srsartsiBra :i ifc. $S ' 141 : 'J ft Mi t The Emancipation Of the Chaperons. By ALICE LOUISG LI:!?. , Copyright, 1305, by AIJco Louise Lcc. H L'll!" Merrlwetber ntrotehe.1 Ills lega out luxuriously In front of the grate and pulled at IiIh pine. "A CfirlHttiuiR house party at The I 'lues." Then after a patWc, "Who are Invited'" Ills nephew leaned against the man tclploeo and .stuffed his hands Into Ills pockets as he enumerated the guests, the uncle keeping up a running and caustic comment: "Engaged-going to he-Introduced for matrimonial purposes engaged the same." The numeration ceased, "yes, I see myself helping to chap eron your house party. I stroll Into the reception room tind Rtumblo over an engaged couple. I sneak Into the library and am frowned out again by a newly Introduced couple. I bang in to the music room and overhear a pro posal. No, thank you, Hoy; I shall spend Christmas in peace and my own room." Hoy picked up his bat and moved to ward the door. "Modern house parties are not conducted along the lines you've laid down, uncle. Change your mind and Judge for yourself." He turned the knob. "Hy the way, I didn't mention iho other ohapVron,' did I? U'h Mrs. Angell, IJertba's widowed mint, you know." With this parting shot, which he know was effective, Hoy discreetly retreated. i After he had gone Merrlwetber sat an hour staring at the tire and pulling away at a smokeless pipe. Then he arose and looked earnestly at himself In the mantel mirror. "We're apt to run down," he apostrophized his re flection; "apt to run to seed, we Imche lorn. Now, this tie-let's see, It's six months out of style, and Ocrtrudo used to be-huni." He stepped to the phone and called up his tailor, realizing that his mind hud already undergone the change Hoy hoped for. Ten days later he arrived at The Pines just In time to dress for dinner. lie was accompanied by a man and a smart lot of luggage, accessories which mane so marked a change In his ap pcaranee that when at 0 o'clock he de scended to the lower hall Kurthu Mon roe, awaiting her aunt at the fool of the stairs, surveyed him In delighted amazement. "Why, Uncle Hruee," she exclaimed, "you look so line I scarcely knew you!" Ilerlhii was his nephew's tlnucce and already claimed relationship in private, to the uncle. "I'd make Hoy wear evening clothes in the morning if he had such a splendid tlguro-so filled out, you know." Merrl wether, following her Into the living room, laughed grimly at the doubtful compliment. "Oh, he'll tip the scales at 10 soon enough, don't wor ry!" "Vou surely don't look that stout." began Hertha and, turning abruptly toward the entrance, finished with. "Does he. aunlleV" (Jcrtrude Angell swept past her niece and met Merrl wether's outstretched hand cordially. "Look? Why. he looks surprisingly like the Hruee Merriweth er I used to know so well." "fifteen years iicii." was on the ml of Merrl wether's tongue, but he cheek-1 ed himself Just In time. Cert rude prub-' ably ignored lapses in time as women' have a habit of doing, be thought. I'.ut ' surely hers was a face, a form, a bnir-i big. which had mi successfully with-1 stood time n to entitle her to thcVp pclkitlou or youth. Her brown hair had not lost lis luster, nor had her blue' eyes lost auirht of their sparkling in-1 terest in pre. while she carried beivelf wllli her old time spring and laeb.. Merrlwelher noted all these things as, he sat opposite her at dinner. His memory Hashed picture after picture before hlm-lhe primary days lit their i old home school, their grammar room1 betrothal, the warm friendship of later yea r-, which had meant something1 more to.hlin; then her marriage and life abroad. As he looked at her he' had the uncomfortable feeling that, al though her birth had antedated his by one year, she was many ,eais id's Junior. , lie was Just eliaraclerl'iiiL' lilmvit as "old" when Ids nephew's v, ,,.,. aroused him and added point io hi rellecllon. "Tomorrow morning we skate," announced Hoy Joyfully. "I've had the pond back here cleared for action, and the Ice Is O, K!" Then lie added curclessl", -Hy the wa.. I'nclo Hrttce. 