The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 06, 1908, Image 1

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Eight Pages
Home Print
$1 a Year
ii Advo-nce
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Hot Springs Doctors Famous the World
Over For Their Skill In Medical
Dr. Hon W. Kinsey, chief of stall', of
the Hot Spring doctors, who have their
Nebraska State Institute permanently
located nt 14th and O streets, Lincoln,
will make a two day visit to Ueil Cloud
March 23 and 21. Considerable com
ment of the wonderful knowledge of
Dr. Kinsey in the matter of medical
diagnosis has been made.
Daily papers throughout the United
States arc continually publishing ac
counts of the wonderful cures made by
these famous specialists at their var
ious state institutes which they have
established in many of the larger cities
in the United States.
The fact that the Hot Springs system
of treatment is endorsed by the United
States government is prima facie evi
dence of the wonderful curative powers
of the Hot Springs. And the fact that
the United States government has es
tablished its army and navy hospitals
at Hot Snrinirs. Ark., goes to show that Renkcl. Moved that Hon. C. W. Kaley
the Hot Springs system of treatment is select his own delegates to the con
gressional convention at Hastings.
Thev arc: Dan (Sarber. W. 13. Thome.
which is to give consultation and ex
amination absolutely free of charge
and free treatment except for the bare
costs of medicines used. Remember
the date and place.
Republican Countv Convention.
Tho republican county convention
met at the court house yesterday pur
suant to call, J. C. Saylor presiding
with A. C. Hosmer as secretary and
Floyd McCall as assistant secretary.
On presidential preferences the follow
ing were submitted by the various
emeus chairmen: Taft, 251; La Toi
lette, 10; Roosevelt, 12; Cannon, 3; For
ulcer, It.
The convention proceeded to bnsi-
i ness by electing V. 13. Thorne tempo
rary chairman, S. M. True temporary
secretary. .Moved to dispense with
credentials committee and those dele
gates present be empowered to east
the vote of respective delegations.
Moved to make temporary organiza
tion permanent. .Moved to appoint reso
lutions committee which was composed
of J. 0. Siylor, U. F. Farley and Win. F.
School Board Meeting
At the last meeting of the school
board Prof. Morit. was appointed su
perintendent in charge of the Red
Cloud Dusiness college for the balance
of the college term. Moved, seconded
and carried that the spring vacation of
the public schools, lasting one week,
begin March 27, schools to reopen
April il. Moved, seconded and carried
that the building and grounds com
mittee dispose of the First ward school
building in such manner as it sees lit.
Moved, seconded and carried that the
president and secretary be instructed
and authorized to have the school
bonds signed and registered according
to law.
recognized by the highest authority.
It remained for Dr. Kinsey to dis
cover the secrets of the Hot Springs C. G. Peterson, Frank- Abbie, .1. J
and to perfect his wonderful system of , Reese, A. F. Hartwell, H. 13. Harring
home treatment, so that it could be
used anywhere in any home, without
inconvenience, annoyauce, or publicity
and without detaining the patient from
his usual occupation.
As has been nrinted in other issues
ton. 13. M. Overman. .1. C. Saylor, D.
11. Kaley. Walter Scott.
Moved and carried that the chair
men of the respective delegations place
in nomination a list of names for dele-
gales to the state convention atOmaha.
Licensed to Wed.
Probate Judge Kdson issued mar
riage licenses to the following:
licorgo L. Squires and Miss Ida P.
Seott, both of Cowles.
Henry F. Clausen of ldalia, Colo.,
and Miss Lizzie lUobauni of (luide
Rock, Neb.
Ole M. Carlson of Almena. Kas., nnd
Miss Itertha C. Rcrgmann of Inavale
Lewis S. Perry and Miss Carrie A.
McfVord. both of (Snide Rock.
Interesting Items Gnthorod
by Our ounty R-oportors
Mr. Rrown has traded his farm for
Kansas City property.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sutton have
gone to visit Charlie Coulson near Me
Cook. John Sutton and family have moved
to their farm in the western part of
this county.
The dance at Alva Stoners was well
attended and everybody enjoyed them
selves. Alfred Coulson has bought a fine
span of mules, price 31.1'). He will
farm V. 11. Fulton's land.
Cash will work wonders in the piano
line at Argabright's. Standard goods
in beautiful cases. Potter block.
Robert Garnor is very sick, bat is
Arthur Myors is sick nt tho homo
of George Matkin.
Somo of our Inovalo young peoplo
went to Blue Hill last Monday night
to the I. O. O. F. dnneo.
Tho evangelists, Galloway and Alex
ander, who woro to bo hero tho ilrd,
have foutid it impossible to bo here
boforo next Sunday.
Roy Palmer and Miss Alice Baiker
woro married last Sunday at the home
of the bride's parents. Kov. Hill of
Citizens Caucus.
