,.-5 hi rmam V Mf . k i' I 1 i' i: I i; ' t I e i i t c 4tft m m (ft f ir if n m 1. w m m i ' H 1 f w i T '' I "' f ' ' i w " '" " " " " 9 Neoisy Notes :rom Neighboring Touins iaTHUKED FROM OUR EXCHANGE SUPERIOK (From tlio Kxpioss.) John WIIkou returned this morning from Hod Ckjii , whoro lio had been to viHit his sinter. Dr. L. II. Beck will thoroughly ro modol his residence thin spring, and will soon remove to other quarters in order to give tho urpentors and other workmen full swing. postmistress, has boon taking an en forced vacation on account of becoming too "ohooky", or in other words sho lias been having tho mumps. Some impecunious scoundrel or scoundrels huvo of lato become too light fingered altogether and they will better lmvo a caro or they will bo making a berth for themselves in tho penitentiary before they know it. They broko into tho Staub clothunr storo Mrs. David Iioitler, who lived about not long ago and stolo theroform six four miles north of Suporior on tho .Jenkins farm, diod Saturday, Feb. 22, after an illness of about ten weeks. RIVERTON (From tho Ho view.) J. D. Fulton was looking at tho tall buildings at Hod Cloud Tuesday. H. L. Avory, formerly of Otiido Hock, is now a partnor in oilr lumber yard and is in commund. Oeo.Volland was out of town last lookttftor business matters a day or pairs of trousers which woro later found under a hay stack on tho fair ground. It is also thought somo foot wear was abstracted from tho W. II. Lohr shoo storo. SMITH CENTER (From tho Mossonger) Sam Amis eamo up from Topoka Monday morning, whoro ho has Mrs. Amis in a hospital for treatment, to Sunday. Rod Cloud seems to hold u (harm for him. Dr. K. 13. McCarl, who for sovoml months last suinmor practiced medi cine in Kiverton and vicinity, has re turned to locate permanently. Who is tho man that should removo tho mud aud water from tho crossings? If thero is no responsible parly, wo would suggest that tho ladies practice -with stilts. Wo now lmvo six miles of lino road north from this place, put in ship shnpo with a King drag which was used by Andy Hackott and Holly Benson. Shumo on you farmers living along that lino for allowing to men to keep the road in shape by your farms. GUIDE ROCK. (From tho Signal.) Thursday evening the tenth and eleventh grades were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Vance. Mark Hooves recovered stiilicieutly to bo taken to a hospital and u;is taken to one in Omaha Monday night where an operation will bo performed for appendicitis. Erie Payne, champion checker player, is playing a couple of matched games by mail. Loroy Marsh, another local player, is also conducting an in teresting game by mail with a noted player in tho east. Payne is able to keep tho best of them guessing. Thursday evening was Mr. John Dunbar's 71th birthday which fact was remembered by his six daughters, Mesdames Peters, Cooper, F. (.'row, O. Crow, Columbia and Kolatid, who came in on tho old people in the even ing and spent a most enjoyable even ing with them. so. Ho reports Mrs. Amis much bettor. Miss Georgia Starbuck, a former Smith Center girl, has tho distinction of ranking first in a teachor's examina tion hold at Leavenworth last week, among about 75 others who took tho examination. Tho httlo daughter of Mrs. Dean had her foot operated upon by Drs. Single & Morrison last Monday. Tho little girl has boen having considerable trouble with ouo of her foot for somo titno. A subscription paper was circulated around town Friday to vtiiso mouoy to send Lafo Noal to tho Keeley institute. About $250 was raised, aud Monday night Shoriir Helfenstlno departed with him for Kansas City. Mr. Noal htis been a constant user of morphine for tho past thirteen years and while it is a dillicult habit to cure, it is hoped that the institute will straighten him