"mr T ,. -; A- ) h '-rn The Spoilers By REX E. BEACH. -: Copy ritf lit. 100 5. by It ex E. Bench. ( oiitinui'ii Mom last week.) "Well, RpcHl: up. The net's cttwin " Evidently he was tin direct luir yciiltis' of tin; pcrroVnwuice, for ul that moment Hie chorus broke Into full cry. ami lie wild, hurriedly: "Wait a minute. There 'rms tin- filially," and Unshed away to tend liN ilropii and switche. Wlien I lie eiirtniii ) is down ami the principals had itflit their drcslm; room-; he re lied. "Do you kuow Mr. (ileiiNterV" Mie asked. 'Sure. I seen him Imillit. 1'oine here." lie led her toward the loul liu'lits and. pitlliui; listcU the clue ot the curtain, allowed her to peep p.-iM him out info the dance hall. Site had never pictured a place like lid-, and In Mpltc o( her agitation was ii-douNlted at its tidy clc.s'aneo. The rallor.N v.i-, formed of a continuous row of com partitients with curtained front:, in which inoii and women wete talkluu. driuklin.'. iiuiiiir. The seals on the lower floor were tllsappcariiiu. and the .canvas c.iver wai rolliim Innl;. .-how-lim the polished hardwood uin !. ixa tit. vlill. out Ihr'iti'-'lt the widi- folditr-' ilotus tltat led to the main uautlilliiu lo.tin sdte heard a brass luimnl malt eallinj; (he cointnouconioiit of lite dtlll'.T. Ootiples glided Into nit i-n while she Wnichcd. "I don't see him," -aid her irtthlc "You liettor walk out front and help your.M.'ir." ll Indicated the stair. wltich led up to the yalleried In. so und the Mop- leading down on to life main floor, lint ho handed him another coin, Iteiii' hint to liml (HcnNti r and hrlnj; liim to her. "Hurry, hurry!" she implored. 'I'he sIiiko iiiiinap'r pi zed al her curl ously. re m a lit' n j,: ".My! You -pead your money like It littri liccn left to you. You're a reptlar pie eheck for me. Come around any time." She withdrew to a dark corcer and waited Intertnlnalily till her nio-eimer iijipearcd at the head of the piller.x Htairs ami beckoned to her. A- she drew near he said: "I told him there was a !1.iKM iilly Unjoin' li'ltii fi the Ktnge floor, lint he's pit a p'oiich an' won't stir, lie's hi ntinilter -even." She hesitated, at which he .-aid. "tJo on -you're hi iip"it." then continued reiisurliip'y. "Say, pal. if he's your white haltvd kid. you needn't start no roiiu'li house, 'cati'-e he don't ttlrt v. h' thee dnnus none what'-ver. Naw! Take It from inc." She entered the door her counselor indicated to find lto.v louup'u hack watchli'' the dancers. He turned in qulrini;ly then, as .-he raised her veil, leaped to his feet and Jerked the cur tains tu. "Union! What are ou doins; here'" "You iiiusi uo away iptickly." she pi-ped. They're Iryhc; to arrest you." "The.v ! WlioV Arresi toe for whatV" "Voorhee.- and his men for riot or Minielliini: aliout lasi nlulil." "Nonsense," he -aid. "I had no pari In it. You know thai." Yes. ye- Inil you're a vljdlunte. ami the.v're after you and all ,our friends Your house is piarded and the town Is alive w Ith ih'putles. They' o planned to Ju.Il you on some pretei or othei anil hold yon Indefinitely. Please p heforo It's loo late." "How do you know this':" he ticked p avely. I overheard them plotttnp" WhoV" l.'iicle' Arthur and .Mr. AlcNamara." She faced him sijiiiilcly as she said it mid therefore saw the liu'ht Haute up in his eyes as he cried: "And you catiio here to save tue caiue here at the risk of your piod name':" "Of course J would have done the Haute for OcMry." The Kindness died iftvay. leaving hlin listless. "Well, lot llieiii come. I'm done.l piess. I heard from Wlioulon timldit Hi'ti down and out. loo some troiihle Willi the 'Frisco courts aliout Jurisdic tion over these cases. I don't know that It's worth while to Unlit any loiiKor." "Listen." she said. "You must pi. I am sure then' Is a terrlhle wroui; he Jnir done, and you and 1 must slop it. I have seen the truth at Inst, and you tire In the rlalil. I'lease hide for a 1lme al least." "Vety well. If you have taken -hies Willi us thcie's sonic hope left. Thank you for lit to risk you ran In wnriiluu' me." She had moved to the front of the compartment mnl Wi,s poerlntr forth hot ween the draperies when she stilled a cry. -Too late! Too kite! There they are. Don't pari the curtain. They'll Kce ynn." Pushing throujJh the punhlliis hull wore Voojjiet'S and four others, hui'in. tuiuMfjujufcsa intriy in iiiict ..: s-mo od- "Unit down the hack stairs," she hreathed and pushed li tin through the door. lie caught and held her hand with a last word of gratitude. Then he was pine. She drew down her veil and was about to follow when the door opened and he reappeared. "No use." he remarked unlet Iv. "There are three more wnitinj: at the