The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 21, 1908, Image 8

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4UvtrUaivtiiiitHiitiiuii4uiuaia iuiifctbviiiui4iuiUitti
01 tfc m i ill ih U IK ! itt t tfe V
Jieaisy Jiotes torn Neighboring Tomns j
tho chores, l'hey hooii discovered tlioj
I shod to bo on llro, but woro uiiublo to
got ttio horses out.
Adulp'h Nelson, ono of tho prosper
ous Gorman farmers living in tho
north part of tho county, was hauling
out lumber tho lust of th wool; for
tho erection of u now burn nt his
Ttio wolves sootn to bo nioro nuinor
oii9 than usual this winter. At tho
Bomistheep ranch, in tho Oak creek
country, tho wolves nro going after tho
sheep and killing thorn off at n rapid
r.ito. Thoy slaughtered thirteen in
ono night.
Joe Elson, who lives on I ho old
Honry Brown farm, tlneo tnilos south-1
(From tho Review.)
Dick Mooro was in Hod Cloud Mon
day. B. W. Shophordson and T. B. Myers
drove to Reil Cloud ThurHilay.
Miss Boatrlco Bain was absent from
her Hchool tho foro part of tho wook
on account of sickness.
Our hotel again has Mr. and Mrs,
John Glenn as proptietors, thoy Imv
ing taken possession Monday.
Mrs. Charles Pugsloy roturnod Sun
day night from Fuirbury. whoro sho
spent ii wook with her tnothor, who is
on tho sick list.
(From the Citizen.)
Mrs. M. Holli-iter was called to Ex
otor Saturday by tho news that hor
father was seriously ill. '
Frank McLnmyia, who recently un
derwent an operation in tho hospital
in Omaha, ic turned homo Wednesday.
Modos Champoau, who wont to St.
Joseph's hospital in Omaha last, Fri
day and was operated on for appendi
citis soon after his arrival, died Wed
nesday at 9 o'clock. lie was 21 years
of age.
Tho infant son of Mr. and Mrs. .la
cob Schropfer, born last week, lived
scarcely two days nd tho little body
was taken by tho father to Geneva
Saturday morning for interment. Tho
mother is still quite ill.
This vicinity has lost a good citizen
and a good farmer. Peter Oborg, who
last summer made a deal for OGO acres
of laud in tho vicinity ot Faruam, loft
for his now homo Wednesday of this
wook, accompanying four cars of live
Stock and personal property.
hy tho la' tor closed last Friday and
tho two others took their schools and
made her a visit. A ciphering match
was hold lu which all three of the
schools participated, and was won by
the school taught by Miss Nolle.
Press Smith, sou of E. W. Smith,
represents Lebanon in tho n ul (loot
that is now making its way to tho Pa
cific. Ho is on tho Alabama His
brother Moss also enlisted in tho navy,
but ho was assiguod to a vessel not n
ptrt. of tho ileot, and is now sick with
rheumatism at tho Brooklyn nay
(From tho Tribune.)
Mrs. Loaudcr Miller is slowly io
covering from hor fovoro sickness.
Marshal Ethertou earned his salary
this week by sweeping tho snow ofr a
crossing or two.
Mrs. Dick Richards has been very
ho surely would not have voted for
anyono elso as he is, and always has
been, u staunch Republican. Mr. Fish
is uoariug his qiylity fifth birthday.
All parties knowing themselves in
debted to me will take notice that
after March 1, 1008, all notes and ac
counts unpaid will be placed with my
attorney with instructions to proceed
to force collection. .1. 0. BUi'M'.u.
Here Is Rclle.f for Womr.n.
If you have pains in your back, uri
nary, bladder or kidney trouble, and
i Wiint a certain, pleasant herb cure for
woman's ills, try .Mother Gray's Australian-Leaf.
It is a safe and never
failing regulator. At druggists or by
mail fit) cts. .Sample package FREE.
