The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 21, 1908, Image 3

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J t
The Spoilers.
Copyritfht. 100 5. by Rex E. Bench. -
Continued from last week.
Tlpnn leaving this rcndc.vnui Olon
Ister aud Ills two frlenda simile thniuidi
Hie nlKlit. uvoldlm,' tliu life :ind llidilH
of the: town, wlillo the wliul surged out
of the voids to seaward, driving it"
wet Imrden tlirotiuh their Hupping sllel.
0th, pelting tlieir fiu-oH n.s though on-
...1...1.I nt lit' in a...... I. ........a II...
1.11,111 111 iici iiiium- in wiihii ii wiiy III):
IiurpnKi'H written there. Their course i
hrought them to a eabln at the west
ern ouiKKins 01 Tin pity, wnere inoy
paused loug enough to adjust some
thlng heticath the brims or their lints.
I'nst them ran the Iron ralH of the
narrow sauced road wlileh led out
ft sfe&di'Z 'eW SS?i X fe&SJ
7 don't vnnt to he ynur find. J want
(o be Ms fcni."
neross the quaking tundra to the moun
tains and the mines. Upon this slender
trail of ateol there rolled one small,
ungninly teapot of an engine which
ily creaked and clanked hack and
forth at a snail's pace, sereauiiug and
walling Its complaint of thu two high
loaded llatears behind. The lies be
neath It were spiked to planks laid
lengthwise over the senil-llipitd road
bed, in places sagging beneath the sur
face till the humpbacked, short waisted
locomotive ynwpd and railed anil
Annealed like a drunken fishwife. At
night it panted wearily into the board
station and there sighed aud coughed
and hissed awny Its fatigue as the
coals died and the breath relaxed in its
liarly to bed and early to rise "was
perforce the motto of Its grimy crew,
who lived near by. Tonight they wen
just retiring when stayed by a sum
mons at their door. Thu engineer
opened it to admit what appeared to
his astonished eyes to be a Krupp can
non propelled by a man in yellow oiled
olothes and white cotton mask. This
wenpon assumed the proiortioiis of a
great one eyed 'monster, which stared
with baleful fixity at Ills vitals, giving
him a cold and empty feeling. Away
bark beyond this Cyclops of the Sight
lesa Orb were two other strangers like
wise equipped.
The, fireman arose from Ids chair,
dropping an empty shoe with a thump;
but, being of the west, without cavil
or waste of wind he stretched his
hands above his head, balancing on
one foot to keep his unshod member
from the dnmp tloor. Ife had utibnc
kled his belt, and now, loosened by the
movement, his overalls seemed bent on
hinkiug floorward in an ecstasy of
abashment at the Intrusion, whereupon
av1Ii convulsive grip he hugged I hem
to their duty, one baud anil fool still
elevated as though In the grand balling
sign of soniu secret order. The other
man was new lo the ways of the north,
so backed to the limit of ids quarters,
laid both hands protectlngly upon his
middle and doubled tip, remaiklng fer
vidly: "Don't point that damned tltlttir at
my stomach."
"Ha, ha!" laughed the fireman, with
unnatural loudness. "Have your Joke,
"This ain't no Joke," said the fore
most ttgure, Its breath bellying out the
mask at Its mouth.
"Sure it Is," insisted the shoeless one.
"Must be. We ain't got anything
worth stealing."
"Get Into your clothes ami conic
along. Wo won't hurt you." The two
obeyed and were taken to the sleeping
engine and there Instructed lo produce
a full head of steam in thirty minutes
or suffer a premature taking off and a
prompt elision from the realms of ap
plied mechanics. As stimulus to their
efforts two of the men stood over them
till the engine began lo sob and sigh
reluctantly. Through the gloom that
curtained the call lhe saw other dim
forms mat(rially.Ing and climbing si
lenity on to the cars behind. Then, as
fho steam gauge touched the marlc,
the word was given, and the train
rumbled out from Its shelter, Its shrill
))J-"iat.Jt curb and crowing whipped
away and drowned in the storm.
Slapjack remained In the cab. gun In
Ian. while Dextrv climbed back to
..i."riA-or. t td'Winul tne young man in
good spirits, despite tne dlseomrort or
his exposed position, and striving to
light his pipe behind the shelter of his
"Is the dynamite aboard?" the old
man questioned.