fool." lie looked out to titid that the! olllcer.s had searched the crowd and were ttiriiim; toward the front stairs, thus cult In;; oft' his retreat. There were but two ways down front the pi I lory ami no outside windows from wltich to leap. As tlcy had made no armed' display, the presence of the otlicers had not Interrupted the dance. (ilenistcr drew his revolver, while into his eyes came the dimciti; ullller thill Helen had seen before, cold as the Kliut f winter sunlight. "No, not that, for'tlod's sako!" she .shuddered, elasphiK his arm. "I must for your sake or they'll Ibid you here, and that's wote than ruin. I'll tight it out in the corridors . that you can escape in the confusion. Walt till the liilm; slops and the crowd pith ors." Ills hand was on the knob when .she tote it loose, whispering hoarsely: "They'll kill you. Wait! There's a better way. Jump." Hlto dragged I hint to (lie front of the box and pulled I ,..,!.!.. II... .ui.l.ilnu "II l.i,,'l l.l.il, .....1 1171111.' mi; t. in m jur. at i.ii i iiiii, mm they won't see you till it's too late. Then you can run through the crowd." He grasped her idea, and, slipping; Ids weapon back Into its holster, laid hold of lite ledge before him and lowered himself down over the dancers. He swung out unhesitatingly, and almost before he had been observed had (!iop pod into their midst. The pillory wa but twice the height of a ten's head from ill'' lloor, so he landed on It's feel and had drawn his revolvers even while I he men at the stairs were shout ing al 1 tl in to halt. At sight of the miked weapon--- there w.i- confusion, wherein the commands and down the'slalrsicTo tTie uunfter lay. From her station Helen could hco the whole tableau, all but the men on the stairs, where her vision was out off She saw the dance girls crouched behind their partners or leaning far out from tip' wall with parted lips, the nieii eager, yet fearful, the bur tender with a half polished glass poised high. Then a quick movement across the hall suddenly diverted her absorbed attention. Site saw a man rip aside the drapery of the box op posite and lean so far out that he seemed In peril of falling. lie under took to sight a weapon at (Jletilsier. who was Just passing front his view. At her first glance Helen gasped. Iter heart gave one Uoroo lunge, and site cried out. The distance across the pit was so short that she saw his every line and lineament clearly: it was the brother she had sought these years and years. Heforo she know or could check it the blood call leaped forth. Drury!" she cried aloud, at which he whipped his head about, while ama'etneiit and some other emotion she could not gauge spread slowly over his features. For a long moment he stared at iter without movement or sign while the drama beneath went on. I hen he drew back Into his retreat with (lie dazed look of one doubting his senses, yet fearful of putting them to the test. For iter part, she saw nothing except her brother vanishing slowly into the shadows, as though stricken at her glance, the curtains closing before his livid face, and then pandemonium broke loose at her feet, (.ilenistcr, holding his enemies at bay. had retreated to the double doors leading to the theater. I lis coup had been executed so yuh'kly and with such lack of turmoil that the throng outside knew nothing of It till they saw a man walk backward through the door. As lie did .so lie reached forth and slammed the wide wings shut before his face, then tinned and dashed into the press. Inside the dance hull loud sottuds arose as the otlicers clattered down tho stabs and made after their quarry. They tore the barrier apart in time to ee, far dow u the saloon, an eddying .will as though some great llsh were lushing through the lily pads of a pond, and then the swinging doors closed behind (ilcnlster. Helen made her way from the thea ter as she had come, unobserved and uuobhorvlug, but she walked in a dream. Kmotioua had chased each other too closely tonight to be distin guishable, so she went mechanically through the narrow alley to Front street and thence to hor home. icmsier meanwhile had been swal fContiiiued on pnge 0. SPECIAL SALE MY FOR CASH ONLY 6- Hi hmi ml hiniisi IJ thiiiui uvi'i' lln ilmir 1 1. of the deputies mingled with the -lirleks of the . women, the crash of ovci-lurued chairs ami the sound of trumping .feet, as the crowd di ided before (ilenistcr and swept back against the wall In the same ominous way thai a crowd In the street had once divided on the morning of Hel en's arrival. The trombone player, who had sunk low in ids chair with closed eyes, looked out suddenly at the dis turbance, and his alarm was blown I through the horn in u startled squawk. I A large woman whimpered, "Don't I -hoot." and thru-t her palms to her I It.'ll'v I'llislll" lllll I'll'S ltclillv ileiii-ler covered the deputies, front whose iclully -the bystanders surged lis though tfolil the pre-ence of lepers "Hands up!" he cried sharply, and they froze into motionless altitudes-. j one poised on the lowest step of tho ' stairs, the oilier a pace forward. Vonr- I hces appeared at the head of the Might I and rushed down a few steps oul, to ' come abruptly Into range and to as f sumo a like rigidity, for the .voiing man'.