Address Tho Mother Oray Co., Loltoy,
New Yorlc. 0
sick with measles tho past two wcoks,
east of town, brought, in a jag of al-. but Is now on the road to Wellville,
fa fa seed last Saturday and sold it to
Februal y
Dr.Dotnhntu llellpf for KhiMimiitlmn niul N'purr.l
ula rtutlcaltv curm In 1 to.Tdius. ltsnetloniiDon
Dr.'HIlu P. Stunner drovo over fifty ' Hie mtcin Is rcinarfcnblo ami mvMcrloiih. II
- --.- .-.,
aFairbury firm for tho neat sum of' miles during tho snow 0111111-1","""'"""'!"'-a.ii
mi r- i t i ! .i i i i ii i r i i mcdlntely litipciirH. Tho flrm dom KrCntlj
$012. There woro 7(1 bushels in tho;. lay in making tho rounds of hor pa- b0M. fll,. cuiia .! . snM byli. b.grio
(From tho Sentinel.)
Miss Mao Mowbray started Friday
morning for Lincoln to outer the
Bailey Sanatarium in order to take a
course as a trained nurse.
Mr. McA lister of tho Bod Cloud
marblo works was in the city the lat
ter pi.i't of tho week erecting a liinim-
Some of tho instruments for tho
Bloomington band are beginning to
and tho work of practicing has com
menced in earnest.
Mr. and Mrs. . V. Smith, who have
spout about thirty flvo years of- their
lives in this county, have decided to
remove to Missouri.
Word was received in town this
morning that Mrs. Gustav Fischer,
whose homo is seven
dniRRlfit. Hod Cloud
::ku maid mai :am
tpJSicitaMt anil ttontitlfics Oie lulr.
inrrnnuiM n luxuriniu Rtowin.
EiDttnvop Failr. to Itnutorn Onv
IVMi'i't. imVi Jlal to I" YcutUful Color.
rtnWri CtMH1'111" ftL'P 'i'n" hiir i-iung.
li.wli .
ffV.tndglJi'ftt Dnnglwi
Sheriffs Sain.
Notice is hcicby Riven. Hint under and by
virtue of mi order of unlu Issued from tho ofllco
miles south of lof Geo W. HiitchInon, clerk of tho District
ment for the Maser fa mil v.
F W Barber and son shinned j,J Bloomington, had died. Court or Uio Tenth Judicial District. Mthln
i'. w. uaroci ami son snipped in mid for Webster comity. Nebntbkn, upon ado
two tine thoroughbred Poland China' Mrs. Murphy, living north of town cioe In nn nctlon pending therein, wherein
brood sows this week-, their combined j about six miles and well known to iMwnrd it. cowIch is plnlntlir nnd nuuiiiBt. John
weight exceeding 1000 pounds. And loveryono in this commu,
during the same week James Conkling misfortune last Imduy to fall nutl Illl!hefct i,MaeP for ciibU i Iinlld nl this CKM
shipped otit two of his excellent l)u-, break her arm. Idoorof tho court hmio, at ited cloud, in 'aid
(From tho Signal.)
Stanley Woodward was injured in a
runaway Monday, being thrown to tho
grouud, soverely' bruising his shoul
der. Agent Cassell informs us that '.17
cars of cattle woro shipped out of hero
in January, and 21 cars in February
up to tho I'M).
Relatives of Martin Guy, formerly
of this place, now of Clayton, Kansas,
havo received word that ho is very low
and not expected to live.
Mrs. Anna Viuthn of Colorado and
Mrs. Mary Rasser of Red Cloud aro
hero at tho bedsido of their mother.
Mrs. Oborhcida, who is very sick.
Monday evening after tho chapter
had closod, the membors of tho Eastern
Star repaired to tho homo of E. E.
Burr aud spout the evening in honor
of Mrs. Burr's birthday.
Mark Reeves has been very sick
with appendicitis and wo understand
it will be necossary for him to under
go an operation as soon as ho gets a
little stronger.
(From tho Messenger)
All Welch Is ablo to be out ueain
after several days' tussle with grip.
While smoking their four horses for
distemper, Pete and Louis Wing, of
near Kirvviu, burned the animals to
death last week. Thoy left tho ani
mals in an old shed, wheio they had a
lire in a kettle, and went about doing
rocs to outside purchasers.
Jason Bennett of tho Koamsville
country, who wont to Arapahooonjy
recently to undergo tho amputation of i
a leg, returned Friday morning to his
homo. As wo saw Mr. Bennett walk
out of tho train on his ono remaining
leg, alono aud unaided save with his
crutches and by his own efforts, and
remembered that it was only some
three weoks since tho operation was
performed, it caused us to think what
a wonderful marvel is tho body of a
man that it can stand such shocks.
