i r -- , p.c The Spoilers. By REX E. BEACH. : Copyright, 10 03. by Rex t. U e n e h . :- loiitinucil limn last week. fJIl.U'TEIt XVII I. GLUMKTUIl did not wait Ion after liis visitor's dopju lino, llllt l'Xtlm,'UlnIleil till' Unlit, locked thu door and bcRiin litis further mlvonttircs of lids nlht. The storm welcomed lilm with sulto cntin,y; violence. 'kiitf: the very brenlh from hs?N while the rain heat lliioiit;ii till a tk'sli was cold and nchliisi. lie thought with a paiitr of the Kill faehn: this tcmiiiM, mnn mt to meet the thousand perils of Hie nljiht. And II temalned for him to hoar his pail as she hole hers, null hiKly. The last hour had added anoiher eml inystoi ioim dauber to his full hums uie. Could the Kid ho jealous of flierry? Surely not. Then wh.it NfV The tornado had dilven his trallr. 1o eoer. evidently, for the mi'.m-is were xivcii oer to lis violence, and Hoy eueoiintered no hostile hIki .1 In was liulfeted from house to house lie adventuied cautiously and yei with haste, liinllnj; cerlnin homes where thu marshals lnil heeu liefoie hint peopled now 011I1 by frightened wives and ehllilten. A sealteied few of the vigilantes had been taken thus, while Hie warring elements had procni"d their families from spreading Hie nlarm or vcnturlni; out for sin cor. Those whom he was able to warn dressed huriiedly. look their rllles and went out Into the drifting ni;,rlit. Iea inir empty cabins ami weeping women The great fight was on. Toward daylight the remnants of the vigilantes straggled into the big blank warehouse on the saudspH and there beneath the smoking glare of lanterns eiirsed the uaine of Mc"n mara. As dawn grayed (lie ragged .eastern skyline. l)elry and Slapjack blew In through the spindrift, bringing word from Cherry and lifting a load from Glenlsler's mind. There's a game girl," said the old miner as he wrung out his clothes. "She was half gone when she got to us, and now she's waiting for tins storm 10 break so that she can come back." "It's clearing up to the east." Slap Jack chattered. "D'you Uttow I'm get- 11 n' so rheumatic that lee water don'r fe,el coml'ortublc to 1110 no more." - "Uiialie acid in the blood," said bet Iry. "What's our nexT mover' he awlvod. of his paitnor. "When do we lung this politician? Seems like we've uwl' enough nblcbodled piano movers here 1o tie it can mi U lite whole inillii, push the town site of Nome off the map and Mart afieh." "1 think we had better He low and watch developments," the other e.m Ikiued. "There's no telling what may turn up during the day." "That's right. Strangles Is like spir its they woik best lu the dark." As (lie day grew the storm died, leav ing ramparts of clouds hanging sullen ly above the ocean's rim, while thoe skilled In weather prophecy foretold the coming of the equinoctial. (11 Mc Natuara's oilier there was ureal .stir ami tlio coining of many men. The boss sat In his chair, smoking countless cigars, his big face set lu glim lines, fels hard e.ic.s pccilng tluoiigh the p. ill of blue' at those he questioned. lie Avoiked the wires of his machine until his dolls doubled and danced and twist ed at his touch. After a gusty Ititer lew he had dismissed Vomhecs with a merciless tongue lashing, raging bit terly at the man's failure. "Vou're not tit to hold sheep. Tlurtv met out all night and what do you gel? A dozen mullet headed miners. You bag the iniidhens and the !' game runs to cover. I wanted lilenis or, lint you let him slip through jour lingers- now it's war. What a mess you've made! ' If I had even one helper with a brain the size of a flaxseed, this game would be a gift, but you've bun gled every move from the. start. Mali! Put a spy Ju the bull pen with those prisoners and make them talk. Of fer them anything for Information. Now get out!" lie called for a ceitaln deputy and questioned him regaidlng tht! nlght'rf quest, leuiarklng finally: "There. treachery somewhere. Tho.se men were warned." "Nobody c.inie near (Menlster's housts except Miss Chester," the man replied. What?" "The judge's niece. Wo caught