Al fy i .,' ' Jr !' .'' I . 7 f .V ;J. I )i k '! -.. 1 6e CHIEF Kofi Cloud . - Nobrnsktv PUULISHIdD EVlillV Fill DAY. .jtutuiil In the t'eiMoftlcn nt IcimI Cloud, Ncti ii Sueiuid CIhh-4 .Matter GtonciR Manager STOCKMEN VISIT SHELDON Ask That Chungss Do Made In Quar antine Proclamation, lincoln, .Ian. 2S. Complaining Uat Lii 'qunrnntino proclamation against mango and itch In (.ittlti la working a hardship to tlio llo stock indUBtry In IMh state', Govorntif Sheldon wns vis ttt'il by jitocKmoii or the range country am! rojiii'dontntlvoB ol' tho Houtli Oma Jul otock yards, who asked that changes lio made In his proclamation. Aeouipnnying the dologation was Wl Veterinarian McKIm and Dr. Melbourne ol tlio government liuroau Mill Dm. Ci:irk nml HaniHey, Colorado Inspectors. The complaint was that H.o proclamation v(t too general, ami pievontod shipments ftom localities where no disease existed. It was hIho tiFitttod' that lark of funds, both Hlnto "mid government, prevented Inspection if honhi, oven when tho ownars do tiW'd II. One rungo Htock owner uald he was willing to pay inspection charges himself if lie could secure an authorized inspector. Governor Shol ihin told tho delegation to draft regu lations, and if they did not violate the .statutes and were reasonable ho would cwusont to the changes. LAMBERT MUST SERVE ONE YEAR Supreme Court Afdrms Sentence Im posed Upon Father s.clicil's Assailant. Lincoln, .Ian. Uo. ligan l.aniboit, :i loiiuor saloon keeper and alleged "bootlegger" among the Indians on tin reservation in Thurston county, must acrvo a senteneo of one year in the penitentiary for assault on Futhoi .koph Schell, a Catholic priest. Tula was tho decision of the supremo court. Wither Schell was active in prevent iug tho Illegal sale oi liquor to the Indiana, and Incurred tho enmity of some or the saloon men. In Apt 11, J'JOG. at Dakota City, Father Schell, while in tho town in attendance nt 'a trial, was tissaultcd by Lambert, knocked down, and hla jawbone broken. Lambert was arrested, tried and tho lower couit sentenced him to a year In tho penitentiary. He appealed on the ground that the sentence was exootjulvt1, but the supremo court af firmed tho sentence. Father Schell gained prominence by his activity in denouncing nllogod land lrauds prac ticed against tho Indians. FATAL AFFRAY AT GILCHRIST Frank McNess Killed in a Fight With Delbcrt WalcotL Aurora, Nob., Jan. 28. Frank Ale .Nosa is dead at Gilchrist, this county, as tho result of a light with Delbert Walcott ot tho same place. Both of tho participants in tlio light are young men aud unmarried. i The two men had an altercation In a pool hall and this led to blows. Tho two men clinched and fell to tho floor, with Walcott on top. Several more blows wore exchanged and the by standers then lutorferod. Walcott , urotio, but McNess was unable to re-' gain his feet. Efforts wore made to xovlvo him, but they wero unavailing, ho dying in a few minutes, only speak- ing a fow words. So far as run hn nRinrtiiliioil. nn weapons other than lists were used by ttlthur of tho participants in tho af fray, ami it Is thought death was ejiusod by concussion of tlio brain. Walcott is in jail here. Grain Dealers Favor Federal Inspection Lincoln, Jan. 2a. At a meeting of tlio Nebraska Farmer Grain Dealers' association a resolution was passed declaring ior tho system of lederal su pervision over gram grading nnd weighing, particular reference being mado to the piaetlco of boards ot - trade of some central markets. B. It. Ileal of Kansas City read a paper on federal inspection of grain, in wliich lio advocated such legislation as pro posed in tlio hill of Senator McCum ber of North Dakota, i Rainbow Trout for Nebraska Streams. Lincoln, Jan. 28. Superintendent O'Brien of