(From tho Argus.)
A daughter- was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Kay Gerard the Urst of tho week
Grandma Smith died at tho homo of
hor daughter, Mrs. Levi Gilbert, Sat
urday, February 8, aged 77 years.
Mrs. Robert Hunter has been veiy
sick for the past week or two, but wo
understand that she is much bettor.
Mrs. Goorgo Maute has been very
siok for tho past two weoks, tho trouble-
being inflammatory rheumatism.
Mrs. E. O. Gorard has spent tho
week on tho old homo farm assisting
in caring for a new horn granddaugh
ter. Glenn, tho fivo-year-oldson of Mrs.
Sarah Srador, has been having quite a
serious time wilh inflammatory rheu
W. W. Crumley wont to Lincoln,
Neb.. Thursday, and will icturn with
his wife, who has been in that city for
medical treatment.
The Oliver mooting at Mankato
closed Monday night with S10 con
versions. A colloctlon was taken up
Sunday which amounted to 8187.1.
Nolle, Rose and Clara Itegau aie all
, (From the Express.)
Mrs. Andy Froy is at Lawronce,
called there by tho sickness of her
Mrs. H. Lile has been quite sick tho
past few days with a partial stroke of
paralysis. She is better at this writ
ing. The Good Enough Incubator Co. is
shipping out machines every day, and
thoy go to most of the states In the
Union, and oven as far away as Cuba.
The first straw hat seen tins year
was worn yesterday by a mail dork
who lays ovor hero from the main
lino. It made us think summer was
Mrs. Nellie Howe of this city was
struck by a cable car at tho corner of
Twelfth and Washington streets. In
Kansas City, and dragged about twen
ty foot boforo tho gripmau could stop
the train. Her shoulder was wrenched,
her scalp torn and she was severely
George Carter has received word
that his two cousins, tho Lowo boys,
who until this fall had a sugar
plantation in Hawaii, aro both dead.
They wont to Russia tho latter part
of tho summer. Ono of tho cousins
died with hoart trouble at Nagasaki,
and while his wlfo nnd his fcousin,
Will Lowe, woro on routo to San Fran
cisco witli tho body, Will's death oc
curred at Vladivostok with small pox.
Tho Lowo family aro well known here,
having lived a few miles east of town
for several years.
Webster county. Nebraska, (Unit being tho
building wherein tho last term uf t-alil court
was holdcu). on the !Mrd dny of March A. D.
1003, nt J o'clock p. in. of said day, the follow
Iiik decribcl property, to wit: The south
twenty-three (23) feet of lot nineteen (10), in
block thirty-onu (.11) In the city of Itcd Cloud.
Wcbttcr county. Nehri'i-ka.
Ci i ven undor my hand this 1Mb day of Fcbru
ary. A. 1). 1WJ9.
SI'J O.n. lirjDHE, Sheriff.
Winter Tours
To tho South and Gulf resoits
until April .'iOth.
Homeseckers' Rates
1st and Ilrd Tuesdays to Colo
rado, Big Horn Basin, Montana
and Northwest.
One Way Colonist
March and April, to Montana,
Washington, Oregon, California
aud Utah
To Farm Renters
Write I). Clem Denver. Land
seekers' information Bureau,
Omaha, for list of farms to rent
in Big Horn Basin. Do it now
they are going fast.
Business Openings
Wo have list of excellent busi
ness chances in now growing
towns on Burlington extensions:
got established early ahead of tho
coming population. Write tho mi
J. F. EmvAims, Ticket Agent,
i. W.Wakeloy.G. P. A.,
Omaha, Neb.
Tho lands wo aro going to call your attention to aro in tho northwest par,
of Texas. Take tho map of Texas and you can readily soo that wo aro trying
to locate you about G50 miles from Kansas City and 500 miles from Galvostou.
the nearest seaboard harbor of tiny importance, whoro freight rates by water
to England are practically tho same as from Now York. To tiansport a bushoi.
of wheat from Hastings, Neb., to Now York by rail will cost you l(5Jc per lOtJ
lbs or 28.9 per bu. From the Panhandle to Galveston tho rate is 5U; per bu. o'
a saving of ll).9c per bu. Can you figure tho advantage that the farmer in tfn
Panhandle has over you? To show you the great advantage tho Pauhaudl
has ovor you, wo want to quote a few figures on tho sowing and yield of wheat,
at the experiment station, a short distance from where wo ofrer you these
fe'reat bargains in land.
