The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 31, 1908, Image 4

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    Jr .4
Y i
When You
Take Cold
One way Is to pay no attention
to it: t least not until it de-
r . . . i-
veiops into pncumumu, ur
bronchitis, or pleurisy. An
other way is to ask your doc
tor about Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral. If he says, " The best
thins for colds," then take it.
Do as he says, anyway.
We publlih our formula
We bnniih alcohol
from our mcdlclnei
Wo urge you to
d oo tor
'When the bowels are constipated, poi
sonous substances arc absorbed into the
blood instead of bcinpdnlly removed from
Che body as nature intended. Knowing
flhis danRcr, doctors always inquire about
:hc condition of the bowel3. Ayer's Pills.
-lilido bj tho J. C. A7tr Co., Lonrell, Mf.
jrrf.vtvsKiffi!f;irui'.V.vJ5 ...,, t;. .v..v.
B)eatlis and Funorals.
3 tppsisw&wmwHXf)t.n!is&!isix
Isaac Wesley Tulinys.
lr. I. W. Tulloys, one of tho earliest
(settlors of Webster county, died tit his
Ihomu in this city Wednesday evening
.it 9 o'clock, from I right's disease.
1''uncral services will be hold Sunday
aflurnocn at S o'clock, at his late resi
de nco.
Isaac Wesley Tulloys was born in
Maitibridgo, 0.', July 0, 1S3I. In 1351
din rjuuived to Clinton, III., where, on
Juno 18, 1850, he was married to .Jose
phine Porter. From there he removed
.'to Iowa in 1871. In February, 1872,
.'ho. cuino to Nebraska, stopping at liar-'
ward. A mouth later he, in com
pany with .Judge Lee Eitcllc. of Omaha
juull Cassius L. Mather, founder of this
paper, walked the entire distance from
aiarvurtl to Ked Cloud. Ous Uoats was
ialso with tho party, but he was for-
'tunuto enough to pos.soss a teani,-vhioh,
.however, was so heavily ladon that
sumo lu the party cured to add to their
bunion. Dr. Tulloys was tho last sur
vivor of tho pioneer physicians of the
Republican valley, llo was tho first
pension examiner appointed in this
part of tho stato, an otHco which ho
ihold up to tho time of his death.
Prom 187-t to 1878 ho was county
judge of Webster county. Dr. Tulloys
-was as honest a man as ever lived and
-was highly esteemed by all who know
'iiim. Morally ho was as near perfec
tion as mortals over got. Two daugh
ters Mrs. Henry Gilliam and Mrs. .1.
"S. Gilhttm are loft to mourn his
death, in which they are joined by the
-entire community.
Mrs. E. Clayton Faust.
One of the saddest deaths that it
Taas over been our lot to record oc
curred Wednesday evening about (i
o'clock. In our last issue we announced
the marringo of Mr. 13. Clayton Foust
jand Miss Lena M. Largont, which
ioolk place at (Juido Hock on Thursday
jf last week. The young couple came
co Rod Cloud to make their home, tho
.'husband being the local manager for
lhe llcatrico Creamery company. They
rtiad just moved into their homo on
.North Cedar street, and were getting
comfortably settled. When Mr Foust
returned homo from his work Wednes
day evening ho did not find his bride
-if less than a week in tho house. After
-waiting-a. few minutes lie wont out to
search for her, and was horror-stricken
to find her sitting in an outhouse,
cold, in-dcath. Medical aid was iuune-
jliatoly summoned but tho young wife
was beyond help. .She had apparently
heen in tho best of health up to with
in a short time before her death,whioh
was caused by tho rupture of a blood
weasel. Tho remains were taken to
"(Juido Itock yesterday, where the fit
cacral was held this uf tcrnoon at one
a'eloelr. Tho deceased was tho daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. It. M. Largont of
. 9uido Uock and was 22 years of age.
Mrs, Elizabeth Nonla.
