 Ked Cloud wd Hi.'.o Hertha J. Holmes to A. T. Wal ker lots ft-C-7-8 blk S Kaley A Jacksons add to Ked Cloud wd 050 Republican City Convention. The de-legates to the republican eity convention met in Firemen's hall Thursday afternoon. They could not meet in the court house as that was in use by the county board. The dele gates chosen at the caucuses last Mon day night were as follows: A. 1T. Kaley, Geo. Morhurt, James Kurden, Chas. Kobinson, Uev. A. A. Cressmutt, (ico. Uavlor, I). W. Turnure, Kd Me Allistcr, Kd J. Overing, J no. Yost. I Dr. O. A. Nelson, F. W. Sludebaker, Wm. Frahm, Paul Storey, C. F.Cathcr. I Ira Wolf and ('has. Keigle for the north ward and .1. F. Kdwards, Chas. II Kaley, Fred Maudeville, Jno. Gratis, I M. Able, Wm. Kohrer, Kd Amuck. W. I N. Kichurdsou, Win. Koon, Chas. Kes- let and Jno. Gulbraith for the south ward. The meeting was called to order by Mr. L. V. Albright and Chas. Kob inson was chosen as permanent iJiair man and Mr: J. F. Kd wards was se lected as secretary The convention then proceeded to the nomination of nomination of candidates by informal ballot. The following men were nom inated: J. (). Caldwell, mayor: Jas. Kurden. clerk: J. O. Kutler, treasurer; Clarence Keed, police judge; (ieorge Overing, eity engineer Kd A mack was nominated to fill the vacancy in the First ward and Kd Pulsifer was nominated for the full term. C. I). Kobinson was nominated for council man in the Second ward. The convent ion then adjourned as a eity convention and reconvened in mass convention for the purpose of nominating two men for the school board. Frank Studebaker and Henry Newhouse received the majority of the votes on the formal ballot :uul were declared the nominees of the conven tion, the vote standing JO each for, as against 31 each for the next two high est. The convention then adjourned. .,o.,;o:i Mortgagee Filed S 11,1.10 Mortgage- Released S 7.900 Business College Notes Fein Hutchison. Frank Watson .tnd Merle Komiusky quit school Friday t; wjn farm work, Eum.a Perry is -till till lit' sieic list. Carrie 1-oin was nbschl Monday. Charle l'rul" Veft foi Ids home in Campbell Thursday. Geo. Vvnltakor was absent on account of Whines., Wednesday alternouii. Arvid Anderson returned Wcdnesdaj aftt-r.a two days' absence. Ada Fit, is absent this neck on ac count of her mother's illness, Viola i'eak isiied at her home in Oowlcs Sunday. Card of Thanks. We wish to express our sincere thanks to the many neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted us in the sickness and death of our beloved wife and sister. M. K. ll'siloi ami Famim. COMING To RKI) CLOFI), NKK. The eminent physician on chronic dis eases will visit our eity Friday, March 27, 1908. And will be at the Hotel Royal until : p. m., one day ONLY. Dr. Pottcrf. president of the statV of the Koston Klectro Medical Institute, is making a tour of the state. He will give consultation, examina tion, and all the medicines necessary to complete a cun FKEK. All parties taking advantage of this oiler are re quested to state to their friends Ine result of the treatment. Cures DKAFNKSS by an entirely new process. Treats all curable cases of catarrh, throat and lung diseases, eye aud ear, stomach, liver and kidneys, gravel, rheumatism, paralysis, neuralgia, nerv ous and heartdisease, epilepsy, Kright's diseases and diseases of the bladder, blood and skin diseases. Liquor and tobacco habit, big neck, stammering cured. Files, fistula and rupture cured with out detention from business. Kyes, nose and throat. i lasses fitted, granulated lids, cata racts, cross eyes str lightened .without pain. I i