1 forgot to tell you to bring skates along, but I can easilj piovlde you with a pair." .Merrl wether miaked luwardlj. bin made no reply until after dinner, when ho backed ids nephew Into a cornet and addressed liini privately and force fully, "I've not been on skates for ten years, and I don't Intend to make spectacle of myself now by any means " "Wh., uncle or -you know, that makes things rather awkward, for Mrs. Angell does all those tilings so well, and er wo don't want her to feel boted here." "Oh!" groaned Merrl wet her. "In thai cute I'll try. bin watch out for a rep. . anon or n ennpter in tne 'I'lcitwtcK rnpore!'" nnd he turned abruptly Into tho ballroom. ""Are you looking over tho scene of former triumphs?" asked a gay voice beside him. And Mrs. Angell moved the room to straighten a candle In one of the candelabra. Merrlwelher noted with admiration her free, light stop. She was it superb iipeclmen of womanhood, but ho fer vently wished she had appeared oldei. "Why Is It," ho asked Impulsively, ig noring her question, "Unit women re tain their youth so much longer thun men?" She paused with her hand on the candle and looked back. "I think," she replied thoughtfully, "It's because they Insist on doing youthful things." "There It Is again!" ho thought, with an Internal groan. He would be obliged to skate and dance and do all the other uncomfortable things which forty years nnd 2120 pounds shrink from. Still as lie watched her move about the room the burden of, It did not seem so oner ous after all. Therefore he danced not badly, but laboriously, alt the while admiring the graceful ease of Gertrude AngcU's mo tions. "At least," be determined resolutely, "I'll not be caught skating, as I was dancing, without n bit of practice." It was 1 n. in. when he made this resolu tion and Issued the command to his mnn, "Peter, get me up at 7 unless," In sudden inspiration, "It should be storming." Promptly it I 7 he was awakened In n rebellious frame of mind. "Stiff as a cart horse," he grumbled. "I hope it's snowing like blazes." The man raised the shade and looked out. "Sky clear as a whistle, sir." So, with bis sleep cut short two hours at both ends of the night, Merrlwetber dragged himself and the pair of skates, produced by bis thoughtful nephew, out to Uie pond behind the bill. For an hour bo skinned bis kuccjt, bumped his bead and" disturbed the equanimity of his temper before he was able to move alone with moderate speed and keep bis feet under him. When he went in to breakfast he was thankful for a few moments alone In front of a glowing grate tire. He stretched his aching legs toward the beat and rubbed the back of his bead where a bump was appearing which Is not laid down in phrenological charts and pains from which were darting in every direction. lie listened idly to voices in the ball uutll Ids attention was chained by two comments made Just outside the door. "Isn't she a perfect delight of a chap eron? And so young ton! She can't be thirty." The reply was given in a doubtful tone. "Wby-e-e, yes, she must be all of thirty." "Forty-one." muttered the listener doggedly, the light of Ills new resolve shining again in his eyes. At 10 o'clock the entire parly went out to the pond, and Merrlwetber skat ed ;ind skated and skated until Ids teeth were clinched in desperation uuA his forehead knitted In his efforts to hold out as long as Mrs. Angell did. That lie was becoming a in. in of one Idea he acknowledged to himself thai afternoon on the sleigh ride. "What Certrude dares, I dare." he told him self in feeble Jest. That sleighing par ty was a nightmare to hint for days afterward. The drifts were deep, and the sleigh was overturned again and again, generally with Merrlwelher at the bottom of the heap, owing to the fact that .sleighs incline readily in the direction of -J'JO pounds. Then, to vary the monotony of the tip-over.