Mrs. Elizabeth Monia, an aged plo
lacer woman of this county died last
rfjuuday from pneumonia at her home
near Guide Uock. Tho funeral was
field Monday at tho family homo. She
leaves so von sons and four daughters,
.U with families, most of whom live
"tu the vicinity of Guide Rock.
Or.UetchotiB Relief forltheumutliim andNcural
.gU radiantly cut s in 1 to 3 days. Its notion upon
tho system It) remarkable and mysterious. It
comoven at onco thn cantso and tbo disease Im
mediately disappear. The first diM greatly
tteivuu, 75 cents and f l. Sold by 11. K. anios,
- uirusgtKt, Red Cloud.
The Bctlharz
Tho fourth number of tho Business
Men's Lecture Course, this Btilharz
Entertainers, will appear at the) opera
liotiKO Tuesday evening, February 11.
Lincoln J. Cravens, manager of the
Madison, Intl., Chautauqua, says of
"It gives mo much pleasure to testi
fy to inv appreciation of the work of
tho Bcilhur. Entertainers. Mr. Hell
bar, was with us nine days during our
assembly, and his last per ormanoo,
tho last hour of our program, in which
ho responded to all encores. was an ova
tion. Ho was accorded llrt place by
tin audience that has been accustomed
to the best readers and impersonators,
llo is so true to nature, so unaffected
in his manners, that our audiunccs not
only admired him, but exhibited to
wards him a fooling of uflVctiou that
is most, unusual. Mrs. lano Hudson
ltcilhar. possesses a clear, strong and
very sweet contralto voice, and Hue
appearance, and when accompanied by
the best organ chimon I have ever
heard, is a delight long to bo remem
bered." Tho program consists of impersona
tions, monologues, duologues, read
ings and instrumental and vocal
music. A Gibson mandolin, guitar,
trombone, French horn and other
standard and novelty lustrumcuU) are t
A Little Too Far.
"There is such n thlttg as overdoing
your part," declared a uinu of the law
who now has the knowledge gained by
much experience.
"Shortly nfter I began practice lu
the west I was called upon to defoud
n man who had drawn a revolver on
another and threatened to kill him.
The accused did not have a character
above repronch, but the prosecuting
witness was also shady in reputation,
and I made the most or this fact I
pictured him as n desperado of the
most dangerous type, a man that was
a constant menace to the community
and one who would recognize no other
law tbnn that uf force. Such men as
ho. I insisted, nintle necessary tho or
ganization of vigilance committees and
Injured the fair name of the west
among the older communities of tho
1 country.
"The Jury returned n verdict of guil
ty and my mnn was sentenced to a
year's Imprisonment. Ah booh us court
ml (minimi tin, fnrnttinti nf ilio IllrV .
came to mo and said: 'Young feller, I ??
you spread It on too thick. After that ti
At - .. J . . "
lucre up snorim speecu oi yourn vu
couldn't do nothln' elso 'an what wo
" 'I don't understand you, sir.'
"You don't V Why, we found the
durucd gcrloot guilty 'cause ho didn't
shoot.' "Detroit Free Press.
"rrrffefefe & ;!2rr Sr-
Per Gent Off
Better "get in" soon, as
Suits and Overcoats
at lorices we are mak- ft
ingwill not last forever
Letter List.
List of loitfiH remaining uuoallod
for at postotllco ut It'-! Cloud, Nob,
forth wooli ending January HO, 10t)3:
Snyder, Nettie
Tompkins, Leu
I'boso will b sent to tho dead lottor
ollico Foi. 13. 1008, if iincalk-d for
bloro. Wlion calling 'or above pleusp
say ''advertised."
T. C. Hackeii, Postmaster.
Stroh, Gcorgo
Thomson, Mrs Lillio
All parties knowing themselves in
debtod to me will take notice that
after March 1, 11)08, all' notes and ac
counts unpaid will bo placed witli my
attorney with instructions to proceed
to force collection. ,1. O. Uirri.Eii.
A Lesson In Honesty.
