The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 14, 1908, Image 2

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RcA Otoud - - Nebraska.
Entered lu the I'ogtofllco nt lied Cloud. Neb
nn9ccond OIhrh Matter
GionoK Newiiouse
Roosevelt In Vigorous tetter to W. D.
Foulke Flatly Denies Filling Olficco
, With Henchmen Selections Have
No Bearing on Campaign.
Washington, Fob. 10. President
Jtooiovolt niatlo answer to tho recent
public statements that ho has mado
uuo of federal patronage to further
tho presidential interests or Secretary
Taft. Tho answer Is In form 01 u let
ter uddrossod to William Dudley
Foulko of Richmond, Ind., and In
:uilcy a letter from Mr. Foulko to the
president suggesting the need of such
u statement. Tho president begins
by characterizing tho charges as
"AiJko and malicious." Ho lollows
I Ills with an analysis of all appoint
ments sent by him to tho senate for
itB aetlou to show that in no case lias
the proximity of a presidential contest
influenced IiIb uctions.
Tho president says, in part:
"The statemont that I have used tho
offices In tho effort to nominate any
presidential candidate is both fnlse
and malicious. It is the usual imag
inative Invention which (lows irom u
desire to say something injurious. Re
member that thoso now muUing this
accusation wero busily engaged two
months ago hi asserting that I was
using tho offices to secure my own
reuomliiatlon. It Is tho kind of ac
cusation which for tho next fow
inontiis will bo rlfo. This particular
Blander will bo used until exploded,
and when exploded thoso who havo
used It will promptly Invent another.
Hits Bolting Delegations.
"At proscnt various cuorts are be
ing niado to get up holtlng delegations
from the southern states, and tho
meetings at which these socallcd dele
'gates aro chosen aro usually an
nounced aB "non-ofnceholdcrs" at con
ventions. As a rule this means, only so
far as It moans anything, that they aro
held under the lead of persons who
Avlsh to bo put in offico, but whoso
character and capacity aro such
that they havo not been regarded as
ill to be appointed under this admin
istration. In these cases be it remem
bered that tho failure to secure olllco
is not tho result of the political action
of tho mon in question, on tho con
trary tholr political action ia duo to
tholr failure to secure ofllco.
"You quoto a newspaper as saying:
'We aro now getting dally lessons in
civil servlco reform from tho White
House, which ought to attract national
attontlon. The appointment of Taft
workers to postofllces in Ohio and of
tdio totally unfit Gcorgo W. Wana
maker as appraiser of this port, is
now followed by the presidents re
fusal to reappoint a good Hughes man
as collector of customs at Plattsburg.
Explains Appointments.
''This article is a good oxample of
tho accusations made by those of our
opponents whoso paitlsanshlp renders
them unscrupulous and un
truthful. Mr. Wamunakor's appoint
ment was recommended by tho three
ongressmon from New York county
and by the two senators, the appoint
meat being made preclsoly as the hun
dreds of similar appointments of post
masters, appraisers, internal revenue
urilectors and the llko, which are con
tinued by the senate, aro made. In
this particular case, as It ha: pons, Mr.
Wanamaker Is peculiarly fit lor tho
uHltlou, being already an assistant
appraiser, who has renderod good ser
vice ia that place, and his nppolnt
,inont Is tho promotion of a proper
" 'Tho refusal to appoint a good
Hughes man as collector of customs
at Plattsburg refers to tho caso of
Walter Wltherbee and' tho accusation
in this caso is particularly comic, bo
causo Mr. Wltherbee was an open and
avowed Taft man, tho classmate of
(Secretary Taft's brother at Yale, and
both Secretary Taft and his brother
requested his reappointment tho only
Now York ofllccholdor for whom they
made such a request. Tho congress
man from his district and tho senators
havo not agreed about his successor
and ho is still in olTlco. These facts
wero either known to tho editors of
tho paper in question or could havo
been fouud out by tho slightest In
quiry. Thoro remains the allegations
as to the appointment of 'Taft workers'
to postofllces in Ohio. Tho charges ro
lato to only three out of tho whole
number, eleven hundred and' sixty-four
postofllces; that of theso three, two
-were nominated in tho usual fashion
on tho recommendation of the outgo.
Ing congressman, nnd that tho third
nomination was made on tho report of
tho inspector and would havo boon
made without, tho slightest regard as
to whether thoro was a presidential
canvass on hand or not. Tho state
ments In the editorial In question aro
therefore untrue In every particular.
"Not an appointment has been mado
that would not have boon mado If
there had been no presldfntlal c"OFt
Impending, and In no cast has th ro
Leon a deviation from the n-rm k
I would have pursue l bn -in f
thoso who n-'tually ar' rn 'or
tho nomination been an ' t
has a Binslo ofPcehol-'Mr . i
or threatened with removal or oor I
in any way to secure his support lor
any presidential can lldato In fact,
tho only coercion that I havn attempt
ed to exorcise was to forbid tho of
ficeholders from pushing my own re
Makes Determined Effort to Drown
Self and Dies From Exposure.