"Sure. Knough to ballast a battle
ship." As the train crept out of the camp
and across the river bridge. Us only
light or glimmer the sparka that were
.matched and harried by the blast, the
partners seated themsrhes on the pow
der cases and couversed guardedly,
while about them sounded' the low
murmur of the men who risked their
all upon thid jrj t duty, who staked
their lives mid futures upon this haz
ard or the hills, because they thought
It right.
"We've made a go. id light, whether
we win or lose tonight," said Don try.
Hoy replied, "My light Is made and
"What does that mean?"
"My hardest battle had nothing to
do with the Midas or the mines of An
vil. 1 fought and conquered myself."
"Awful wot night for philosophy,"
the first remarked "It's apt to sour on
you like milk in a thunderstorm.
S'poso you put overalls an' gain boots
on some of them Huston Ideas an' lead
'em out where I can look 'em oer an
find out what thej're up to."
"I mean that I was a savage till I
met Helen Chester and she made a
man of me. It took sixty days, but I
think siie did a good Job. I love the
wild things just as much as ever, but
I've learned that there are duties n fid
low owes to himself and to oilier peo
ple, if lie'-ll only slop ami think them
out. I've found out, Ho. that Hie rigid
tiling is usually the hardest to do. ph.
I've improved a lot "
"CJee, but you're popular witli your
self. I don't see as It helps your looks
any. You're as homely as ever an'
what good does It do you. after all?
She'll marry that big guy."
"I know. That's what, rankles, for
he's no more worthy of her than I am.
She'll do what's right, however, you
may depend upon that, and perhaps
she'll change him the way she did me.
Why, she worked u miracle in my at
titude, toward life my manner"
"Oil, your manners are good enough
as they lay," Interrupted the other.
"You never did eat with your knife."
"I don't believe in haraklri," Glen
Ister laughed.
"No, when It comes to Intimacies
with decorum, you're right on the Job
along with any of (hum easterners. I
watched you close at them 'Frisco
hotels Inst winter, nr.d, say, you know
as much as a horse. Why, you was
wise to them tablewares and pickle
forks equal to a head waiter, and It
give me confidence Just to be with you.
I rciuember putting milk and sugar hi
my consomme the llrst time. It was
pule and in a cup and looked like tea.
but not .ou. No, sir! You savvied
plenty and squeezed a lemon into
yours, to clean your fingers. I reckon."
Hoy slapped bis partner's wet back,
for he was buoynnt and elated. The
"eiise of ucarhig danger pulsed through
him like wine.
"Tim I wasn't Just what I meant, but
It goes. Say, if we win hack our mine,
we'll Jilt Tor New York nexl. eh?"
"No. I don't aim to mingle with no
higher civilization than I got In
Trisco. T use that word higher' like
It was applied to meat. Not that I
wouldn't seem apropos. I'm stylish
enough for Klfth avenue or anywheres,
but 1 like the west. Speakin' of modes
an' styles, when I get all lit up In that
gray woostcd suit of mine, I guess 1
make the Jadd sightseers set up an'
take notice, eh? Somethin' ilolu' every
minute In the cranlu' of necks, what?
iVothin gaudy, but the urine or neat
ness an form, as the feller said who
sojd It to me."
Their common peril brought the
friends together again. Into that close
bond wlileh had been theirs without
interruption mil II this recent change
in I lie younger had led him to choose
paths at varlunce with the old man's
ideas; and now they spoke, heart to
heart. In the half seiloifs, half Jesting
ways of old. while beneath each whim
hlcal irony was that mutual love and
understanding which hud consecrated
their partnership.
Arriving at the end of thn road, the
vigilantes debouched and went Into the
darkness of the canyon behind their
leader, to whom the trails were famil
iar, lie bade them pause finally and
gavo his hist Instructions.
j "They nvo on Iho alert, so you want
I to be careful. Divide Into two parties
and close in from both sides, creeping
n.s near to the pickets as possible with-1
out xiwccwry. mtiiiuiiiueT o
the last blast. When It comes, cut
loose and ehnrgo like Sioux. Don't
shoot to kill nt first, for they're only
soldiers and under orders, hut If they
stand well, every man must tlo his
Dextry appealed to the dim figures
forming the circle.
