The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 31, 1908, Image 5

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.. '
'. H. Kuley went down to Wytnorc
K. Johnston Ls home from a trip to
Paul Pope was in Lincoln the lirst
of tho week.
IjCo DoTour was up from Guide
Kock Monday.
Kd Crary of Guide Hoclc was in tho
city Thursday.
B. Boyd Smith was in Lincoln the
Hrrit. of the week.
Km. Lulu Matthews was down from
luavaiu Thursday
A good farm of AGO acres for rent.
1 mpiire at this office.
&'m Gertrude Mllligau came down
frotn MeCook Kundny.
Tho W. C T. U. will meet with Mrs.
! 0 Cox February 5.
TUe bund uoucert has been post
poned until next Tuesday night.
H?s. Lew CIupp is slowly recover
ing frotn a .severe attack of grip.
tfo1" Kent One storage room, one
""On, over Paul Storey's, .las. McGulre.
WantedGirl for housework. In
piire cf Mrn. I'hares, :it Nowhouso's.
B , J. Kohmetscher of Lawrence,
Neb , was in the eity Tuesday on busi-
Joo iiolcomb went to Inavale last
jiight to visit with his old friend, E. E.
AJiss Lizzie Codscy of Franklin visit
ed with her brother, Charley Godsey,
this week.
Fireman .John Campbell is slowly
recovering from a severe attack of ap
pendicitis. Tho baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
-laincs Tunquarry is very sick with
Judge Duugan will hold an equity
term of the district court, beginning
February 20.
Mrs L. M. Steward, wife of the
president of the business college, is on
the sick list.
Miss Gertrude Teel of Indiauola ar
rived Thursday for a visit at the home
of O. 0. Tcel.
Show a little pride in home institu
tion?, by patronizing the band concert
next Tuesday night.
George Volland, manager of Al
bright Ilros.1 furniture store al River
ton, was in town Sunday.
Mr and Mrn. P. C. Rose, who have
Inieu managing the hotel at Inavale,
hae removed to Red Cloud.
Mr and Mrs. Billy Itcnsc are the
happy parents of a big bouncing baby
boy, boru last Saturday night.
All old settlers of Webster county
re requested to meet at the Royal
iot'l Sunday at 1:30 p. m., to attend
the funeral of the late Dr. I. W. Tul-
The Grocer'
All tho Phonos
Monday Evening, February 3, '08
Congregational Church
Red Cloud, Neb.
Piano Solo Selected Miu Bcrnice Potter
Reading "The Cowboy ' Mytcry".... !
Mrs. Carrutlicrc
Tenor Solo-"Our King" (Rotoli) . .Glerf Walker
Reading (Iriih dialect) "Mrs. Casey and
the Beauty Doctor" Mrs. Carruthcrs
Piano Duel "Fra Diavolo". . .(Sidney Smith)
Miss Gertrude Blacklcdge and Miss
Vernon Storey.
Reading "The Simple Life". .Mrs. Carruthcts
Vocal Solo Setccted . . . Miss Josephine Mizcr
Reading "Them Oxen" (In costume)
Mrs. Carnlthers.
Tenor Solo "Loch Lomond" . . F. F. Cartuthcis
Entertainment will commence at 8 p. m.
Admission, 15 and 25 cents.
Rev. J. M. Hates is home from St.
Paul and will conduct services next
Sunday at the Episcopal church.
Miss Verdie Whitelcy left Saturday
for her home in Missouri, after visit
ing with relatives in this vicinity.
Mrs. L. C. Hoffman of Republican
City visited this week with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ethcrton.
I have 2."0 bushels of choice alfalfa
seed for sale at 88.. 10 per bu. on ear.
P. R. Nkai., Olasco, Kas.
The four-year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Erisbio of Amboy is
suffering with an attack of scarlet
Frank Simmons, formerly editor of
the Seward Repportcr, is in the eity
this week in the interest of the A. O.
U. W.
Mrs. Wolfe, mother of J. C. Wolfe,
is very ill at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George Reed, northeast of Red
A. 1$. Sellars of the Red Cloud In
vestment Co. returned the lirst of the
week from a trip to the Panhandle of
The combination public sale held
Tuesday at the Homer Boner farm
drew a largo crowd and everything
sold well.
Ynrdmastcr George Beard leftThurs
day morning for Illinois, having been
called there by the serious illness of
his mother.
