17 f .'i n. :) ainj, r4 r , Ia .O NEWS OF NEBRASKA. MINIMUM WEIGHT IS RAISED Nebraska Roads Take This Method of Getting Even on Charges. Unroln, Mnich 10. Alter being pro vented hy the rnilroiul comminsioii fium (iicrciihliiK the iniiliniiiii fielgut chaty from i!.". tu lu cents, Iho Ne brask.i railroads hnvo increased the Minimum weight of u shiptiictit to 10b liouudu An Osl'orcl man recently mailo a shipment according to the old inles and paid 50 cents charge only lo receive a bill later for an addi tional 77 cents. The shipment was of mi ititerstnt character, hence the Ne. hiiiska commission is powerless to give relief A letter was sent lrom here lo I he complainant informing him of Iho dilemma and saying his only re dress, wuh to buy bis goods In No li i as lea. Permission must bo given by tho railroad commission before railroad stations may ho closed. The station of" Huda, near Kearney, on tho Union Pacific, was closed, but baa been re opened' when complaint was mudc to tho railroad commission. At a conference with tho state rail way commission, Prank T. Ransom, attorney tor tho South Omaha Stock Yards company, said the corporation would shortly bo divided into two dis trict companies for the purpose or simplifying regulation. Tho carrying business, Mr. Hansom said, will be mult? separate from the stock yards, and with different olllcers. As the omniistjion exercises jurisdiction over the carrying branch suggestions wore asked from it on tho formation of the jvo companies. Sheldon Orders Investigation. Lincoln. March 10. Governor Shel don requested the state board of pub 'lc lands and buildings to investigate i he report that morphine was being snuggled into the Nebraska peniten ary. He submitted to the board tho report of Prison Physician Giffen. who 5serted that runny prisoners were ad dicted to the use of narcotics. Mrs. Frances A. Dawes Dead. Atlanta. Ga., March 10. Mrs. France. A. Dawes, wife of Major .larueo W. Dawes, U. S. A., and former governor of Nebraska, died here. The body will be taken to Milwaukee for interment. .TAFT FAVORITE IN NEBRASKA Roosevelt Strong Second in Spite of His Declaration. Omaha, March 9. There will be enough Roosevelt men in tho Repub lican stato convention hero Thursday to make things interesting, even if Taft hos u majority of the delegates, ( which now seems likely. j Oillclals and unofllclnl lettirns from i twenty-three counties of tho stato where a preference vote was taken for i president in connection with the Re publican caucus primaries give the fol lowing totals: Taft, ::,00t; Roosevelt, 2,076; LaFollotto, 4 It); Hughes, 225. It Is taken for granted thut Secretary Tatt will hold his lend and perhaps Increase It ns other returns come in. The Tatt boom got under headway in Nebraska before that of any other candidate and nothing has been able to stop It. However, tho men who want to make President Roosevelt the party's candidate for president, in spite of his announced refusal to run, are feeling good over tho fuel thnt ho has carried' seven counties in the pop ular vote, although his name was not printed on the primary preference bal lot SHUMWAY PERFECTS APPEAL Secures Stay of Execution Pending Hearing in Court. Lincoln, March 8. R. Meado Shum way, sentenced to hnng March 17 for tho murder of Mrs. Martin on a farm near Beatrice, was granted a stay of execution by tho supreme court to give his attorneys an opportunity to appeal his case to the supreme court. Shuinway's attorneys intend to lay considerable stress on the fact that one of the jurors who convicted Shum way, afterward committed suicide. It will be argued that tho juior knew ho had made a mistake and therefore took his own!!!:. Suspected 'of Ellis Murder. Omaha, March 10. J. D. Preston, the man who walked into the police station Saturday with three bullet wounds in his groin, who said he had come from Texas direct to Omaha, but whom tho police believe to be one of three robbers who killed Night Mar shal James D. Ellis