T57 c ' '"V iw ,- -.HfBfVffw IIHIJIJHWHp 4 fij," M r rj If Family J staan The best medicines in the world cannot take the place of the family physician. Consult him early when taken ill. If the trouble is with your throat, bronchial tubes, or lungs, ask him about taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Then take it or not, as he says. Wo publish 0111' formula! I y m wo iinninh ieohoi I f mp tC rrWo"iirBo you"" IX XllVf U 00Ii,n'illX0Ur ! tmrnmrnmmmmmmmmmmmmamtm . Bilious attacks, sick-headaches, indices tion, constipation, dizzy spells these arc some of the results of an inactive liver. Ask your doctor if nc endorses Ayer's Pills in these cases. The dose is small, one pill at bedtime. I MadobytheJ. O.AycrCo., Lowell, Man. Real Estate Transfers. Por the week ending Tuesday, Mesh lo, furnished by the Fort Abstract Co. L. II. Port, Manager. ( has. W. drown to William J. Kelly, wd, o2 nwl, swl nwl and slinwl nwl sec I1-M2....S ''hris r.i'urhour to C. W. drown, vd, pt swl set see 7-1-11 (1,000 1,800 K S Kit, to CJeo. Anmck, wd, s'J sol, nel nel and n'.' nwlscc'.'l-1-10 11,500 Robert Mathieson to dyron II. Gilinore, wd, n2 swl and n2 sel seo'JD-l-lO 0.SOO Thus. I'.. Perkins to Nathaniel II. Stone, qcd, sel see 23-1-1.. 1 Wm. M. Kby tu (ieo. W. Shuck, - w2 swl and sel swl and lot 0 iu sec Ifl-t-O MttoKlalu to Alexander Klate, wd, net sec 18. 1-12 Jacob (..ale to August Martin, wd, lot 27, blk 14, dlue dill.. John W. Johnson, trustee, to Robert Ilamerell, qcd, s2 and ne4 see 10-1-9 I. G. Martin to Oscar W. dmick wd, so4 see 8-2-10 Oliver I). Hedge, slteritL, to Lena Temple, sd, w2 nel and w2sel sec 21-2-12 'K. U. Overman to Chas. W. Kaley wd, is'j nwl nel see 33-2.11.... Lloyd Croker to Henry Crocker, wd, e2 sec 25-1-1 1 ,100 ',000 80 12,000 i00 Ulf 00 Orly M. Kinyeart, to John II. wd, o2 Hi and w2 nwl and w2 sw 1 see 20-2-12 Chas. W. Kaley lo John E. Jar- boe, wd, e'J nwl see 22-2-11... James J. (,'ary to K. U. Overman, wd, s2 swl 2S and n2 nwl see Herbert L. Luce to 1'. K. Dooley wd. lots 1 and 5, blk 0, Inn vale State oi Nebraska to Noah Cluny. d, sel nwl sec 30-3-10.. Mate of Nebraska to Noah Cindy, d, nel nwl see 30-3-10.. Mate of Nubiaska to Noah Cluny, d.swl nwl see 315.3-10. rharlotte Leigh to John Henry l.ioo 3.000 1,000 000 ;::() 3.r,0 350 and strictly prohibits the sale of alum baking powder So doss France 77 So does Germany The sale of alum foods lias been made illegal in Washington and the District of Colum bia, and alum baking powders are everywhere recognized as injurious. jo projccj y0ursef aasjist alism, when ordering baking powder, Sap plainly DlrWAI BAK1NQ If hIIAL powder and be very sure you get Royal. Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. It adds lo the digestibility and whole- someness of the food. xsmmmmm Hlnson, vl, net hoe 27-1-11... 3,000 Prank L. dines to Ainboy Mill and Elevator Co., wd, swl see n:i-'j-io 7,260 W. 0. Frahm, county treasurer, to A. Gilinore, td, lots 12, 1.1 and 14, blk o, Ilohrcr's ad to IUue Hill 100 A. It. Sellars to S. C. Sluiek, wd, pt n w 1 he 1 see .'I5-2-1 1 3,000 Total 877,217 Mortgages filed, S24,00. Mortgages released, 1 1,825. Electricity In Church Edifices. Pew realize what an important part electricity plays in the work about the t i -i- ...tin rin : Iliouern eiHUCll eiimces. ilium isani- sidcrablc work constantly required about a church building andHlie clean, noiseless, enicicnt and economical olco- ,.:.. nmtmvs do this work better than any other power in the world. The great pipe organs use in?tor power for the air compressors; the ventilating fans aro motor-driven: the ei t m vm.UUIIl ciulllll.rh. , .... . earpets are the build ing is lighted with hundreds of electric lights. The new Kirst daptist church of Worcester, throughout Mass., is electrically The lighting of this large building has been worked out on sci- entillc principles and the incandescent lamps liave been artistically arranged for effects which could be produced with no other kind of illuminant. No sharp or direct rays of light fall upon the eye from any position. Five motors, aggregating 30 h.p. do the work about this church. The largest motor, ten horse power, drives a fan iu connection with the heating system and assures an even tempera ture throughout the large auditorium. ' The organ blower is operated by an eight horse-power motor and a fan for ! the ventilation of laboratories isdriven by a four horse-power motor. The in stallation of a vacuum cleaning system, driven by a four horse-power motor, makes it unnecessary to use brooms or sweepers to keep the building clean. The cost of cleaning has thus been greatly reduced iu comparison with the old methods of doing the work by hand. Another interesting motor applica tion of a wood, canvas and asbestos curtain between the main auditorium and Sunday-school room. This curtain is about thirty-five feet wide and thirty feet high, weighing about three tons The motor will raise this curtain noise lessly in less than half a minute. The motor installations require little atten tion and the church is in no way iu mrud, even m appearance, uy incse five applications of electric power. Klectnc Iscws Serviec RHEUMATISM CURF.D IN A DAY. i Dr.DctcliotiH Kellcf forKliiMimntlMi. andNeural Kin radically cun-s la 1 to.'! dayti. Its action upon tlio sy stem is remarkable and mj Morions. 11 removes at onco tin; cause and tho disease Im mediately disappears Tho first dose Kreatly bcnHlltH, 75 cent and II. Sold by II. K. Giuce druggist, Red Cloud. Mrs. Walcom and Airs, darill. mother and sister of Mrs. E. d. (Soldo, who have been visiting here, left Tuesday morning for St. Louis. mxE&mmM H m&mi mm i B S 1 i THE HOT SPRINGS DOCTORS. Who Thev Are and What They Will Do. Since the announcement has been innde In these columns that Dr. den W. Kinsey, chief of staff of the dot Springs doctors who have their Ne braska State Institute located at Lin coln, intends to make a two-day visit to Ued Cloud on March 23 and 21, dur ing which he will stop at the Hotel Royal where he will receive patients, the question has been many times atked, "Who are the Hot Springs doe tors anil what do they do?" The an swer is this, The Hot Springs doctors are an association of specialists who treat chronic diseases by the dot u.. ..!.... e ...,... 4 'Hi oiJiinyn nn;iii ui ufuuiicMt, s uvy have already established institutes iu many of the larger cities of the United States. The Nebraska State Institute is located at 14th and O streets, Lin coln. The object is to bring this Hot Springs System treatment within the reach of all. The Hot Springs system of treatment for chronic diseases has a national reputation as is evidenced by the fact that the United States govern ment has established its army and navy hospitals at Hot Springs, Ark.. where soldiers and sailors are sent af- ter all ordinary methods have failed to cure. Thousands of sick people are carried to Hot Springs every year, Many people who go there without hope often go home happv and well. dot everyone cannot go to IlotSprings. It remained for Dr. Kinsey to discover the seerots of the Hot Springs of home treatment so that It can be used any where iu any home without inconven ience, annoyance or publicity and without detaining the patient from his usual occupation. This wonderful Hot Springs treat ment is what dr. Kinsey is bringing to Red Cloud, during this first visit he will be here but two days, March 23 and 21. dr. Kinsey will receive patients at the Hotel Royal parlors where he will examine all patients free of charge. Those that are found to be curable will be treated at a low price, those that are not curable will not be treated at any price. The ob ject of this two-day visit is to get a few cases to show what this wonderful Hot Springs treatment will do in the way of curing chronic diseases even after other methods have failed. Dr Kinsey solicits only ditlicult cases. Cases that have failed of a cure by or dinary methods and have been given up as hopeless. Of course, dr. Kinsey does not claim that he can curb all cases, but among these hopeless cases he will select a great many that can be cured and those that cannot be cured will be frankly told so and no money accepted from them under any conditions. Dr. Kinsey has a national reputation among physicians on account of bis wonderful knowledge of the human body. He acknowledges no peer in the matter of medical diagnosis. To dem onstrate his ability he will undertake to di.ignose any case in a few minutes time, describing every ache and pain and locating the cause of the trouble without asking the patient any ques tions. To aid him in his diagnosis dr. Kinsey carries with him the most powerful uiicoscope made besides many other instruments imported from the various medical centers of the world and some invented by himself and used by no other doctors in the world but the Hot Springs doctors. This visit of Dr. Kinsey at the Hotel Royal March 13 and 21 will be a won derful opportunity or the sick and alllicted of this community who want to get well and there are many to take advantage of it. Hlsf Informal Wav. The following anecdote, after re maining in storage many year?,, has been recently dusted and brought to light: A young and afterward distinguished attorney from an .up-country district of New York state was arguing his first appeal in the old general term of supreme court, lie had been in many legal scrimmages in justices' courts at home, but had never stood in the awe some presenceof Hvescdateand learned judges of the supreme court, In general term assembled. Ills embarrassment was great. He repeated himself and misplaced his words so often that It was (piite evident that he must soon be routed by his own confusion unless something should occur to break the spell. Finally, and just as he was lloundering the deepest In a chaotic jumble of language, and ideas, the pre siding judge interrupted with the fol lowing remark: ".Mr. Smithers, I believe it will be a great relief to yourself and to the I court if you will address us in the same free and informal way that you doubtless use iu addressing your local m to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to A nnouncement BlH WE have purchased the Robin son & Burden grocery stock and are yetting lined up ready for business. , We appreciate the liberal patron age already shown us and extend a cordial invitation to you to call and give us a trial. ,We will treat you right. Respectfully, to to to Johnson 'V to m Successors to Robinson & Burden Belt Rhone No. 4. .4Vn.Kr4.iK''lk'k.b-lll4'lrVl'dl'iyb''4 Sb' ' PANHANDLE. TEXAS Tho Innds wo aro going to call your attention to aro in the noithwcst part of Textip. Take tho map of Texas and you can readily soo that we are trying fo locate you about G30 miles from Kansas City and uOo miles from Galveston the nearest seaboard harbor of any importance, where freight rates hy water to England aro practically tho sauio as from Now York. To transport a bushel of wheat from Hastings, Neb., to Now York by rail will cost you l(Jc per 100 lbtfor 2SJ per bu. From tho Panliandlo to Galveston tho rnto is 9o per bu. or u saving of ll).flo por bu. Can you figure tho advantage that the farmer iu the Panhnndlo has over you? To show you the great adva -tage tho Panliandlo lias over you, wo want to quote a few figures on tho sowing and yield of wheat at tho experiment station, a short distance from whore v.o offer you theso great bargains in laud. Yield of Wheat for I90G Masko Wheat Sowing 1) pecks to the aero yields 20.0.1 bushels, tost (52 pounds .. .j .. 4. . .. .. o-,i(r, .. ,. (5l ,. Durum Wheat Sowing Jl pecks to tho acre yields 2.'5.IO bushels, test (52.50 pounds ( , l u u t. i. 2'-V"i " ' d " " 5 " " " " 10.20 ' " 02.no " Now you have tho figures beforo you for consideration. It will take you but u few minutes to compute the differenco that tho Panhandle farmer gots more for his grain than you do. If the experiment station can reach such results in farming and doing it right, you can do tho sumo thing, or can raise ." bu. less and beat anything you can in this part of tho country. With an nverogo of 21 inches of rainfall for tho last twelve years, nothing stands iu tho load of farmers becoming independent iu a short timo and fixing himself so lie can live at ease. Is it hot in tho Panhandle, is asked by people who are not familiar with conditions in that country. We will sav that the average iu tho hottest mouths in the year, for twelve years is as follows: June, 72; July, T."i. August, 72, and September, (IS. This government report was by tho U. S. weather observer (Tho. J. Oonsodim), at Aniorilla, Texas, right iu the center of the Panhandle. Wnter is procured in sand and gravel ami is of the vory purest quality suiri has proven very beneficial for tho general health of mankind. We aro making those trips to tho Panhandle ovory First and Third Tuesdays in each month, and would be pleased to soo you and talk it over with you, ns we cannot tell you all in a short ad like this. Red Cloud Investment Co. I. II. HOLMES, President. 1). J. MYERS, Vice-President. A. D. SELLERS, Secretary and Treasurer justice of the peace." "Well, then," replied Smithers, "I wish that while I am busy alleviating your honor's dense ignorance of the law you would keep your d -d mouth shut!" The court laughed heartily and1 waved for him to proceed, He grew eloquent, and won his ease in the midst of hearty applause. l)oheinlan. Corn Exposition Commission Appointed. The Nebraska commission for the National Corn Exposition, to be held at Omaha, in December, have been ap pointed by (lovernor Sheldon, upon recommendations from tho state board of agriculture and the corn improvers association and are as follows: Will iam r.rnst, Johnson county, president; i. A. durnott, Lancaster county, vice president; U. llogue, Saline county, second vice-president; W. 1!. Mcllor, Sherman county, treasurer. At the first meeting held by this commission I. (!. Montgomery of Lincoln was ap pointed secretary, The state board of agriculture luveapproitriatedsullicient funds to start the promotion for a lirst m to to to to- to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to & Boner to to to Rural Phone No. 62. 21.30 " " 0o.fi kiss .Nebraska exhibit and we would suggest that every enterprising farmer in this vicinity join in perfecting an organization for the growing of a su perior grade of corn. If you will try, send in your name to the secretary.'" Lot us show that our country is pro gressive. , Mrs. Robert Taylor of duboice, Neb., is visiting at the home of W. K. (Jeer. Notice of Application For SaUon License Kotloo Is hereby given Hint IJ. .T. Kolimcthchcr ha8 lilod In tho olllce of the county clerk of Wehster county, Nehrftska, thlb SBtU day of February A. 1). 100M, hid petition signed by the required number of resident freeholders, of Onk OreeX prcelnet, Webster comity, Nebraska, prfiyiiii; for ti saloon license to be granted by tho board of commissioner of said county, luitliorl.liii; tho salo of malt, splrltuoim and vinous liquors on lot eleven (It), block twelve Vi), In tho village of lJosemout, Webster tounty, Nebraska, for u period of ono year from and after tho 1st day of April A. D. 1P08, Hearing of said application will be hold at the meeting of tho board of comity commissioner to be held on Tuesday, March 17, lOta. or at Uio ilrbt mcetlnt; thereafter, K. W. Itoas, Oil County Clerk. i . i I 1