her by niMiiKo in the dark." Later, one of the uieii who had been with Voorhees at the Northern asked to see the reccivi r and told him: "The chief won't believe that I saw Miss Chester hi tho dance hall last night, but she was there wltli (Meals teiv She mt have pm him wise to our game or he wouldn't, htivo known we were after him." Ills hearer matin no comment, hut When alone, ro.se uViLl-Wil the. Hour. Willi heavy treaa wTiile ills face pre finvagj and brutal. "S3 that's the game, eh? It's man to man from now on. Very well, Glen ister, I'll have your life for that, and then you'll pay, Miss Helen." He considered carefully. A plot for n plot. Jf lie could not swap Intrigue with those miners and beat them bad ly, lie deserved to lose. Now that the girl gave lieivlf to their cause, he would use her again and see how well ihe answered. Public opinion would lot stand too 1:1 eat a strain, and al though lie had acted within his right" ast night, lie dared not go much fur ther. Diplomacy therefore must serve. Ho must force his enemies beyond the law and Into his trap. She had passed the word once. She wmihl do so again lie hurried to Stillnian's house and stormed Into the presence of thu Judge, lie told the story so artfully that the Judge's astonished unbelief .vb'lded to rage and cowardice, anil he sent for his niece. She came down, white and silent, having heaiil the loud voices. The old man berated her will shrew ish fury, while McN'aninra stood silent. The girl listened with entire self con trol until her uncle made a reference to (Menister that she found intolerable. "Ilusli! I will not listen!" she cried passionately. "I warned him because .ou would have sacrificed him after lie had saved our lives. Thai Is all. He is an honest man. and I am grateful to him. That Is the only foundation for your insult." .McNamara, with apparent candor, broke In: "You thought you were doing right, of course, but .011r action will have terrible consequences. Now voli have riot, bloodshed and ho'ivou know-: what. It was to save all this that I wauled to break up their organization. week's Imprisonment would h'ie done II, but now they're armed and belligerent, and we'll have a battle to night." "No, no!" she cried. "There mustn't be any violence." "There is no use trying to check them. They are rushing to their own destrucfion. I have learned Ihat they plan to attack the Midas tonight, and I'll have fifty soldleis waiting fori hum I hole. It is a shame, for they arc de cent fellows blinded by tgfiorauco and misled by that young miner. This will be I lie blackest night the north has ever .seen." Willi this McNiituara left the house ami went in (search of Voorhees, re marking to himself: "Now, Miss Helen, send your warnlng-the soonerthe bet ter. If I know those vigilantes, it will set them crazy, and yet not, crazy enough to attack the Midas. They will si rll,e for ine, and when they hit my poor unguarded oflicc. they'll think hell has moved north." "Mr. Marshal." said he to his tool, "I waul you to gal her forty men quiet ly and to arm them with Winchesters. , They must be fellows who won't faint at blood. You know the kind. Assem ble them at my office after dark, one at a time, b.v the back way. II must be done with absolute secrecy. Now. see if you can do this one thing and not gel balled up. If you fall. I'll make you answer to me." "Why don't you get the troops?" diluted Voorhees. "If there's one thing I want to moid, It's soldiers, either here or at the mines. When they Mlep In, we step out. and I'm not ready for that just yel." The receiver smiled slulMorly. Helen meanwhile had fled to her room ami there received (lleulstei's nolo through Cherry Malolte's mes senger. It rekindled her worst fears I and bore out MeNamara's prophecy. The more she read of II the more certain she grew that the crisis was only a question of hours and that with darkness tragedy would walk the streets of Nome. The thought of the wrong already done was lost In the lonely girl's terror of the crime about to happen, for it scorned her