The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 14, 1908, Image 6

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The Spoilers.
Copyright, 1D05, by Itcx E. Beach.
to n iniin. And the chnirniiui n .;ol:
"Lot's luive (Jlenlster loml thin forlorn
hope. I n in wllllm? to Htuntl or full on
bin Judgment." They nciitilcicetl with
out a dlrtHonlhig voice, and with (he
(Inn lunula of n natural leader the
young mail took control.
"Lot's hurry up." said one. "It's
long 'mush' and thu mud Is knee deep."
"N( walking for us," said Hoy.
"Wo'll go hy train."
"y train V How can wo ot n
"Steal It," ho answered, at which
lot forth n fmmifiKt. whli'li rivaled flint Doxlrv urimieil delightedly at Ills
of the previous night. During thu Ilrst loose jointed companion, and Slapjack
of It armed men came Hlftlng into Me- showed his toothless gums In answer,
Naniara's oillco from thu cur and were saying:
hidden throughout the building. When- "lie sure is."
ever lie descried a peculiarly desperate A few more words and (Jlenlslur, ac-
rulllnn tho hoss called him aside for companled hy these two, slipped out
private Instruction and gave uiliiute into the whirling storm, and a half hour
description of a wide shouldered, erect later the rest followed. One by one
youth In white hat and half hoots, the vigilantes left, the hlackness blot-
Gradually he set his trap with the men Hug them up an arm's length from
Toorhecs had raked from tho slums, the door, till at last the hi,', bleak
and when it was done smiled to him- warehouse echoed hollowly to the
self. As he thought It over he ceased voice of the wind and water.
J tick In the pause which ensued: 1 wanted to leave this life and no pwt,
"Ain't ho n heller?" to go away aim stait over ami piay
"We'll go you," the miners chlmcl the rnine square, hut I see It's no u e.
Continued from page .1.
. oarly nightfall, and wlted'tliey broke
to regret the miscarriage of last night's
plan, for it had served to go.iti his cue
tales to the point he desired, to the
point where they would rush to their
own undoing. He llioutrlit with salts
faction of the role he would play In the
United States press when the m-ii-'ji-
Over in tho eastern end of tho town,
behind dark windows upon which the
sheeted rain beat furiously, other
armed men lay patiently waiting
waiting some word from the bulky
shadow which stood with folded arms
close against a square- of gray, while
tlotinl news of this night's adventure1 over their heads a wretched old man
..mnii nut a Kiiiii-i MiMeiiii vein dnreil paced back iititl forth, wringing Ids
to do his duty despite a lawless mob.
A icceiver who turned a midnight at
tack into ii rout and shainbW. That Is
whirr they would say. What if he did
exceed his authority thereafter' What
If there were a scandal? Who would
question? As to soldiers no, decidedly
no. He wished no help of soldiers at
this time.
The sight of a ship In thy oiling to-
hands, pausing at every turn lo peer
out Into the night and to mumble the
name of his sister's child.
AULY In the evening Cherry Ma-
lotto opened her door to liud the
Kronen Kid on her step, lie
entered and threw off ills rub
ber coat. Knowing him well, she wait-
waid dark caused him some uueasl-i cd for his disclosure of his errand. His
sallow skin was without a trace of
color, ids eyes were strangely tired,
deep lines had gathered about his lips,
while Ids hands kept up constant little
nervous explorations as (hough for
days and nights lie had not slept and
now hovet e.l on the vergu of some hys
teria, lie gave her the impression of
a smoldering mine with the lire eating
close up to the powder. She judged
that his body had been racked by ev
ery passion till now it hung jaded and
weary, yielding only to the spur of ills
restless, revengeful spirit.
After a few objectless remarks he
began abruptly: ,
"Do you love Hoy fllontster?" Ills
voice, like his manner, was Jealously
lager, and he watched her carefully as
she replied without quibble or deceit:
"Yes. Kid, and I always shall. He is
the only true man I have ever known,
and I'm not ashamed of my feelings."