At a meeting of citizens hold at the
court house Monday evening, T. J.
Ward presiding, the following ticket
was placed in nomination:
For Mayor L. L. lloren.
For Treasurer J. O. Rutler.
For City Clerk C. 13. Reigle.
For Counciliucn First ward, long
term, Hubert Neuerberg; short term,
I3d Aniack; second word, .1. A. McAr
thur. For Members of School Hoard- L. A.
Haskins and I. 11. Holmes.
Ceo. and Miss Lena linkcn.
both of (luide Hoek, were united it'
marriage last Friday by Probate Judge
While in town yesterday Obus. Put
nam sustained the loss of a nice buggy
horse, lie had placed the. animal in
Crubill'sjlivery barn and while ho wn
transacting business it was taken sick
suddenly and before anything conk,
be done it had breathed its last.
I.. . .... . .
of this paper, the Hot Springs doctors From thai list yie following were sc
are an association of physicians. Kadi ' lectcd: J. C. Saylor. ('has. Hogate,
one of them is recognized us being u I Paul Hanson. Win. Reukul. W. A.
master specialist. They have located Thomas. K. U. Overman. C. W. Kaley,
institutes throughout the various por-j John Crary. C. 11. Kaley. A. J. Uragg.
tions ot the United States, with one or A. A. Cressninn.
more of the Hot Springs doctors at The resolutions committee drafted
each institute. To these institutes, the and presented the following res. du
ck come in ever inci easing nuinbcr.s ' tions which were adopted seriatim:
V have their ailments diagnosed lv a
master specialist and treatment pre
pared for home use. The idea of es
tablishing these institutes, i.s to bring
this wonderful Hot Springs system
within tin reach of those who cannot
afford time or money to go to Hot
Springs. Ark. Knowing that there are
numbers of people who cannot even go
to the nearest state institute of these
famous Hot Springs doctors, the plan
was conceived to establish smaller
branch institutes in various centers of
A representative of the Hot Springs
doctors visited Red Cloud with the view
of establishing a branch institute here.
vSo well pleased was he with our city
that he promised to have Dr. Kinsey
make us a two day visit. .March 2.'l and
21. The object of the visit of Dr. Kin
sey is to secure a few cases quickly
that he can cure, so that in case a
branch institute is located here in the
spring, these cured patients U be
good advertisements of this wonderful
Hot Springs system of treatment. Dr.
Kinsey docs not claim that he can cure
all eases, but he only solicits dillleult
We most earnestly endorse the wise,
fearless and patriotic administration
of President Roosevelt. We commend
his iirm stand against menacing evils,
no matter found, and his determina
tion to enact the "square deal" regard
less of class or condition, whether af
fecting organized wealth or organized
labor. We wish to see lloosevelt's pol
icies continued, and for that reason we
commend and endorse the man of his
choice to succeed him the Hon. Win.
II. Taft -a man whose breadth of
knowledge and experience, whose judi
cial mind and high sense of justice
peculiarly tit himto curry on the whole
some policies begun by the present
We also commend and endorse the
statesmanlike administration of (Sow
Sheldon and the action of the last
legislature in passing laws fulfilling
every pledge made by the republican
nart'v to the people of the state: and
we endorse the eftorts of the state
railway commission in its endeavor to
carry into etl'ect the railway commis
sion law and laws relating to the reg
ulation of freight and passenger rates
'and the enforcement of the anti-pass
Resolved. That we unqualifiedly en
dorse the candidacy of Hon. Charles
W. Kaley Mr delegate to the national
republican convention: and that we
. . i... :....... t il.. i.i.kin.t. t.. i i,i iMimii in'iit
cases, cases mat otner doctors nave i insu-iiu. mi- urii-Kiun . im i.-M......i.i
""--. ""'""" ' raiir nK'ui'.'srlli1
will not be accepted tor treatment at ,,,..,1 .ims t secure his election,
any price or under any conditions. .ii.1 u,. i Further Resolved, That.
Dr. Kinsey holds a government license ' we instruct the delegates to the state
. , ', ... ,. .. . ,... ... ' and congressional conventions to sup-
to treat ehron.c diseases. Mich as rUh0ltions in said convention en-
chronic disease of the stomach, liver, d,,,. the candidacy of Don. William
kidneys, blood, nerves, lungs and . Taft for president of the United
heart,' and diseases of women and men. Mates and instructing the delegates
. . i 'i r it...,i selected to attend the national conven-
This he does by means of ' '' , li(1Il , 11S(. .lU n,,,,,,, lm,,MS to Se-
scicntihe methods ot treating diseases
by removing the cause with the hoiuej
treatment, which obviates the neees
sity of running back and forth to the
nlHoe and he d 'es nut interfeere with
cure his nomination.
