The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 21, 1908, Image 1

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    W- 7 -
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Eight Pages
Home Print
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rL a $1 a Year
V, r AHvpitipa
1 in Ad
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Prof. H'rttht Hakes Statement ttciard
lnfc Financial Condition, Etc.
In submitting the following state
mont of the condition of the Koil Cloud
llusiness college I wish to say that I
do not care to place before the general
public difficulties that affect the pat
rons particularly, but if those directly
interested in the school will call at the
otlicc f v ill give them information in
detail anent the present predicament
and will try to point the way out.
During this school year the amount
of money received by L. M. Steward
was as follows.
.Scholarships S S00
Monthly tuition, estimat"d 27,"
Typewriter rent, estimated 7fi
Total SI,2.'H
Since Dec. 1 the town bus pain in 7.r
In nil 81,305
The above is as nearly correct ns it
In possible to give as Steward took all
the. books and accounts away with
wanted to straighten everything up so
I could run the school until he came
back, which ho stated would bo about
May 15. I took him to bo a man of
his word, but he failed to show up at
7 or any other time until late in the
Some have reported that the school
is to close. This is not true, as 1 in
tend to run the school the balance of
the year if there is any possible show
for It at all. Hut unless the people
back me up and help me out it is go
ing to be a greater loss than I eare to
stand for.
lteforo closing I wish to siiy this
about the school and Ked Cloud as a
school center: This school could be
made one of the best, if not the bet,
in the state. If the people in gen
eral would lend a helping hand
1 believe 1 could make it one of
the best in a short time. In or
der to do this, one of the llrt
things to be done would be to rid
Ked (loud of some of its evils and
vices, in order to get the Christian
men and women of the country to send
Farewell Benefit for Director Snapp,
February 28.
r.vur i.
.March "Captain in Command'1. 11 el laid
Overture "Orpheus". . OlVenbueh
Walt. "Spanish Silhouette".. Pomeroy
Selection ".lolly Musketeer". Kdwards
Tenor solo Selected
Mr. (llun Walker
Idyll "Mill in the Forest".. KUenberg
Sand dance "Moonlight on the Suwa-
nee." (1'Ycidman)
(Ten minutes Intermission.)
p.vur it.
Intermezzo "American I'eauties" (St.
Overture -"Superba" Dalby
Spanish intermezzo "Pearl of the
I I'yrennes" (Frank)
i Selection "Isle of Champagne".. Kurst
! Filipino serenade "A Viscayan Hollo"
I ' (Hint)
A new llowersong "Hearts and Flow
ers" (Tobani)
Selection "The llurgomaster" (len
ders.) "America" All standing
take part in this concert, so come out
and start right by giving him a good,
large audience at his llrst appearance.
It is only by your continued encour
agement and patronage that the Citi
zens' Concert Hand can achieve its
highest ideal, that of becoming "this
best band west of the- Mississippi
item from "The Cliicl" of Fcbrunry 21, 1878
Mr. Cather of Catherton made us a
very pleasant call last week.
Mr. (Jcorgo Bmery and Miss Vina
Arnett were uiairicd February 10.
I. j, Miner of Waukon, Iowa, has
purchased the Star saloon building
amf will put in a stock of merchandise.
Miss Charlotte Weber was thrown
from her horse on Tuesday evening
and broke her ankle above the instep.
AT 1. M'ttniiiML- turn. i.l (lift nlllnn
a concert in the opera house February I ' ' ' , .., ,,.,..
1 " mF 4llll TllLI. r.llllll 1. CllllflllllllM Ik IHhHl.
w.. v..t - . . . .w....,(r , ...,... .. .. . ..VI.. .
him; but it is u low estimate to say
the least. 1 wish to say that I am
simply running the school for the ac
commodation of tlio'-e who have paid
in their hard earned money. Steward
collected all of the tuition for this
month, and besides that, in considera
tion of two notes thut I was to have,
I allowed him money enough to 'pay
half of "his coal bill, which was SCO.
Instead of turning the notes over to
me he transferred them on tlm coal
account. Although the town is pay
ing the rent, I have my own expenses
and the expenses of a bhorthad teacher
to pay, with nothing coming in. Un
lesji we can get more scholars t'lere
will only be about S'iO tuition for the
month of March. There are mhub who
will .say, "Why did you let him get
iiwnyV" In the llrst place, he told iim
he was not going until the 17th, but
instead of that he took advantage of
me and packed his goods and had them
half way downstairs before" I know
anything about what he was doing.
This was about 1:1ft, and two classes
yet to recite. He told me at that time
to come to the otllce at 7 o'clock, as hu
their boys and girls here to school.
Then the next thing would be a larger
and batter building, with accommoda
tions in the way of a small library
and apparatus for experiments in
chemistry, physics and physiology, and
also some otllee Hxtures for the com
mercial department. Then get at least
two or three more good teachers and
put In a course of study, so the young
man or young woman completing the
work would have something back of
thou when going out into life.
Bveryono knows that when the boys
and girls are sent away to other
states, or even to other parts of this
state, it takes money from the commu
nity instead of bringing it in, so why
not keep it here.
Since beginning this I have received
a letter from Paul S. Dietrich, stating Steward had made no arrange
ments for leaving the school and had
no settlement since December 1, 1007.
Abking your aid and hoping you
will give, this matter due considera
tion, I am,
Yours for business,
Pitor. C M. Wiuoiir.
Business College Notes
Delbcrt lliiniiell quit school to work
on the farm.
Merlin Hutler is again in school.
Miss Uiah Olmsted is in Inavale this
Miss Viola l'eakv returned Wednes
day from Kliie Hill.
Some of our country students wore
Karl McCartney was abseut Tuesday
and Wednesday,
Kern Hutchison is absent from school
on account of sickness.