the stato fisheries is In Lin- rohi, going home from Valentine, Neb. Ho lias been there with 200,000 brook trout eggs to place in the sub Uatchory at that place. In April ho will tako a lot of rainbow trout eggs thoro for hatching, to be scattered In iho streams of northern Nebraska, wherever conditions are favorable to their extBlence. Nebraska Adopts Texas Rule, Lincoln, Jan. 28. No more- railway itallous can bo ostabllshed or closed In Nebraska without Uio permission of tho stato railway commission. At si mooting of tho commission a rulo iinrilar to tho orro in force In Texas1 was adoptod. The adoption of tho rule does not glvo to or tako from tho power of tho commission to rcgulato such matters, but is moroly notice to tho railroads. ' TJIAW TASK NE All END ALIENIST a NOW SWEAR IT WAS 'MArilCL.'nbwSIVE" INSANITY. Attornoy for Prisoner Roads Hypo theticnl Question bmboJying Evi dence in . la t.aje p.o.,s-ut.on Be gins Its L.icence In ttcuuital. New ioi.m Jan. 8. Tho Thaw de fense cloven Its tan witii 'manlo-do-picaMiu iijsaiiiiy u t.i.. t,v,.i.inatlon of tne (ICmIii oi Blun.oiii mlo at tlio ItniiuH oi the younA mtnuurg million nln. Tho proaouitiem lias ooguu its evuieact In roOiitial aiin ttio case Hl.omu go to tlie jury by Thursdiii noon. List net Attorney Jerome will apply lor the appointment of a torn mibo.on to tako tho testimony ol Abi'uiiaii) lliininiel, tho convicted law yer wi.o is couilncd in tlio penitentiary on UiurKwillu i.slanu, and wlio is said to bo too ill to appear in court. Mr. Littleton of tlio dcionso said ho would oppose any such action', where upon .luftiio Dollng announced that If iilcossuij he would go to the island htmscli tonight, in company with the deluidiint and ills counsel, to preside at the taking of Hummel s testimony. Th: jtny, it was said, would not be compelled tako the night tilp across the liver Thaw not mud delighted at tho prospect of tho outing--even to tho grim shores of Now York clty'a penal colony and smiled bioadly at tho couit's suggestion. Alienists on the Stand. District Attornoy .Jerome disappoint ed a ciowded court loom when bo re Irained liom his tactics of last year in baiting the expert witnesses lor, the delense, thiee of whom Drs ' Wagner, Evans and .Ielllffe declined that Thaw at the time lie killed Stan ford White wns suffering from sueh n defect of reason as not to know the nature or quality of his act or that tlif act was wiong. The prosecutor con tented himself with drawing lrotn tho allonisda tlio fact that last year they swore it was during a "brain storm" that Thaw committed tlio homicide. Ho also read fiom tho affidavit made by Dr Wagner before tho lunacy com mission 1 ast year giving conversations Tliaw in couit wliich tended hnd with to show that the defendant had a dls tlnct recollection of occurrences on tho roof gaideu immediately preceding the tragedy. Dowling Secures Information. It was left to Justice Dowling to make a most important inquiry of tho alienists Ho desired to know the ex act nnture of "manic-depressive" in sanity and if the attacks were likely to recur. He also asked if a person suffering from this form of insanity . would bo likely to commit assaults. I Ho learned that it wua a recurrent f,)l'm ' niPntnl disorder, the attacks cuimug auiiuuiuy umi wiuiuui wuniuiK. a period of Insanity being followed by a maniacal outburst, then by a pe riod of complete depression and thou by another lucid Interval. It jieemed that tho prc&iding judge was securing information upon which to predicate Judicial actlou in the event of a ver dict of not guilty on the ground of insanity or of a straight acquittal Even iu this latter event It was point ed out that Justice Dowling would have thu right to have Thaw commit ted for examination. English