-r wrwwrrirntfrfifuwrKj5Jitwitj;MffiLWjmjiiiUKiuxita namapamu iwlJJuuxriailinjijHuirywj'iiw'jitfPimu'o.vau"jiuiwiJWJUiiirfcwiMiiijmaiiK.rfaMriitiM' -,i.t,ji ti.iMjLu.ujwnjn.njwnuij.mii iw uimutjujiuiBr 4. MX ..riS?' if V Hm s ttf-A a cnrine . V a.2u H8CO .- -71 Will Uailey is home from Omaha. (' It. Uali! is on tin- sick list. I. II. H.iiley is t'lititiiKnl to his bed illi thcumatiMu. A ifood farm of fidO ui'fUM for font. iiqiiirt! at this oftluo. 1). .1. llyeri of I'.oitklor, Colo., is in tin: city on business. Sheriff' Wnlruth of I'lnomhigtoii was in the city Saturday. Miss Riah Olmsted 1ms beu siuk with tin grip tins week. V. W. Wright of Hebron was In the fit j llif Iirst of the wool:. H V. Tnuiniv went to Missouri and Iiiot I he litst of the week. L I! Font lniK returned from a visit with his parents in fiuivka, Ivan. New house. llros. carry the complete list of Ruihou Phonograph records. A l. Fellars and Mike Strobl loft Weilncday for tlie Texas Panhandle. Wanted tlirl for housework. In 'Ci'iof Mm. Pliares, at Newhouso's. Mif.s Ueorgia (Sard was over from NortlilJr.iiuhthutlr.il ot the week. L.ut '.' all wool underwear at I1'. Nev.i,iuses. Now is tlie time to buy. 'i'he year-old hon of Air and Mrs. liri-s Jensen is siek with pneumonia. Dresser scarfs and table covin's in Austrian llllet work at I''. Newhouse's. For Kent One storage room, one room, over Paul Storey's, .las. IMcGnire. li. M. Marsh of the l'.laden Enter prise force spent Sunday in the county seat. Mrs. 10. E. Gecr of Superior is visit ing at the homo of Constable V. K. ( leer. Miss Vordie Wliitely, from Missouri, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ira True blood. J ' Ih'l.iuey of Helvidero was in rtii Saturday shaking hands with t riends. Councilman A. AlcCall is still very siek, and does not show much im provement. "Jack" Galbreth, the Superior cigar iiiuuuf.u'turer, was a Red Cloud visitor Friday evening. Bert Lindlcy, the Rivorton druggist, was in town Sundiiy to see his motlier. who is jcuy sick. Miss Ada Skjelver, who is teaching in McCook this year, visited in lied Oloud this week. Ottobein Uatuey and Will Wcesner were in Kiiusas City tlie iirst of the week with "stock. t Mrs. Bob Austin of McCook visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. .1. Ward, this week. Pulpit themes for discussion at the 'ongregationnl church next Sunday: Morning, "The Baptism of .lesns"; vening, "Woman's Greatest Need." a Flour Try It Once JHeFAWD The Gpoeef All the Phones Mar aim Lily CASTOR! Tor lui'iiiits and Children. Th8 Kind You Have Always Bough? Boars tbo Spf 5rfZiii Slgnaturo of LAalff&ic&i t lT Ed Aslilin of Lchitn'nn. Kan., has bought tlie Iterbnrgcr restaurant and took possession Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Cayer of Superior were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nate lllingwnrth Friday and Saturday. Harry Letson will return the. Iirst of next week to Lewiston, Idaho, where he Is eiiKUHfd in the shoe business. linn-.. !.Mi 1imIi..u ..r ..l..it.... i.lr..iri seed for sale at JS ."() per bu. on ear. P. B. Ni:ai (ilasco, K'as. Morgan Davis of Cowies. was in Bed Cloud yesterday on his way to Tren ton, where he goes in search of land. Mr. and Mrs. S. Bobertson went to Lincoln Saturday where the former will take treatment at :t sanitarium. Miss Anna Delphi! ties, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. N. Uichanlson, left Tuesday for Denver. Jim Mcintosh shipped four cars or cattle to S,t. .toe Wodncsdny. Do and Will Uciikel accompanied the ship- ment. Mr. and .Mrs. Karl Danker of Biver lou spent Sunday at the home of the hitler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. M. Burgess. Mrs. Ora Bibby went to Blue Hill Monday, being called there by the serious illness of her aunt, Mrs. Will Magner. Mr. and Tlrs. Will Letson departed last Friday night for their home in McCill, Nov., after a short visit with relatives here. j Drs. Weirick v Biddile, Eye. Lar, Nose aad Throat Specialists. Glasses fitted. Over German National Bank, Hastings, Neb. L. It. Thomas came down from Mc Cook Saturday to see his wife, who is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. L. V. Pegg. George Cluiison was out to his son-! ill-law's Bay Nelson's, last week, to do the chores while H ly went to Inavale after a load of corn. The ladies of the Congregational chinch will hold their regular monthly market at the Fulton grocery stoic Saturday, January :.'