There Is n restaurant in Broad street
In which nearly n thousand persons
eat during tho noon hour. Ettch per
son cats what lie pleases and when he
goes to the cashier's desk announces
(ho amount of his Indebtedness. The
proprietors llgurc that to trust to the
honesty of their patrons is u siavlng of
precious Wall street minutes and, be
sides. Is good business. Onco In ttwhllo
keen eyed employees capture a cheat.
One of these, a youth, was "caught
with tho goods on" a few days ago
and taken to the office of (ho proprie
tors. Given the choice or being ar
rested or going Into tho kitchen and
washing dishes, (ho -young man nearly
collapsed of shamo and fright. Ur
begged not to bo arrested and re
luctautly agreed to wash dishes. For
an hour or so (he culprit struggled
with a pile of dishes In a tub of steam
ing water. Then he was told he might
depart. Now ho brings his lunch from
home. New York Press.
What English Means.
Mrs. Smith What are you reading.
John.V Mr. Smith I am reading Her
bert Spencer's "Principles' of Biology."
Mrs. Smith-Why-what-what's that,
JohnV Mr. Smith Herbert Speuccr's
"Biology." Let mo read you an ex
tract his definition of life. Listen:
"It consists of tho doilulte combina
tions of heterogeneous changes, but
simultaneous and successive. In com
bination with external coexistences
and sequences."
"Why. John, what In the world Is tho
rami talking about?"
"I am astonished at you, Juno. Why.
this is the work of the grout English
"Yes, I know, but what Is he writ
ing about?"
"IJo Is donning llfo, I told you. What
did you suppose ho was writing
"Good gracious! I thought he was
trying to get a patent on u clothes
horse." Loudon Tlt-Blts.
When Religion Called.
In his book "Work In Groat Cities"
the bishop of London writes: "You
have often not only to learn, but to
practice, what may be described as tho
foot and door trick. It Is ruination to
(ho boot and sometimes hurts (ho toe,
but It consists In rapidly, but quickly,
passing tho foot In tho moment the
door is opened. In order to secure, ut
any rate, a few minutes' parley." As
to what may happen he writes: "After
long hesitation It will be opeued by a
little girl about half a foot, and thou
you will hear a distant voice from the
wash tub lu the rear, Well, Sally, who
Is It? Then Sally will answer at the
top of her voice, 'Please, mother, It's
religion.' You will require all your
presence of mlud to cope with that"
Tho time camo, hpwover, when every
door was thrown wide open to wel
come "our bishop." London Christian
Ballet Choes.
Ballet shoes lit like a stocking. They
are of leather, with a thin leather sole
about an Inch wide and with tho up
pen sowed so tjutt they come under
the foot. The billet dancer wants no
rubber heels, Instep arch supports nor:
any other of the foot supporting or
reforming devices which are common
ly used by ordinary mortals. The toe
dancer, desires a hard box toe on her
ballot shoes, but tho ordinary dancer
socks only shoes that will give perfect
freedom of movement of the joints and
muscles of tho feet. It is si rule or
good dancers, a shoe man of experi
ence says. to wear shoes that will al
low for space between the toes. It is
a point of good fit that nil persons
should heed, ho says. High heels are
put on to stage shoes for effect, not to
promote good dancing. Many stage
shoes are made wtth short foro parts
and high heels to make the feet look
smaller and the person taller. Boston
What Did He Mean?
Mike Moloney's wife was an invalid,
and tho doctor had been doing all
sorts of things for her, changing tho
medicine so often that poor, Mike's In
come would scarcely reach and nuiko
both ends moot, and at last the doctor
said that his wife must go to a warm
er climate.
Mike listened to that advlco for sev
eral months, and finally when October
enmu the doctor told Mike one Satur
day evening after all of his week's
wages had bcou spent that his wife
positively must bo sent "to a warmer
climate without delay."
Mike left the room for a few min
utes, and when he returned ho was
wiping his eyes with his left hand,
while with his right hand he brought
an ax. which ho gave to the physician,
"I bate to do It, doc. You please
do It for mo." Kansas City Independ
ent. Practical Holp For Deafness.