Physician's Diagnosis. An English physician, one of tho three men of medicine who testified, ,,rst vc tho IMUno r "manlc-doprcs slvo" or "-ucute mania" to Thaw's nieiuai couuiutm. ur, ayiuiuy uusoc-u wc"s oi Lonuon maue mo uiagnosis ,lur,l,B an )ltbroak ' T,iaw l - don In ISO'J, when with a normal tern perature Thaw demanded that tho walls of his rooms in a nursing home lie torn down so t hat he might have air and that twenty torrs of ice be put in tlTo apartment to cool it. Air. Littleton's question, wliich wns answered by the throe experts, was a coniploto re-sumo of the evidence, with the exception, na District Attorney Jerome pointed out, of tho testimony ol James C. Smith, brolhor-in-law of Stanford White, who talked with Thaw for fit teen minutes just before the shooting on the roof of Madison Square Garden. Tho question con tained some fifteen thousand words. ARGENTINA GREETS FLOTILLA Led by Home Boats, Americans Enter Buenos Ayres Harbor. ) Buenos Ayres, Jan. 27. Attended by a division of Argentina torpedc boats, the American torpedo boat ilo tilln, which .e-lt Hlo Janeiro, Jan. 21,' entered the port of Buenos Ayres at B:U0 a. in., the anlvnl being witnessed by a great crowd, of spectators. A tew minutes later Comma'nder Moreno of the mini&tiy of marine went aboard tho Whipple nnd welcomed tho Amer ican olllcers iu behalf ot tho govern ment of tho Argentine republic. Tho ntiro extent of the public docks,1 where berths had been prepared for , tll visiting Heet, was lined by de- tachmenta of marlnoa and prefecture Kards. Almost up to tho moment or entering port tho weather had been extremely stormy. buL It gradually ( cleared' and brought increased num-r bora of spectators down to tho harbor to lv0 Bllcnt, M hearty, wolcomo tej , " Amorlcau sailors. .On entering tho CT.hlu one- of u. tugs wnicn hau m torpedo boats in tow was cast oil. leaving tne tug Iinriquota to conduct tho Whipple to her moorings. Lldi tenant Lone, commander of the Ho tllla, was greatly pa-asod wan tlu hearty rerepUon. Tne Mineruuiis w .- met by the Argentina flotilla i.n Mores island The we.iominn' II- et luted and steamed aiound tne Hot I., ami lor hall an hour tlieie wj., , warm exchange of greetings. Cum rnander Cone subseriuenti., bont-ie the Argentine ilagshlp and tlio trip to this port wns continued. Every boat In the American flotilla is In excellent condition and inn . the passage hero without a hitch Tne boats-, will remain hero until Tnuihduy morning, when they will steam for bandy Point, in the Magellan strait to join the battleship fleet. A number of oiucrtuiiuncnjs have been arranged in honor oi the vltltors, which will Includo excursions to intei estlng points, a banquet to be given by the minister of marine and recep tions by tho president of tho repub'lie and the naval club Tlise will take up today and tomorrow, and on Vtt nisday there will bo a lception at the American legation and a number of private parties It Is expected that tho Argentine squadron, which has been ordeied to meet the American battleships aud escoit thorn down the coat. will ouio Into communication with the 1'acilk licet about 125 miles out from Cape Corrlentoa today. The battleships left ltlo Janeiro on Jan. 22. PRESERVED FOODS KILL MANY Dr. Wiley Shows C5reat Dangers in Use of Adulterants. "Washington, Jan. a."). Dr. II. V. Wiiey, cnii I of tne bureau of chemis try oi the department ot agriculture, reported to tne house coiiniiittie on agriculture the ict-alts ol experiments conducted by tlio bureau to dettunnne tho poisonous elfect on tlio human tysteni of such drugs as borax, ben zoic acid, benzoate of sode, sulphate of copper, sulphur dioxide, tormaMe hyde and salicylic acid when con tained in foodbtiitts. Dr. Wiley said that the expulsion