Yield ? Wheat for 1906 Haske Wheat
Sowing .'I pecks' to tho ilcro yields 2!).GT bushels, test W pounds
it u ii u u . o5flr, ,. ., 51 ..
" 5 " " " lt " 21.50 " " t!0.f "
Durum Wheat
' Sowing '. pecks to tho acre yields 23.10 bushels, test t2.f0 pounds
u j it .i t. i it !22.2T " " (il
school teachers. The school taught on Monday, a 1 oy.
(From tho Enterprise.)
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Snyder,
at little cost
SI, 000, 00 rcwanl is o,Tcrctl t$fi 'jfo:9
I Born, to Mr. and Mrs. F. Lereaux,
Monday night, a hoy.
! Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Davis,
Saturday iiorning, a fine boy.
Horn, lo Mr. and Mrs. James Moroy,
' Saturday morning, a fine boy.
, Mrs. Ponath and children left Mou-
dav morning for Clay Center, Kan., to
bo with her mother, who is
ously sick.
Now you liavo tho figures before you for consideration. It will take yo t
but a few minutes to compute tho difference that tho Panhandle farmer geU
more for his grain than you do.
If tho experiment station can roach such results in fanning and doing vt
right, you can do tho shuio thing, or can raise ." bu. less aud beat anything yea
can in this part of the country.
With an average of 24 inclios of rainfall for the last twelve years, nothii.-r
stauds in tho road of farmers becoming independent in a short tune and IKin-r
himself so ho can live at ease.
Is it hot In the Panhandle, Is askod ly)ooplo who aie not familiar witt.
conditions in that country. Wo will say that tho average in the hottest month -i
in tho year, for twelve years Is as follows: June, Ti July, 7."), August, 72, an i
anger-' September, '.58. This government report, was by the U. S. weather observe
i (Thos. J. Consodim), at Amorllla, Texas, right in the center of tho Panhandle.
"y vue lur any stio- Sfcniu-iuiauiiili
siunce injurious to the health found
in nluimt Baking Powder.
Purity is a prime essential in fiiml.
Calumet is madconlyof pure, wholesome
ingredients combined by skilled chemists,
mid compiles with the pure food laws of
all states. It is the onlv hltrh-trnulo
Baking Powder on the market sold at
a modern te price.
L Calumet Baking Powder may be
'freely used with the ccitainty that food
made with it contains no harmful
dni"jH It is chemically correct
and makes Iurc, WholCHomc
Junius Banks, a son of Mr. and Mrs.
Batiks of this place, died Monday
night while on his way from his homo
in Iowa to tho western part of tho
stato to buy land.
' Tho body of John II. Brethour ar
rived yesterday from Paxton, Nob.,
accompanied by Paul and Ed and
Grandma Biothour. Death was duo
to t uboroulosis. Ho wos 'M or M years
of' ago.
A rather lomarkablo circumstance
in the llfo of ouo of Bladen's old men
is tho fact that .Isaac Fish, tho oldest
' man in Bladen, has lived through
twonty-buo piosldentlal adininls'tra-
I tlons. Mr. Fish told us that ho could
havo voted for Honry Clay tho llrst
1 tune ho was old enough to voto, and
Water Is procured in sand and gravel and is of the very purest quality nn i
has proven very beneficial for the general health of mankind.
Wo are making those trips to the Panhandle every
First and Third Tuesdays
in each month, and would bo ploased to soo yon and talk it ovor with you, m
wo cannot tell you all iu a short ad liko this.
Red Cloud Investmen
l. H. HOLMKP. President. n. .. MYEtlS, Vice-Prosidontj
A. I). SELLERS, Secretary and Treasurer f
JjJfclUtlPMliW1 Wi WWptwiwi !! i
i-nMM,, ' MJMI u'jjiil a .J4&Jk ,'--' .kJcm