"I leave it to you, gents, if it ain't
better for tne to go Inside than for
the boy. I've had more experience
with giant powder, tin' I'm so blamed
used up an' near gone It wouldn't hurt
If they did get mo. while lie's right in
Ids prime"
(Jlenlstor stopped him. "I won't
yield the privilege. Coniu now-to
your places, men."
Thov melted nvuy,.to each sltU while
trie old prospector paused to wring ins
partner's baud.
"I'd rather it was me, lad, but If
irxvuuMwifr, wyi -
T --W-M w V.11 ., .
swelled the streamlet "(111 It trickled
over his calves and up to his wrists,
chilling him so that his muscles cramp
ed and his very bones cried out with
it. The sharp schist cut Into his palms
till they were shredded and bleeding,
while Ids knees found every Jagged
bit of bedrock over which he dragged
himself, lie could not see an arm's
length abend without rising, and, hav
ing removed his slicker for greater
freedom of uioxemeut, the ralu beat
upon his back till lie was soaked aud
sodden and felt streamlets cleaving
downward between his ribs. Now and
again he squatted upon his haunches,
straining his eyes to ell her side. The
banks were hiirolj liluh enough to
shield him. t hist he came to a bridge
of planks spanning the ditch mid was
about to rear himself for another look
when he suddenly flattened Into the
they get you God help 'einl" He stream bed, half damming the waters
stumbled after the departing shadows,
leaving Hoy alone. With his naked
lingers, Gleulster ripped open the
powder cases and secreted the contents
upon his person. Each cartridge hold
dynamite enough to devastate a vil
lage, and he loaded them inside his
pockets. Inside his shirt and every
where thai he hail room, till he was
burdened and cased In an armor one
hundredth part of which could have
blown him from the face of the earlli
so utterly as to leave no trace except,
perhaps, a pit ripped out of the moun
tain side. He looked to his fuses and
saw that they were wrapped In oil
paper, then placed them In his lint.
Having llnlshcd, lie set out. walking
with ditlicull'y under the weight he
carried. ' ,
That his choice of location had been
well made was evidenced by the fact
that the ground beneath ids feet slop
ed away to a basin out of which bub
bled a spring. It furnished the drink
ing Hiipply of the Midas, and he knew
every Inch of the crevice it had worn
down the mountain, so felt his way
cautiously along. At tiie bottom of the
hill where It ran out upon the level It
had until a considerable ditch through
the soil, and Into this he crawled on
hands aud knees. Ills bulging clothes
handicapped him so thai his gall was
slow and awkward, whllcthe ralu had
wilh his bod It was for this lie had
so carefully wrapped his fuses. A man
passed over him so close above that he
might have touched him The sentry
paused a few paces beyond and accost
el another, then relrtced his steps
over the bridge Evidently this was
the picket line. so Hoy wormed his
way forward (III he saw the blacker
blackness of the mine buildings, then
drew himself, dripping, out from I hi
bank. He had run Ihe gantlet safely.
Since evicting the owners, the receiv
er bad erected substantial houses In
place of the touts he had found on Ihe
mine They were of frame and corru
gated iron, shcalbcd within and su'led
lo withstand a moderate exposure
T! e partners witnessed the opera
ti ii from a distance, lint knew nothing
about the buildings from close exami
nation. A thrill of affection for this place
wanned the young man. lie loved this
old mine. It had realized 'the dream of
his boyhood and had answered the
hope he had clung to during his long
fight against the iinrlhland. Tt had
come to him when he was dishearten
ed, bringing cheer aud happiness, and
had j lidded itself like a bride. Now It
seemed a crime to ravage It.
lie crept toward the nearest wall
and listened. Within was the sound
of voices, though the windows were
I (lark, showing that the luhabjtnnts
,wT,re'on"tito fiion:' Mon'entnTxnvtounJiNa"5l
chit Ions he made mysterious prepara
tions, then sought out the oUlee build
lug aud cook house, doing likewise
Ho found that back of the seeming re.
pose of the Midas there was a strntnetl
Although suspense had lengthened
the time out of all calculation, he
Judged he had been gone front his com
panlons at least an hour and that thej
must lie In place by now. If they wort
not if anything failed at this eleventh
hour-well, those were the fortunes of
war. In every enterprise, however
carefully planned, there comes a time
when chance must take Its turn.