-, there were miles of hillsides with a souther ly exposure where the sun had melted j the snow and obliged the parly to walk. Merrlwetber tolled up the slopes, bus. banding Ids wind by maintaining si lenee. watching Cert mile's clastic Mops ruefully and feeling bis resolutions in respect to .onlhfiilnos.s ooze from bis chilled linger lip-.. "All out for our last climb:" cried Hoy as the horses stopped at the foot of a steep rise. "This is our last hill." "Thank the Lord!" hiild Merrlwelher devoutly behind his mustache. n watched' his chance when the atten tion of the oilers, especially Certrude, was directed elsewhere, and' then, as sisting his pedal extremities laborious ly over the lde of the sleigh, he fell on hen heavily, trusting to luck rather than to his tired legs to keep him up right. Near the end of their climb he re marked to Mrs. Angell. with all the nonchalance he could command. "I should think you ladle.-, would be a bit tired." A light laugh put him to shame, and a pair of dancing blue eyes met his In a glance which stripped him of lif ted .ears and led him back Io the days when he had walked beside her with necr a thought of fatigue. "Tired!" she returned carelessly . "And by such a little trip as this?" ' I hat reply, coupled with the day's unparalleled exertion, turned the tide of .Merrlwelher' - resolutions, in his room before dinner he eased his aching that evenln .j ue elitnvTi or "T t. "" gcll's prooioLC, and he uoticci, t , wlUt a p.ui' of o ..ethlng ver.. I jealousy, that Hriggs, the you.i c man in the part.,, occup c.l his sp . e moments loo!.. a.; in her direction. "I'll see what tho weather prow, o for tomorrow," w.u his Irresolute cj.o- ment as he reached his room at ml.i- , night and noted Unit Peter had one- Udlently packed his thing. ready for the 0:10 train. "If It sluuld storm, m.iy- j bo" was his last conscious thought, 1 mid then he drllted off into a I. mil where Gertrude spent her Clirlstmases I with him benlde a quiet hearthstone and chaperoned bouse parties no nitre. Next morning, when he awoke, the snow was driving ag.ilnst the window, while tho wind whistled savagely through the trees. Merrlwetber turn ed over with n deep grunt of satisfac tion. There could be no sleighing uo skntltig, no tobogganing, such a day as this, and that night was Christmas eve and the Christmas tree. He had purchased an exquisite copy of "Maud", for Mrs. Angell. It was a poem they had once read together, and he won dered If bis memory of the fact would touch her. With these thoughts ho drifted back Into sleep, and the morn ing train went thundering cityward without him. - bones In a mnn Is clinir and determined ' to return to the city cail.v next morn ing, lie would be old and sensible and comfortable once more, lie would for-1 get Certrude as long as he could not keep up with her youilifuluess. ! Hut alas for his determination! He nearly forgot his brubes aud sprains i .s'o" hm;m' unit luiiUnl havU Hut his triumph over the state of the weather was short lived. At the break fast table his nephew curdled his blood by the announcement of the plans for the Christmas trees, which yet stood In the forest a tulle across lots. "Two of the men are sick Ibis morning, fellows, so we'll have to fall into line anil fetch the trees." Hoy proclaimed, with a rel ish born of twenty-three years and warm blood. The "follow." Including Merriwcth or, worked in the storm until noon be fore the trees were properly out. trim med, cleaned and set up in the ball room ready for the decorations and gifts. The ladles had Hie decorations in charge, but Merrlwetber found there was no rest for the weary. He bal anced himself perilously by I lie hour on the top of slopladders. which sway ed and creaked ominously under bis weight: he climbed stairs to fetch pack ages from the billiard room; lie search ed for lost hammers nnd knelt on nils laid tacks until he relegated Christmas and house parties to the lower regions. At last the trees were decorated, and Hoy called the party Into the music room to practice Christinas anthems Merrlwetber saw his fellow workers safely into the iiinsli- room: then he dragged himself upstairs for a t.olaelng smoke, only to Ibid hN lire out and