K i ' -- New Wall Paper Our new stock of Wall Paper is nearly all in and we can show you all the latest patterns and color ings and we want every body to conic in and see them. Cans L Gaffing The Druggist. K. K. llurr was up from Guide Rock threatened to put litui off the trnlit, ' Wednesday, whereupon his companion offered to Remember Frank Hndley does paint- Py " &v. Tl,is eiitnged the inir and nnncr hanging. l)ar,' of tho ,,rht MUl l,,at he looU " i 1. 1 it. .. , .. i i i.i .n,i smash at the party of the second part, I!. 1 Vfi4 .if 1 2 .11.1., k.imI? ivni. li Kml r .T i ' Cloud visitor Wednesday. landing heavily upon him. Next time "Mill" oilers to nay "How's' fare he Closing out sale of live stock March won't. 17. .Sec bills. I. N. Brown, Inavalc. Foit Sai.k 1 have some good Uni versity or Kherson seed oats. E. J. 1'HrKitsoN, Inavalc, Neb. Mae Kulton and Tom Jones of Wal nut Creek were transacting business in Red Cloud Tuesday. Mrs. S. It. McHrlde has returned from a several weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. Nellie Kinch.ln Kansas City. Erankle, the little daughter of Pr. and Mrs. O. A. Nelson, broke a finger Services at the llaptist ehureh Sun day are as follows: Itiblo study at 10 a. in. Preaching at 11 a. in.: theme, "The Rravo Three Hundred." Preach ing at 7:.10 p. in.; theme, "Coining in Contact with the Devil." Mble study on Tuesday evening at the home o Alva Sellnrs. Prayer meeting Wedncs day at 7:110 p. in. C. A. Wilson, pastor. On account of some dissatisfaction on the part of some members of the bin d the new leader, Mr. P.ert Tnnsey, n slgned at last night's meeting of tin- 20 Per Cent Discount Sale OF v IftlK.tlFTTFS ? m iwrraiuMii iuv Ni'j '. Tuesday is St. Patricks day. Will West visited with his mother mil sister this week. Mr. and Mrs. George- 15. MeCall were up from Guide Rock Monday. Mr and .Mrs. Will Tapham are tl e parents of ii son, born Tuesday. Clarence Maurer came in from Iowa to .tttnd the funeral of his mother. Closing out sale of live stock March 17. Sec bills. I. N. Brown, Inavalc. Mr and Mrs. Ed llubbell of Lebanon visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gilliam. Mr-. Charles hctr.lcr is visiting with ln-r parent.-, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Strayer. Mrs 0. W. IVuik left Tuesday morn ing for her new home near Imperial, N b. I'red Smel.ser arrived Tuesday from -evcral months' stay in Gothenburg. Neb W. P. Gillis, the new cashier of the Cowles bank, was a Itcd Cloud visitor Monday. Jos MeClellnnd was down from Hlooaiington the first of thcjfwcclc on Uiiness. Albert McGuire, who hits been work in,' at Wymore, came home Monday for ,i vihit. W. A. Smith and family left Tuesday morning tor tneir new uoiue in iili Springs, S. D. Will Clark came in Tuesday fr m Kauona, Kan., for a visit with friends n nl relatives. Mr and Mrs. Walter Sanderson are tin- parents of an eight pound boy, li .rn last Saturday. S.im Temple, the well known Kansas Citr commission man, was a Red Cloud visitor the first of the week. last Sunday by getting it caught in a organization. The major portion of wringer. , the members express themselves as "The Tepee," the new electric theater living been well satislicd with Mr.j and vaudeville house owned bv W. II. Tunscy's leadership, but he could not Tuber, is rapidly being put in shape -' prevailed upon to remain and listen ( for business ' lo l',c "knocking" of recalcitrant mem ,. , ,,., , . , . i Iters. I'non inquiry we learn that Mr Frank Etherton received a telegram , ,l ' J ,, . . . ,,. i . . ... . Tnnsey Is as able a cornetist as the I' ndnv evening calling him to Wymore ,,,, , , , , , . ", . ... M Red Cloud boys have been able to se- on account of the serious illness of his J . . , . ., , ,, . i cure, being courteous and gentlemanly I sister-in-law, Mrs. Laura Etherton. ! ,, . . . . .. , , ... I to all. As a last resort the band will unrry Harlow came nome irom rco- , eomnellcd to "knock out'' the Jealous I Canned Fruit k Vegetables im overstocked on Canned Goods and will place on sale in my store window beginning Saturday, Feb. 22, 1908 McFarlands Lent commences March 4. All kinds of FISH at . The Grocer All tho Phones ..!.. Ill f 11 1... . !.., Iw In. 1 1 111, 111,, 1 in-nii.i,) utuiiiuH, "iiiiii mu has been for several mouths. He is suffering from a severe attack of rheu matism. Paul S. Dietrich, former president of the business college, came in Tues