- aim shifted to him. -I have a warrant for you." the mii 1 cer cried. hK voice loud In the hush. "Keep It," said (ilcnlster. showing his teeth ill a -utile in which there was 1 no mirth. lie backed diagonally across the hall, his boot heels clicking In the Hence, his eyes shifting rauldlV on COM Mi NC N". C) Saturday, Fb. 8, ipo8f Vo will make .Saturday a sc. t i - s day lor four weeks m order to reduce out sim .or Siiin uoods. We will make a p ul Disiotiiit of to per c ( it on all WAGONS, SURKbYS. BUGGIES, ARTS, PLOWS, ULTIVATORS. u ..NGS, MANTJ..JS -SPREADERS. iAS ENGINES LISTESRS, CORN PLANTERS. vWINDMILi.S, SULKEYS, PUMPS and TANKS Also on all work done in the shop on those special days FOR CASH ONLY. WOLFE (SL WRIGHT, BlacksmUhlng and Repairing. Red Cloud, Webr. Sheriff's Sale. Notice Is hi'ri'i y ulw n. Unit miller iuhI l virtue of mi nli-rof wile Umic1 from the tittle ul (!co W. tlliti-lilHuii. Clerk ot the lllt-trlcl Court of tilt' Tenth .liiilli-lid blHtrlct. within mill for WcMcr coiiniv. Ni'tinidkii. iiiiu u ili iti-c tn hi i iictliiii wail!-1; fliiTclii, flicrt'lu IMwitnl It. Coules is phtlntllf. ntul io;nl' M John () YelsiT nail llcltle I.. Vcl-ur. tlufciiiluiu-. I sli ill offer for miIo lit iniliUc vuniliio, to the lilli"t, lilililci' for ciiiti In linuil, lit tin.' i-iiH do r nl ttiu court Iiuiim'. ut liiil ('limit, la mM Welwtur ei)iuit, Nuhnetka (that tirlnc tlic tnillilliii! therein tliu lni-t term of siilil court wiis liolilun). on the I7lli iliiy of rt'liniiiry, A. I). 1003. ut I oVIock p. in of Hiilil (Iny. Ill" t'ol lovltiKli'urllic(l tuopurty. toult: The mmiiIi tuuiiti-Uirco (')) feet of lot tilni'tui'ii (CO. In tilork thirty onu (.'111. In the city of KimI Cloiii). Webster county, Ni hrtixkii. (ilvun tiii'Hriny linnU tlrtH nth dny of .lutitt nry. A. I). 19(K :t- o.i). iiGi)ni:,.siiLTiiT. i 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. AtiTOtir Mnlliiif a ttipti'b mill itcirrlnllon in IllHll'IV lllll'lltllllltl. i oiiKHtrltiffyomiilihMiUal. HANDB03X OMl'nU-iit nieklir usroriiiln our opinion frco wlitlluir m. iTcmtloii i iiriiniii'iy p u i;iit.ihi.. joiniiiiinicii. tn-n. (ililnnt njt'iirr tor xiMiriiiir ivoli-nw. I'uiitiiia tukiMi ttirouxli Miiim A. o. rccclre tout f iiifi-liil ttotlrr. without, cluirisi.'. In ttiu Scientific fiincncfitt. A liniiftonii'ljr llliKtrnlrrl wcehtr. ' iiTtct -Jr. fiilul lint of iiuy iiili'iitlltp Jouriiul. 'Ii'nnn, fJ k i'nr: tour Timiitlii, f I. t-ol,l Iij-iUI in'.viUnjilcr. MUNM & Co.30,G'oaJ New York llrnucli untcn. i;i' K HU 7n5htn;lii. 1). U. BEFORE ' sseM,ww8a - jw jrs nkM " li 2' Iff. ' m m I & it v i m -' m Ml m THOS. J. BROOKS .TK i , y AND USING "93" Hair Tonic AFTER -Tfflr IBM hHx W mm THOS. J. BROOKS Lorisvu.i.i:, Ky May 21, UJO.'i. Cent loin) i : Allow me to say a word endorsing the remarUable nierits of your Rexall 0:j" 1 lair Tonic. My attention was called to this rem edy by one of your clerUs, who guar anteed beyond question it would stop my hair falling out, and also put my scalp in healthy condition ior new hair. 1 hand you photograph before start ing to use it, which shows me to be nearly bald. After using two bottles I saw decided improvement, so con tinued its use. 1 have used seen .j(J- cent bottles, and have a heavier suif of hair than I ever had in my life. 1 also enclose photograph taken a few weeUs ago, showing the wonder ful results in a short time. I take great pleasure in making this statement to you, gentlemen, en dorsing our great Rtwall "i).T I lair Tonic,' and will answer promptly all inquiries regarding it. 1 am at present special agent of the Western and Southern Insurance Companv. iM-'J'J 'Courier-lournal Of fice IJuilding. this city. Very respectfully, &0$iZyrt?& This is a remarkable case an except inn to the rule. We do nnt promise tint "Oil will grow hair on every bald head hut we do guarantee, becatiM- we Know, that it will stoji falling hair, cure dandruff5, and give satisfaction to anyone needing a hair dres&injj, It it doesn't, bting hack the bottle, and we'll refund the fit) cents )ou pay fur it. 1 The H. B. Orice Drag Co., The Rexall Store, i - "; . 'MUiS my. ""-ft