For a long time he studied Iter ami
then broke Into rapid speech, allowing
her no time for Interruption.
"I've held back and held back be
cause I'm no talker. 1 can'l be in my
business. Tint lids is my last, chance,
and I want to put myself right with
you. I've loved you ever uluce the
liawsou .days, not in the way you'd
expect from a man of my sort perhaps,
bill with rhe kind of love that a wo
man wants. I never showed my hand,
for what was the use? That man out
lield me. I'd have quit faro years back
only I wouldn't leave this country as
Jong as you were part of It, ami .up
?tere I'm ouly a gambler, tit for nothing, for, notwithstanding (lie assur
ance that tho course of justice in the
Ran Francisco courts hail been clogged,
he knew Kill Whcatou to be a resource
ful lawyer and a determined man.
Therefore it relieved him to note tho
rising gale, which precluded the possi
bility of interference from that source.
Lei (hem come tomorrow if they
would. Ky that time some of the mines
Vouid be ownerless and his position
strengthened a hundredfold.
Ho telephoned the mines to throw
out guards, although he reasoned that
none hut madmen would think of
striking there In the face of tin; warn
ing which he knew mrtst have been
transmitted thtough Helen. Putting
on his raincoat he sought Stillman.
"Kring your niece over to my place
tonight. There's trouble in the air and
I'm prepared for It."
"She hasn't returned from her ride
yet. I'm afraid she's caught In the
storm." Tne Judge gazed anxiously
into the darkness.
Hilling all the long day the vigilantes
lay in hiding, Impatient at their idle
ness and wondering at the lavk or ef
fort made toward their discovery, not
d-pjiiltS that McXamara had more
cleverly hidden plans hchhiil. When
Cherry' note of warning came they
gathered in the back room uud gave
voice to their opinions.
"There's onl. one way to clear the
atmosphere." said the chairman.
"You bet," chorused the others.
"They've garrisoned the mines, so let's
eo through the town and make a dean
Job of it. Let's hang the whole out-
tit to one post."
This met with general approval,
(Jlonister alone detraining. Said he;
"I have reasoned It out differently, and
1 want you to hear me through before
deciding. Last night I got word from
Whealon Unit the California courts
are against ns. lie attributes it to
hitlueuce, but whatever the ieaon. we
are cut off fiom all legal help either
In this court or on appeal. Now. sup
poM we lymh these otliclaN tonight,
what do we gain? Maittal law In two
hours, our mines tied up for another
year, and who knows what eKe? May
he a corrupter court next season. Sup
pose, on the other hand, we fall, and
somehow 1 feel that we will, for that
boss Is no fool. What thou? Those of
us who don't llnd the morgue will end
In in 11. You say we can't meet the
soldiers. 1 sny we-uin and must. We
miM carry this row to them. We
must jump it past the courts of Alaska,
past the courts of California, and no Isti t that tragedy enou
to the Wldte Mouse, where there's one I your adding lo it? You
nonesi man. at least, we must do
something to wake up the men In
Washington. We must get out of poll
tics, for McNnmnra can beat us there.
Although he's a strong man he can't
corrupt the president. We have one
shot left, and It must reach lite Poto
mac. When I'ncle Sam lakes a hand
we'll get a square deal, so 1 say let us
strike at the Midas tonight and lake
'Iter if we can. Some of us will go
down, but what or It?"
following this harangue, lie outlined
a plan which In Its unique daring took
away their breaths, and as he tilled In
detail after detail they brightened with
excitement and that love of the long
chance which makes gamblers of those
who thread the silent valleys or I read
tho edge of things. Ills boldness
vt treed them and enthusiasm did tin
, "All I want for myself," lie said, "N
tho chatico to run the big risk. It's
mine by right."
