The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 13, 1908, Image 1

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Eight Pa"" 'i"y"f
Home Pri.
$1 a Year
in Advance
NlTMItlSU 11
. - , " . ' -.
r I
f .i
k i
To the Public
The manager of the Hud Cloud lSusi
ucss college severed his connection by ,
moving intoiinother state. The teacher,
Prof. Wright, clicl not care to assume,
management and the eitizens in eon
junction with tins commercial Hub ap
pointed a committee to confer with
Iho board of education as to the ad
visability of Prof. Moritz assuming
uperintendeney which was dismissed
with favor and unanimously agreed to
on condition that the citi'ens as
Mime all iinancial responsibility. Tho
jiaines hereto subscribed assure the
public and more particularly the pa
trons of the school that the Iinancial
Interests are well secured and the serv
ices of Prof. Moritz as superintendent
backed by the board of education puts
our business college among the lirst
educational institutions of the slate,
worthy of your support and patronage:
Piatt v, Frees Co., Turnnre Bros.. ,
Geo. W. Hutchison Win. Wolfe. X .'o.,
Oscar Burroughs, Saunders Bros..
Prof. Moritz, C. II. Miner,
Albright. Bro., E. II. New-house,
M. A. Albright, Geo. It Staiiscr,
W. A. Sherwood, .'as. Peterson.
Gowden-Kaley Co.. ICaley Pros.,
(). C. Teel, W. C. Frahin,
L. E. Tait, (!. .1. Warren,
,1. W. Auld, Overrlng Bros.A L'o.
1). 11. Whitaker. E. W. Ross.
J. C. Savior.
T. C. Hacker.
Pone Pros.,
I. II. Bob'n.son,
Paul Storey.
). H. Hedge,
W. P. Fulton,
Dr. Henry Cook,
.lohiwm X- P.ouer. L. II. Blackledgc.
-. - -.-
First Ward Republican Caucus.
The republican voters of the Pirst
ward in the city of lied ("loud are
hereby called to meet in caucus in the
o'd L &, M. bank building Monday
evening at 6 o'clock. March Id. ion-, to
s-lcet eleven delegates to the repub
lican city convention which is called
to mee.t at the court house Thur-day,
March 'J'i. l'.tiW. at -' p. m.
L. II. Pi !. (' unmitteeman.
Second Ward Republican Caucus.
The republican voter-of the Second
ward in the city of Bed Cloud are
hereby called to meet in caucus at
Firemen's hall Monday evening at s
o'clock. March Hi, I'.ios. to -elect 17
delegate- to tin republican city con
vention which is called to meet at the
court hon-e Thur-day. March P.i. P.tlii.
at:.' p. in. ( . C. M Coni-.. Com.
Deaths and Funerals. I
Mrs. Blvens.
Mrs. Ilivcns, aged about 70, died at
her home near Guide llock Tuesday
noon and was burled Wednesday after
mon. Lulu Frances Smith.
Lulu Frances Smith, daughter of
Mr. und Mrs. Frank- Smith of Garfield
township, died last Saturday and was
buried Sunday. Funeral services were
held at the Brethren church on Ash
creek, conducted by Itev. Noah Wag
oner. Interment was In the Martin
cemetery. Miss Smith had been ill for
several months and a short time ago
underwent a course of treatment at a
sanitarium in Lincoln, but failed to
get relief.
Viola Emery Maurer
Viola Emery was born at Peratoniea,
III., .July i:, 1SI1. She attended Mt.
Morris seminary and later taught
school in Lincoln, 111., at which place
she married Henry .1. Maurer in 1871.
(ne year later Mr. Maurer came to
Bed Cloud to establish their home,
she, however, remaining in Lincoln,
III., one year longer. She united with
the Presbyterian church before coining
here. To the union were born three
children- Fred, Clarence and Nellie,
all of whom survive her to mourn with
their father the loss of wife and
mother. She had reached the age of
fit years 7 months and l.i days.
Mrs. Chris Zeiss.
Mrs. Chris Zeiss died Wednesday
morning at her home in the south part
of town, from consumption, after an
illness of nearly two year-. Funeral
services will be held Sunday afternoon
at .'::) 4?fcthe Congregational ehu'-ch.
Bovuline' "Wilson was- born in Iowa.
August :tl. ISOii. February '." 1SS7,
she was married to Chris 'Zeiss, in
Cowles. Neb. To this union live chil
dren were born, all of whom are living
Vernon. Surry, Violet. Edith and
Berdon. She is also survived by her
husband, father, four sisters and four
at the time of her death. To this union
six children were born, three of whom
with the aged husband still remain to
mourn the loss of a loving wife and
mother. Uev. Martin of Guide Bock
conducted the. funeral services which
were held at the house. Sin; was a
member of the Christian church. Mr.
llldy will make, his home in the future
with his son Will near Trenton, Xeb.