Lincoln, Fob. 7. Dr. Carl Hullhorat,
n former minister of tho Pi oytenan
faith, who was expelled nom tno
church on the ground that ho preached
heresies, died at the state hospital for
V.iu itihano as a result of e. ro and
Injuries sustained somo hours earlier
when ho attempted to drown himself
in a creek near tne asylum. Dr. Hull
liornt, who voluntarily entered tho asy
lum leu days ao0, was allowed to take
walks over the country surroiindlng
the institution. Accompanied by an
attendant and one or two other pa
tients, ho started for a stroll. Tholr
walk took them alongside tho creek,
and Dr. Hullhorst, before he could bo
restrained, plunged Into the stream.
The water was only three feet deep
and those accompanying him dragged
him out, but ho broke away and again
throw himself Into the water. This
was repeated two or three times until
he was exhausted, when he was car
ried to tho hospital, but ho died four
hours alter. Ho was a practicing physi
cian, highly regarded.
Dr. Hullhorst was sixty-two years
old, and tor thirty years was a preach
er in tho Presbyterian denomination.
Excommunicated Priest Appeals to
Nebraska Supreme Court.
Lincoln, Fob. 11. Father William
Murphy, who for a number of years
has been in litigation with Bishop
Thomas Bonacum of tho Lincoln dlo
ceso over his right to preside as a
priest in tho Catholic church, appealed
to the supreme court rrom a Judg
ment of the district court of Seward
county ousting him from the parishes
ol Seward and Ulysses. Father Mur
phy Is still In possession of tho church
property of the two towns, and tho
church tt;ustoes are his partisans, re
fusing to glvo up tho keys to any
priest anpointed by the bishop. Fath
er Marphy was long ago excommuni
cated by Bishop Bonacum, and the
caso has twice been beiore tho church
authorities at Rome.
Opening L,.eech in Senate on Aldrlch
Bill by its Author.
Washington, Feb. lu. Tlio long
promised uouute in the senate on tuo
financial question began today with an
argument by Senator Aldnch, chair
man of tho finance committee, in sup
port of his bill permitting tho Issu
ance of emergency currency by na
tional hnnks. Among the Democrats
who will probably be heard on tho
subject aro Senators Teller, Bailey,
Culberson, Daniel, Clay and Bacon.
Senator Warren, chairman of tho
cotnmltteo on military affairs, will
make an effort to secure consideration
oi his army pay Increaso bill before
tho debate on the financial bill gets
too far under way. Between tho Aid
rich bill and tho Warren bill thero
will be little chance for tho penal codo
bill, but If opportunity offers it will be
taken up.
In tho house, appropriation bills
will continue to receive attention and
tho political dobato will bo resumed
at tho first opportunity.
One Other Fatally Injured by Explo
sion of Gas in Moody Mine.
Central City, Ky., Fob. 11. Nine
miners wero killed and one other fa
tally Injured by an oxploslon of gas
in the mlno of tho Moody Coal com
pany at South Carrollton, three nillos
from this city. Tho mlno is a small
ono and only thirteen men were at
work in tho diggings at tho time of
the explosion. Tho accident was
caused by a slow blast setting off tho
gas which had evidently accumulated
In considerable quantity, as tho inte
rior of tho mlno was wrecked and' tho
cages smashed so that It took four
hours to get tho ton victims and tho
three survivors to tho surface.
Of tho men killed, Robert Cook and
J. N. Rush wero white raon and tho
others negroes. John Bryant, white,
was fatally injured.
Ordered to Remove Fences.
Omaha, Feb. 8. Threo decrees In
land ciibcb wero bunded down by
Judge W. H. Mungor in tho federal
district court. Soveral ranchmen aro
ordered to remove tholr fences from
government land nnd aro permanently
enjoined from putting up fences on
tho public domain.
Ceremony of Ent,o . blng Portunal'3
Slain is Mailed by wbn u . Vou. '
and Children Tramhicj Upon in
Crush One Fatality.
Lisbon, Feb. JO. Thousands of
Portuguese Iikd siowlj t..iou0n tj
nooie catneural o. ouh v.ccnio ui.i
gazed tor the last I. me on tho iuiw.4
oi tholr king nnd crown prince. At z
o clock this afternoon tne caskets
wero closed and transpoitul to tho
Pantneon, where with further ceremo
nlcs they were pluced in tho sep
ulchre. During the afternoon the square in
front of the church, though guarded
by soldiers, became dangeiously
crowded with people, who had poured
in from various sections of the city
and Us environs. Many were knocked
down, especially women and children,
and women ialnte i, both within the
cnurch and while waiting on tho
fatreets. A child' who was crushed to
tho ground under the surging mass
(striving for admission was dead when
linally Uttcd from under the feet of
tho crowd.
All tho people wore the emblem of
mourning and in passing by the coffins
placed beneath them floral offerings,
somo budding wild llowers from the
fields, others simple clusters of vio
lets and others elaborate creations
and exotic blooms. Tho bodies were
guarded constantly by officers of tho
r.rmy and navy, royal archers and the
raiaco guards. Masses wero said at
various nltars for the dead and
prayers wero olTcred In many homes.