He made Ids way Inside the black
smith shop and fumbled for a match
Just as he was about to strike It ln
heard the swish of oiled clothes pas
big and waited for some time. Then,
igniting Ids punk and hiding it under
his coat, lie opened the door to listen.
The wind had died down now, and thn
rain sang musically upon the mntnl
He ran swiftly from house to house
and, when he had done, at the nptcc
of the triangle he had traced (lire
glowing coals were sputtering.
The llnal bolt was launched at hist
He stopped down Into the dilch am)
drew his .!.", while to his tautened
senses It seemed that the very hills
leaned forth In breathless pause, that
the rain had ecised and the wljnjp
Continued on page (5.
TnnoE Mahks
'CnnvniCMTB &c.
AnrnnonomlltiK (fl:olrl nnJ rinaciiitUon maj
Siilokly tururtmii our oiltilin rruo wiiuinnr an
minium h lirulinlilf inciiliilli. Oomnitnilcft-
UtmiiHtrlotlyromiiioiillul. I ANUUUUIl miratcnu
ci'iitfrcn. CHilont nummr rortiururitiK j'utnnt
1'ntntUa tuketi tlinmuli Munn A Co. rec
tprtmiiwiicc, TTimoun'nnruo, in mo
Scientific jHiiicncdii.
A hnniljonielr ItlnMrnloil wootdr.
rtimtliin or 11117 flricniiur journal, -luriiin, j
ymir: four tmmtlis, 1 1. HulJ tijiill nimndcnlcri.
MUNN & Co.3010'00' New York
Ursnch omco. CIS IT 8U Wnihltiaton. 1). C
jrasccragn wmt nB?a;tr7 it
Four Years Ahead of tin
Pure Drug Law !
There is one line of medicines in which no
change in formulas is necessary order to conform
with Uncle Sam's new Pure Food and Drug Law.
Rexall Remedies were made to conform with
this law in every particular four years ago
long before this law was thought of!
At that time one thousand leading druggists of
the country, owing to the unsatisfactory way in
which they had to sell patent medicines, decided
to form a co-operative company and manufacture
a line of remedies for which they could stand ab
solutely responsible from their knowledge and con
trol of ingredients in these cures.
The plan of Rexall Remedies was the result.
C on lil ilicse thousand druggists then have fore
seen the Ut"iJ Pine Food I. mo', and knoun wry
clause of it, they could not have made the A'e.vall
plan t ouform to it more closely.
There is nothing secret about Rexall Remedies,
and there never roas
For years Rexall ads have told the pubiie that
each Rexall druggist had the formula of evevv
Rexall Remedy on file, and would willinvlv giv.j
any formula to whoever asked for it.
Moreover, Rexall Remedies protect you more
than the Pure Food Law does. You now only
know the dangerous drugs in patent medicines
we know and have always known everything
in Rexall Remedies and have always been gi.ul
to show you the printed complete jormidns.
No Rexall Remedy is a "cure-all.'' Kadi of
the ,')()0 remedies has a formula which years of
experience have shown to be ! '.'Kt rul'ablo
cure for a certain human ill.
The proof of our confidence in Rcx;.il Remedies
is the Rexall guarantee. Every Rexr.H sale we,
make is with the understanding that if the our-,
chaser is dissatisfied he or she can got back the
money paid, by siniply returning the empty
package or bottle. For four years ihe sir.''r:'-"
of this oiler has never been chal'",e 1
A few of the 800 famous ttr.XAI.L
Kerne-dies, one for each hum.ui ill,
Tin clilof iiiKH'tltcnts of Miicii-Toiu'iiru
fii'nti.tii, CulHn, C isuim .Sani.uli, ili.
iriiif .mil MiH.ip.irill.i.
Cicntlna is iciouiiifil In in"illritii.iso.i
ot tin-, st loulis er iIImuxitoiI It
nimbinus th tnnif xjwrr of all knir a
"liltttMi," tilth iioin ot k.U"clKiK.ut:ij;-
("iiiH-bH linu1 lonj; b-ra i rnnileil n a
sj.ilhc ia tin te-.tuuuii ! all int.irili.d
(uutliiioiis. 1's union i-, tosiipt ami its
U-iK'iit .ilni'M hcarliMi-.
CiiM'.ir.i ."Mnul.i isi'Mn1' iitil-, hitnxliirt'il
for it-mi.u'i".irlinl)M l.i,u!vu ii.i.itn -.