of those and kin- drml (lriurK ttom lh hndv lu nirlnrnni! u,most enUrc,y by thu kjneyBi aild UQt ,J0 ,g snt,aIlpil thu torni ()- Ainor. lean life would bo leugtlionod if the use of such dings in foods wero wholly discontinued. He said he wns con vinced that kidney disease, so preva lent among Americans, is partly tho result of constant introduction in the system of biich preservative sub stances ar. benzoate of soda carried In loods. Tho committee was Informed by Dr. Wiley of plans to teach the larmors of tho United States to make dena tured alcohol. Next August he pro- nnsp in nrri't n hMII nt (lio linromi nt C10In8try nml oporato it himself for ,Wo . lhrpo monti1H nrnrliicdnir ilnnn. tured alcohol daily from damaged fruit and vegetablo sul;stancos. He has In vited tho agricultural colloges of each state to send representatives to Wash ington to observe his still and master the process or distillation. "Tho law permitting the free distillation of de natured alcohol," said Dr Wiloy. "has not benefited tho farmers of the country at all, for they do not know how to build a still or run one. I pro poso to teach thorn through the agrl cultural colleges. If they want to learn. Denatured alcohol Is an excellent fuel and makes a fine light. As It can bo manufactured' from farm waste, the . , ( . .... fm.,n0rs ougl lho new lttW ht to avail themsehes of permitting it to bo mado without imposition of a revenue tax." Vessels Limp Into Port. New York, Jarr. 27. Tales ef a ship wreck at sea and possible loss of life arc the echoes of tho recent severo storm that wero brought to port by belated and tomjiest-tossod steam ships. ' Fears that an unknown three-masted schooner, with her crew, has been ioat u ti,0 storm off the Delaware capes are expressed by ofllcers of the steamer Manna I lata, which limped Into harbor from Baltimore. The schooner was seen struggling iu the trough of the sea off the Delaware capes. Mohlcr MaKeo i-uriner Hcduction. Cheyenne, Wyo., Jan. 28. Supple menting the ordor of Saturday, Issued by Vico President Mohlcr, reducing tho work in tlio Union Pacific shops to five days per week, tho order was posted bore reducing It still further, to three days per week, apparently In pursuance of tho policy ot retrench ment which Mr. Mediler is quoted as saying would be followed as long as tho president's attacks on corporations continued. American Ship Founders at Sea. Honolulu, Jan. 28. The Amerie;an ship Eclipse, laden with a cargo of coal, in command of Captain C B. irsen, nnd bound from Nowcastlo, Austrnlln, to San Francisco, foundered in latitude :J0 north and longitude 1C5 west. All the members of tho crew took to the boats. Three men llcd from exhaustion beforo reaching land.' Captain Uirsen, tho mate nnd cloven mpn landed at liana. " A model husband's the noblest worlt f womau. lndiuuanolls Star. Tho Kind You Havo Aftvnys Uought, ami whUh lrius been iu nso fot over JJO years, lias lorno tlio fifjrnadtro f J? ami lias lieciuiiartouiulor Ills pcr- s SJ&ffl'?j? , soiial supervision since ll infancy. tafy, -cucUy. Allow no 0110 to deceive ynit in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations ami "Just-ns-ood" aro but Experiments thai, trille Willi and rmlaner iho heultli oi' Infanrs and Clhildveu Kxpcrienuo tgaiust Experiment hat Is CASTOR! A Casforia. is a harmless substitute for Cuhtnr Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, tt is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Its ago is its guarantee. J t destroys "Worms wad allays Peverisliness. Jt cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. II; relieves Teething Trouble's, curort Constipation and Flatulency. !