day morning from Lincoln to assist in straightening out the tangle in the affairs of the business college. Paul Rntler, from over In Kansas, loaded a car of household goods anil farm implements in this city Monday, preparatory to going to Alberta, Can ada, where he will make his home. Frank Ilamaker, who was an auc tioneer in this city more than twenty years ago, but who now lives in Leb anon, Kan., had the misfortune to lose his house oy lire one day last week. O. E. Fearn of Haigler was in the city Tuesday on his way home from the congressional convention at Hast ings. He is a brother of Ed and Fred Fearn of this city and has many friends here. C. D. Robinson, Hiram Holdredge, O. It. Pitney, J. 15. Wiscearvcr and Will Norris'were in Hastings this week, serving on the federal petit jury. All but the llrst two named were excused Tuesday. D. E.-tdams, a son of Judge Ed L. Adams, and A. Nelson of Minden were in Red Cloud Wednesday. They are assisting Evangelists Gallowav and Alexander in the revival meetings at Inavale. Hump Wisecarver has sold his lunch counter to his brotlier-in-law, Hugh lJarr, recently of Virginia. Mr. Wise carver accompanied C. W. Rushee's household goods to Holdredge this week. Miss Kate Wagoner will accompany Mrs. Ed Mohler and her two sons to Ludlngton, Mich., in the near future, where they will occupy the farm re cently purchased by the late Mr. Moh ler. The Red Cloud delegation to the congressional convention at Hastings succeeded In having Colonel C. W. Kaley elected an alternate to the na tional convention to be held in Chicago in dune. Mrs. Hrokaw, who has been here for the past week assisting in caring for her sister, Mrs. Chris Zeiss, was called to her home in Superior Wednesday morning by a message, stating that her husband was very sick. E. .1. Pulsipher and Harry Stronp went out to the home of Mrs. George Heaton, in Walnut Creek township, Wednesday, where they will build a porch and make other improvemei.ts in the residence property. Theodore Ponsar, who was the mU'er at the old Red Cloud roller mills more than twenty years ago, was in Red Cloud last Saturday renewing acquaint ance with his former friends. He now lives in Omaha and Is engaged in the manufacture 'of machinery for ul fill fa mills. Mack Fentreis, accompanied by a friend who was on the same battleship with him, came in' Saturday from the west, lloth boys tell some revolting stories of the treatment they received at the hands of petty ofllcers and older ".lackies." Roth express a willingness to re-enter the navy if they can be transferred to another ship than that which thev were on when they "took French leave." Two well known citizens of Inavalc, who vtcro in Hod Cloud Saturday, took the evening train for home. One of them happened to bo ."broke," and when the conductor asked for his fare "knocker.' and continuing until stock is re duced a large assortment of Canned Fruits and Vegetables at 20 per cent discount from. reguJar prices. Your opportunity to secure bargains in canned goods. Don't forget the Fulton Market II. K. ASHER Veterinarian Blue Hill -:- Nebraska Will bo in Hod Cloud Saturdays at Smith's barn. About 10 o'clock last night when the eieeine iigut piani mew a nan iioen -j . -j "1 , TTlrt"U OO intermittent blasts those who heard it' CiaiJe ailCl piaCe I1 eD. fell to wondering what could possibly have happened. Others hurried to the plant llnd that Mr. Green, the night dynamo attendant and engineer, had placed the Index finger of his left hand on one of the dice-box valves while oiling and accidentally had the llrst joint cut oil'. Itelng in much pain lie could not keep up steam with one hand and fearing that the lights would go out he whistled for help. He was accompanied to town by some of the vis itors when Drs. Creightonand Mitchell dressed the wound. This morning Mr. Green seems as good natured as ever, but one can sense the pain back his good humor. President Steward having unexpect edly resigned as manager of the Red Cloud ISusincss college, the public spirited citizens of Red Cloud at once deemed it incumbent upon themselves to secure the management of the col lege v ithout necessitating a loss of either time or money to those In at tendance. With this object in view, a committee having been duly appointed, conferred with the board of education to secure their consent lo appoint Prof. Moritz as manager of the college. The repuest of the committee being favorably considered, the commercial club in conjunction with other prom nent lmsiness men of the city assumed financial control and have instructed Prof. Moritz to reorganize the school and place it upon a permanent and stable basis. The college being financed by the leading business men of the city is a guarantee in itself of its future stability ruder the reorganiza tion thorough instruction will be given in shorthand, typewriting, bookkeep ing, commercial arithmetic and pen manship and students are invited to enter at any time foi instruction along these lines. Qwiffc 23S8B ?"