at Brighton, Colo., early Friday morning, when he sur prised them In an attempt to break into tho postofTlce, had an interview with Chief of Police Donahue, but stuck to his original story of the snowline. BAILE ATTACKS ALDRICH BILL . ? Texas Senator Voices Money Views of the Minority. Washington, March 10 Senator Jo seph M. Halley ot Texas, a member of the finance committee which reported the Aidrlch currency bi;., held tho at tention of Ills colleagues and visitors who crowded the gallei m of the sen ate for over two hours w.th a speech in opposition to that measure sun. gen eialy voiced the views of the minor ity upon the subject of emergency currency. He did not believe his sub stitute for the Aidrlch bill would re sult In Inflation, although It provided for $500,000,000 as a permanent pnit of our money supply. "The truth la." ho said, "the national banks ot this country are seeking to establish n sys tem of asset currency, and they will strivo to defeat any measure which compels them to secure their circula tion. They want the privilege of Is suing their notes without Interest and without security, nnd lending them to the people for Interest and upon secur ity. I shnll always Insist that tho safety of our currency Is of infinitely more Importance to the country than the size of bank dividends." The senate spent over an hour In debating the Ft ye bill, providing that suppltes and materials shipped fiom the United' States for the Panama canal shall only be transported In American vessels. Resolutions of sor row upon the announcement of tho death or Representative Adolph Meyer of Loulslann were adopted and the sen ate adjourned as a further mark of respect. The house was in session buf it few minutes, adjourning upon an nouncement of Mr. Meyer's death. THIS WEEK IN CONGRESS Vote on Aldrich Bill May Be Post poncd Until Next Week. Washington. March 9. Senator Aid rich Is still hopetul of bringing in emergency currency bill to a vote aur ing tho present week ot the congres sional session. As several speeches are still to be made, however, It is probable that the vote will be post poned until next week. The legisla tive, executive and judicial appropria tion bill will be reported to the uennto tomorrow nnd will be taken up at the first opportunity Tho houso will devote today to mat ters relating to tho District of Colum bia and will take up the postofllcc an- 1 whicn Will close tomorrow. It is nopea to pass tho bill buiore adjournment ' Thuictiay. Then will foilow tho pen sion bill, on which there will be a pe riod of, general debate. The Lllloy subn.ailno bont Investi gation by tho special houso committee will begin today and continue dally. The vennte committee on naval affairs will resume Its Investigation into tho government's methods ol construction today. Tho mm ,i ucnu. Yonkc is, N . ' 7.- Thomas J. Cal mi the tun j ; neiai Cus ter sont tor f-' .iios j.ii its wnen his 'oinniand wr. "tilinpp- by Indlnus on the Little PI; lioin river, in Mon tana, ami who if'ii a tenet lorce duck to the place where Custer and his men had been slaughtered died at his home here Death of Dr. Slberts. New York, March tl. A cablegram received by the board of foielgu mis sions of the Methodist episcopal ihurch announced the death at Hueuos Ajies, Argentina, March !l, of Dr. Sam uel V. Slberts, dean of the Methodist theological seminary in that place. He was a graduate of the Iowa Wesloyan university. Czar to Pardon Stocssel. St. Petersburg, March 10. It is tin tifileiallj slated that the czar lias com muted the death sentence Imposed' on Genet nl StoesFol for the surrender of Port Arthur to ten years' Imprison ment in a milltnry tortross. It Is ex pected that on the gtound of 111 health a full pardon will bo granted to him shortly. Twenty Firemen Injured. Chicago. March 1 A score of fire men weie injured, three perhaps fa tally, by a flro winch destroyed Apollo hall, a three-story structure at 25(!