( assimilates tlio Pood, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA A1.WAYJ Bears the fJLsfjP.TT LAj&F ,4p jp & Mfc)VL, - w Tli .8 KM You Have Always Bong in Use For Over SO Years. TMC CCflTAUn COMPANY, TT MOHBAV OTI.tCT, new YORK CITV. -&w&imgzws8xm5z si instance K HRarnst Fire, Li:litniim, Cy oloues and Windstorms, see NO. B, S TA NSER, atfeiit tor the Farmoia Union Insur ance Co., Lincoln, Neb., the best In Burunco company inthe ste URGE REVISION OF TARIFF National Board of Trade Adopts Reso lutions and Adjourns. Washington, Jau. 2 J. The National Uonrd ol Trade concluded its ?i- .Mon here with lho adoption ol a number of important resolutions, among tliem being one urging an expeditious ro vibion oi' tho tariff and indorsing the proposition for tho creation of a per manent tariff e:ommibKion. It was unanimously agreed that tho president and congress should be petitioned to take Immediate hteps to bring about reciprocity trado treaties between tho United States and other countries. Postmaster General Moyer's propo sition for the establishment of a pos tal saving bank was commanded. The National Hoard of Trade wcrrt on record In calling upon congress to clearly define the status ot the tariff with reference to our Insular posses sions. Resolutions also wero adopted commending the administration's pol icy In tho preservation of the national forests and the redemption of the arid lands by Irrigation. Tho lollowiug officers wore unani mously elected to servo during tho en suing year: President, Prank D. La Laurie of Philadelphia; first vice presi dent, P. M. ISstes of Nashville, Tonn.; second vico president, Clinton Whlta or Uoston; treasurer, 'William R. Tucker of Philadelphia. Pearl Banks of Ceylon. In a report from Colombo the Dint ed States consul says that of the world's great fisheries none can com pare cither in point of antiquity or in the continuity of their prosecution with the pearl fisheries of Ceylon, which he thus describes: "The pearl i banks of Ceylon elate back to the sixth century before Christ. It Is recorded that Vijaya, the first Singhalese king of Ceylon. Irr the year rr0 H. C. pre- i .seated his father-in-law. tho Pandynn king of Madura, 'a gift of pearls.' thus Indicating n settled fishery for pearls on the coast of his dominion prior to tho historic date." Lack of Confidence. A party' returning home In hired brougham, the driver of which Is some what Inobriated. Paterfamilias (who at a hill climbs on to the box at the request of mater fnnrillas) Give me tho reins. Coachman 'Ave you hover druv down this 'ere '111 afore? Pater (taking tlio reins) No, I have not. Coachman Then I'll walk. (Doca so.) London Punch. Clevor Retort. "Yes, I am going to rnnrry Mr. Bul lion." "Why, ho Is old enough to be youj father!" "I know he is, but unfortunately hd doesn't seem to care for mother."-; Louisville Courier-Journal. Signature of a3U -zo CATARRH "' wn-1'"-. PY-FEVER m va m Jw Ely's Cream Balm Suro to Civo Satisfaction. OIVE3 RELIEF AT ONCE. It eihsaBN-V, soothes, limb? nnel protects tlio divjiwed inurubrauo resulting from Catarrh and drives nway a Cold iu tho Head quickly. Itcstorev tho Soiihoh of Tils to and KmcD. Kwy to lino. Contains no injurious drills Appliel into tho nostrils nnd nbsorbed. Iirge Size, f0 cents at Druggiabi or by mail Liquid Crcjuik Bnlm for nso m utoinizerH, 1? conf. ELY BROTHERS, 5G Warron St.. Now York. L. SHERMAN, General Auctioneer Roiidene'o: Firt, eloer south of Red Cloud .si ill, 101 South Webster street. Can bo found at homo ovory foro noon. Terms niiMimMt. Do You Jat Meat ? When you tio hungry end want somotliig nice In tho merit lino, drop into ray market. Wo havo the nicest kind of Home-made Sausages and meats, fish, and gntuo in season. We think, and almost know, that wo can plcaso yon. Give us u trial. Koon Bros., SuoooMSorH to KOBINRON .t BURDEN. f