Drs. Weiriek & Riddile, Eye, Ear,
Nose aad Throat Specialists. Glasses
fitted. Over German National Bank,
Hastings, Neb.
Charley Waddell of Palisade, Neb.,
was in Red Cloud Saturday on his way
to Franklin. He is still in the hide
buying business.
Tho program for the recital to be
given at the Congregational church
Monday evening will be found else
where in today's paper.
Mrs. Mose Wilson of Muc Hill vis
ited with her daughter, Mrs. C. D.
Robinson, yesterday. She was on her
way home from Lincoln.
Mrs. Viola Austin was given a sur
prise Saturday afternoon by her for
mer pupils, prior to her departure for
her new home in MeCook.
Ben Ludlow, who has been on the
sick list for some time, was able to be
out on the streets Tuesday for the
first time in three weeks.
Mrs. Winfield Palmer of Inavale left
for Denyer Thursday, where she will
undergo an operation. She was ac
companied by her sister-in-law, Mrs.
C. S. Palmer of this eity.
Oliver Wright of Bladen, formerly
of this city, has purchused George
Iteardslee's interest in tho firm of
Wolfe & licnrdslcc, blacksmiths, and
will move to Red Cloud.
The Chief's suggestion of the name
of Colonel C. W. Kaley as a delegate
to the Republican national convention
has met with a very flattering recep
tion from the press throughout tho
The theme for the morning service
at the Raptist church will be "Travail
ing for Souls." In the evening, "The
Elements of True Manhood." Tho
Lord's Supper will bo observed in tho
The managers of tho Rusincss.Men's
Lecture course are "in tho hole" on
the entertainments thus far given, lly
cutting out tho two last numbers they
could come out with a loss of only
about $20, but they have decided to
put them on, and this will entail a
loss of about 8120 on the course, un
less tho next two numbers receive bet
ter patronage than tho preceding num
bers. tohn Johnuek of Esbon, Kan., a
nephew of Mike Kudrna, was in the
eity Monday, the guest of John Pol
nicky. Ho was on his way to Chey
enne county, Kansas, to look after his
real estate interests.
The Citizens' Concert Band will give
a concert next Tuesday evening.
Everyone should turn out and encour
age the boys by their presence. The
conceits this winter have not received
the patronage they deserve.
Tho first of a series of silver medal
contests under the auspices of tho W
C. T. U. will be held about the middle
of February. The medal has been
ordered and will soon be on exhibition
in one of the store windows.
Roy Anderson of Salt Lake City,
Utah, Is visiting with his parent, Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Anderson. Roy came
near losing an eye recently through
an accident, but it is now hoped his
eyesight will be completely restored.
"Jim" Brown, one of the old time
railroad boys of Red Cloud, and who
is now switching in Sheridan, Wyn.,
was shaking hands with friends here
Saturday. He was on his way to Riv
erton to see hit, aged mother, who is
very ill.
W. G. Shannon, whose wife was run
down and killed by an automobile
while visiting in Canada a few months
ago, has instituted a damtige suit
against tho guilty parties, lie left
for Camilla last Sunday to look after
the suit.
J. O. Lindley was called to West
boro, Mo., the latter part of last week
to look after his interest in an estate
the existence of which he was unaware
of until he was summoned to Missouri
last Friday. Here's hoping he gets a
nice slice of it.
Subject of sermon at tho Congrega
tional church next Sunday morning,
"The Temptation of Christ." In the
evening Mr. and Mrs. Carruther.s of
Hastings will speak at the twenty
seventh anniversary of the Christian
Endeavor movement. A cordial invi
tation is extended to all.
Will Elliott, a 17-year-old lad who
was employed some time ago by L. M.
Crabill, waa arrested Saturday upon
the charge of stealing an overcoat
from George Griffeth. He was caught
with the goods ou him, and on Mon
day he pleaded guilty and was sen
tenced to ten days in jail.
Two of Red Cloud's nice girls were
returning from church one night not
long ago and heard what they thought
were some chums "trilling" to them.
They returned trill for trill about a
dozen times and then discovered that
they were flirting with a windmill
which was screaming for oil.
Cloyd Cummings, who is ill at a
sanitarium in Beatrice, underwent an
operation last Saturday by which a
large piece of bono was removed from
his left foot. It was feared for a time
that amputation would have to be re
sorted to. At last reports Cloyd was
getting along as nicely as could be ex
pected. The switch engine and crew have
been restored to the Red Cloud yards,
Engineer A. Clark and Fireman Clnyt
Brown being in charge, with Switch
men Beard and Goth doing the yard
work. It took but a short time for
the management to discover thnt it
does not pay to have the train crews
do the switching.