you are improving under your fam ily physician do not take up our valu able time. The rich and the poor are treated alike. Idlers and euriousity seekers will please stay awav. Our time is valuable. Keuinnber. NOT A l'KNNY will bo charged for the medicine required to make a cure for all those taking treat ment this trip. Olllee hour 9 a. in. Positively married ladies must be ue Ji'luiWlK'd by their husbands. Kcinem-lii-i' the dale-, Friday March 27th at tin- lioval Ho tel. Wed Clmid. X, braska. tfttt&Yff a 8 - ; vewns iinn runerais. n i!j Kiwfiwwpyw&.ww)m'xk , Kirs. Rncliol H. Lewis. ' Mrs. Ihichel K. Lewis aged mother, oft'. II. Lewis of tins eitv died I'ri-, day. March II. 190s. she Was born J Decembers. Is.H. and wts Til years l mouths and 0 days vhl at the time of her death. Piiiici'tll sen ices were held i frim the Pleasant Hill sehool house .Saturday afternoon. March It, at 3 iieloek. COllducLed bv l!tv. (ii'ii limn.! inel. Interment was made in the Pleasant Hill cemetery. .Malc. Jane NcLeotl. Maggie .lam McLeod was bora Jan nary 27. ts77, at Springfield. Manitoba. Canada, Was married to Morris K. I liishop, March '.".', Isou, nt Hebron, Neb., to which union two children were born, Alma aged 7 and Florence aged 2 years. She united with the Presbyterian church in the year 1S93. Ten years later she moved her member ship to the Methodist church in which she remained a faithful and active member until she departed this life March 12, 190S. She leaves a husband, two ehildren, father, mother, three brothers and si sisters to mourn her loss. Mrs. Phoebe Bennett. Mrs. Phoebe Kennett died Thursday, Maieh 12, 190S, at her home southwest of town of paralysis. Funeral sen ices were conducted by Uev. Ceo. Hummel Friday afternoon, .March 13. toils1, and interment was made in the Hummel cemetery. Card of Thanks. We desire to express our heart felt and sincere thank to all our friends for their kind help and sympathy during the illness and death of our beloved wife and mother. Cuius Zeiss mi Famii... Wedding Bells. V.W.V. :'?: ! I Silver Medal Contest. The second silver medal contest con ducted by the V. C. T. V. will be held in the Congregational church Thurs day evening, March 2(5. A class of young ladies from 1 1 to 17 years of age will be the contestants, dmission 10 cents. Whltaker-Fry. pretty quiet wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Whita ker when their daughter Miss Katlier yne was united in marriage to Mr. Al bert .1. Fry Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. Kev. Charles Smith of the Dun kard church performed the ceremony . After the mystic words were said and congratulations were received, all sat down to a bountiful supper wh'eli was spread for the new couple. They will make their home on the Fry farm south west of town. They received a num ber of beautiful and useful presents. Those from out of town who attend p weu. C. I). Whitakcr and wife of Stratton: S. K. Whitakcr and wife of Hastings; Mrs. C. D. Suydam and son of Fairvicw, 111. The Chief with their many friends extend congratulations and wish them many years of happy wedded bliss. Johnson-Lund. On Tuesday last it was a day of re- j joicing at the home of Larson Lund, it being the occasion of the wedding of ' Mr. Lund's daughter. At high noon ! John K. Johnson of Kurke, South Da kota, was united in marriage to Hattie ' Lillian Lund. The Kev. .Mr. Harrison pastor of tho Soribner Congregational church, olllclated. Minnie Htnious of Minnesota was bridesmaid and Heuty V. Johnson, brother of the groom, acted the part of best man. S. H Johnson and wife of Ked Cloud wer here