Ijextrv bpoko breathlessly to fSlau-
I'll pay. I know how relentless jou
are, an 1 tho price Is low utioiih You
can have me and that marrlir e talk
I'll not speak of irriiln. I'll stay
what I am for hh sake."
"Stop!" cried the Kid. "You're
wrong. I'm not that kind of a sport."
Ills voice broke suddenly. Its vehem
ence shaking his slim b ly. "O'i. Che
ry, I love you tho way a man oti'dit
to love a woman. It's one of the two
good things left in me. an I I "a t to
lake you away from I:"'e w'.c- v we
can both hide from the past, whore
we can start new. as you fay"
"You would marry me?" she n-'-od.
The Cause of Many
Sudcn Deaths.
There is n dp
. ' ' J I
in this
-' tlis-
pin: lonia,
. fail ere or
lex v arc often
suit . kid-
hie ia I
hk1 will at-
itst kill I'caimcntoi .ie Kitineys. ii younrcicei-
in? badly you can make no mistake by
id hr ta,cmK I)r- Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the
I great kidney, liver and bladder remedy.
eltcc of Swnmp-Itoot is soon realized.
It stands the highest for its wonderful
cures of the most distressing rases.
Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is
sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and
one-dollar si.e bottles. You may have a
address, ISinghaiulon, N, Y., ou every
Barber Shop
Basement ot
Potter Block.
else. I'd made up niy mind to let you
have 1 il in till something happened a
vouple or months ago. but now It can't
go through. I'll hae to down him.
It Isn't concerning you. I'm not a
welcher. No, it's a tiling I can't talk
about- a thing that's made me into a
wolf, made me skulk and walk the
alleys like a dago. It's put murder
Into my heart. I've tried to assassi
nate him. 1 tried It here last night '
hut 1 was a gentleman once till the
cards came. lie knows the answer ,
now. though, and he's ready forme, so ,
one of us will go out like a caudle '
when we meet. 1 fell that I had to
tell you before I cut him down or be- ,
fore lie got me." ' j
"You're talking like a madman, j
Kid." she replied, "and ,ott mustn't j
1 urn against him now. lie has (rou
bles enough. I never knew you cared i
for me. What a tangle It Is, to be
sure. You love inc. I loe him. he ,
loves that girl, and she loves a crook. .
h without
come at a j
had time, too, for I'm half Insane. '
There's something dreadful hi Hie air (
"I'll hac to kill him." the man mul- ,
tercil doggedly, and, plead or reason as
she would, she could gel nothing from '
him except those words till at last
she turned upon him llercely.
"You say you love me. Very well,
let's see If you do. 1 know Hie kind
of a man you are. and I know what
this feud will mean to him, coming
Just at this time. Put It aside and I'll
many you,"
The gambler rose slowly to his fce't.
"You do love him. don't you?" .She
Ixiwed her face, and he winced, but
continued: "I wouldn't make you my
wife that way. 1 didn't mean It that
A I this site laughed bitterly. "(Hi, I
so. of course not. How foolish of
me to expect it of a man like you.
I understand what you inean now, (
and the bargain will stand Just the
same, if that Is what you came for. t
tack the vital organ , causing catarrh of
thu bladder, or tic. kidneys themselves
bieak down and waste awa'v cell bv cell.
"In an hour and give my !i -i's Bladder troubles almost ahvuys result
blood for the privilege, lint . . "l't from a derangement of the kidneys and
stop this thlugs not even ft you.- o-n a cure is obtained quickest by u proper
dear life hung UHn It. I must kill "wumemoi -.ic moneys, iiyoiim-eieui
that man."
She approached him and la
nrms anout ms hock, every line oi ner it orts inability to hold urine and
body pleading, but he refused stead- scalding pain in passing it, and over-
rastly, while the sweat stood out upon comer, that unpleasant necessity of being
his brow. compelled to go often through the day,
She begged: "They're all against and to get up many times during the
him. Kid. He's lighting a bonder Kht- The mild and the extraordinary
light. He laid all he had at that girl's
feet, and I'll do the same for you."