-2ii. lllue Island avenue The cause of tho flro Is unknown. Tho total dnmago is estimated at $Sf,000. i-cagio to tie Deported. St. Joseph. March 10. ICduardo Rnglo, the young ltanan who was ar rested In Kansas City and brought here, suspected of having sent threat ening letters to Chief ot Police Franz, will bo deported, tho police any, the matter having been taken up by the federal authorities. It Is now said by tho police that a companion of Rnglo sent the letters, as another was re ceived lodnv. mnmwimr"m'?' -MERRY'S Zi TggROVED RIGID BR15GE Eyes Tested Free OPTOMETRY Optometry is the science of measuring the refraction of the eyes and the fitting of S pectacle Lenses Eyes Tested Free Many people suffer from headaches which would be relieved by the use of properly fitted spectacles. Children suffer with inflamed eyes, sick headaches, stomach troubles and many other ailments which are relieved by the use of spectacles. For twelve years we have fitted spectacles in this city and our best recommendation is tne nost 01 satisned custom ers, many of whom have tried other optometrists without success and have paid from one and one-half to double our prices before coming to us. In frame fitting our lon expe rience assures you a perfect fit MM mk -o We ise no drugs of any kind ir the eye a.s they are unnecessary and often dangerous NBWHOUSB BROTHERS s Jewelers and Optometrists C, B. & Qm Watch Repairers EMM Go Somewhefe Mtvko Tlmt CnUforniix Trip Now Low orn way OionKt rates daily unti' piil :i0ili to Utah, Cull nui, Oreunn, ahiiigton and Montium. Winter Tours To l.l.e South nii'l (5ulf rosorts cla-ly nii'll April :tor ti. Homesookers' Rivtos PI ml -in third I'lu.mbivMofeach. moii'h to nloiMilo. Dig Horn Bmdii, Montana i,l tho North-wo-i. Tho Dirt Horn Bnsln Mr l. Horn Denver. Lnuid.HOok HcokeiH' fiifo nun f..n lluronu, Oinnhu, Mill i ("iN.'iinlly eoncluot liiiiNifttot to ilils oniintry tho Hist iinil third Tuenclny.H in April. rite Mr. Denver for in formation about very dcdrnblo irrigated lands in the I)asin,Huli joor to 1'imiosteinl under the big Government Ditch or under pri vate ditohc.H. 100,000 neros of new Bisin land will como tinder wafer in 11)08. Business Openlntfa Wo have a list or excellent bnsl neas chiuireH in new wowing towns on But Huston extensions; got fHtutiliHliocl early ahead of the cunning population. Writo Mr. Duavor. .1. P. Eowauds, Ticket Agonh L. V. Wakoley, G. 1. a., Onmlm, Nob. Sheriff's Sale. Nollco In hcn-liy lilvon. tlmt mulnr nml hr virtue of mi order of hiiIq Imicj(! from tho oillco of Ofo. W. Ilutcliltmii. clerk of tho DlKirlct Court or tho Tenth Judlrlnl ltrlct, within iiiid for WebnUT county. NehniKla. niuin n dn rrco In an notion peiulliin therein, wherein Kciwnni if. C'nwieH 18 j.hilntlir und BKHlimt John 0. Totwr nntl If ettlo L. Yi-Iblt nro defendftiim. I hlmll olTor for mile at i nulla voniloc. totlio hlKliCNt lildder for ciihIi In Imud nt the enNt clour of th court lioiiDC. ut Ucil Cloud, In Mild Wol-Hter county. NohrHHku. (Hint bednt; Iho bulldiiiK where ii the lust term of HHld rourt wrh holden). on the yilrd ilny of March A. I). 100. nt 2 oYlork p. m. of sulci diy, tho follow Inn dohcrlhed property, lowlt: Tho south twenty threo (23) feet of lot nineteen (10). In block thirty ono(.1l) In the city of lied Cloud, WebHior county. Nebrnskn. (ilven under my hand HiIh ir.th day of Fcbru ry, A. I) 1003. HW O. I. IIICOflK. Sheriff. PARKER'S , HAIR BALSAM CTIriiMri anil bcautinct Uie lulr. i nimmrs m luiiiilanl prowlli. Never Vol Ik to Jtentoro amy Ilolr to ltn Youlhftil CqlorT turn iRnlp illK-ain It hilr CtlllliZ. flUniJlliiim Drucrliu Saunders Bros. Lumber&Coal Dealers KED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Wo hnvo in btook at all times a comploto lino of Building Material and Good Coal. Oar prices nro roiiHonablo. We solicit your patron nge. Boll Tel. (X). Fnrmers lud. 71. Just Received, a Cai of FLOUR. AT PLUMB'S FLOUR and FEED STORE You can save money by taking 500 pounds of him. ( ?t . D0-pnmc TSI0. v. ' c - .) 1 -