attending the wedding, und-a few immediate friends of the family. There were a large number of presents givei the newly married people, and amou. them a, few packages of money. In tin evening the popular j'oung juviple were serenaded by their friends. On Wed nesday Mr. Johnson and wife left for Kurke where they will make their new home. Mr. Johnson is in the einplo of the Nye Schneider Fowler companj. Uehling Times. S. H. Johnson hud wife and sor Henry V. returned home today fuiu. tec above wedding. Ladies' all wool underwear at 1 Newhouse's. Now is the time to buy INPLAMMATOKY JtHKtJMATl.SM CllllKll IN 3 DAYS Morton t.. Hill, of I-etmiuin, lad., mijh; "M? wlfo hxd InHnmmntory ItliotuniitlMn tavver mtuclo and Joint; tier HUlTcrliiK wnn terrible mm! her body mid fnco wrro nwollen almmi be yond recognition: liiul been In bed Klx vttrk nnd tmd elKlit ili)lclmiH, Iml received no bencllt until tdio tried Dr. Dctchoit'H Ittllcf for ItliuumatlHm. It khvo Immedlnte reiki unit hhc whh blu to walk about In three Jth urn uro Ii mivihI her life." Sold by H. B. Grice. DniRRlit,Itud Cloud. f TXJ MUSLIN UNDER WE A R 1 IJ THE EASIEST WAY to convince you of the sterling quality of our q fjl Underwear, of the satisfaction to you. Is to show exactly what we have to offer. We think we have THE line. Many people agree S with us, judging by their buying. If you will call we will be pleased 1 q to show you q Skirts Muslin Skirts with five rows of Valenciennes Insertion with Val. lace on edge of flounce. Muslin Skirts with nine-inch llounce with one- incli Torchon Insertion and Tor chon Lace edge at Muslin Skirts with twelve-inch llounce with tucks .mil drawnwork with four inch Bmbroidercd edge at Muslin Skirts with two rows of two-inch Tor chon Insertion and 2Jj-inch edge A ' with eight rows of tucks at WlVV Muslin Skirts with three rows three inch Torchon Lace and 3 rows tucks $1.00 with one- 75c nee with 1.25 1.5o Drawers Ladies' Muslin Drawers with lace trimmed llounce at Muslin Drawers with ivi tucks, Km broidered, edged llounce at Muslin Drawers with three tucks, ii inch embroidered llounce at Muslin Drawers with four tucks and insertion with 8-ln. Kmb. llounce.. Muslin Drawers three rows of tucks with Torchon lace edge on llounce 25c 50c 75c l.oo 75c Night Gowns Muslin Night downs with 2 rows Km- Lfn broidered Insertion in yoke at Cw Muslin Sflglit CoWhs with Kiudrold- , eied Insertion in yoke at Muslin Night downs with Km- T - ff broidered liiscrtiou-lacc ,oke V " vt Kmbroidered ISe,idiiig. I.aee ami Tucked Yoke with rullle around yoke, edgeil , with lace 'O Corset Covers Insertion with Kmbroidery, Heading, Kmbroidered edge at Wide embroidered front with tucked back at Lace and Insertion Yoke, Lace ami Heading edge Kmbroidered Insertion front with Heading and Kmbroidered edge Long Cloth Corset (over with six rows Val. ii eieiiues In-ertion Lace and Heading t ff edge ai ound neck and sleeves ' 'JJ 50c 60c 75c 90c 1 . , " . in Embroideries and Laces we are headquarters for the best and cheapest. TUO Kichmin dhlil ",- ,lR' M,as"" "PP"" '"' P.I'TTKUICK FAMIIONS. MMUNC. 11115 rildBll'Uli OIIIVtV rius. the new publication issued by t,he great Kutterick fashion house. The price is M t-.-nts iiieliiding a i-ertlllcate good for OXK IJFTTKKICK PATTKKN FKKK This book is piinied on high grade pnpei and contains stales from Paris, London Merlin and New York illiisliated b, some thousands of illustrations by foremost fashion aitists. (!KT IT TO-DAY At F. NEWHOUSE'S 7 7. ;l fi! wM t .' ... r T .,r2ilti4fa.Pk'.V.. Jei-. .( ,.. . oi 1Jt&4 U, N t. Jn- & " JKaiM,s, ' - w. Ik.itK'.l.!. ' .-s ML.. j..