I have proved that this is really prac
tical. Get a common pasteboard mailing
tube such as pictures or music Is mail
ed In and hold It to the car closely.
Tho result Is wonderful. A very deaf
person can hear distinctly everything
that Is said by any one sitting on the
other side of the room. At first thought
one is inclined to ridicule so simple a
method. I bought a good long one,
large enough to fit over tho car, for
10 cents. One can get them at any
business stul loner's. I tried it on
grandmother, who Is very deaf. She
could hear well and, what was more
remarkable, could also hoar with her
very deaf ear,. with which she has not
hoard a sound for seven years. Try it!
That's all I have to -say. Harper's
American Woman In German Eyes.
American girls, whether born or
morely brought up In Amurlcu, evi
dence the sumo independence of Judg
ment and the same complete self re
liance. It is hard to say whether this
Is tho result of tho education In tho
public schools and colleges or In their
freedom from that condition of legal
and social subserviency to which the
gentler sex Is doomed lu older coun
tries. Mux von Buandt In Berlin
Deutsche Bevue.
s Men's Pants!
Saturday, Jan,.
Some snaps on a spe
cial table priced at less
thain hall regular. It
wen't hurt tolook at 'em
Wmmi & 4mmw 7d0
KauiaiwGy, clothier $
I T V . T. V- 5? r C 5P 2". IP 25". Sf 5 55". CT
and strictly prohibits
the sa!e of alum
baking powder
So does France
1 So does Germany
The sale of alum foods
has been made illegal in Washington and the District of Colum
bia, and alum baking powders arc everywhere recognized as
injurious. jo protect yourself against alum,
when ordering baking powder,
Say ptainty-
DAVAI baking
and be very sure you get Royal.
Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape
Cream of Tartar. It adds to the digestibility and whole
someness of the food.
"Tho French are awfully stupid."
"Why, I always heard they were
very clover people."
, "Well, they aren't. I was the best
French scholar in our class, and yet
wheu I went to Paris they couldn't
understand a word that I said." Lou
don Telegraph.
Mr. Ferry Greatness Is nil compara
tive. For example, an elephant four
feot high would bo called a little thing,
whllo a ra of that size
Mrs. Ferry Yes. and 5 for a bon
net Is an enormous expense, but It Isn't
anything at all when you loso It at
I cards. Loudon Fun.
Mortou I.. Ulll. of Lebanon. Ind saj-s; "Mj
wlfu hnd Intlummntory Rheumatism In cvorj
mimclo and Joint; her tmfforiiiR wait terrible
aud her body and face were swollen almost be
yond recognition; bad been lu bed nix wuefei
and bad eight physicians, but received no
benefit until she tried Dr. Detchoa'a Ittllef foi
Rheumatism. It rbvo Immediate, relict and
she was ablo to walk about in three dayti. l am
suro It saved her life." Sold by H. B. Orlco.
Druggist, Red Cloud.
New Grocery Firm
George Johnston, tho popular clerk
in M. A. Albright's general store, and
Homer Honor have bought the grocory
stock of Robinson & Ilurdou and will
take possession of tho same next Mon
day. ,Mr. Johnston has made many
friends since eomlng here from Iowa a
couple of years ago, and Mr. lienor is
a well known farmer. Messrs. Kobin
hon aud Kurdcn retire from business
with tho good will of a largo and in
creasing number of patrons. Mr. Rob
inson will devote his timo hereafter to
ahsihting County Treasurer Frahm in
Ids oflico. Mr. lturdun has not yet
decided what ho will do.
Wo huvo In stock nt all times n
completo lino of Building Material
and Good Coal. Onr prices nro
reasonable. We solicit your patron
age BollTol.60. Furmors Ind. 71.
I71mam am) beutine th bit,
Vroinotn a Ituurlanl growth.
Nnver rail to Restore army
Hnlc to Its Voutnmi Color.
Curui i flp dltrH-t L hlr liluii.
ii ' t-smt-,kimfBmt mt i m . .iuwiihiiijiihhiu.i' ..,.-... -
. .Aifc.., . ..fc.