."i. Miss Cora Grossman has resiguel her position on the Nation and Arthur MeArthur is now holding down a stool in that print shop. Frank Ryan, brother-in-law of K. J. Pulsipher, was in town Saturday. He has just completed seiviag six years in the Hnit"d States army. Prof. Simpp and M. A. Mercer are are homo from Norton, Kan., where they assisted the band of that place, in a concert Wednesday night. Prof. It. II. Thomason, the palmist, who is stopping at the Hotel Royal, c nnes to our city highly recommended as a leader in his profession. The officers and degree, team of Red Cloud lodge No. COS, M. W. A., will go to Inavale a week from Tuesday, where they will exemplify the work of the order. Oiner Doling and family will noon remove from Norfolk, Neb., to Okla homa City, where he will act as state agent for the Columbia Fire Insurance Co. of Omaha. The Kebekahs will hold a public in stallation of officers and basket supper at Masonic hall, Thursday evening, January -'10. All Odd Fellows and ladies are invited to be present. Arthur MeArthur went down to Kansas City Sunday with Jim Mcin tosh's hogs. It is said that Arthur came near dislocating his neck "rub bering" at the tall buildings. Rev. Willahan, who was at one time pastor of the Baptist church in this city, and later at Guide Bock, has been called to the pastorate of a Baptist church of Krle, Pu., and has accepted. Mrs. Frank Smith of Garfield pre cinct returned from Lincoln Tuesday evening, bringing her daughter Lulu, who has been tuking treatment at a sanitarium. Miss Smith's health was not much improved. O. W. Tuber came down frcm Blue Hill the first of the week. Since his restaurant was destroyed by fire a short time ago he has entered the real estate business nnd Is now working up iutetest in the San Luis valley lands. Farmers and others interested in ngaicultural affairs should not fail to visit the Uurlington exhibit car, which will be in Red Cloud Thursday, Fri day and Saturday of next week. The exhibit consists of the products of the so-called arid and semi arid region- f Nebraska, as well as the llig lloin B.i-in of Wyoming. Light cases of scarlet fever have been r piiied to the county board of health I lo in three miles north of Rnscinotit, i a d one ease of diphtheria thr -e mile c.i-U of the same village. The ensi-n were promptly qtmnwiliiii'd by the anlli u'ities. Lie Do Tour went to Bed Cloud M(v nin-IiL lo finish no his last dn t),. , lw mmKly 0r county elerk Lee will now devote his time to i.irni- ing. owning one of the best farms In Webster county, and will no doubt be s successful in managing it as he Itnn been in maiiaKius the all'airs of the omVe. Sitfiml. JcorWe W. Hutchison, clerk of the district court, has received from Wat den Beenier the certillcate of the esc cution of l'rank Barker, as well as all other papers pertaining to the tun-e s nee Frank was committed to the p n Stent iary, among them being the origi nal copy of llovernor Mieke."s two years' repi love. The Y. P. S. C. !, of the Cnngremi tional church is nlakiug prepi'istion-- to celebrate the twenty-seventh nnul veiMirj of the organization on sund , 'vening, February ii. Mr. and Mr. C'aruihi r, of llasting will be present i""' deliv.'i- addeesnes. On Monday evening following they will give an (illicit iouary entertainment, assisted by liomo talent. Particulars next week. The Knights Templar gave a fare well banquet Monday eveniue for .1. V. Ainick, who removed to Missouri with his family this week, ".lim" has been in the employ of the Burlington road in this city for a number of years and he and his estimable wife have i. host of fi lends who will regret tluii (iUp,.iro. Mr. Amiok has a line lurm j Missouri, and will hereafter devote his time to agricultural pursuits. To the Purchasing Public. Your credit is good, better than evei before in the history of Nebraska, and it depends upon you to keep it good by helping our country in Hie p rc.se M business depression. At heart our dear old nation is as sound as a dollar. Bo cheerful, be happy, keep on smiling even if the financial shoe, does pinch a bit. .Mini of us weathered '73, '81 and '!:!, an o with everybody pulling tin; right wa, we will make 1907 ashamed of itself Talk confidence; banks are as good ac they ever were. Keep on banking. Aliove all things, don't become a pes simi.st. No wind ever blew one wut ad the time. We are ready to Oi en an account with jou. Give us your haini and we will give you our.s. Hoping, trusting, working for tin best business year in the history ot our acquaintance while we sing "Th Star Spangled Banner." Always th same. Ai.umoiir Jtuos. In the Sunny .South. The rain belt in Mexico is a limited area. Our lands are in tuis area am lit) per cent of these lands are of tin richest quality in tlie world and grow luxuriant crops of corn, wheat, Par. grass, bananas, oranges, lemons, pine apples, limes and small fruits an vegetables of all kinds. Sugar cane which is a perennial in that country, yields enormous returns, and is grown alike by the large planter and the small farmer who owns his titty lun-t tract. Coffee produces wonderful u suits. The climate is mild, even ami healthful. So even, in fact, that ilv crops of corn can bu grown and ma lured in two years. 