out. Ho took another notion Sunday night that ho wnnted to Mulsh himself and sharpened up a couple of knives with' which to do the work, but the good wife got them away from him before Ife did himself any harm. It is a sad case. Louis Foris and Clarence lilt in igniting to Culbcrtson. Tuesday JoIimimos Soli- ibt" miuio a salo of his fitrm t m- mile sr of town, tho piircliiisot u. V ' ' ger. who nild fGlK) fr m (in ! Still another re id- nc. is s'nr i Citmplioll. W. (J. H nil in h - ' chased of Doloi Itouli r h I ,j oast of the to oiiliO'io i-x mi . i aud has boguu the recti hi ol i cot (ago. tho cost of whc. .v I tho neighborhood of of $U0V. BLUE HILL. (From tho Leader) u Mr and Mrs. HMy, south of town, are sick with a threatened attack of pneumonia. Mrs. Lucilo Schermorhorn died at tho home of hor daughter, Mrs. Mil lard Francis, twelve miles south, Mon day. Mtss Alta Shottenkirk was called to Hastings last Saturday by tho death of hor grandfather, who diod at the ogo of ninety-four. Mr. aud Mrs. Chas. Hogato and Mrs A. Frame wont out to Sidney tho llrst of tho week to visit tho hitter's son, Kay, who recently moved out there. Elmer Schermorhorn cumo in from tho western part of tho state tho first of tho week, being called by tho illness and subsequent death of his mother. A. F. Siobrass sold his blacksmith shop tho llrst of tho week and will givo possession in March. Tho purchasers were Phillip Bock and Jacob Goll. Ben Prentice cumo in from Prentice, his homo in tho northern part of tho state last Friday and will remain about ten duys visiting relatives and friends. Mose Wilson has a prize in the shape of n lemon which he is exhibiting to his friends with no little pride. Con sidering that tho lemon weighs a pound uiuLa quarter and was grown ou u tree which Mr. Wilson has at homo he has a perfect right to feel that way about it. . . Ilaegi bco H' hor th ' week ycMi-o il (jni BLOOM 1NGTON (From the Tribune.) Mr. and Mrs. James Owens have both been quite seriously ill this week. Mis. Jeauio Daniels was taken sudden ly ill for some time. Sho is improving at tho picsont. The Republican Valley Telephone Co. are putting in a new plume lino through to Wilcox. Mr. aud Mrs. lien Gibson of lied Cloud have been in this community tho past week visiting with relatvos aud old friends. Mrs. Gibson is a daughter of Mr. Tauqiiary. It is reported that his Honor Judge Dugau is in favor of calling a grand jury to sit once a year in each county in his district. If this be true.aud the judge should put his belief s mo of us long haired gent I are so strongly in favor of "personal I liberty" and do as wo please about this thing and that, will bo inclined to hunt tall timber at certain seasons of tho year. CAMPBELL , (From the Citizen.) Glon Norman has boon on the sick list during tho past week. Mrs Weber arrived last evening from Chicago to seo hor sister, Mrs. Clyde L)gan, who is still quite ill. Carl Olson accompanied his mother, Mr. John Olson, to Omaha last eve ning, where sho will enter thehospiral for trcument. Leonard Kouh. who has been making his home with his son William north of town, died Monday, Fobuary 21, at tho advanced age of 7H. Four cars left liluden Wednesday for points further west. John Myer is moving to Alma, whilo the St owartbovs LEBANON. (From tho Argus.) A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gatlin, Thursday, Feb. '.'(). ( juiuton, the 22 months old son of Mr. aud Mrs. W. C. Muncle, died Sun day, Feb. 23. Mrs. Anna Shaffer died at tho homo of her son Fauk, l'. miles south of Lebanon, Thursday, Feb. 20. W. Cheosman, living a mile south of town, was stiickon with paralysis one day last week and is entirely helpless. .joun ,icLan, norm oi isiietu, re ceived word Friday that his mother was dead at her home southwest of Osborne. Kov. O. W. Ke.ssell and familystartod Thursday morning for .Now York as a preliminary to a trip as a missionary to Africa. A letter recently received from the hospital at Lincoln where Miss May Smith is being treated says sho is get ting along nicely. J. R. Lytell wasquitobad hurt Tues- day. Ho was g lug to his mail box hor0"Mck, when tlicaniitml fell, throw ing Inm into t li" wire t'eiico and crushed his I' '(. i C. V Steinor received a telegram Tiifsd iy statinu ihat his brother was do. . He start el mi tho first train to his Ponusylv n a homo to attend tho fllllf ;. i tninks misfortune has i ih'iv" to him within s lie l"st a good thtoe ud iluiing tho storm seven m his f I hugs wor- smothered. Tli kimlluiu in tho furnace room of th Dykos trick caught tiro Sunday mo tu, bul whs discovered boforo much damage was done. Tho heat crack(l thoglti-s in tho transom aud tho lasteriug to somo extant. Real Estate Transfers. For tho week ending Tuesday, Mch. .1, furnished by the Fort Abstract Co., L. II. Fort, Manager. J. Hubert Morse to Charles f llennott, wd, lot 1, blk 10, Cowles S 115 ()0 J. Hubert Morse to Charles C. Itunnott, wd, lots 2 and 3 and i2 lot 1, blk 11. Cowles. 300 OH David B. Crom to Frank W.. Alter, wd, so 20-1-12 11,200 00 Halph W. McColtumto(Jeorgo Hecves, lot J, blk 12, Ctiiido Hook .SO 00 Augustus Routs to Ida M.' White, wd, nwl 'Jii-l-ll 2,500 00 Ernest 15. Hampton to F. M. I.isk, lots 11, 12 and 13, blk 3, Guide Hock HOO 00 Thomas F. Nickol to Justus 1). Fruitpiecc, wd, s2 swl net swl, swl set 3(5-(5-12 10.250 00 State of Nebraska to John W. Johnson, trustee, deed, net w2 swl . .s2 so 1 1 (5. 1 -il 2,280 01) A. Hawley to Oscar Kivett. wd, nwl 32-1-10 .".,000 (10 Geo. A. Gisoak to Fred Jar dam, W d, w2hW 2T-I-11... 3.200 00 Emory lican to Wiella Payne, wd. no I 22-3-1 2 1.S00 00 Clara Perry et al to A. G. Goth. wd. lots I and 5, bile 3. I!ed Cloud 1 .200 00 George Amuck to George E. Hull, wd. e2 nwS. lot 10 in 5 and si2 swl 5-1-10 O.'.itio (II) Etta Galuslia to Dallas V. Turnurc et al. wd, lots t. : and 0, blk I. I .e Due's addi tion to lied Cloud 2.500 (Ml Louisa Wcdmuu to Joseph Do- vo-teek, wd. net 32-1-10.. . .'. H.500 00 Charles Spenee to David 10. Crom. w d. lots It nnd 12. block i'i, l'.laileu lo.ooo no .May M. Ellsworth to James C. Ander.-oii. wd. pt nwl net IS-1-I1 Harm Hose to William lleeilt. wd. lot 12 and e 3S ft lot 1 1, blk 1. Tyler's add to I Slue Hill Joe .cdneck jr to Magdulcmi Crouch, wd. lots 1 anil 2. blk 1. Svvecz.v's ad I'.luc Hill ion on Matilda M. Lee to E. X. ICtin.v wd. lots 12, 13 and 11. blk 7. Cowles W. N. Kissel to E. S. Pit., wd. swl 15-2-11 ThoinuK J. Snyder to Olo Ivcr- son, wd, pt net nel 18-1-11.. 1,500 00 Horace II. Austin, trustee, to A. T. Walker, deed, lots 4 and f, blk 17, Kcd Cloud.... J (K) Edward P. Kellogg to Harriet Carey, wd, pt swl 35-2-11 . COO 00 Albert Horn and wife to John H. Crary, wd, ne4 32-2-1).... 8,000 0) j Susan E. Drady to John Mag- ner, wd, lot 1 and 2, blk 11, Hlue Hill Total. 500 00 .Stl,8(M)(K) Mortgages tiled, $31,055.07. Mortgages released, 313 005. Health- Economy Calumet Baking Powder .Best by Test I.S(ll) 00 1. 000 00 Notice of Application For Saloon License. Notice Ih hereby Riven thnt It. J. Kolunetw hur has filed in tho ollleu of the county clerk ( Webster county, Nchroska, thlb a.VJi day ol February A. 1. HUM. his petition signed by tlin required number of readout freeholders of Oat Creek precinct, Webster county, Ncbrnhkn, praying for a saloon license to be grauied by tho bonrd of coramiiHionciH of mid comity, authorldng thu halo of malt, npirituous nnd vinous lliiuorH on lot eleven (11), block twelve (13), In the village of Itoccuiont, Webster county, Nebraska, for a period of one- year from and after tho 1st iky of April A. I). 1W. Hearing of said application will be held at the meeting of the board of comity commissioners. to be held on Tuesday. Siarrh 17, 100S, or tit the HM meeting thcrenfter. K. V. ltoo, v-U County Clerk. I'.'O 00 s.OOO (ill Notice of Incorporation. Know All Men by These Presents: That we Wallace A. Ma uard. William Wolfe and Wll Ham Kngeli do hvietiy as!oela(e ourelve to gctlier for the purpovi of forming nnd baron ini; a corporation In the vtate of Nebraska, for the tiatiMictlon of thu business heicin described. The name of tho corporation shall be tin lied Cloud llanlware nnd Implement company. The principal place ol transacting ifilmMncs shall be in the rlty of Hod Cloud. In tho county of Webster, and state of Nebraska. The mittueuf the business to be traii'flcte-1 by said corporation sdiall be the lulng iu:J selling of all kinds ol uiercliiUKlise. 'Die nntliorl.ed capital stock of -aid corpfim tlon shall tic foity thousaml dollius. (itO.vWt in shines of live hundred dollars each. The corporation dmil I'oinineucp business wlien twenty-live tliou-and dollars ol the tapi tnl stock Is paid up. The board of dircctois of said, rnrtiorntion shall deteriniue lieu the luilnnce of -nhi noi t sliali be paid in. The existence ot this corporation slmll cm nience on the 27th da of February. 19) a:- coutliiue during the peilod of fifty jeari. The business ol said corpoiation sliali lie con ducted b, a board of dliectors not to exceed live In number to tie elected hj tlie stockholder. The ollicurs of s-ild corpuratlon shall be prcsi ileat. seeietary and treasurer, mIio shall bf chosen by the board of dliectors. Tho highest amount of indebtedness to uhlih Mild coiporadou shall at any time subject itself shall not be moie limn one third of its capltm stock. Wam.ai k A. Mav.naiui. Wii.i.iam Wot.rn. William Kmo.i.s. Dated this '.'tth day of Fchiiiaiy, Uhs. li u 7 FRANKLIN (Kri)in the Sentinel.) After weeks of patient endeavor the city authorities have succeeded hi selling the water bonds. Mt. ('has. Shoemaker, who has late ly undergone an operation inauUinaha hospital, isable to visit her home folks. Joo Finch is rapidly recovering from the broken leg ho lecontly sustained and doing us well under the circum stances as one could expect. R (,'. Ilohiuson and li. II. .Miller, two St. Louis, young men and elium, plumbers by trade, have been looking over the grounds this week with a view to lucating in 1'rauklin. Mhs Blanche Wurriner, the usistuut Hi', nun I no f into prae- I leiuen who lMJtPkllt lit I I Why Don't You Have That Child's Eyes Tested? It costs you nothing and it may save your child from blindness. Many cases of sick headache and nervous diseases are caused by defective eyes. In school children perma nent injury to the individual's health is often done by making the children use their de fective eyes in close work at school. A few dollars invested in glasses now may mean perfect vision and health for your child in the years to come or a few dollars saved may mean poor vision, perhaps blindness and perhaps permanent injury to the health. If you have a child that complains of headache, objects blurring the reading and running together, eyes feeling dry and a burning sensation after a short time at study, J you may depend upon it that child is in need of glasses and you are falling short of your , full duty if you do not at once have an examination made of their eyes. We are prepared at all times to make an examination and give you honest ad- ? vice we tell you frankly whether it is glasses or something else that is needed. If it is $ glasses we can make a correct fit. It is the duty you owe to your children to see that their eyes are in proper con dition. It should be attended to at once. We are licensed optometrists. MBWHOUSE BROTHERS. WATCH INSPECTORS JEWELERS AND OPTOMETRISTS. C, B. & Q. t s- " J u I lAjLm is&!& yi, S?rlA'tIs y'tyyr,