"" rtl. i 'ikfii(.(itC((r(tiilt(if(rk?(jt(titrit)if?ll Jfe I Subscription a $1 a Year I in Advance THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Eight Pages All Home Print mWL4J&!3t3fX gSTOTCWRfSR VOLUME XXXVI. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FEBRUARY 28, 11)08. NUMBER 11 I & IN THE DISTRICT COURT. Cases Disposed of In the February Term of Court. Thi' following cases coining up for hearing, the actions taken were: John 15. Stanscr vs. C. !'. Catlier etal. Cause continued to next regular term. Henry Diederich vs. Legal Heirs of Silas (larber. Continued for term. iSnmplinur Cloak Co. vs. Hadell "v Co. Motion withdrawn. IMaintilV given ten days to tile petition. Defendant given tweuty days thereafter to an swer. Mary K. Pratt vs. (3eo. O. Yeiser et al. Upon application of Mary It. Pratt, executrix of estate of Mary K. Pratt, deceased, said Mary 1$. 1'ratt, execu trix, is made party plaiuliff. Case continued for term. Kvan A. Hoss vs. Chas. I.. Saylor. Continued for term. Iturton T. Judson vs. Mary A. Creigh ton. Leave to file amended petition in ten days with leave to make additional parties plaintiff. I. II. Holmes vs. Sarah .J. Vaughn. Continued for term. Chas. S. Ohnstead vs. City of Red Cloud. Defendant given leave to an swer inbtanter. Chas. T. Smith vs. City of I Jed Cloud. Defendant given leave to answer in stanter. James Forrel v. L. A. llaskins. 3) -fendant given leave to answer in htanter. Robt. Damcrell vs. Samuel H. lleatoii etal. Plaintiff allowed to tile amended petition. Demurrer sustained. Plain tiffs refuse to plead'further. Action dismissed, to which plaintiffs except. Alfred C. White vs. Win. .1. Lippin cott as road overseer. Defendant given .10 days to tile amended answer. Plaintiff's ease set for trial at. next r 'gulnr term. Case continued for term. Plaintiffs except. Kli.ubeth Hughes vs. Marrel Hughes. Plaintiff given leave to tile amended petition 'lhstanter. Defendant ex cepts. , Alice It. Kdwnrds vs. Albert 11. k'ee ney. Motion for additional security for costs overruled. Defendant given .10 days to tile answer. James A. Daltun vs. .1. Albert Van Horn, road overseer, et al. Continued for term. John Olon vs. It. K. Ilussel. Motion to strike portion of petition sustained. John Meyer vs. The Unknown Heirs and Devisees of Aug. Weisbrood. De fault of defendants entered. Findings for plaintiff's title quieted in plaintiff as prayed. Lucas M. Woods vs. John A. Denton et al. Plaintiff to tile security for costs insta nter. K. K. Harvey vs. Reno D. Kussel. Demurrer overruled. .Defendant ex cepts, Iowa Hog and Cattle Powder Co. vs. A. A. Ford. Defendant given leave to amend cross petition. Motion to strike cross petition overruled. Motion to strike because new issue raised. Over ruled. Plaintiff excepts. Jonas M. Sellurs vs. Marion Neal et al Defendant given leave to plead in stanter. Demurrer overruled. De fendants except Defendants given ten days to answer. 1211a S. Sheppard vs. .lames T. Shcp pard. Default of defondan(jiiJrcd. Finding for plaintiff. Minor' children given to plaintiff. Decree of divorce granted as prayed on payment of costs. Itobert Uichardson et al vs. City of lied Cloud. Dismissed at plaintiffs' cost. S. N. Livingston vs. The Unknown Heirs of T. C. Iting, deceased. Default of all defendants. Findings for plain tiff. Title quieted as prayed. F.dwin K. Hodgers, Administrator of Kstate of Annie K. Uodgers.for license to sell real estate. Continued for term. Itobert Richardson vs. C. liccd et al. l;uuissed at plaintiff's cost. '-X,hion Cent. Life Ins. Co. vs. J. .1 Vostlewait. Decree of foreclosure. f property to be sold. Louis II. Feis vs. Oliver-P. MoKcs fconv Court Hnds no error, of lower, court atllrined. .ludgiiieut Hart etal. Sale ordered. Referee re quired to give bond. Chas. Curiiey et al. vs. School Dis trict of the City of Red Cloud, It. R Itaiues et al. Thomas .1. Ward and Henry Itutledge allowed to intervene and are made parties in the action. State of Nebraska vs. (!..!. Wilson. Continued for term. State of Nebraska vs. Maggie Lopor. Case continued. Uliulcn Rural Tel. Co. vs. L. K. Ells worth. Motion to dismiss for want of prosecution overruled. Defendant ex cepts. Matter of the Estate of ICatherine K. Manspeaker, an incompetent. Ordered to show cause why license should not issue for sale of property. Victor H. Fuhon vs. Mildred Fulton, Donald