1 he water is gooi ami from 00 to 7.r feet from the su face. We can sell you this land ii tracts ranging from 50 to aooi) acres at !$7.f0 to S10 per acre on favorable terms. We also guarantee to product convincing evidence that the first crop on this land will ,ield vou 5100 u, $,'00 per acre, or refund your expenses. Tlie excursion rate to this wondei fin laud is very low, being only SB!. (Hi Come with ns oi. our excursion Febru ary 1. For further particulars, see oi write .1. V. IIai.k, Red Cloud. COIN I Y tOliliT NEWS. I'JIOIIATK CASKS. Estate of Harris Noble. Appraisers' commissions to F. Coulston and J. L. Krout. Estato of Andruw Arnold. Final ac count of administratrix filed. Petition for allowance and order of hearing. Estate, of Richard Lewis. Order granted to make repairs on buildings, ctvir, CAHK8. Ruby vs. Rose. Continued to 27th. Matters vs City. Continued to 28th. Hansen vs. Hayes. For trial 28th. King-Graham Co. vs. Hayes. For trial 28th. First National Rank of Blue Hill vs. Rose et al. Answer of defendant Rose filed. .? iV ' . emmenGi li f - e will sell Suits, Parts mi Uverceats ;5 . t For Men.. Boys and ' hildren Qit n A ill pet ct aasGoun from regular pric&&. ;. .'; .Mil 4 ( IS" ; Comden-Kaley Clothing Co. m ';; Usod in miiHons of homes It i'l put up under the : i i!i.t . main nil1 iiij uaii nvui, v Therefore, CAjl.CJi&EiT -t; BAKI pnysieiuns ami cricmisis. Perfect Sir? Quality Economical m Use Moderate m Psrico Calitmnt Is r.o carpfully anJ fiticntiricaKy pn-piroil tlmt tho neutralization of (ho iiurrcUicnt, is ubaokitUy pi-rfuit. Tliurc fore. Ciiliiiimt Ichvps ho Koihollc S.ilfi or A'um In llio food. It Irtolioniiusitly corrort. '- l'iir your 'tuiuurh'tf bulie" iinu (.'uliimet. l''or ecuiiomy'ssuko buy i'alimiut. !t Av tetoCrj. S 1,000.00 irlven for uny Kiitistnnco In jurlouti to liuultli (uund la Catuiui.'U j&r e&1' . v&vuPAAAtwxsus'Xi&i&ai . .v.v;.-t. tenths and Funcrei! b iVV.'i,'Vi''."i.'J JVfWWX,,X&WiWW.VWAM John U. !!:iui')i:r&. J. II. Ilemsberg, for nearly twenty vcars a resident of this city, died last Friday evening at his home, 1021 Fust Twenty-second avenue, Denver, Col., at the age of 80 years. Funeral t-cr-vices were held last Sunday afternoon it 2 o'clock. Mr. Iioin-Jicrg, with his family, came to this city in the curly sOs from Raton, N. M., and rc-ided here until four or live years ngo, when lie removed to Denver, where his daughters, Laura and Ella, were en gaged in teaching school. When Air. Itcmsbergciime to lied Cloud he built the house now owned and occupied by E. J. Overlng, Jr. 3uhy f-mlgli. Word has been received in this city of tlie death or the little child of Air. and Airs. Edwin Emlgh of Madison, Neb., which occurred .Monday. The blow falls exceptionally hard upon he mother, following so closely upon the death of her fathur, the late John II. Reinsberg. WIlJTox. Will Cox, the 20-year-old son of Mr. Joseph Cox, Jr., of Smith county, Kansas, died last Saturday in Kansas City, Alo., where he was attending school. Pneumonia was the cause of Jiis death. Funeral services were held last Tuesday at the family home, con ducted by Rev. Craig, and interment was in the Oriole cemetery. The fu neral is said to have been one of the largest, ever held in that part of the' country. Deceased is survived by his parents, two brothers and ouo sister. '.ii ,. $' id i ' t .if Wr ft': V. .1 m m .A :? as? fv OS ru: Villi ":;; !- .. d. 0&z&" tysaamp 4$L . ,.'. ft' 'tt''h i M A & Tih 11 nmm r mlJMM iii raw 'ff&R-im sk PEsQll iqvfr supervision of u competent i.. ..ii...ii.......K i IPKJW ii'JiuMviiiiu, truMiy iiii'i;-ii.i:u uiuu, y- is rccomiutuded by leading tiiL H. L AS HER Veterinarian Mluk Hill N i-nit ask a Will be in l.'ed Cloud Saturdays at Smith's bain. hid. Phone No. 41 TO Tf-I P Hell 'ioiic Wc would call our attention to our S t o c k o mmmw which is full and com plete. We make a specialty of catering to the wants of the PUBLIC in the Gro cery line Our Store is full of Good Things to Eat Don't fail when in town to call and see us in Damerell Block Fulton Market i fc 3&&2SZ$..- &i Pu b lie 1 i i . h i rC" sv-- -jr tt -:, vj-rMr-r-: