"W I"' ..-. b I r , V The Spoilers By REX E. BEACH. Copyright. 1905, Continued from Inst week. J So ho was 'to forswear this venge ance, which was no vengeance after nil, hut In verity a Just punishment. They asked him-a man a man's man -u northman-to do this, and for what? For no reward, hut on the contrary to Insure himself lasting bitterness, tie tin; cost at whleh she liold her voice so Htrove to look at. the proposition palm steady. ly, clearly, but It wum dllllcult. If only "More than that. It's so new that It by Treeing this other villain as well as m-s yet, and It will continue to hurt her uncle he would do a good to her, for a long time, I suppose. Hut to then he would not hesitate. I.ove was morrow I am going buck to my hills not the only thing. lie marveled at his own attitude. This could not be his old self debating thus, lie had asked lor another chance to .show that he was not the old Itoy tilonistor. Well, it bail come, and he was ready. Itoy dated not look at Helen any more, for this was the hardest moment he hail ever lived. "You ask this what of--of the niusl. know that will they both. for your uncle. Inn other fellow V You If one goes ft ft su They can't be M'pil ," the don't rated." "It's almost loo much to a-l; Kid took up, uncertainly. "Put you think the work is done' 1 help but admire .McN'aninrn. and net ther can you -he's been loo good an enemy to you for that and and h loves Helen." "I know I know," said lilenKtet hastily, at the .same limp stopping an unlntplllglble protest from the irl. "You've said enough." lie Mi-nlghl-encd his slightly sto-iplng shouider-i and looked at tin uuoppned pnckaui wearily, then slipped the rubber band from it and, separating the contents tore thorn up- one by one in ihem Into line bits without hurry or orien tation and tossed the fragments away, while the. Woman began to sob softly, the sound of her relief alone dUturii lug the silence. And so he gave her his enemy, making ids oiVcr gamely, according to bis code. "You're rigid the work is done. And now I'm very tired." They left him standing there, the glory of the dying day illumining hi. loan, brown fciturcs the vision of a great loneliness In his weary eyes. Up did not rouse himself till the sky before him was only a curtain or .steel, penciled with streaks of soot Hint, lay close down above the darker sea. Then hp sighed tuiil said aloud: "So this is the end, and I gave him to her with lheo hands.'' lie held tlinin out before hltn curiously, becom ing conscious for the first lime that the left one was swollen and discolored and foarfiilly painful. He noted ll with Impersonal interest, realizing Its i.ieed of medical attention so left the cabin and walked down into the city. Ho encountered Iipxtry and Sinims on the way. ami they wetd with him. both flowing with the gossip of the cmnp. "Lord, but you're the talk of the town," they began. "The curio limit-1 I'M have commenced lo pull Slruvo's! ollico apart for souvenirs, a in I the Swedes want to run you fur congress as soon as ever we get admit led as a slate. They say Unit at collar an' elbow holts you could lick any of Ihem ea-t era senators and thereby rustle out a lot of good legislation for us i-i-1mde up here."' j "Speaklii of laws goes to show uie that Ibis here country is gctim" tuo. blamed civilized for a while man." Mild Sliiiius iiessiiulstically. "and now that this light is ended up it don't look likcj there would be anything doiu" lit to claim the Interest of a growed up per son for a long while. I'm goln west." I "West! Why, you can throw a stone; Into itering strait from here." said Itoy. I smiling. i "Oh, well, the world's round. There's a schooner out lit tin for SI beery two years cruise. .Me an le. N liggeriu on gettln' out Inward the frontier' for a spell." "Sure!" said liextry. "I'm beginnlu' to feel all cramped up horenhnuis owln' to these flllymniuirch orchestras an' French restarawuls and stub discrep ancies of NMiicry. They're put tin' a pavement on Front streH, and there's i n Hhoe shinln' parlor opened up. Why, J I'd like to gel where I could stretch an' holler without dlsturhiu' Hie peuslve ness of sjoiiie dude in a tires- suit, P.el ter come along. Ito.v ; we can sell out the .Midas." "I'll think Ir nter," said Hie young man. Tim nlf'llt U'.ls lil'l-'llt ll-llli l I'llll moon when they left the doctor's oillce. Hoy. In no mood for the exuberance of j his companions, parted I'niin I hem. but had not gone far before lie nici ('lurry Mulatto. His bend was low. and he did not m'C her till she spoke. "Well, boy Her word: so it's over at last." chimed so perfectly with his thoughts that he replied, "Yes; it's all over, little girl." "You don't mind my congratulations by Rex E. Rench, i' i mi lull' tRjj.iiHTBacrannTWiragnwwMMS does It fool to be a winner?" "I don't know. I've lost." "Lost what?" "KvorytliliiR-oxeont the jjold mine." "Kvory thins except-1 nee! You mean that slip -that you have asked -lor slu won't?" lie never knew ami my valleys, back to the Midas and my work, and try to begin