k- I I: ii R -1 in b. i " I, v ! 'ii '. ! 3J Ghe CHIEF Red CHoud - - Nobrnska. PCfBUSIIKD MVWUY K IUaY. Bntns-t In tlio I'omuflhr OS HCCOIIll '' Hf it Hit Ml. Gioiwk Nkwiiouhk Miiiimku' 77, 7 . -w ,.,, .r.r.i-r-iirri VI WEftAL OF VICTIMS ' x i;njujvrxu vx Txva-x FUNERALS OF MANY VICTIMS OF SCHOOL FIRE HELD. Janitor, Blamed by Grief Crazed Pa- rents, Burlc3 Three of His Own Chil dran Under Police Protection De- veloaments at Coroner's Inquest. 1 Cleveland, March . Colhnwood has como to a lull realization of her woe. Hlowly and solemnly the processions of death began to wend their way to- ward I ho cemeteries, bearing the bat- xored and charred remains of some of the hundred and sixty-seven children whoso lives wore snuffed out in Wed- nesday's catastrophe in the Lakevtew tctiool. There was no cessation in tho fu- uuiul corteges. Those who had no dead to mourn as a pertonal loss atuod In tho streets with bated lieaus us tho grim processions passed. There was scarcely a dry eye In Colllnwood. One or the saddest tu- imrnlH was that of the three children of .Janitor Hlrter, held Jointly with the .services for three other little ones Mutterings against tho janitor could no heard about tho villugo as gnct crazed parents sought an object upon which to wreak vengeance, foi getting, as they did, that llirtor himself was walking with bowed head and broken heart behind tho biers of thtee of his beloved. A detail or police was placed' about the Hlrter homo when the hour for the ! luuoral came. Fill I v flvo hundred ner- tons Uad gathered, but when tho cof- Hub wero carried to the doorway the ' crowd spread and opened the way for them without protest or expression of hostility. Memorial services in honor of tho ninoleen unidentified dead were held In tho six Protestant and two Catholic churches of Colllnwood. A cortege of twonty funeral cars then started for the burying ground. Testimony describing the mart' rush lo death of tho school children was given at the continued session of the coroner's inquest . Stories of hero ism on tho part of 'lie women teachers wore recited. F. P. Whitney, superin tendent of tho Colllnwood schools, stated his belief to be that no fire de partment could have dono any effec' live work after the ilro had started. ' Two of the teachers told of their un-. availing attempts to open one of the double doors at tho rear, which they .said was locked. Tho inquest also dovolopod the fact that after the first crush at tho n'oor it was beyond human possibility to aid those whom the ton jjih'h of fire were devouring. ALIA ON TRIAL AT DENVER Alienints for Both Sides Will Observe Defendant in Court. Denver, March 9. Giuseppe Alia, Iho priest killer, was placed on trial In fhe criminal brnnch of the district court this morning. Tho shocking na mro of his crime the shooting down of Father Leo Helnrichs at the altar In St. Elizabeth's Catholic church on Sunday morning. Feb. 23, when he was giving tho sacrament aroused thinking people throughout the coun try and caused them to speculate as to the origin and purpose of the plot, if any existed, that made Father Leo u marked man. Alia's conflicting .statements regarding the shooting have loii many people to believe ho must bo Insane. However, four of tho most export brain specialists in this city have given It as their opin ion that Alia Is perfectly sane. Notwithstanding public announce ment through the press of the results of tho observations of tho specialists appointed by tho district attorney, the dcfeuHOf has ongnged three alienists to no present during tho trial. They will .sit In tho court room nnd obseno the lofendnnt for tho mirnoso of detecting any sign of insanity. Should they be successful, no doubt the defense will bo quick to grasp that as a means of avlng the life of Alia. On the other hand, the prosecution ban summoned eight alienists to bo prosent, whose expert knowledge will ho used to offset any claim of insanity that might be raised by Alia's attorney. Fifth Di6tnci tor Tart. Hastings, March 10. Tho Fifth dlv Vict Uopubllcan congressional conveu kon mot horo last night and selected W. A. Stern of Oranu isnum ami a. u Gambol of Curtis as delegates to tho national convention. Thoy worn lu jtructed to vote for Taft. Chamberlain Granted New Trial. Lincoln. March G. C. M. Chamber ta. sentenced to servo llvo years In prison on a chargo of ombozzllnt of tho sucr(Jd duty 0 tUo grenU,r part of hQl w,(0 wnB BOrlm,3,y stabbed (undo of tho Chaiuborlaln Banking UxQ lllimnn iac0 t0 niarry, anu ne wle f,.UBtrntiR a jail break, Is 1m company of Tecumsoh, was granted a , a t, t u conscientiously eon-, rovlng