Fulton and Robert Fulton, dr. Continued for service. Robert McMurray vs. W. F. Renkel, Administrator of Kstate of Ucorge Ralston, deceased, et al. Sheriff di rected to make deed for wU nul and wJ sel see 21-2-12. Lewis P. Albright vs. The State Life Insurance Co. of Indianapolis, I ml. Judgment on mandate. COUNTY COURT NEWS. IMtOIIATK CASKS. Kstate of Stephen It. llockett. Rob ert Damcrell appointed administrator; bond approved and tiled; letters issued. Kstate of Andrew Arnold. Order dis charging administrator. In re guardianship Arnold minors. C.uardiau presents new bond, which is approved. In re guardianship minor hell's of lotham Martin. N-.w bond of guard ian approved and tiled. Kstate of , lotham Martin. Older con tinuing partial distribution. civil, casks, Lincoln Shade Co. vs. Hayes'. For trial March .1. Uronuweg ,v. Sehoentgen Co. vs. Hayes. For answer .March 2. Red Cloud Girl Wins Honors. In a literary contest held at Beatrice recently, Miss Marie Itoss, the 12-year-old daughter of County Clerk K. W. Ross, won second place, many of the contestants being from higher grades in the school. The subject of her paper was "The Life of Washington." and the following report of her essay is taken from the Heatriee Sun: "In studying Washington's life, we found instead of wdrking for 'pay or his own good, he was working for his people and his country, it was the magnanimity of the man which made the people sure that he was no self seeker who would betray their interest for his own glory or rob them for his own gain. This made them trust him in war and peace as one who would never forget his duties. "In the revolutionary war he re fused all pay except his expensus, of which he kept a strict account. The only pay he wanted was that the Americans should be victorious." "We see his character in the way ho praised the achievements of others. He was always as willing to share the credit of a victory as he was to bear the burden of defeat. "He also shows his character in the quiet dignity with which he. faced the Conway cabal. He was not anxious to defend his own reputation, but only wished to save the army from being New Band Director Here. The Citizens" "Concert Hand has been vurv fortunate in securing the services of Mr. A. It. Tansey of Chariton, Iowa, who takes charge of the. band March I, in place of Mr. Snapp, who leaves soon for Colorado. Mr. Tansey comes very highly recommended, both as a man and musician. He has been iden tified with some of the best bands in Iowa for the last fifteen years, and his success as director is second to none.. Mr. Tansey will be present at the con cert tonight and will direct the second part. Everyone should come out and give him a suitable reception, and let him know at the start what lied 'Cloud thinks of its baud. Banquet for Juniors. Saturday night, at Woodman hall, occurred the annual banquet of the high school seniors given for thu juniors. The hatchets which decora ted the walls reminded one at once that it was Washington's birthday, One of the features of the evening was the contest in writing poetry, subjects being assigned from the life of Wash ington and topics of school interest. Marvel Turnure, Lucille (Irlee. Mar garet and .IcnulcMiitcr. impersonating colonial Indies and gentlemen, enter tained the company by dancing the minuet. The plan of having every thing Washingloiiian was shown at supper in the. cherry place-cards. After supper the time was spent in games and all present report. Letter List. List of letters remaining uncalled for at pobtolllcc at lied Cloud, Neb., for the weok ending February 2"s 1!K)8: Hishop, Stella CM llolllcr. Kdith Hottce, A It Janseii, .lames F.rb, Hcnnie McPherson, F L Those will bn sent to t.lio (load letter olllee Mnrali 1, 1!H)8, if uncalled for liuflii'O. Wlion calling for above please say "advertised." T C. H.u kkk, Postmaster. . - . - - KHW-AIATISS! CUUBI) IN A DAY. Dr.Dctohoas Hollef forltlieumiulsm nni! Neural lilt umIIchIIv cure la 1 to. 