all over. For a time I've wandered In strange paths, seeking new gods, as It were, but the dazzle has died out of, my eyes and I can iee true again. She isn't for mo, although I shall always love her. I'm sorry I can't forget easily, as some do. It's hard to look ahead and take an Interest In things. Hut what about you? Where shall you go?" "I don't know. It doesn't really matter now." The dusk hid her while, set face, and she spoke monotonously. "I am going to see the ltrotieo Kid. He sent for me. He's ill." "He's not a bad sort," .said Itoy. "Anil I suppose he'll make a now start too." "Perhaps," saitl she, gazing far out over the gloomy ocean. "It all depends-." After a moment she added. "What a pity that we can't all sponge oil" the tdate and begin afresh and forget !" "It's part of the game." said he. "I don't know why It's so. but It Is. I'll see you some! lines, won't IV" "No. boy: 1 think not." "I believe I understand." he mur mured, "and perhaps it.'s better so." He toil; her two soft hands In his one good right and klsetl them. "Hod bless you anil keep you. dear, brave lit tle Chorr.t." She Mood straight and still as he melted Into the shndows, and only the moonlight heard her pitiful sob and her hopeless whiper: "Coodby, my boy, my boy." He wandered down beside the sea, for his battle was not yet won, and until he was surer of himself he could not endure the ribaldry and rejoicing of his fellows. A welcome lay waiting for him In every public place, but no one there could know the mockery of It. no one could gauge the desolation that was his. The sand, wet. packed and hard as a pavement, gave no sound to his care less steps, and thus It was that he came silently upon the one woman as she stood beside the silver surf. Had he seen her first he would have slunk past in the landward shallows, but, recognizing his tall form, she called and lie came, while it seemed that bis lungs grew suddenly constricted, as though bound about with steel hoops. The very pleasure of her sight pained him. lie adtauccd eagerly, and yet ttlth hesitation, standing sillily aloof while his heart Haltered and his tongue grew dumb. At last she saw his bandages and her manner changed abruptly. Coming closer she touched them with caressing lingers. "It's nothing- nothing at all," he said while Ills voice Jumped out of all con trol. "When are you -going away":" "I do not know not for .some time." He had supposed she would go to morrow ttlth her uncle and the oilier, to be wilh Ihem through their travail. Willi warm impetuosity .she began: "It ttas a noble thing you did to day. ill. I am glad and proud." "I prefer you to think of me in that way, rather than as (he wild beast yo.i saw Ibis morning, for I was mail, per feetly mad with hatred and revenge, ami evi ry wild impulse that comes to a defeated man. You m-c. I had played and lost, played and lnt. again and again, till there was nothing left. What mischance brought you IhereV It tviu a terribly brutal thing, bu you can't understand." "I '.a I I can unilersl.iiiil. I do. I know all aboni it now. I know the wild rage of desperation; I know the eMiitation r victor1.: I know what hale and fear are now. You told me once that I he wilderness had made oh a savage, and I lai'ighed at It Just us I did when you :U thai my couiact with big things would tench me Un truth, that we're all alike, and that those motives me In us nil. I see now that you were right and I ttas ver.t simple. I learned a great deal hist night." "I have learned much also," said lie "I wish yon might teach, me more." "I I don't think I could leach yon i any more," she hosihtted. lie nuiv-ed as though in speak, but i held back and tore bis t-y away from ; her. "Well?" she Inquired, gazing at him i covertly. Once, a long time ngo, I read a lover's petition, and ever since know- I nig you e ,e fie constn-r prayer I'm4 I inh-'it be ghcti the purity to le wortlp- the g"cd In you and that yen ni'g'it be granted the patience to reach the good In inc. but it's no use. Hut at least I'm glad we have met on common ground, as It were, and that you understand. In a measure, '''he prayer could not be a a nvorcd; but through it I have found myself and I have known yon. That last is vml!l more than a king's ran som to me. It Is a holy thing which I shall reverence always, and when you go you will leave me lonely except for Its remembrance." "Hut I am not going." she said. "That is unless" Something In her voice swept his gaze back from the shimmering cause way that rippled seaward to the rising moon. It brought the breath Into his throat, and he shook as though seized by a great fear. "Unless-what?" "Unless you want me to." "Oh, (?od! don't piny with me!" He Hung out Ids hand as though to stop her while his voice died out to a sup plicating hoarseness. "I can't stand that." "Don't you see? Won't you see?" she asked. "I was waiting here for ft 'Wy "Don't nu r:i' Won't jnu sn my ptioou'.'" the con rag.