she had 1 been I lie Instrument to set these forces j lu moduli, that she had loosed this 1 swui spcisuiig itvaiaiiciio in green, hatred aud brutality. And when the crash should come -Ihe girl shuddered. It must not be. She would shriek a warning from the housetops eon at cost of her uncle, of McNamara and of J herself. And yet she had 110 pioof that 1 a crime existed. Although It all lay I clear lu her own mind, the certainty of It arose only from her Intuition. If ouly she weie able to take a hand If only she were not a woman. Then Cherry Malolte's words anent Struve luetirrcil to her, "A bottle of wine and a woman's face." They bnin"ht back , the lawyer's assurance that those doc uments she had safeguarded all through the long springtime Journey I really contained the jrroof. if they did, then they held the power to check this imuutulliig . contllct. Her updo nna'tlio boss would not nnro contiTino if threatened with exjiosure and prose cution. Tho more she thought of It tho more urgent scorned the necessity to prevent tho battle of tonight. There was a chance hero nt least, and tho only one. Adding to her mental torment was this constant vision of that face in the curlnins at tho Northern, it was her brother, ,et what mystery shiouded this affair also? What kept htm from her? What caused him to slink away like n thief discovered? She grow dizzy and hysterical Struve turned lu his chair as the door to his private olllce opened, then leaped lo his foot at slghl of the gray eyed girl standing there. "I came for the papers," she said. "I knew you would." The blood went out of his checks, then singed back up to ills eyes. "It's a bargain then?" She nodded. "C.lve them to me llrst." Ho laughed unpleasantly. "What do you lake me for? I'll keep my part of the bargain If you'll keep jours. Mul this Is no place, nor time. Theio's riot In the air, and I'm busy preparing for tonight. Come back tomorrow when It's all over." Put it was the terror of tonight's do ings that led her Into his power. "I'll never come back." she said. "II Is my whim to know today -yes, at once." He meditated for a time. "Then to day it shall be. I'll shiiu the light, I'll sacrilico what shreds of duly have clung to 1110, because the fever for you is in my bones, and It seems to me I'd do murder for It. 'Ih.ii's the kind of a man I am, and I liao no pride i 1 myself because of II. Mm I've always been thai wily. We'll ilde to the Sign of the Sled. It's a romantic lit He load bouse ten miles from here, perched high aboe the Snake rlvei trail. We'll take dinner there together." "Mut the papers?" "I'll have Iheni with mo. We'll start lu an hour." "In an hour," shu oihuod lifelessly aud left him. lie (buckled grim I v and seized, the stassmaaaxaix. uuuuuaw: IB The new Pure Food Law requires every pat ent medicine manufacturer to tell just what dan gerous drug is in his medicine. Certain period icals interested in patent medicine reform have declared that the formulas of many patent medi cines will have to be changed before the manu facturers will dare conform with this law. These periodicals also declare that the public will never know of these changes, and neer know what these yuv4Aus formerly contained. This suspicion, however, cannot rest upon Rex all Remedies. You hae absolute proof that Rexall Remedies have iiol been changed to con form with the new Pure Pood Law, because you knav the formulas of thcscrcmcd I s Jour years ago The Rexall formulas were mrer seen. The thousand Rexall druggists have always known all the Rexall formulas and given them to eery cus tomer who asked for them. No one Rexall Remedy wis ever claimed to be u "cure-all" each of the oUO remedies is de signed to cure a, certain human ill and does it. These 300 remedies were selected from among thousands because they were the most reliable and successful cures in the world. Far from wishing to conceal die formulas of these remedies, we are proud to tell just what thcy-nre, and al ways have been. That's where the Rexall plan goes further to safeguard you than does