Kesolved, That we recognize in
James 13. Delzell of Lexington. Neb.,
a gentleman of educational and moral
attainments of the highest degree and
a man who would make an excellent
the employment or business. The Hot .state superintendent of public instruc-
Springs doctors make no mistakes, they lion: and we now therefore
1 ..,. ., , the candidacy of Prot. Delzell for the
cannot iitlord to. I hey accept loi oHIl.t. of htnti suiMTliituiiUMit ami ivt-
treatment only curable cases and take 01u.,i hiin to the republicans of Ne
braska for their earnest consideration
at the primaries on Sept. I, P.'Os.
We commend the republican mem
bers of congress from the state of Ne-
nrasaa ior ineir zcai ami aciivny m
no money from those that are incur
To prove that chronic diseases are
the life study of the Hot Springs doc-
to-s and that they know the human behalf of the people of Nebraska and
body to the most minute detail. Dr. j tin- nation in upholding the policies of
' ' .,, . . , , ,. 'President Roosevelt which are at all
Kinsey. will undertake to diagnose hw w iw wiU.mwnX um1 p,.,.,,,,.
any case in a few minutes timedescrib- (,tion of our great republic.
.losin'ii r, ,s i.oii,
R. F. K.ui.r..
Wii.i.i m F. I!i:.nni:i..
Upon motion convention adjourned,
lug every ache and pain without even
asking a single question. To aid in
this diagnosis, Dr. Kinsey carries with
him the most wonderful instruments
of his own invention, unil used by no
doctors but the Hot Springs doctors.
If you have any chronic or long stand
ing trouble do not fail to call at the
Royal hotel .March '.'.'I and :.') and take
advantage of his grand free oiler,
A powder for Uti'.l, nulling, mmvIIcii feet. We
linvn ovor .".i,000 u-Miiiiiuilnli'. All PiuiudtN -V.
Don't Hcrept nay MihMliule. Trlnl puckiu:.) 1'rio
by nmll. AhlrcH Alien s. olmt-lvil, I.o Itoy,
X. V.
( THE EASIEST WAY to convince you of the sterling quality of our fj
Underwear, of the satisfaction to you, Is to show exactly what m
have to offer. We think we have THE line. Many people agree
with us, judging by their buying. If you will call we will he pleased fl
to show you
Muslin Skirts with live rows of Valenciennes
Insertion with Val. lace on edge
of flounce
Muslin Skirts with nine-inch tlounce with one
inch Torchon Insertion and Tor- ffp
ebon Lace edge at 3j
Muslin Skirts with 'twelve-inch flounce with
lucks and drawn work with four- 4 J
inch Kinbroidered edge at Ilwll
Muslin Skirts with two rows of two-inch Tor
chon Insertion and :."..-inch edge (J
w ith eight row s of tucks at Wl Vv
Muslin Skirts with three rows three- 4 Kk
inch Torchon Lace and :t rows tucks IICFV
Night Gowns
Muslin Night (Sow lis with '.' rows 13m- (&fr
broidered Insertion in yoke at "''
Muslin Night (iowns with 13indroid- .
ered Insertion in yoke at .O
Muslin Night (Sowns with I'.m- tf -
broidered Insertion lace yoke V ""
Kinbroidered Heading, Lace and Tucked Yoke
with rullle around yoke, edged
with lace
Ladies' .Muslin Drawers with lace
trimmed flounce at
Muslin Drawers with live tucks, Kin
broidered, edged flounce at
Muslin Drawers with three tucks. 15
inch embroidered -tlounce at
Muslin Drawers with four tucks and
insertion with s'-in. 13inb. flounce..
Muslin Drawers three rows of tucks
with Torchon lace edge on flounce
In Embroideries and Laces
best and
Cot set Covers
Insertion with Kiubroidery. Heading. Cf
Kinbroidered edge at JJ
Wide embroidered front with tucked f(
, backat UUC
Lace and Insertion Yoke, Lace and 7C
i v I leading edge -C
! Kinbroidered Insertion front with Qf)r
Heading and Kinbroidered edge - 7JC
' Long Cloth Corset Cover with six rows Valen
' cieunes Insertion Luce and Heading 1 CC
I edge around neck and sleeves I .yv
we are headquarters for the
TIa CnnLSAn llir "f t,,u M,as0" "PP-"" I'I'TTKKICK FASHIONS, SPRINtS,
I HC rUollIOll tlUvlV m- ',l,, ww Phlleatioii issued by the great Hutterlck fashion
house. The price is -JO cents including a certificate good for ON 13 HUTTKKICK PATTI3RN FRI313.
This book i.s printed on high-grade paper and contains styles from Paris, Loudon, Merlin and New York
illustrated by some thousands of illustrations by foremost fashion artists. CKT IT TO-DAY