Card of Thanks.
We. the undersigned, desire to thank
the friends and neighbors who so
kindly assisted in the sickness and
death and burial of our beloved wife
and mother. .losi:rii Ilinv,
Mum. I). C. Hvi'N',
Miss. M. K. Watkins,
W. J. Univ.
Business College Notes
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uue.allod
for at postolUoo at Rod Cloud, Nob ,
for the week ending March 12, 11)08:
Mr-. Minnie Brady, Edw. E. Cotner.
T. A. Cheney, Mrs Edith llulller
B. F. Hudson, Geo. Kennedy,
Samuel .Tones. II. U. Stevens,
Henry Schalor, F. E. Dudik.
Oberfelder A: Co., G. Van Gordcn,
S. Fuhrman.
These will be sent to tho dead lottor
oillce March 2d, 15)03, if uncalled for
before. When calling for above ouse
say "advertised."
T. C. Hcuun,,Po-t master.
Prof. Dietriek madu us a pleasant
call Wednesday.
Prof. Morlt. Is now superintendent
of the college. Fndor his management
we see success for the future.
Miss Emma Perry is absent on ac
count of sickness.
Blah Olmsted was absent on account
Carrie Isoiu is a new shorthand stu
dent. Chas. Stephens is enjoying a visit
from his brother.
Homer Fox Is again in school after
a siege of la grippe.
Miss Viola Peak visited with Miss
Grace Tunison in Inavale Sunday.
Bcvs. Galloway and lexandcr of
Chicago began a series of revival meet
ings at Inavale last Sunday. The
meetings are being held in the Meth
odist church.
) m
SuccL'ssfully icoil by Mother Urny. iiint-c In the
Children's Homo In New York, euro KuvcrMi
ne. IJiuI StoniMcli, Tcctlilnt? HlMinlCTH, IIIIIVO
inul rcmilnto Iho llowels mid I)ptrny Worms
Ovur 10,000 tc-UmniilnlN. Tiny nnoi jail. At nil
DhikkI'-K Me. Snini'lo Fice. Address Allen S.
Olmstod, LuKoy, N. Y.
To the Parents.
An Investigation recently made unions
the students of tho high school re
vealed the fact that uiore. than one
third of those present were ii Diluted
with weak eyes. Thlrt deplorable con
dition is attributable to but one cause,
i. e., over-exertion in a poorly lighted
school room. To Insist that students
should continue to study in a place
which has wrought such havoc is noth
ing short of criminal. To preclude, as
fur as possible any further Injury to
the eyes, we have decided that all high
school students are hereafter privi
leged to study at home and are only
required to attend school for recitation,
purposes. We frankly confess that
this plan is far from belngstttlsfnctory,
but with the co-operation of the par
ents we hope to complete this year'-
work as well as adverse conditions
will permit. Students should huvt
regular study hours at home as tl.ey
have had heretofore in school, and as
parents you can render valuable assist
ance to the teachers by insisting that
your children have, uninterrupted study
hours and If possible between tho
hours of '.) a. in. and I p. m.
Pi:oi Montr..
Mr. and Mrs. ,1. W. Hughes of Guide
Bock were transacting business in Bed.'
Cloud Wednesday.
Republican City Conention.
The republican voters of the citv of
Bed Cloud are heieby called to meet in
.invention the liith of March nt'J p. in.
in the court house for the purpo-e of
nominating candidates for the follow
ing nllices to be voted upon April 7.
HHIS. jiud transacting such other busi
ness a- mav come before the conven
One mayor.
One city clerk.
One city treasurer.
One police judge.
One city engineer.
One councilman for Fir.-t ward, one
One councilman for First ward, two
One councilman for Second ward,
two years.
Two members school board.
To the above convention each ward
will he entitled to representation as
follows: First ward. II delegates;
Second ward. 17 delegates,
I,. P. Ai.iiimiiiit. Chairman.
Geo. II. Ovi.iMM.. Secretary.
iMioimi t -i.s.
Lincoln Shade Co. vs. Hayes, .ludg
, nii'iit for plaintitl'.
Peterson vs. Boats. For trial I'.'th.
Carpenter Paper Co. vs. Ilayes For
trial I '.Mh.
ei.oiiA n: (ASK-.
F-inte of Alexander Walker. Hear'
ing and order on claims. No claims
tiled. I
F.statc of I'rinh l.enhart. Bond ap
proved and tiled, betters Issued. Ap
praisers S. II. Potter. A. L. Walker.
Fstate of Kli.abeth Harding. Final
account tiled Waiver of notice by
heirs. Decree of distribution entered..
Fstate of Marildn Isom. Discharge
of executor.
v ...milm for tired. nchlliK. i-owllpii feel. Wo
lme uMir.'W ouo icMimoiilrits AH liuu'lts 2jc.
lion'i nceejit any nihMltutu. Tilnl pneVoe Free
by mull. Aldris A lUm S. Olnihied, I.u Koy,
N Y.
Matilda Fuller
Matild't K'ipp was born in Bansaellcr
county, New York, in ISP.). She was
married to Jacob Fuller in IS 40. To
this union wen born six boys, sevt n
girls, of whom live boys and one, girl
are yet living. In ISI."i they moved to
.tones county, Iowa, where Mr. Fuller
died in 18(10. In ls'il she moved to
Webster county, Nebraska, anil died
at Cowles. Neb.. Feb. ','S, P.iOS. having
reached the age of S'.i years. She
joined the Methodist church in early
girlhood, but alter coming to Nebraska
she united' with the Christian church
at Cowles. The funeral took place
from the last muued church Saturday.
February -'!. Bev. Martin, the Chris
tian church minister at Guide Bock,
assisted by Bev. Sam Deacon conduct
ing the last sad rites. Interment was
made in Cowles cemetery.
Edwin Rlolilcr.
Fdwin Mohlcr. one of the best
known farmers on the south side of
the river, died Monday morning at his
home on the old Wagoner homestead,
in Garfield township. Funeral services
were held Tuesday and interment was
in the Wagoner cemetery.
Fdwin Mohlcr was born in North
Manchester, hid., October '!', ISF.i. lie
joined the Brethren church in 1S77.
lie came to this county In the fall of
IS7H. and on .lanuary II. l-'ti, he was
united in marriage to Sarah Wagoner
To this union were born live children,
one of whom died in infancy. Besides
his wife he is survived by two daugh
ters and twosons Mary, Edith, Fdwin
and Bobert. The funeral was one of
the largest ever held in that part of
Eliza Jane Hldy.
Miss Eli.a .lane Powers was born
March 10. is:i."i, in the state of Indiana,
moved with her parents to Iowa in
ls.17. where she was united in marriage
to .losepli llldy in 1S.VS, and died at
their home in Webster county. Ne
braska, March .'ml. lOOs. being 7:.' years
II months and '.'I days of age at the
time of her death. Mr. and .Mrs. Ilidy
moved to Webster county in IS7s on
tho houientead where they were'livlng
q THE EASIEST WAY to convince yon of the sterling quality of our (J
Underwear, of the satisfaction to you, is to show exactly what we
have to offer. We think we have THE line. Many people agree
I with us, judging by their buying. If you will call we wiil be pleased SI
to show you
Muslin Skirts with five rows of Valenciennes
Insertion with Vul. lace on edge
of llounce
Muslin Skirts with niue-inch llounce with one-
inch Torchon Insertion and Tor
ehon Lace edge at
Muslin Skirts with twelve-inch tlounce with
tucks and drawnwork with four
inch Embroidered edge at
Mu-liii Skirts with two rows of two inch Tor
chon Insertion and '.".-inch edge
SI, 00
with one-
nice with
with eight rows of tucks at ..
Ladies" Muslin Drawers with lace
trimmed llounce at
Muslin Drawers with live tucks, Em
broidered, edged llounce at
Muslin Drawers with three tucks d
inch embroidered llounce at
Muslin Drawers with four tucks and fc
insertion with S-in. Emb. llounce. ll-'-,
Muslin Drawers three rows of tucks P?
with Torchon lace edge mi tlounce 3t
Muslin r-kirts with three rows three
inch Torchon Lace autl '.rows tucks g,l
Corset Covets
Night Gowns
Muslin Night Gowns with .' rows Em
broidered Insertion in yoke at
Muslin Night Gowns with Etndroid- r-&r
ered Insertion in yoke at J 3
Muslin Night Gowns with Em-
Embroidered Beading. Lace and Tucked Yoke
with ruille around yoke, edged s
with lace 0U
slin Night Gowns with Em- tf ff
roidered Insertion -lace yoke V JJ
Insertion with Embroidery. Beading.
Embroidered edge at
With' embroidered front with tucked
back at
Lace and Insertion Yoke. Lace and
Beading edge
Embroidered Insertion front with
Beading and Embroidered edge
Long Cloth-Cor-et Cover with si row- Valen
ciennes Insertion Lace and Beading t AA
edge around neck and sleeves ' vV
In Embroideries and Laces we are headquarters for the
best and cheapest.
TU CnAUAU OLAli, of the season appears in III TTEBKK FASHIONS. M'BING,
I lift I 38111011 dHOW P.w. the new publication issued by the great Butterick fashion
house. The price is cents including a certificate good lor ONKJ'.l I Ihlvll K PA I I LBN I-I.LL.
This book is printed on high-grade paper and contains styles from Paris. I.on.hiii. Berlin and New 1 ork
illustrated by some thousands of illustrations by foremost lasbioii artists. GET IT TO-DW