In official circles It Is believed tho
ceremony in connection with the coro
nation of King Manuel may not occur
for two or three months, and perhaps
may never occur, as the young king
wishes to Inaugurate his reign with as
little ostentation as possible, not un
like Gustav of Sweden.
Indications point to relative tran
quillity for a few weeks, when repub
lican nctlvlty and determination to
proclaim a republic, which appear
strongly In ovldenco, may force im
portant developments.
Dr. Cake Must Go to Penitentiary.
Lincoln, Feb. 8. Dr. W. A. Cake of
Nelson was placed under arrest nt
Nolson and will be brought to Lincoln
to eervo a term of two years In tho
penitentiary for stabbing Leo Gross,
a patient. Grc'ss and' the doctor had a
dispute over tho latter's bill and tho
stabbing followed.
Younc HargTs Claims Self Defense.
Jackson, Ky., Feb. 8. Beach Hargis,
who Killed his father, Judge James
Hargis, stated that his father attempt
ed' to assault him when ho went Into
tho store before the shooting. Ills
hearing was postponed until Monday.
, Ho expresses no regret over the deed.
Tlio Kind You Have Always
in use ror over 30 years,
AU Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good "aro bat
ISxperimcnts that trifle with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience igafust Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing SyrHps. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee It destroys Worms
and allays Fevcrlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You toe Always Bought
in Use For Over 30 Years.
muitiut h'ii-o
HKuiuat Kite, Lliditiiiim. C
olnnes nnd WjnHMnrms, so-
Kent ioi me fiiiinoi-. union iumih
nee Co., Liiu'ulii, .cn., the hunt U
uriinc- compiiny iiiMih w4,t
Spontaneous Combustion of Dust
Cause of the Blaze.
Peru, Nc., i-tb. 10. The Peru coal
mine is on are. It has been burning
for three necks. Tho lire was caused
by spontaneous combustion of coal
dust, w.iic accumulated in an old
room no longer used. At times Uio
fire is so hot that the miners aro com
pelled to quit work and olosp the maio
so that the flro cannot get air, and
In this way it Is smothered.
Several other out cropplngs of coal
are now being worked and good pros
pects aro entertained for a much
larger output In the near future.
Fees In the Crelghton Estate.
Omaha, Feb. 10. For acting as at
torney for the executors of the Count
Croighton cstato Judge W. D. Mc
Hugh will receive $-15,000. This
amount was allowed him by County
Judgo Leslie, who declared' It was tho
fair value ot his services to the es
tate. Judgo Leslie relusod to allow
any extra lees to the three executors,
John D. Creighton, John A. McShaue
and John A. Schenk. They will re
ceive only tho commission provided
in tho statutes, which will amount to
about $:iS,5.0, or a little less than
$13,000 each.
War on "2ope" Habit.
Lincoln, Feb. lo. Governor Sheldon
Is going to stop tho "dope" habit at
the state penitentiary. He Is going
to prevent prisoners from securing
morphine or othor drugs, oven If ho
has to deny visitors admittance to the
institution, including workers In tho
broom factory. At his suggestion, Dr.
niffln, tho prison physician, has Just
mado an investigation of the institu
tion with a view to finding out how
many prisoners are "dope" users. His
roport says tho penitentiary Is not a
reformatory, but a "dope" house.
Court Finds Against Millers.
Omaha, Feb. 7. An opinion of im
portance to millers is ono handed
down by Judgo V. II. Mungor In an
action brought by tho Alsop Process
oompany of St. Louis against Fred B.
Naylor and Clarence L. Gerrard of Co
lumbus, Neb. Tho St. Louis company
claimed exclusive right to a patent
process of bleaching flour, and made
the contention that tho Columbus men
havo been Infringing upon that patent.
Tho finding of Judgo Munger was In
favor of tho Alsop company.
Wayne Hearing Goes Over,
Lincoln, Fob. 8.- The hearing before
Govornor Sheldon on the application
of tho Anti-Saloon league for the re
moval from office of threo councilmen
of Wayno, has been postponed from
today until Fob. 13. Elmer Thomas
attorney for the Anti-Suloon league,
notified tho governor that ho hnd been
called to New York and asked for tho
Bought, and which has been
has homo tho signature of
and has been mado under his per
TVjJ sonal supervision since its infancy.
t m v m m rn.Hm.IIH
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Ely's Cream Balm
Suro to Civo Satisfaction.
It rleiuis, soothes, heals and protects tho
diseased membrano resultint from Catarrh
and drives nway a Cold in the Ilund quickly.
Tteritores tho Souses of Tiwto nnd Smell.
Easy to use. Contains no injurious drujs
Applied Into tho nostrils and absorbed.
Largo Sizo, fiO cents nt Druggists or by
mail Liquid Cream Balm for uso in
atomizers, 75 cents.
ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St.. Now York.
Auctio eer
K-liI- m' : Fit i diinr smith of
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Can l fmiu'i at home ov.-ry fore
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Don't Buy land nor loan
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p. C- TEEL,
Red Cloud, Nebr.
Office In Ovcrlng Block.
Phones: Boll 98, Farmers39
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