'J day. Junction upon llio hyMom In romarkiible nnd iiiyntcrlouti. Jt Noyus, Norman Shoe Co. vs. V. II. removed at onro the oiuira tout tiioillM!Ho Im Fry. .Judgment on findings. M Sola by Louisa Corbett etal vs. Levi L. De jriigglot, Red Clouil. crippled and the cause of liberty from being wrecked. He made no effort to take revenge of those that tried to injure hliii." Passed Worthless Checks. A stranger giving the name of A. J. I Hue was arrested last night upon the charge of having passed a worthless check upon Kd Ashlin, who recently bought the Herburger restaurant. He spent the night in jail and will be given a hearnig this afternoon. As this check was for only 83, Hlite will probably be given a light sentence. At the time of his arrest he had on his person a little over 810 in cash. The first of the week he was in IHue Hill, where he attempted topassaeheck for 8100 upon W. A. Holmes. Re bought three sets of harness, amount ing to $7.1, and offered the S100 check in payment, but Holmes was to sharp for him. The checks wero drawn upon a bank at Auburn, Neb., but a phone message from there stated that no such person as A.J. Itlue was known there. r 1 1 is probable he is wanted elsewhere for similar offenses. i Notice. All parties knowing themselves in debted to me will take notice that after March 1, 1U08, all notes and ac counts unpaid will be placed with my attorney with instructions to proceed to force collection. J. (). lli'Ti.Kit. Business College Notes Examinations Friday. draco Tunison and Alice Fogg spent Sunday in Inavale. Viola Peak went lo Cowles Friday, returning Monday. Fern Hutchison is again in s'chooi after a two weeks' illness. Klvlra Rushtoii is enjoying a week at her home in Ksbou, Kits. Miss Lena Hermausoii, a graduate, was a visitor Monday. Paul Johnston was enrolled in the shorthand department Monday. Miss Mabel Brooks made u a. pleas ant call Tuesday. Myrtle Hates has been absent from school this week. The physiology class is having ex periments with their recitations. From the. enthusiasm shown it must be in te resting. To Break In New Shoes Always Use Allen's Foot-Kase, a powder. It pre vents tightness and blistering, cures swollen, sweating, aching feet. At all druggists and shoe store, JJftV. Sample mailed FHKK. Address A. S. Olm sted, LeRoy, N. Y. t r Txj ff MUSLIN UNDER WE A R (J THE EASIEST WAY to convince you of the sterling quality of our Cj Underwear, of the satisfaction to you, Is to show exactly what we j n have to offer. We think we have THE line. Many people agree I with us, judging by their buying. If you will call we will be pleased & to show you Skirts Drawers $1.00 with one- 75c 1.25 Muslin Skirts with five rows of Valenciennes Insertion with Val. lace on edge of flounce Muslin Skirts with nine-Inch llounce with one- inch Torchon Insertion and Tor chon Lace edge at Muslin Skirts with twelve-Inch flounce with tucks and drawn work with four inch Kinbroidcred edge at Muslin Skirts with two rows of two-inch Tor chon Insertion and 2'j-ineh edge C gg with eight rows of tucks at MlVV Muslin Skirts with three rows three- 4 K inch Torchon Lace and ') rows tucks IICFV i Night Gowns Muslin Night Oowns with 2 rows Km- . broldered Insertion in yoke at V Muslin Night Cowns with Kmdroid- . ered Insertion in yoke at J& Muslin Night Oowns with Kin- C . rr broidcrei) Insertion lace yoke V LC Kinbroidcred Heading, Lace and Tucked Yoke with rulllc around yoke, edged - ffi with lace 5L' Ladies' Muslin Drawers with lace trimmed flounce at .' Muslin Drawers with live tucks, Kin broidcred, edged flounce at Muslin Drawers with three tucks. ',. inch eiubroidercd'llounee at Muslin Drawers witli four tucks and insertion with S-in. Kinb. llounce.. Muslin Drawers three rows of tucks with Torchon lace edge on llounce 25c 50c 75c l.oo 75c Corset Covers Insertion with Kinbroidery. Heading. C A Knibroidered edge at -' Wide embroidered front with tucked f back nl DWC Lace and Insertion Yoke. Lace and 7C Heading edge ' -'C Knibroidered Insertion front with Qf) Heading and Knibroidered edge X VL. Long Cloth Corset Cover with six rows Valen ciennes Insertion Lace and Heading ff edge around neck and sleeves vv In Embroideries and Laces we are headquarters for the best and cheapest. TIlA CachlAII h!i of the season appears in HI'TTKRICK FASHIONS, SPHINO, I Hv rOOllIvlI )IIvtV H1,)S' tin I,L'U' publication issued by the great llutterick fashion house. The price is so cents including a certificate good for ONK Hl'TTKICICK PATTKHN FHKK. This book Is printed on high-grade paper and contains styles from Paris, London, Heiliu and New York illustrated by some thousands of Illustrations by foremost fashion artists. OKT IT TO-DAY P yV At P. NEWHOUSE'S S7 t N I HMMMtaMVHHNAIHIMMWAi MlM.n II. Willi.. .' ll'TCt',- S