The man growled savagely. "He got
his reward. He took all she had"
"Don't be a fool. I guess I know.
You're a faro dealer, but you haven't sample bottle of this wonderful uewdis
any right to talk like that about a good covcry and a book that tells all about il,
woman, even to a bad one like me." bothscut free ly mail. Address, Dr. Kil-
Iuto his dark eyes slowly crept a r fc Co., l.ngliamton, N. . When
r ";, j n? r: ,,,n: ri1 n or"izs
tremble the leas,! bit. He undertook to mistake.bulrcmemberthenamo.Swanip-
speak, paused, wet his lips, then ctue- Hoot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, and the
tuny citose these wonts:
"Do you mean that he did not that
she Is a a good girl?'1
He sat down weakly and passed a
shaking hand over his face, which had
begun Uo twitch and Jerk again as It
had on (hat night when his vengeance
was thwarted.
"I may as well tell you that 1 know
she's more than that. She's honest and
high principled. I don't know why Urn
saying tills, but It was on my mind
and I was half distracted when you
came. She's in danger tonight, though
at this minute. 1 don't dare to think
of what may have happened, for she's
rNkod everything to make repjiration
to Hoy and his friends."
"She's gone to the Sign of the Sled
alone with Struve."
"Slruve!" shouted the gambler, leap
ing to his feel. "Alone with Struve on
a night like tills?" He shook her
llercely, crying: "What for? Tell me
She recounted the reasons for Helen's
adventure, while the man's face be
came terrible.
"Oh, Kid. I am lo blame for letting
her go. Why did I do It? I'm afrald
afrald." "The Sign of the Sled belongs to
Struve, and the fellow who runs It Is a
rogue." The Kronen looked at the
clock, Ids eyes bloodshot and dull like
those of a goaded. Jly maddened bull.
"K's S o'clock now ten miles two
hours. Too late!"
"What alls you?" she questioned,
ballled by Ids strange, demeanor. "You'
called me the one woman just now, and
He swung toward her heavily.
"She's my sister."
"Your sister? Oh. I I'm glad. I'm
glad but don't stand there like a
wooden man, for you've work to do.
Wake up. Can't you hear? She's In
peril!" Her words whipped him out of
Ids stupor so that lie drew himself
somewhat under control. "(Jot Into
your coat. Hurry! Hurry! My pony
Will take you there." She snatched
his garment from the chair and held it
for him while the life ran back Into his
veins. Together they dashed out Into
(he storm as she and I to had done,
and as he Hung the saddle on the buck
skin, hhe said:
"1 understand It all now. You heard
- z ' . -. . .Y
,?5sr3i?i'?T3i2!3 &UJU-P??i .
:a -jSKb
fP'-g?' w
What a Settler Can Secure In
ffESTEin umm
1 60 Acres Grnin-Crowiiif? Lnnd FREE.
20 to 40 Ouhel Wheal to the Acre.
40 lo 90 Uuthels Oati to the Acre.
35 to 50 UuihoU Barley to tha Acre.
Timber for Fencing ami Buildings FREE.
C.potl Laws will, Ixiw Taxation.
Splendid Knilrosd Facilities and Low Rates.
Schools and Churches Convenient.
Salitfnctory Marlielsfor all Productions.
Good Climate tnd Perfect Healthy
Chances for Profitable Investments.
Some of llictcliolcost Rrnln-protliiclrjR Inndn In
Saskatchewan unit Alberts nmy now be ncqtiimt
In these most healthful and prosperous sections,
under tho
Revised Homestead RegulatiioRS
by which enlry may be made by proxy on cut tnlii
condition1)), by the father, mother, son, dauuhtir
brother or sister of Intending lioraostcader.