and will probably recover, acw trial by. thojmpremo court. . sld(JI. Umj maiiQr , iiuw b uu i NEBRASKA AIDS BRYAN J State Convention Names Lelegatcs and Adopts Platform. Omalin, March 0. With tho Demo cratic Etnto convention us a nucleus, paity Jeauors lrom every county and practically every primary district In the commonwealth guinorod lUI-o to pledge allegiance to Hie prcsiuuiitlal ''' atl(,nH ol A,r- """J"1'1 nu to con- " 'yal13 for lurtherlnu 'ls inter-1 eatB boloro tho Democratic national1 convention at Denver next Jul. has decided to keep private tht j er- ' hnthuaiasiii was piovaient through sonal letter written by Emperor ii out the day. It bioKo loose ea.lj uud Ham to Lord Tweedmouth, (list 4ord gradually Blithering volume, biu.vo out of the admiralty, In which U was in tumultuous vociferations when thb ,,ittlol., coiiiuMteo .prosenteu tnls resolution. "Tim .miocratlc party or rseuraaua j again donates confidence- in and an miration lor William J. Bryan. In him wo behold the ideal American citi- J zen the Ideal Democrat. Wo rejoico that the principles which he has so ably advocated have been gladly re- eclved and nre now generally accepted by the American people. I "Resolved, That the delegates by this convention chosen be and nro hereby instructed to vote as a unit for tho nomination of Mr. Bryan for tho presidency." Tho platform advanced little that was new. The Fowler and Aldrloh currency bills wero condemned. Einer- gency currency, It was declared, should' bo "Issued and controlled by tho federal government." I. J. Dunn of Omaha, D. W. Steph-' ens of Fremont, Mayor Drown of Un- coin and Felix .1. Hale of Atkinson were elected delegates-at-large. Dr. Hull of Lincoln was chosen national committeeman. THREE BULLETS IN HIS BODY Wounded stranger at Omaha May . . Carry Secrct t0 Grave' Omaha, March 9. Though he may "o on his death bed, J. B. Preston, i itunin ueu, j. u. nesion, who limped into the pollco - - 10 man station, calmly asked for the surgeon and later was found to have three ae- rlous bullet wounds In his body, still refuses to talk or to glvo the police any information nbout himself. Tho mnn was examined by Pollco Surgeon Fitzglbbon when he arrived at tho station. Ono side or the body was found to bo entirely black from tho effect of tho bullet wounds, wnlch had evidently been Inflicted at close range. Ono of those was In tho groin, ono In tho upper part of the right thigh and' tho other in the uppor part of the loft thigh. Preston first said he had come here from Texas. He said ho had been shot by a negro on Ninth street, be tween Dodge and Douglas streets, about 3 a. in. Thursday. Later he said one of his associates shot him at Ninth and Farnam Lincoln Ball Players Acquitted. Lincoln, March 7. In tho district court William Holmes, former mali nger o tho Lincoln baseball club, and tho players of the Lincoln and Des Moines teams were acquitted of the charge of Sabbath desecration by play ing a game of ball hero ono Sunday last September. None of the defend ants was in court. Tho acquittal or tho players, while leaving the matter practically as it was before, is re garded by baseball devotees as open ing tho way for Sundny games in Lin coln tho coming season. Union Pacific Will Restore Trains. Lincoln, March 7. Tho state rail way commission was notified by As sistant General Freight Agent 1-une or tho Union Pacific that the road will on Monday morning next restore Its dally freight trains on branch lines lu Nebraska. The trains wero recently taken off and complaint was made to tho commission by shippers on the lines that tho curtailed service worked a hardship. N. J. Durenberg Kills Himself. Kearney, Nob., March 7. N. J. Du renberg, a business man of Elm Creek, reputed to bo wealthy, committed sui cide by shooting in tho Windsor hotel here. In a loiter to a sister, Mrs. L. Brandcnberg of Fresno, Cul., Duron berg spoke of domestic troubles aud his drinking habits. Ho Intimated that ho would tako his life aud said " inheritance due him should go to the sister. PRAYER'S URGED TO AID CUPID Bishop Advises Catholic Maidens to Encourage Suitors. Buffalo, March 10. As a solution to tho pronlom of the greut ,lWed, tho utt Rov churies IIenry colton, bishop of miftal()i hns recommended that all tho unmarried women under his splr- itual guidance nray for husbands. Tho recommendation Is contained in a circular letter addressed to tho rec tor8 of parishes in tho diocese, and wn8 rca(l , nU tho K0mun Catholic churches. It Is ono of tho results of the now marringo laws of tho church as re cently proscribed by Popo Pius and lias created a profound sonsntlon. Tho bishop Impressed on nil tho un wefl of nmrraBeaui0 ago that it was INCIDENT IS CLOSED LETTER FROM GERMAN EMPEROR WILL NOT BE MADE PUBLIC. ... London Ycllov, Journals Are Lecturing Thunderer fo- Its Sensationalism in Exploiting Story Discussion in Par- lament ,s Bref and Dry. London, March 10. Tho government charged by the London T.mes that his majesty attempted to influence legislation in the matter of naval cs timatoa of Great Hrltaln. How tins decision, which was announced in both houses of parliament, will please tho country remains to bo seen. Dal- four, speaking lor the opposition, In- dorsed the policy of tho cabinet, and it may be predicted that the public will consider tho Incident closed The rcmurk made by Lord Rose bery that ti.e nation was making it- self ridiculous over this affair finds much support. The discussion was brief and dry. All the participants proceeded as If they were walking on eggs, for criticism of the ruler of an- other nation Is a delicate business The fact that Lord Tweedmouth con- suited Sir Edward Grey, the foreign secretary, before replying to Emperor William a letter, was tho only new fact brought out, and It goes far to diminish tho criticism of Lord Tweed- mouth, because It relieves him of all suspicion of anything resembling dis loyalty to the Interests of th'o navy. Tho chnrnrt"r of Emperor William's letter Is now generally understood. The spiciest passage Is believed to be ; fhe reference to Lord E.her that he! had' better occupy himself with drain j pipes and keep his hands off the ' navy- !-nl Esher was engageu in im,rovnB the drainage system Windsor castle when Emuctur WIllIo of am was there recently. An amusing feature of the affair Is that all the sensational newspapers of London arc lecturing the Times for its sensationalism In exploiting the story. Public opinion with regard to the discussion in parliament yesterday of Emperor William's letter to Lord Tweedmouth, as revealed by tho press comment, Is not altogether satisfied with the official statement There are still grumblings, especially from the section devoted to the anti-govern ment campaign in favor of a big navy, at the decision not to publish the cor respondence. Nevertheless, both tho opponents as well as the supporters of the government agree that the unfor tunate affair should now bo permitted to drop Into well deserved oblivion. CHARGES AGAINST DR. DAY Chancellor of Syracuse University Ac cused of Defaming President. Brandon, Vt., March 7. Charges have been preferred by Row Georgo A. Cooke, pastor of tlio Methodist Epis copal church In Brandon, against Itev. J. R. Day, chancellor of Syracuse uni versity, on tho ground that Dr. Day defamed the character of President Roosevelt. Tho charges havo been presented to Rev. Dr. R. M. Watters. presiding elder of tho Now York church conference or tho Methodist church, to which Chancellor Day Is ecclesiastically attached. Dr. Cooko said that in a book, en titled "A Raid on Prospeilty," written by Chancellor Day, President Roose velt was severely criticised and that, in his opinion, Dr. Day had violated tho rules of tho Methodist church in thus assailing the president. Mr. Cooko stated that tho specific chargo preferred was defamation of charac ter. He considered that "although Syracuse university is under obliga tions to tho Standard Oil people, by reason or large money gifts," Chan cellor Day was not justified as a min ister of tho Methodist church in as sailing President Roosevelt. French Forces Rout Tribesmen. Paris, March 10. General d'Amade, commander of tho French forces in Morocco, according to olllcial advices received here, has followed up his pre vious advantages in his campaign against the warring tribesmen by in flicting a decisive defeat on tho Ma drukas, and a iorcc of Mulal-Uafld's adherents, who came to tho assistance of the tribesmen. The battle lasted from C o'clock in tho morning until 'i o'clock in tho evening. Tlio enemy suffered enormous losses, abandoning everything In their headlong flight. Tho French losses were very allglu, considering tho severity of the com bat and tho nature of the ground. ijuise. loano, Aliircn lu.uurry Or cnaru, charge'a witn tno muraer or ex- Governor Frank Steunenberg, will bo taken from tho state penitentiary at Caldwell today and his case will bo called. It Is probable that a doflnlto dato for Ills trial will ho fixed. Warden Conley Improving. Butto, March lO.Warden Conley rt 4iww ,.nn nnn(tniitlnrv nt IIpot Tlio Kind You Htvvo Always in use for over 30 years, and has jy?7,zZs sonal All Counterfeits, Imitations ami" Just-ns-good " arc but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tlio health of Infants and Children Experience 'igainst Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmloss substitute for Castor OH, Paro grlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic mibstniicc. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Fevcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars the CLfMcu The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CINTHUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY BThCETt MCW YORK CITY. "ZWSML CALIFORNIA SUPREME COURT RE FUSES REHEARING. Decision Sustains Reversal of Prison Sentence and Invalidates Four Re maining Extortion Indictments Nullifies Ruef's Plea of Guilty. San Francisco, March 10. Tho state supremo court refused a rehearing lu tho case of lormer Mayor Eugene E. Schmitz, convicted of extortion from French restaurant proprietors and sen tenced to live years In the peniten tiary. This sustains the decision ol tlio district court of appeals, which decreed that the judgment and order ot tho lower court here void, sus tained tlio demurrer to tho Indictment and ordered the discharge of tho do lendant on the ground mat under the law no offense had been committed. Abraham Rucf, who was jointly in dicted with Schmltz, plead guilty and his sentence Is now pending. The de cision of tho supr"ine court also ap plies to him. It Is believed that Schmltz Immediately will apply lor release from the county jail ano Ruet may do likewise. The ptosecutlon proposes to bring to trial at once some or the many charges preferred against them. The court sustained the appellate court In its decision that the indict ment upon which Schniitz was con victed was defective in that It did not aver that Schmltz was mayor, that Rucf, his co-defendant, was a political boss practically in control ot the city, that as such they were in a position to exorcise power and undue influence over the police commissioners und that It did not show that Schmltz re sotted to unlawful means in threaten ing to havo lhiuor licenses withheld. Tlio decision practically nullifies Ruef'rt plea or guilty, Invalidates tho remaining four extortion indictments against tho lormer mayor and Rucf and will enable Schniitz to gain his liberty on ball after eight months con finement in tho county jail. Counsel for Schmltz announced that steps would be taken at once for the former mayor's release. "Tho decision demonstrates," said ex-Mayor Schmltz, "that tho highest court In tho state believes what I have always claimed, that I was removed from offlce and railroaded to prison." Leigh, Neb., Marcn ii. Perry Brown, a resident of Croston, seven miles west of here, a son of Postmaster James Brown of that town, accidental ly, while out hunting, shot himself. He was Instantly killed. Mind Reader on Olson Case. Pondor, Nob., March 6. Sheriff Dor sey, Olnf Olson and County Attorney Chase, accompanied by a woman mind reader from Sioux City, left hero for Rosalie for tho purpose of locating tho body of LUlle Olson. Jennie Chesmore Takes Poison. Milwaukee, March 10. Jennie dies more, thirty-six years of ago, com mitted suicide with poison heio yester day. She left a letter for her brother Fred of Mascot. Neb. Bought, and which has been has homo tho signature of been made under his pcr- supervision since its infancy. Signature of CATARRH Ws & RMtt i roui fiJN SvVto TOY-fEVER - V7.sevi 5w Ely's Cream Balm Suro to Civo Satisfaction. ClVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleanses, soothes, licnls nnd protwtsi tho (lix.it.f(l incnilirano lovihinj,' from Catarrh nnd drives away a Cold in the Iluadquicklv. Restores the Kciimh of Tnsto nnd Smoil. Easy to nso. Contains no injurious drugs 4 Applied into tho nostiiU and absorbed. Luruo Size, fiO cents at Druggists or by mfiil Liquid Cream IJulm for nso in atomizers, 75 ccnta. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Wnrron St.. New York. L. SHERMAN, General Auctioneer Rosiilence: Fir-t door south of Rod Cloud Mill, 101 Sonth Webster Btrect. Can bo found at homo ovory fore noon. Terms reahonahlo. I Don't Buy Land nor loan Money on Real Estate without gettlne; ono of Teel'a perfect Abstracts of Title. The oldest and most reliable bet of Abstract, books in Webster Co. 810.01 0 b nd filed and approved. Represents six-of the best In surance companies doing- busi ness lu the state. LOANS MADE on CITY PROPERTIES O- C- TEEL, Red Cloud, Ncbr. Otfica In O vcring Block. Phonos: Boll OB, farmors3e ' b '' J u L i .'. -1m'MMmrifvmi''Tt yr-r.-' .'jr rat . . -rr -4ttift... HKAfc j. .fr" ..in ?...' lt- Mr ,,,...." wwMWW&:mwiKrwwa IS it CSC ' SW,N JWTKJin