the Pure Food Law. liven now you'll only know the dangerous drugs in other patent medicines, while you have alwas been able to know the complete formulas of Rex all Remedies! The Rexall guarantee has been the greatest evidence of the .sincerity back of the Rexall Rem edies. l;or four years Rexall druggists have offered to return the money to any one who brought back an empty Rexall bottle or package and said they were not satisfied. We, as one of the Rexall druggis's, feel a gen uine satisfaction in having been able lo supply this community for foui years with o?:e line i f medicines which the United States Govern ment by its new Piro Pood Law shows wi.re aways made rthl and sold right and have de served every bit of the faith you have had in them. The Pure Food Law may necessitate change;; in other medicines, but it only caucuses K.exall Remedies. The H. B. Qrice Drug Co., The Rexall Store telephone. "Central call tins fctea roadhouse seven rings on tho Snako river branch. Hello! That you, Shorl7.? This Is Struve. Anybody at the house? (iooii. Turn mom away If they como and say that jou're I closed. None of your business. I'll be out about dark, so havo dinner for two. Spread yourself and keep tho place clear. Uoodby." ' Slrcngthened by Gleulster's note, I Helen went straight to the oilier wo- I man and this time was not kept wall- 1 lug nor greeted with sneers, but found I Cherry cloaked lu a shy dignity, which she clasped tightly about hersolf. L'n ' dor her visitor's Incoherence she lost j her dillldence, however, and, when Helen had llnlshed, remarked, with de cision: "Don't go with lilm. He's a bad man." "Mut I niiisi. The blood of those men will In1 on mo If I don't stop this trag edy. If those papers loll the (alo I think thej do, 1 au call oil' my imdo aud make Me.S'niiiiirii liIvo back the mines. You said Struve told you the whole scheme. Did jolt see the proof?" "No. I have only his wold, but ho spoke of (hose documents ropealcdlj. saying they contained his Instructions lo tie up the mines In order lo give a foothold for the lawsuits He bragged thai the rest of the gang were in ills piwcr ami t.hal ho could laud iheni In the penitentiary for eoiiqiiraej. That's all." "It's the oulj chance." said Helen "They are sending soldiers to the Midas to lie i'i ambush, and .vou niiisi warn the xigihinlcs." Clieiry paled at (his and ejaculated: "(i'ooiI Lord! Uoy said he'd lead an attack tonight." The two stared at each other. "If I succeed with Struve I can stop It all all of this Injustice and crime everj thing." "Do j on leallzo what you're risk lug?" Cherry demanded. "Thai man Is an animal. You'll hare lo kill him to siie jourself, aud he'll never give up those proofs." "cs. he will." said Helen lioivcly "i"i' 1 defy bltn to harnijL'ic. Tito Sbrn Hge necessary In Rexall Remedies 1 of the Sled Is a piihTTe" rondhouso with a landlord, a telephone and other guests. Will you warn Mr. (Jlenlsler about thu troops?" "I will, and bless you for a brave git I. Wait a moment." Cherry I00W from Ihe dresser her liny revolver "Don't hesitate to use this. I want you lo know also thai Pin sorry for what I said yosionlny." As she hurried away Helen realized with 11 shock the change that the past few months had wrought In her. In truth, It was as (Menlslor had suiilj his noithland -wotked strangely vvllh Its denizens. What of Unit shrinking girl who had stepped out of the shol lured life, slnfug only In her untiled honesly, to become 11 hunted, hairled thing, Juggling with honor ami icputa Hon, lit her henrf a hair formed fem (hat she might kill a man this night to gain her end? The elements wen molding her with Irresistible hands Hoy's contact with the primitive had not muglicucd lilm tiioie qitkkly than had hers. She mot her appointment with Struve. and thej' rode 11 way together, he talkafive aud elated, she silent and l'v Late in Hie afternoon the cloud hanks to the eastward assumed alarming pro. nortlons. Thev brought vviHi them au Continued on page 'i. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tnrtoc Marks Designs CopyniQHTS&c. Anrono ppmllnc n nl.ptrti mul doiicrlptlnii nn on cl.lv nti'vrliilti our iipininii ireo tvne nuliHitf ritt'tvrt nlti emr litilnhm IinOiftr Ati tivimllmi n tirtilmlily imli liiuHiibtii la tti'ikltnlilr iHilnlit tililn. CoinimmlCA 1K ttii OnfiMit t tons pi rUtfr ronUilont MI. st tit fims )M(it lunnry toi m'tnrmjMtnlrnt. II .!.. Inlnti tlintltitlt Mlt-Mtl if t "1 TnrtiV M $ptcan iwucet wiiimuLuiiiTiie( iuiuu I lllCllin HV"I HO'MINO '"" j U.. Scientific JUtietican. A linitrtnmiiptjrllltHtmlril weekly. 1 nn-'cul rlr. 1 illation of any hi Ictitlllr jniiriml. 'IVriiin, f J 4 W'nr: Iimr M..HMII1, l. pom ijiui ii..irr.ii'nii'r. MUNN&Co.3C,Droadwa'' New York w'nr: four imniun, I urnticn onico. i.;; i nr., tvmninKion, u. u. .CTEnBH? www xaPBMBwifBBxasBsmningaaaaa A few of ll. !'.00 famous RKXALL Kemedich, one for each human ill, arc: FOR CATARRII-MUr.U-TONE The ilifi'f Inuiciliciits of Much I'iiiio nre Ontian, Ciilx-bs, Cnsi.u.i Kiaila, dlyo critiu aiul S.us.i,irllla (iuiitl.in i-. iccnjiiiii'd in iiii'rfltlnsasoiio oT tli('Kici'("t twin ever (llsum'iisl It combine-. Iliu tnulc ikiwcis of nil kiiiinn "liUtcrs," with none ul tlii(li'(si(laiit.ii;i? amiHIn-' to :in. Cuik'Ih have Iomr Ih en KSfiuiitfca m 't spcdl!'- in thu ticitmcnt ul all i itunt ..I (ouditloiis. lu action is i run ,t mul it; lunvtit almost invariable. C.ist.ira .'s.ikkuI.i Is civf Lilly Intiomi id fritsiiiiiiiiir(i.icli:il)f( laativi irncitit (. 'J liccommiiatiou of then Willi iilwnro anil S.us.ii:irill,i nuLis Mur-u-1 nm i i isned y that utt.irl.-. t.il.mli licm i-u-rv point and ui.idiuill) u-Mutistlk di c.nul tissue, bottle,."'"'" FOR NERVES AMEulCAHITiS LiXtR 'thu Uus.ill Aimik.iiiifK I li-s.it i- .1 d fi le nerve food uiiniuM'd ihkll t luo l'liiislniriis, (iluophosph.ilo, In n l';i.j liliiispliati; and aliv.ivi. Tho uoiidciliil hsiiKs f I 111 i' "'nlj .".J d'ie to tlw l.ul III it It sup) U I ni I in. oih lo llm neivo n-lls 111 ii iiiiKltmi 'u which It cm he Inimcdi.Mi'i) a ! v.. ily t.iKfii up l) thiin. '1'lw (ihuiphiisjih.ites, ,nli..l hvci'k ue liiillilcii, an; (ini' of llii tin st 11 it ut ami valuable additions to ih.s Uniiiii of iiiediiiuij and uii'nicMion.il I) .t finri-eli-ci-'iit re uedy than the well f.inivn IIi )ih 'ihlles. 'I hi) boil l'lophosi bales ail' 'he Hirst cadly .is-.liiiil.itud tin 111 of iron v I J; Imlvo tone and coltir, and I lie (oinbiiu d jIk.iIoki of ( .iliuja It.til. havi .1 toni If t 011 al-iii)--l all the In utioiis of the uodj. Tic. and l..Vi.ilx)ttL'. REXALL 'B3" HAIR TOKIC 'Hi- famous Ue ill ,,!il' I bill Tor.irls rniiposwtbuliicf ol lii -ortln, lull Naph thol.ind I'lloi.ii'piu. Uesuifinis or" nt the l.iUsi and tiut effeclleui.iui l.ill "s ilisiiiM lulb) mii-iik;, lind III ktiiiiietti in villi I'.it.i .Ninlillnl, which Is bah s.rniiildil iml .ntiseplic, :i (oinbliutioii is lo-in ulinh Mil niilv itil.)s the koiiis x.huli h b the 1 ail of its 11 itriiii'iit. but ut.iiis .1 t Kaii ami liei'tliv. 1 mdlliiill of lb. si dp. whlvb 1 10 011ts tlu'deM-liipni'iit ol 111 11 ijeiiiH. l'iloi.iipiu is .1 will I in innit mi re- stniin; Ih-h.ilr tolls 1ut111.1l mil r (hi. u til!) loss ot toloi lush hi due lo 1 disonsd i,t the , -ill) It Is 1 t a coloiln;; iiiaUu or 'le. ''this roMlblnation of (uiitivrs 111! nil vviili.ilri.ini .is .1 slum Lint, it ife'ls tho most fib ill" Kin il "l l ib . ml -i'i tioiibljl.nun to'liv I't-i litiitl , 0.'. t "nEXALl." ORCluuIF.S Tlio Haw Laxttive r If vnu uffer ficiii (onstliatlon or a sbi!,:isli Iimt. we ant on to in th j newest 1111 ml) r ol the lb 11! l.uuilj. It l,!Kll'unl'.l..,l.u. alltl. M.U.M a'.d'mwof t lie 1I1 h t ot th. m; l.i itm-H ;t.d(.!tlnitks .ilie.iili l.n.'vn. I I'O -''" hiiiilL.ssHulllill..v..'edt.ibiKlsthatel'e.t u iu .uljiistmcnt ol NutinOs luiuilons liiiLriiiiiiif. iioiiulisen.ioiu.iv'i'K. .. l-li-asant to tlio tasU- tlw: vJ ll1 "'",l- ntA VruVVlU -rove to vi"i t!mt thes nro t . Ivst l.is.t'c ami s I'urM io .ru bviHvfl. . ... lu,. a 'ju:. ot t.Ll(.i J a., a Uua nt uj ) I hi .'TV ' Aiii (ft, TT" IV I - 'P , fiBfer-ar, ( . t I ft T..