Untrv fee In ench ens' i SlO.tiO. For pamphlet
"I,nst Belt West," particulars as to rate';, I otitis
best tlmo to uo and where to locate, apply to
801 New York Life IHdir., Oinnlm. Nib.
Cun.idUn Government wlccnt
ffiil loCtiflnt fr imntlt. irvittitiK!!
ftll ih-1 WOULllH tit lrl iiraUii
t it J It. riD thVK TOJ ! mi ran
c utmh -ory in uir, HfM. I'liLUJ.Mi IIUMMM tttftli J ftJt ruX
libOnmiH ijHalli Mt"vIau);eUgr ty Tilt l twli In t
lifna t r.ltlrel u rri rmrl Ut tU ilnlirr t Wtut G.UcJ
dftiwel ii' 1 itirf, hft !wl f rW fio'ttn. ivt ? 1U'
t i in.,1 ruiii..ii iu . ..! b.... . -i.i .
'"Hi' nil iiinim s.ri iti uia diivi if
1 M t-fdottJ ' A A
u7Kv P14 '"' ' -ii dtMi.
Slar Drilling Machine Co.,
a Specialty
Just Received, a Car of
You can save money by
taking 500 pounds of him.
City Dray and Express Line,
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest!
Residence 188.
the tnlk nliout Iht ami lil'i'iil.ster; but
It' wroni;. 1 ll'tl it lit 1 selioiueil mill
lutiifjwtl tiKiilust her. but It's over new.
I jiiiess tlrvre's u little tronk of kooi!
in me somewhere, utter nil."
lie .-.poke to her froiiu thu siulille.
"It's more Hum n alreiik.'ciierr.v. mul
you're m.v kind of people." She siiiIIimI
wnuly Imek nt him under the lantern
Thill's left Inuuleil. Kid. I don't
wnnt to be jour kind. I want to bo
his kind -or your sister's kind."
Lemon, Chocolate and Custard Pies
it doe.s not require 1111 experienced
eoolc to niiiUe froort pies from "Ol'lt
IMK." .lust the propor proportions of
nil inrediei.ts are in the pneluitfe
ready for immediate use. At grocers,
10 cents per package. Order a few
packages today. ''
-..1 m m
Morton I.. Illll. of Lebanon lint,, fys; "My
wlfo tin J InttrtinimUory ItlicuniaUtin In every
miiM'lo unit Joint; her kulTorliiK wbh terrible
niiri her boily unit fneo were bwollcn ithnostbe.
yonil recognition: hnct been In bed Mx week
mid luul elKht ititelniih, but received no
bonollt until idle tried Dr. Detchon Killer for
Ithctitnntlhm. It khvo Immediate relict nnd
Hie wnt ntile to walk nbuut In three dnyi: 1 am
snro Ii saved her life." Bold by II, E, Orlco,
DniKBibt.Ked Cloud.
They Compel
First, because they look so Rood, and
then, because they wear so well and last
so long. That's the
ft aguii jmim:
.... .'...M-V
and we cruaranteo that there isn't .1 V'.V1i?'.,.v!.w
better made wapjon in the whole
world. It's ritrht to the last detail. All JCfr
lumber used a air seasoned; all iron
and steel tested and inspected. Come
m and let us show you what a real
ly good wagon is.
Wo have some Studebaker
" -uO V--JALJ iul,a IU4 menus who call.
Got one. It 13 worth reading,
Wolfe ft Beardslee, Red Cloud, Neb,
Do you know that It will pay YOU, ns
well as US, to buy your Building Ma
terial and (Joal at ourynrds? Not only
that our prices aveiia&e lower, or nt
least ns low, ns those of our competit
ors, but bkoause wo tako ospecinl euro
of and protect all can ho clashed as
Coal. Lumber.
"6. '
:rtWW& A
:.-bLS. ""Xhi UMMUtWWD
I' 1tt
i . W: iVju.'wV.xwJ ".. .Ato.(UaiKfc-J
vr.itwi4 r-ff'
:r: :. -a
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