Ills chamber cheerless. Shoving bis aching feel into slippers, he got himself into a smoking Jacket, lif bis pipe and descended to the libra ry. The library lay back of the living room, far from the music, and li con Iniucd an inviting couch, at whhli Morrlwother had looked longingly, hut had not found time so far to orciip.v. He pushed aside the curtains at the entrance with a broad sweep of Ids hand and stepped within. Then In stepped abruptly. The couch was occu pied. "I beg your pardon, Gertrude. I thought ,ou were singing." Singing!" she responded crossly, struggling into a sluing posture. "Why, I've not a shred of voice left to sing with!" She did uoi smile, but passed her hand across her e.ves in a gesture which caused a great light Io break In on Merrlwelher. "You're tired!" lie accused In a ring ing voice of triumph. She leaned back, resting her .head against the wall. "Tired?" she repeal ed In an Intense voice. "Pin half dead with the awful pace of these two days. If I wore a big healthy man now." glancing resentfully at the proportions of the mnn before her. "I might be able Io endure everything ami yet feel fresh, but, being a woman and forty-one"- "Certrude." Interrupted Merrlwetber In a lone of solemn Joy, "fire you forty one?" "Of course 1 am." she responded al most Irritably. "You know that I am." "Ye-es," be replied vaguely, coining nearer, "but I didn't know Hint you knew It!" ".I have every reason to know it" tho tears v v "when skat tlsm, and C that sleigh hands out hi enn't endure ' home toinoi'r leave yon toe' tire you." ' lashes, an! ' Merrl wet' - . . Invited. "Ge:-tru :e." lie !.. .. . voice In which ratr: it Kathfnclhu of harmony with h: a.moimce. .e "the exertion attendant on diaper Ing this house party and keeping u, with you has given me the rheumatism In every Joint and muscle, and not o-ily the headache the effect has penetrated to my disposition, which Is" A door opened somewhere, and a burst of niuslq Interrupted hlin. "Peace on earth, good will to men." The door closed, and silence reigned In the library. A realization of the Hplrlt of the words came to Merrl wetber. Ills light manner dropped from lilin. He leaned over and laid 'his hand on Gertrude's. "Let's bo old and peace ful together, dear. Don't go back to morrow. Spend Christinas here with tne." The firelight played sofUy over tho woman's face. She glanced up with u smile which was tremulous In spite of her mocking words, "Now thut I thinlc of It, Hruee, I hnven't bought my tick et yet, and It Is more comfortable to be old!" The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths country most dangerous bccausOso deccjv- uvu. luiuiyuuuucn deaths are caused by it heart dis ease, pneumonia, beart failure m - apoplexy are of lco Td Ui ft MP ill m i 1J41 V T X Jr iilfiHMo 3831 ii SSs --kn Dodging Thirtocn. "When I lived in New York," writes n former New Yorker from Herlln, "there was a house near Central park which should have borne the number l.'i, but because of the superstition of the occupant permission was secured to place the number 11a or l,"a over the door. I spoke of the circumstance n few days ago and learned that tho thirteen superstition was more clearly marked here. In the instance men tioned by me an Individual was con cerned. Here It was the most Impor tant corporation in Wiesbaden. There Is no No. l.'J bathroom In any of the bathhouses, no No. Kt room In any ho tel and no No. 115 place at any table d'hote. AtLangenschwulbaeh the baths, under government cou.Ail. also have bath cells No. 12a where they should be numbered l.'i."- New York Tribune. the result of kid ncy disease. Jf 1f!fiiirv frmiti1 io allowed londvutice Uickidncy-noiwik- V BMBrriBV - m-mm 4 UtJSA VV 1 I 4A."' tack the vital organp, causing catarrh of the bladder, or thr. kidneys thcniwlve break down and waste away cell by clL Bladder troubles almost always result from a derangement of the kidneys nnJ a enre is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of ie kidneys. If you arc feel ing badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver nnd bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, mid over, conies that unpleasant necessity of bcinr compelled to go often through the day) and to get np many times during the night. The mild and the cxtroordinar r effee of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the mo6t distressing coses. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is. sold by all druggists in fifly-cent und one-dollar size bottles. You may have a. sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil mer & Co., Hingkamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the nanie.Swamp Kool, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Uinghomton, N. Y., on ever bottle. j Illustration Sliwlnc Mlxwl Farming .soi,u in WESTERN CAHAHA A Worthy Antagonist. "Did you visit any of the old caves when you were up in Scotland''" .for-' kins was nsked by a friend. "Yes," replied .lorklns reminiscenlly. ! "and. by gum. we had to forcibly pull . Maria out of one cave." "Cood gracious! She was fascinated by lis beauty. I suppose." "No. It wasn't beauty. You see. there Is a wonderful echo In I be cave. ii"d Maria couldn't bear to think of the echo having the last word." Liverpool Merou ry. His Eminence. A French cardinal, being small of stature and hunchbacked at thai, al ways gave I he keenest repartee when addressed with "highness" and "emi nence" "My highness Is live feet two inches, ami the eminence I carry on my back." Some ot the choicest lnn! Inr praln ir.,vu.lniv stock ralcluar ami mixed farming in the now dis tricts of Saskatchewan ami Alberta Jiavo re cently been Ononis for Settlement udor tho Revised Homestead Regutetiitiis IJntry may now tws mnrio by proxy (on i i.rtaln conditions), by tbc father, mother, son,hiihtcr, brother or Bister of an Intending hotuwk'ttder. Thousands of homestcuds of 1G0 acres vntb ar thus now easily obtalaable In these great rraln Browing, stock-raising and mixed furmlntr sec tions. There yijii will find healthful cliinato, cood nclchbors, churches for family worship, tchoots for your children, good laws, hplcndid i-iops, and railroads convenient to marLet. t Kntryfceincaehea-wjlsyiO.OO. For pamphlet, "LnRt Ilest West,"partlcu:arsastoratCK routes best time to go and where to locate, apply to W V. MJNN'KTT 601 New York I.lfe Illdg . itnaha. Kcb. Canadian (oivermotc! ArmI Bryan Speaks at Montreal. .Montreal. Feb Id. V .1. Uryan spoke heioie two meetings hero. Hotb wcie limited in attendance only by the size of the church in which the were held. Drs. W'eiriek X Uiddile. Kyc., Nose aad Throat Specialists, t Masses lilted. Over Ceriuan National Hank. Mercer's Barber Shop Basement ot Potter Block. Massaging a Specialty MAKE A GOOfl INCOME tsrflbl ' f f JMltfClf. Ifiir.i. .... J t iti.u . niiJttcuMlth to Hurt a trclur a j irl i rn tilOW JOU hv I u ikh i.ifcl wr t nfMI vm piULUNO 1.1MS , t c& U rll uifth . ----.-.-....-. mi. . iitf.1 i, in 1I I.....M . . " ?,'"'.' ;,"n,Tl '' ' lr -Ir r U.l.r CMI..1 ' "'. ""' ..! fott.k ..r.,.,1 . Utlt, r -,ultt tma "! iirlLiTtntialimri ariKnihTi m H J. !w .. .. i . ,,.:,, ,. JHB HstarOrilling Machine Co., Akran.oj Hit rit.J loin; othr r 1 LU 1 INSURANCE against Fire, Lightning, Cy clones mid Windstorms, see NO. B. STANSER? agent for tho Farmers Union Issur imco Co., Lincoln, Neb., the beet ia surance company rutbe s'lte. City Dray and Express Line, F. W. STUDEBAKEli, PIIOP. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAI& EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONES, Residence 188. Offieng. JikbibiiofcliifeUobibibilUikfcibtbMiifavbh4ivlMbibib SAY, H1STER! Do you know Mint it will pay YOU, us well us US, to buy your Building Ma terlnl and Coal at ouryards? Not only that our prices average: lower, or at least as low, as those of our competit ors, but because wo take especial care of and protect all onn be olassed as REGULAR CUSTOMERS. PL ATT & Coal FREES CO. Lumber. ft I ( (I Si r t I ffr Cf c--. ft ft (fV(fif(rt11'11,11V11Tt1T1TVT'e,e(e)PV'Hr fo f '; I -J. K .' i t V r-iiag H I l(gn i ytfn -ill" iPffliiMfjitt Ll'filJl-ILJfl iL