The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 21, 1908, Image 5

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Tomorrow is Washington's birthday,
vjtrs. Hob Austin of McCoolc is in the
Hurrj' Cramer was in Lincoln this
" Kd Hilton was down from Blue Hill
Jerome Wright of Hebron was in tin:
c.ity today.
Miss Hundorup of franklin is in
town this week.
Walter Smith of Filly, Neb., is visit
ing with relatives.
Mrs. Nelson, mother of Frank, is
sick with the grip.
Alviu Snappnnd Marion Mercer were
in Norton this week.
Henry Strayer and family have
moved to the country.
W. H. Saunders is home from a short
business trip to Monday.
Mabel Haitey and brother Will visit--d
in Oowles Wednesday.
B. M. Gard was over from North
It ranch tho first of the week.
B. M. Gard was over from North
Itranch the first of the week.
Mrs. 10. Hoyd Smith and baby came
home from Lincoln last night.
Mrs. T. C Hacker entertained the
whist club Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. A. 0. Paulson is home from a
.hurt visit, in Republican City.
Mrs. Al Slaby is still very sick and
shows little or no improvement.
Dresser scurfs and table covers in
Austrian fillet work at F. Newborn 2s.
li. C. Olmsted and daughter Blah
joturncd from Inavale Wednesday.
I. II Holmes lias purchased the res
idence at present occupied by Frank
Former County Attorney A. M. Wal
ters of nine Hill was attending court
rthN week.
Mrs. Nora Connors of Norcatur,
Kan., is visiting with Mrs. Frank
Frank Mizer returned Saturday
evening from a two months trip on the
Pacific coast.
W. A. Holmes and Joe Fogcl return
ed on Tuesday from a business trip to
Kansas City.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hadcil enter
lamed a party of friends at cards
Tuesday evening.
C. II. Miner went to Chicago Tues
day morning to purchase goods for the
Miner Hros. sore.
Miss Kthel Donnelly of. Lincoln ar
rived last evening and is the guest of
Airs. T. 0. Hacker.
"Emery DeWolfc, foreman of tho
Argus, was in Lincoln the first of the
!v.;ek on business.
Seventy-nine cars of cattle and hogs
went through Red Cloud Sunday,
"bound for the river markets.
and 30C
Per dozen
The Groeer
All the Phonos
On account of the eight hour law
going into effect soon, Agent Joyce at
Inavale will have an assistant.
Remember the band concert next
Friday night. Read tho program pub-
Hshcd elsewhere in this paper.
Harry Roats shipped five cars of
cattle to Kansas City Sunday. Ho ami
George Corner accompanied them.
,, t i nf i t i i
Prof. John Wecsner, principal of the
schools at Webber, Kan., visited with
his parents Saturday and Sunday.
, , , . , is4..
Miss Carrie Osborn returned Satur-
, , , ,, ,,.. , ,
day from Republican City, where she
, , . , ,;, ,., ,. i
had been visiting with Mrs. Paulson.
Mrs. Verne Aekloy has returned to
, , . i , t . i,n
her home in Omaha after a short visit
with her mother. Mrs. O. L. Winfrey.
A petition is being circulated to have
the council submit the question of
license or no license at the spring elec
Mr. a'ud Mrs. Lucien Whitu left on
Tuesday for Wayne, Neb., whore Mr.
White will engage In the barber busi
ness. P. Newhouse returned Tuesday noon
from a two months visit with his
daughter, Mrs. L. M. Vance, In Hast-
Ren Ludlow
left Wednesday morn
ing for Bxcclslor Springs, Mo., where
lie goes in the hope of benefiting his
George Hcardslee has sold his resi
dence property to W. H. Cramer, and
will move back onto his farm this
It is announced that Roy Palmer
and Miss Alice Harker, both of Ina
vale, will be married a week from
Hert Polfus, John Polfus and John
Sweedell, all of Guide Rock, were in
the citv last night on their way to
Sheriff Hedge took JohnDeHrunner,
an aged insane patient from near Ina
vale. to the Hastings insane asylum
Why wouldn't It be a good idea to
stir up the new court house proposi
tion again? Wo certainly need it'budly
Mrs. Frank Rrokaw lias returned to
her home in Superior after a visit
with her sister, Mrs. Chris 'Zeiss, who
is very sick. ,
Wade Koontz shipped two cars of
cattle and W. P. Rcnkcl a car of hogs
to Kansas City Sunday. They accom
panied the shipments.
Kimsey Martin and T. L. . Trow
bridge were down from Blue Hill yes
terday on busiuess connected with the
Jotham Martin estate.
Everton Foe, the genial uight ticket
agent of the Burlington at McCook,
visited with relatives and friends here
Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Bertha Barlow is now instruc
tor in shorthand and typewriting at
the business college. Miss Harlow is
a graduate of the school.
Simon Van Bocning, Sr.,and his son,
Simon Van Bocnintr. Jr., were down
from Rosemont Saturday and made
I this office a pleasant call.