- to go to you since you have made it so very hard for me. my pagan." Willi which she came close to him, looking upward Into his face, smiling a little, shrinking a little, yielding yet withholding, while the moonlight made of her eyes two bot tomless, boundless pools, dark with loe. and brimming with the promise of his dreams. Tin: r.Nn. Telephones and Fires. The earliest application of the tele phone In connection with a switch board was made at Hridgeport. Conn.. In .lune, 1S7S, where In the eagerness of various lire companies lo arrive first at llrcs, the men of company Xo. .", which was next to the telephone oillce, told the telephone operator to retpieat his twenty-one patrons lo give the In formation over the telephone of any lire and to report the fact at the en gine house. This engine was not only the llrst at several lires. but In some mysterious manner was fretpiently on Its way before the alarm struck. This reached a climax on the occa sion or a small lire in a dwelling, which the tire company ntloudcil wilh inul' Ilcd bell. In response to a telephone message, and no lire uliirm was pulled. On their return, the engine ttas driven by the bouse of a rival company with bell ringing, and when the men riislie I out with Inquiries they were told that Hie lire had been extinguished. After this occurrence, the chief of the lire department gate orders that companies should mil respond p a Hre alarm received over a telephone, but the Insurance agents of the i Ity .tp pealed to the oily council, who ordered thai all fire engine houses should be equipped with telephones. Hrooklvn Knglo. The Feast of Yule, ll was Pope TelesplioTus, who died before I he year l.r0 A. !.. who Insti tuted Christinas as a festival, though for some time It was Irregularly held in December. April and May." Hut for centuries before (here had been a feast of Yule among the northern na tions, whose great enjoyment was in drinking the wassail bottl or cup. Nothing gave tlieni so much delight as indulgence in "carousing ale," especial l. at the MHisou of short days, when lighting was ended. It ttas likewise the custom al all their feasts "for the master of Hie house to till a large botvi or pitcher, to drink out of it llrst him seir and then give to him that sal next, and so it went around." This may have been the origin of that popti lar American custom knottn as "treat ing." Wise- Poor Mill-roughs! He's wor rying a great deal about debts NetvItL Nonsense! You'll never catch Ii I in worrying because he can't pay his debts. Wlse--He's not worrying about old debts lie can't pay. but about new ones he can't coutraet.--PhIladulphla Press. Children and Candy. Give children plent) of pure sugnr, taffy and butter scotch and they'll have little need of cod liver oil, says Dr. Woods Hutchinson In Woman's Home Companion. In short, sugar Is, after meat, bread and butter, easily our next most Important and necessary food. You can put the matter to a let very easily. .lust leave off the pie. pudding or other desserts at your I'tti-h or midday dinner. You'll be as tonished to Mini how quickly you'll feel "empty" again and how "iinlln Ishcd" the meal will seem. You can't pet any worklugman to accept a din ner pall without pie In it. And he's absolutely right. The only thing that ran take the place of sugar here Is beer or wine. It Is a slgulllcant fact that the frpe lunch counters run In connection with bars furnish every imaginable thing except sweets. F.ven the restaurants and lunch grills at tached to saloons or bars often refuse to serve desserts of any sort. They know their business! The more sugar and sweets u man takes at a meal Un less alcohol he wants. Conversely, J nearly every drinking man will tell you that he has lost his taste 'or sweets. The more candy a nation con sumes, the less alcohol. The Mayor of Dorlin. One of the principal requirements of a mayor in (Jertnany Isuuquallllcd hon esty, for In the municipal administra tion of Oermaiiy graft In any form would not be tolerated. To become the nioyor of a city Hkp Herlln the ap plicant must have established Ids repu 'lion for elii'-teuey In governing other (ierniau cities. His career Is carefully scrutinized by the members of the town council who select him, for not only inns! he be competent and suc cessfully pcrrm-in the duties of his high posit inn. bin still so young as likely to remain competent for many years, for a mayor In Prussia Is elected for a term of twelve years and if not re elected after that period Is entitled to a life pension of hair the amount of his salary. After a service of six years his pension Is one fourth of his salary and after serving twenty years two thirds. He u.'cil not necessarily be a resident ir Herlln at the I line of his appointment In fact, the mayor is usu ally chosen from the residents of other cities. Culture In West Africa. Culture and commerce are spreading hi west Africa. A merchant sends u the following letter, received from a chief: "Dear (.'entleuiens!