?.. Y ri ci i liui 1 1 ' Hams and Bacon liveryman and others'.' They're a 1 right. The legislature of Ohio has passed the Rose county option bill by a vc te of 70 to Uil. It provides that elections may be held in any county to vote, on the question of banishing the saloons, and in the event of any county going "wet" no township or residence dis trict shall be effected thereby. Strin gent regulations have made for the enforcement of the law, which does not go into effect until the first of Sep tember. Read up on the temperance agita tion at Hastings and listen to the cry from Lincoln that "Lincoln's going dry." CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. Tfio Kind You Have Always Bought & Boars tho Signaturo of W. C. T. I). Notes. On Thursday evening of last week a number of the W. C. T. V. ladies took the oratorical contest class to Cowles to give them the-opportunity of con testing again. A warm welcome awaited our arrival there. Arrange ments had been made for our enter tainment and a committee, of girls of that little burg escorted us to their various homes, where we received a hearty welcome, in the evuning we were greeted by an appreciative audi ence and at the close of the entertain ment the chorus was requested to again sing "I)e Walls Am Cumin' Down," to which they responded. The medal was awarded to Ethel Wisecarver and was presented by Rev. Myers of M. E. church. During the time required for tho decision of the judges Elizabeth Overman recited the selection which won her the medal at the contest here. Like all the others It was received with an ovation. Hev. Myers extended thanks for the evening's entertain ment with an invitation for us to again visit them. We are sure that every member of the visiting party will al ways carry a warm spot in their heart for the people qf Cowles, and we are also sure that they deserve rich blessings. What's the matter with Red Cloud'.' She's all right. When tho parents of fourteen families will give-their daugh ters for a temperance entertainment and so willingly lend their assistance is it any wonder we exclaim she's all right? And what Is the matter with Traveling Nan Goes Insane, A. .1. Moore of Villlsea, Iowa, a trav eling salesman for the Hand-Sewed Shoe Co. of Omaha, went insane at his room in the Hotel Royal in this eitv .Monday evening, and for a time made tilings lively for the employes of that hostelry. It seems that Moore had been indulging in the flowing bowl too freely and became atllicted with paresis. Monday evening he came down from his room and, standing in the doorway leading to the ollice of the hotel, dc- iKW yk ft) lkrSi For Sale by Koon Bros. Red Cloud, Nebraska.. elared that some one was trying to kill him. He repeated this perfonnai ee several times, until Marshal Klmel and Sheriff Hedge wero summoned, when he was finally confined to his room under guard. His wife was noti fied and she wired Sheriff Hedge to bring him home. The sheriff left with the demented man for Villisca on No. 1 1 Wednesday morning. A New York detective suys there are probably at least 1,000 men In that city living under names assumed after reaching the ago of twenty-one years, many of them respected and trusted citizens. He adds, "Men who have been unfortunate In other cities, who have committed some petty crime nnd want to hide from the world, come hero to begin life anew, leaving th,elr old names and reputation behlud." ho raised a rumpus. The conductor j the ministers, the newspapers, ' the For imaldnu gMilolrlvf stvtsZ Tnwfootm m ly, detficious foot Mscuils, not breads, caise ana pas try, mere is no substitute for QH PRICE'S BAKING POWDER No Alum No Lime Phomphmtm The poisonous nature of alum Is so well known that the sale ot condiments con taining It is prohib ited by law. -? i? I -. -r.,, ..,,., I, I ,, p W.I ". --n ri-Lf-'Xiac.