Ed Mohler will hold a big sale next
Wednesday, February 20, at the old
Wagoner farm, four miles south and
three miles cast of Red Cloud.
The petition for an injunction against
the selling of the school bonds came
up In the district court yesterday, but
was continued to the next term.
On account of bad weather last Tues
day W. R. Wonderly will hold his pub
lic sale at his place seven miles due
south of Inavale next Monday, Febru
ary 2 J, 1908.
Dr. Warrick, the specialist, will meet
oye, car, nose and throat patients and
tiiose needing glasses properly fitted,
at Dr. Damerell's office, in Red Cloud,
Tuesday, March :. ''
George Phelps went up to Hastings
Wednesday of last wceU, and yester
dav ho came back to Red Cloud wear
ing a Salvation Army cap and carrying
v bunch of War Crys under his arm.
Mrs. George ncaton and son 13d, of
Walnut Creek township, returned last
Saturduy morning from two months
visit in Pennsylvania. They were ac
companied by Miss Jones, a niece of
Mrs. Heaton.
People who pay for their newspa
pers promptly always onjoy and ap
nreclate them more than those who
allow their subscription accounts to
run along year after year. Pay now,
and enjoy your paper.
The school house in district 20, about
seven miles north of Red Cloud, burned
down Tuesday. The loss isaboutSlOOO,
partially covered by Insurance. Miss
Velma MeKlmmcy of this city Is the
teacher of the school.
Marriage licenses wero Issued to
Simon Van Bocning, Jr., and Miss
Louisa C. Stroh, both of Rosemont,
and Henry A. Centring and Miss Bmnia
M. Knigge, of Stillwater precinct. No
particulars received concerning the
Roadmaster Stine of tho Hurllngton
has resigned his position and gone
i"to the drug business at Orleans. He
IS ut'n JUccl!edc"' bv 1uU'r Trout,
who was in wiu ui oummj u-
ing the Red Cloud yards.
h J
The postponed joint meeting or the
0. A. It. and W. R. C. will be held Sat-
nrday, February 2 Supper at 0 p.m.,
' , J , ,, . . ,, .f,
a short program following. All "boys
. . , , . , .,
of tho sixties" and members of the
u . , , , , , ,. ,
corps and their families invited.
. ,
0. K. Sloss, a painter and paper
', , i i i ..
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ifltlt lite fnitilK' mill li tm mnilo urrailtro-
ments to open a wall paper and paint
store In the room just west of the old
postotllce building. Wo welcome mm
to our city.
An assistant matron in an Ohio chil
dren's home nailed a 7-year-old boy's
tongue to the back of a chair because
he would not confess to having stolen
a pencil. She was let off with a light
fine and dismissal from her post. Ye
gods, what arc we coming to?
The time is rapidly drawing near
when we will be compelled to drop all
delinquent subscribers from our list.
A few very few- have responded to
our request for a settlement. Others,
whom we know are amply able to pay,
cither refuse or neglect to do so.
Rev. R. H. B. Hill of Inavale was a
Red Cloud visitor Tuesday. While in
Fairfield the other day some ungodly
wretch opened his grip and stole two
of his coats. We always supposed that
preachers, like editors, wero too poor
to own more than one coat at a time.
Judge Duugau opened the equity
term of the district court yesterday
and spent nearly the entire day listen
ing to motions and argnnients. We
were pleased to notu that tho new
judge had retained .lodge Adams
stenographer, Mr. Purse, in his old
"Willie" Sells, one of the proprietors
of the Sells & Downs circus, which
will be remembered bv our citizens
on account of the number and bold
ness of the "skin games" connected
with it, died in New York Monday.
He was at one time the king of tho
bareback rklcrs.
Services at the Baptist church Sun
day. Bible fcnool at 10 a. m.; preach
ing at 11 a. in.; theme, "Service and
Rewards of Believers." At 7:30 p. n'i
theme, "Proving the Will of God."
Bible study Tuesday at Mr. Alva Sel
lars at 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting
Wednesday at 8:30 p. in. C. A. Wilson,
The medal contest to be given under
tho auspices of the W. C. T. U. will be
held in the Christiun church Thursday
evening, February 27, commencing at
8 o'clock. An admission fee of 10 cents
will be charged. A cordial invitation
is extended to the public to come and
listen to something good coming from
the midst of our young folks.
The Fifth district Republican con
gressional convention will meet In
Hastings on Monday, March 0, at 3
p. m., to select two delegates and two
altornatos'to tho Republican national
convention, and to express preference
for Republican candidates for presi
dent and vice president of the United
States. Webster county is entitled to
eleven delegates.
Will Overman, son of County Com
missioner J. G. Overman, graduated
from the State University last Friday,
Februury It, having completed the
full four years course in three and u
half years. Will graduated from the
Red Cloud high school In 1003, taught
school for a year, and then entered
the university. He has made a record
of which ho may well be proud.