Harry Shlpunrn Is in school again
after a week spent on the farm.
Carrie Isom spent Sunday at her
home south of town,
Ladles' all wool underwear at F,
Newhoube's. Now Is the time to buy.
John Henry Brethaucr.
John Henry llrethauer was born in
Freeport, 111., March S, 187.1, and died
in I'axlon, Neb., February 11, 1008,
aged .12 years, 11 months and it days'.
He moved with his parents to Webster
county in 1881. He was married to
Bdith Johnson iu April. 1H0I, and with
his wife moved to Puxton,.Nob.. where
he died. He leaves a wife and three
children, a mother, four brothers and
four sisters to mourn his death. The
funeral services were conducted by
ltuv. Hill, February II, and Jhe re
mains were laid to rest iu the Payne
To Break In New Shoes Always Use
Allen's Foot-F.asu, a powder. It pre
vents tightness and blistering, cures
swollen, sweating, achi'.ig feet. At all
druggists and shoe store, 'JOe. Sample
mailed P1113K. Address A. S. Olm
sted, Lulloy, N. Y. u
The above program will be given at ,
L'H. I hnt will be the last concert mi-
dor the direction of Mr. Alvln Snapp,
who retires March I to enter the drug
business at Manzauola. Col. i glance
through the program will show anv i
one the vast improvement this, band
has undergone since its organization
less than eighteen months ago, when
they started a bunch of green material.
They challenge any band iu the stato
of the same age, and many much older,
to put on one-half as good a concert as
the above. Come out, and show your
appreciation of the much hard work
the boys and their director have done
to make such a program possible. The
new director, who takes charge of the
band March 1, will be on hand ami
mouth and Is now runniuir a temper
ance paper there.
The silver bill passed the. Pulled
States senate last Saturday at ft a. in.,
oy a vote oi la 10 -,'i. ao oisitiruauce
In the money market on account of it.
On hyst Friday evening about II
o'clock a 1'2-year-old orphan boy named
Powell Williams was caught burglar
izing (iarber's store. He was found
in the cellar, hidden behind a barrel.
Owing to the boy's pitiful condition he
was allowed to go free on his own
recognizance. While he. had succeeded
in opening the till he took no money
from it, but helped h'uasclf to candy,
tobacco and prunes.
Red Cloud Will Soon Have a Permanent
Moving Picture Show.
Mr. W. II. Taber has about comple
ted arrangements to give Kcd Cloud r.
permanent amusement house In the
form of an electrlu theater, which h
such a popular kind of amusement in
the larger cities. Mr. Taber has leased
the basement of the old b St. M. haul'
building, and will put in a cement.
Moor and otherwise fix It up for a bll
Hard hall. The cement building which,
is now occupied by his billiard hall
will be turned Into a theater. The
room Is well adapted for miuh a pur
pose, being of such length ami breadth
as to scat comfortably JJOO to l!M)
people. The culling Is high and thu
ventilation good. It is Mr. Tabcr
present intention to give only night
shows, with the exception, possibly
of Wednesday and Saturday afternoon
matinees. The programs will consist
ehlclly of moving pictures and illustra
ted songs, and may be varied occa
sionally with vaudeville performances.
The theater will not be opened for a
few weeks, as It will require consider
able time to make the necessary alter
ations in the buildings. Truly, Red
Cloud is becoming metropolitan.
Lemon, Chocolate and Custard Pies
It does not require an experienced
cook to make good pies from "OU It
iPIB." Just the nrouer proportions of
all ingredients are in thu packages
ready for immediate use. At grocers,
10 cents per package. Order a fe
packages today., il
Drs. Weiriek oi. Kiddile, Bye, Bar,
Nose mid Throat Specialists, (.lasses
lltted. Over Oerinan National Hank,
C lean-Up Sale
AFTER our sale of 20 per cent off we have a lot of Rem
nants and Odd Lots which we will dispose of at bargains.
These are all good, clean goods. This is your chance to buy
goods cheap.
VAJHY StOCkilldS Jt 1S truc t'iat Stock'mgs ought to wear better
V KJJfi lffijgj? ian lcy (1' lc Hose we sell, it sometimes
f f IrOn I m Guiii seems, ought to wear better. Customers occasion
ally say that no stockings wear as well as they used to do. Of course, the trouble
is partly in the Stocking and partly in the wearer.
Women don't wear as heavy Hose as they once wore. They say: "Give
me something thinner; 1 can't wear those thick ones." And, of course, the ma
terial is not in them to give service. We would not expect the same service
from a lace and broadcloth gown, yet we do something similar in our reasoning
on Hose.
Then many require that their Hose (it like a glove. If they were to buy a
half si.c larger they would add much to the life of a pair of Hose. A good deal
depends on the treatment given a Stocking. If it is pulled on, twisted on, jerked
on, or worn with ill-fitting shoes, even a firm Stocking will soon give way.
It must be said, too, that dyes which are too strong will ruin a Stocking.
That is where the customer is powerless, and it is where we are powerless as
well. The old iron-wearing Hose were ingrain dyed colored in the yarn before
knitting. The newer fast blacks are much more evenly dyed, but an acid is used
that sometimes gets ahead of the watchfulness even of experts. But people,
would not have the old gray-touched Hose and they can't have guaranteed wear
combined with fast, even 'color.
In ladies' Hose we have thejollowing ICmbroidery Hose:
Medium Weight Cotton Hose,
Heavy Weight Cotton Hose,
Pleece Lined Cotton Hose,
Cotton 1 lose with White Soles,
Cashmere Hose.
Shetland Floss r 80c lb
All at 25c
All Silk Ribbon
Nos. r to I L' at Sc per yard
Nos. 10 to no at lOc per yard