TlieromMn.itiim of tln with l.Kiuiift
nuil .irs.iiiirill.i nulus ,i n-lun a
uaioily tint att.wl.s limn every
IKiltit ami Mi-.idnnlls hmdm h tin.- ilivjaik-ii
ttHM.i.-. liuUlt,Vic.
Tin Kexnll Amrrleanltis IT, ir is a ton
Ir ii"iu find iutiovd ililclly of Ino
I'li'i I'lmrii', (hiiilm.ili.ilt-s, Jrou I'jro
ilisii.itu .1 tit I Crilisinn.
Tin uomlfrlnl M'sults of this rrmi-i' .ire it Mij)ii;is I'lmsi lioi
o .s ,i thu ih'im.- tills in a i iikIIiiihi la
Mlikh I. i.ui 1: iiiuiK'tll. telj ai.d o.tlly
u!;.ni imliy ihi'in.
Tlw Ciljiciilniii,iliai,i, a:tujl uurve tls-s-ii!
I)tililti-s, aic nun ol thi' must inuiit
nii'l uliuUc .mUIUIuiis to this In .null of
iiii-dicnu) .mil iimim-stioiiaMv a iinm-cili-ilent
relied) than tin- well l.iitmii ilyo-
'Ili Iron I'virtplws' Iiati'iaic tlw most
c isily asMimliti'il t"ilu ot nm u i In ho
lull" .mil rnfii,.uvi lliiTom! im-il il' .iluuls
of Call i), i li.nk li.nua loni i liv ton ,il
iiin-t nil tlitt In.iitiui uf the 1xk1. T.h..
.0. 1 M Vi.vbittlu.
The famous Revall "ttl" HalrTnntr is
fimirxw-it hi chief ot KcsDiiln, lict'.iN.iiii
tholaiiil I'lliiiarpln.
I'l'sop-ln is oin ot tli. I..t st and iivst
ilfiHt IN il (," UUnil'lsi.JU' ill') Slli'llll',
anil in co im'.uuii i ith lltt.i N.iilithul,
Vilikli U lxth jji-iPutklul and :n t'srj Ii, ,
a lom'iin i.uin is lo:mul Mliiili not onU
il.'strus t!io uenr.s .Iikli ml) tlio l-.ur ol
Its imttlmciit, lint tuv.ti-s a, il-aii mil
henltliy loiulltion of tho fialp, ulihli u'
wilts the d(.'elitmicint uf wv uuins.
I'llocarpin isavll Miomi imi'iit l"" n
rtoiiiiK thiili.ili-tnits natural iolm. wli"i
tlio loss nl uilor Ii.isUh n ilii" ni.iiJis".'!'
of luu M.d. It Is nut a loloilii): iiuitUT or
'I his loiiililnallim of ritnthcs ml .iil
iilih nlinlml as a, imrfons tlm
iimsI ell" tlw iciiH'dy for h.iiranil suij,
trwiibli-sl.nuwn tixl.i). IVr bnttk'r"0c
"tiEXALL" oaotnuEs
Ths New Uxallvo
If von sn i froai co i-liatloii r a
li,;i,fsli h'.ir, f M.iVt M."i t" t lllis
in.-i.i-st niL'inlxr ot thu JU'V.dl f.iniil It nuvcr laildl. ,, ,
uall" Oiderlicn haw all the ,iii.-j
p'uliiotm-it th'-ih-f'its of tli--
and -.ith.utits aln'.uly l.iuiwii. I he an-liarpilrss.:inll.i-ll.iw)ii'iltahlrl-.ihatil.i'it
a ro aillusi-.'.i-iit "f Ntnri' ('iiiittmis-.' i an-.i.i i'i'i,j'"i: nit to th l.ll' - thi' .iu ilillll Ml
lit it'lii f. , ,
AtridviU ir,'M to v'' that tln'y.on
tin Inist la .Ul i.'.il tt'i.irtlc oor no-
lu ,i ho of t. , -., a m of !.
The H. B. Grice Drug Co,
The Rexall Store
OliLIWjMIM llJnJWKIIlirir! JUL Hi fum, wy I'
y.'WWWjJIU tlll'lllillilltW'Tyjiijlllil mi
t' t!n 'iftwjHWi
. '