There is a man who frequently
comes to Red, Cloud that should be
put under restraint. We refer to Julius
Wobberman, who is unquestionably of
unsound mind. His mania takes the
form of asking young girls to marry
him, but not long ago ho went a little
farther and attempted to hug and klbs
a young lady student of the business
college. This occurred In tho post
otllce, in the presence of quite a
number of people. He was in town
yesterday and again frighted some of
tho young lady students of tho busi
ness college until they were forced to
seek protection from passersby. At
other times Wobberman will hide be
hind fence corners and jump out and
scare young girls.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Blgnaturo of
-- W W V0 -
20 Per Cent
Discount Sale
Canned Fruit & Vegetables
Am overstocked on Canned Goods
and will place on sale in my store
window beginning
Saturday, Feb. 22, 1908
and continuing until stock is re
duced a larere assortment of Canned
Fruits and Vegetables at 20 per
cent discount from regular prices.
Your opportunity to secure bargains
in canned goods. Don't forget the
date and place Jreb. 2222.
.1. P. Hale, Sam Llndsey and others
who went to Tampico, Mexico, on a
land-seeking trip a couple of weeks
airo, came, home Wednesday evening.
No one in the party bought land, and
according to one of them, productive
ness of the land and variety oT crops
has been greatly exaggerated. He
said they did grow immense crops of
potatoes dow.i there but they fed
them to the hogs. The battling in tiie
Gulf Is good, however.
Jim Btherton, an employe of Nel
son's barn, had a lively experience
Monday afternoon He drove a trav
eling man to Inavale, and when he
jumped into the. buggy to return home
the team became frightened and start
ed to run. The doubletree broke and
Jim was pulled over the dashboard.
After dragging him a short distance
the team got away. They wandered
around In the snow storm all that
night and were found Tuesday morn
ing at a farm house about seven miles
southeast of Inavale. Jim was not
seriously injured.
Wedding Bells.
Miss Minnie Foam, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. C. 13. Fearn, was married to
Mr. John Brret last Sunday at noon.
Both young people are well and favor
ably known In this city and we extend
Double Weddlnft.
Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rants,
occurred the wedding of Mr. Richard
Runchey and Miss Alice Harpham.and
Mr. John Holsworth and Miss Bertha
Sldlo. After the ceremony, which was
performed by Rev. C. A. Wilson of the
Baptist church, a bounteous wedding
dinner was served as only Mi's. Rants
knows how to prepare. The Chief
joins the many friends of these happy
couples In wishing them a long and
joyous voyage on the matrimonial sea.
Avarice Is an incurable malady, nn
ever burning lire, a tyranny which ex
tends far ami wide, for ho who in this
life Is tho slave or money is loaded
with heavy chains and destined to car
ry far heavier chains In the life to
come. St. John Chrysostom.
The Grocer's Jest.
"Most of my customer)," remarked
the grocer who had been out trying to
collect some bills, "remind me of a pair
of. trotiHcrs sent to the tailor."
"How ho?" Inquired the cashier.
"Because they are pressed for niou-cv."--Nev
York Press.
Sleep and Longevity.
Sleep l as necessary as air or food.
Those who Bhlrk tho sloop of life are
only hastening unconsciously to the
Bleep of death.- Brussels ludependuueo
The Tramp'e View.
'The times are getting worse. They
ottered mo work at live different places
today."--Fllegendc Blatter.
tillk and velvet put out the kitchen
(Ire. German Proverb.
f 3TrtiiS
and Bacon
For Sale
Red Cloud.
Veterinarian Hill -:- Nedraska
Will bo in Red Cloud .Saturdays
nt Smith's barn.
I School Notes I
The high school boys are organizing
a baud.
Many of the students huve been ab
sent on account of the bad weather.
The members of the eleventh grade
had a party at tho homo of Clara Bur
gess. An enjoyable time was report-'
ed by all.
The ninth grade students enjoyed
tho talTy'pull given at the home, of
Maude Barlow.
The members of tho tenth grade had
an enjoyable time at tho Valentine
party at the home of Gertrude Black
ledge. The juniors have received the invi
tations to the senior reception, which
will be held at Woodman hall tomor
row evening. The invitations are very
unique, being in the form of a hatchet,
in honor of the event occurring on
Washington's birthday.
Last Wednesday the high school
pupils devoted tho first forty-five
minutes in the afternoon to the com
memoration of tho nlnoty-ulnth an
nivasary of Lincoln's birthday. Pro
gram was as follows: Girls' quartet,
Mabolle Winfry, Nitu Argabright,
Pearl Smith, and Mildred Fulton;
boys' quartet. Glen Walker, Clydo
Whltaker, Oris Fearn and Claude
Pierce; address on Lincoln, Rev. A. A.
Cressman: selections bv four of tho
band boys. Tho address of Rev. Cress
man was especially enjoyed by tlyi
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