Mike Strobl, one of our prosperous
Bohemian farmers, returned Monday
from a trip to Frioua, Tex., in the
l'nrihandle country, where he went in
search of land. While ho did not
make ( purchase, he was more than
pleased with the country and thinks
tho Panhandle has a bright future.
Ho has, however, decided to remain in
Webster county for the present.
Under a new ruling of the postofllce
department publishers of newspapers
will bo required to pay tho third class
rate of 1 cent each upon all papers
that are not paid for in advance. As
a consequence we will bo forced to
cut off all delinquents from our list
and place tho accounts in the hands
of an attorney for collection. We hope
YOU will not compel us to do this, but
come up like a gentleman, without
being dunned personally by an attor
ncy, and settle that long overdue ac
count. Wo need tho money.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho S7y vffy?, T"
Signaturo of (LaJc4fyT6lJU44
Jan. 1,
Suits, Pants and
For Men, Boys and Children
20 pes6 ct discount
from regular prices
Gomden-Kaley Clothing Co. I
ttto .'",-,.
The Burlington exhibit car arrived
on schedule time. Owing to the sever
ity of the weather there have been
lew visitors so far. The band is sched
uled to play for the visitors this after
noon and tomorrow.
Tho Ladies' Altar Society of the
Catholic church is holding a series of
socials and bazars at the homes of the
members, to raise money to clear the
debt on the church. Tho last one was
held Tuesday evening at the home of
Mrs. John Polnieky, and was a success
both socially and financially, about
fifty guests being presunt. Next week
Mrs. E. .1. Pulsipher will be the host
ess. Brakemau Skelton of the west end
is taking a thirty-day rest in conse
quence of his negligence lust Saturday
in permitting a freight car to crash
into the west end of the depot. A Hy
ing switch was being made and Skel
ton, after cutting the car loose and
giving the signal to "push," failed to
climb on the car and set the brakes.
The ear was under such headway that
it flattened out tho "bumper" post and
crashed into the freight-depot, doing
between four and five hundred dollars
damage. Hence Skeltou's involuntary
Wedding Bells.
A very pretty wedding took place on
Wednesday evening, January 29, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mclntyre,
south of tho city, at which time tlielr
daughter Huth Was married to Richard
Bovven by the Kev. A. A. Cresstnnn,
pastor of the Congregational church.
After the ceremony the guests sat down
to a most sumptuous wedding supper,
to which all did ample justice. Only
intimate friends of tho contracting
parties were present. The Cjiiki ex
tends congratulations and best wishes.
De TourPorterier.
Otto N. Portenier aud Miss Tillie M.
De Tour, both of Guide Rock, were
married at the Catholic church in this
city Wednesday, Uev. Father Fitzger
ald officiating.
Schultz HasklRS.
Charles A. Haskius of Hastings and
Miss Julia Schultz of Guide Rock were
married An this city Wednesday even
ing by County Judge I. W. Edson.
Potter Ourncy.
Charles Gurney, one of our prosper
ous farmers and stock raisers, went to
St. Joseph, Mo., tho first of tho week
where he was married on Tuesday to
Miss Josephine Potter of East Whit
man, Mass. They arrived in Ited Cloud
Wednesday evening.
A. k
e will sell
Don't Buy Land nor Loan
Money on Real Estate
without getting one of Teel'fl
perfect Abstracts of Title. The
oldest and most reliable set of
Abstract books in Webster Co.
10,0(,0 bond filed and approved.
Reprtsents six of the best In
surance companies doing busi
ness in the state.
Red Cloud, Nebr.
Ohlco In Ovcrlng Block.
Phonos: Boll 93, Farmers 36
Blue Hill -:- Nebraska
Will bo in Rod Cloud Saturdays
at Smith's barn.
nil. Phone npf TffP Bell Mione
No. 44 I U i MEG No. ma
Pu b lie
We Would call your
attention to our
Stock of
which is full and com
plete. We make a
specialty of catering
to the wants of the
PUBLIC in the Gro
cery line. Our Store
is full of
Good Things to Eat
Don't fail when in
town to call and see
us in Damerell Block
Fulton Market
' ,
m m
ta inM" ,v