- I made my Stop to the house of a certain auinblo friend or mine for Invitation and wich our attention highly attracted by taken eoloquy for a few minutes. I took a certain magazine lu reading of Some thing. And I was pursing through pages oter pages yours name was Sub stantially Commeroatcd to me that you are the best and known .Merchants In every produce In the city of t.on don. Therefore I have found myself Somewhat Imclimable to pen you to Send me your general Samples, to gcther ttlth Catalogue, and I will soon forwarding my remittance to .ton promptly fote quantity of goods. Trust lug you will mil refiisl as quick by as possible Kvpccllug to Ilea re from .ton again good news, - London Standard. Flattered Him. "You ought to. have been more tact ful. You should have flattered hlin." "I did Hatter him." "Flattered hlin? Why. yon told him he was half a fool!" "Well, wasn't Ilial Haltering hlin?" -, tiwtfirrwfflT::fl;rtiui..-iii.- f--' 'n - v - ""jr - Th Safest R for Children Children require the. cry jn-ntlest and safest bowel regulator ou can tt;ivc them. Violent purgatives are likelv lo do more harm than crood. And moreover, they cause unnecessary suffering from griping and nausea. 1 bxo Orderlies are undoubtedly the hi-st bowel-medic inc for children ever discovered. They assist Na ture to renew her functions so quietly and naturally that there is no unpleasrmtness whatever. They cure constipation wit limit griping or nausea, and afford immediate and lasting relief. Rexall Orderlies arc pleasant tasting, vanilla flavoied tablets, and children take them as eagerly as they would candy. Large Box (30 tablets), 25c. 4 Small Box (12 tablets), 10c. The ti. B. Grice Drug Co., The Rexall Store. Burned It Into Memory. One of the most churnclcrtHtlcalr eccentric things ever done by !.'lett Hurgess (and one of the few I rue sto ries of him) was to upend three or four days lu constructing of cardboard, mica and green velvet n tittle model of an old New Knglnnd house, coin- plete as to windows, curtains, lawn, I garden, trees and even including n I hammock with a tiny lint and summer I novel and washing stretched out on it 1 clolheslluu on the back stoop. This was for a dinner given to several lit- erary friends lu New York, and when I the coffee was served he deliberately set lire lo the whole farm. IIIm ex planation wits that had It been spared his guests might have forgotten the affair, but they would nlways rcineiu- Iter the destruction of the bouse. No one who ever saw the little house go up lu smoke on its little hill of damp moss will ever forget It. The Misplaced Comma. "Some lawsuits of the highest lin portauce have hinged upon the rtghc placing of a comma," said a Judge. "When I llrst started to practice Inv a Missouri editor came to me lu a peck of trouble to defend him against a threatened libel suit growing out of faulty punctuation. He had not meant, to give some Innocent young women the slightest offense when he wrote a story about 'two young men who went with their girls to attend a lecture and after they left, the girls got drunk.' Pulling that miserable little cumurj out of Its right place did the work. a It made the girls Hie ones who became Inebriated Instead of their escorts, t managed by p-opcr diplomacy and tie publication of a nea apology to stave off the damage suits, and afterward my editorial friend became an expert on punctuation."- Mnltlniore American. Taunting. Old Noah bunted up a barrel Hlav-? and started off for ibe stein of the ark. "Where are you going?" asked Mr. Noah. "I am going to whale that boy Ham," replied Noah, with a frown. "Hut. my dear, the lad Is only play ing on his banjo." "Yes, inn, it is the Mine he Is play. Jug." "And wha I Is he tune?" '"Walt Till the Sun Shines, Lizzie." -Chicago News. OM .Nancy Doane was holed for fin striking originality or some of her ex pressions. One day she was talking about the utter inanity of another old woman lu the neighborhood, and sin? said: "I never see her beat! She'll lop down in a cheer, an" there she'll set an' koI an' set. doin absolutely not bin' fer hours an' hours, hv arier day. 'Pen my soul, I sh'd think she'd mildew!" 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. AnTnnnpomllnc nfkrtrh nri J ili'ncrlptlon nmf illicitly iiM't-riiilii our iipmliin free wfioftii'r itu ivi'iiumi In probnMy pnO'iiOitiln. (.'iiiiiiiuiiIca UoiiniitrluMyc'oiillUpiitliil. HANDBOOK on l'ulmit nt f rro. OliWt rtKCIicj- lor wiirmir imUuMk. I'nli'iits liUtii tlirmiL-li Mnnii A. Co. rcotjlY tpertat notice, trlllioutcmrm), lutlio Scientific American. A hniirtsoniclr llltl!trntml wnoklr. IjirHiwt rlr riilnllon of uiiy Hriunlltlc loiinml. 'I uriup, M ruir: fmirmontlid, I. Hold ty all unnmlcjiltirft. IWUNN & Co.3Ctaroada- New York llrancli Oillce. ca it St.. Wafitilnuluu, I. C - T''" - ty""""'''''Mv''t'"' " '"T . . m ,. i KSOftaB&KW -Vi v. i - -t The Guarantee it the itrongeii ever made. If these Orderlies do not benefit you, if you're not entirely sat isfied with them, bring buck the empty box and we will promptly band back your mon ey. The cont' plete fortnu' la of these new laxatives given upon request. llSjIkE : t von know me too well fjjr..tlint, How I w