"FW ' v 1UI AIMTliK - WVVriUKllliW M "S. M. True was down from luavale yesterday. Mni fcMith Hayes hns gone to To pnkn, Kan. INv. J. M. Hates left this noon for St. Paul, Nob. Frank Yctter was up from (initio I()"k Wednesday. County Treasurer l'rnhm went to Kim- HiH Thursday. Charley Lindley was in Hastings tin- lirst of tin- week. A good farm of ."(if) acres for rent. ltiiiirv tit this olllee. P. K Payne was down from Cnthcr ion prtvinet Thursday. A sort was born last Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Willis Montis .1 H. Itailoy is home from his trip to the I'ualinudlu country. Bruce Frame was down from Hlue Mil! Saturday and Sunday. Mis Mary Temple returned to her homo m Kansas City Sunday. I. II. Holmes returned Monday from a trip to the, Texas Panhandle. Wantol-Girl for housework. In quire of Mrs. l'hares, at N'owhousc's. Ladies' all wool underwear at V. Ne-whoiiMs's. Now is the time to buy. Driver scarfs and table covers in AiHtriau fillet work at I Ncwhouse's. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Cowden are the parent of a 10-11) boy, born Monday. For Went One storage room, one room, over Paul Storey's. Jas. MeOuire. J. I" Amick and family returned Monday from an extended visit in Mis sot ri. M r. and Mrs. Walter Means nre the parents of a hon, born Wednesday aft ernoon Hereafter the Red Cloud clothing stores will close at 0 o'clock in the evening. Miss .fessie Duckcr will tench in the Miuden schools for the remnludcr of .this year. Irving Cuinmings and Jake Ellinger were o7er to Esbon, Kan., the first of , the week. J. U Horn, W. if and E. M. Hoff man were down from Bladen the lirst of the week. Mis-, Mary Damerell went to Lincoln Wednesday, where she is attending tin university. Misf Adeline Baylor of the Inde pendent Telephone exchange is on the sick list this week. Miss Rculuh Taylor came home 'J'uewlay morning from an extended visit in Maryville, Mo. Joseph Kubat returned Monday from I'Yiona, Texas, where he purchased a quarter section of landu Red Cloud lodge No. 00, A. O. U. W., Jiad a big banquet Tuesday night. Just Try It Once The Grocer All tho Phonos McFarlands CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho It&vtf&Z Signaturo tlrand Master A. M. Walling was present and delivered the address of evening. Ned Grimes went to Hlue Hill Mon day to be present at the installation of ollloers of the 1. O. O. F. lodge. D. A. Dickey returned Monday morn ing from Brush, Col., where he has been working in a beet sugar factory. SherifT Hedge, C. II. Kaley, Charley Walter and Leek Graves went to Lin coln to witness the Marker execution. Gus Catchadal, the genial manager of the Union Holtling Works of Su perior, was in Red Cloud Monday on business. The members of the Haptist church will give n reception for their new pastor, Rev. C. A. Wilson, at 7:no, in the church. A big crowd was in town Tuesday to see the horse race between "Shavetail," the Hastings runner, and the "Host wick horse." Drs. Weirick & Riddile, Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists. Glasses lltted. Over German National Hank, Hastings, Neb. Mrs. Addie Ryler of Kansas City arrived the first of the week to nurse her sister-in-law, Mrs. Chris Zeiss, who is in very poor health. Mrs. Homer Halter is on the sick list and was unable to attend the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Loverchek, which occurred at Helvidere, Neb., yester day. Ed Jeffries, who used to be a barber in Red Cloud, but has more recently been braking on the Union PncWie out of Junction City, Kan., was in Red Cloud Wednesday. Mrs. Ellen Church, who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Ed Mc Alister, left the first of the week for Wilcox, Neb. She was accompanied by Mrs. MeAlister. Rev. II. H. Foskett of Grand Island was in the city Thursday in the inter est of the Haptist college of that place. He succeeded in securing quite a sum of money to aid the college. At the regular meeting of the M. W. A. next Thursday night there will be business of especial importance to the older members, and it is urged that all old members be present. Hy Kelly and sister, formerly of Riv erton, were in Red Cloud Monday on their way from Hastings to Riverton with the body of George Kelly, who died in Hastings last Saturday. W. C. Cox, William Parkes, Sr., A. U. Kaley, George Ilollister, James P. Amick and FlaveGrice went down to Hebron Thursday morning to attend the fuueral of S. P. Spokeslield. Andrew Hart hns resigned as day engineer at the light and water plant and is now employed in the feed store of his father-in-law, L. A. Haskins. He is succeeded by Prank Henderson. Mr and Mrs. Hurroughs and daughter Ruth, father, mother and sister of Oscar Hurroughs, superintendent of the light plant, arrived the first of the week from Jones county, Iowa, for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Lucien White returned home Sunday morning from Limon, Col. They expect to go there to live as soon as Mr. White can secure a room in which to establish a barber shop. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lctson of Mc Gill. Nevada, arrived Wednesday for a visit with relatives. They are on their way home from attending the funeral of Mrs. Letson's father, at Cedar Rap ids, Iowa. Prof. Alvin Snapp and M. A. Mercer of the Citizens' Concert band will go to Norton, Kan., next Wednesday to assist the band at that place in giving a concert. Roth arc down on tho pro gram for solos. "Shavetail," the 11 as tines nag, won a hotly contested race from the Host wick mare Wednesday. Quite a "wad" of money was bet on the race, and, of course, there were a good many long faces in Red Cloud that evening. The Rloomington Advocate is boom ing "T. W. Auld of Red Cloud" for delegate to the Republican national convention. It probably hns reference to W. T. Auld, who claims a residence in Red Cloud 'but spends his tune in Lincoln, Two hundred people visited tho Pan handle, Texas, on tho last excursion that I. II. Holmes was on, and the Red Cloud Investment Co. has been vesy fortunate in selling to nil their , e istoinors on their late land proposi tion. Their next excursion will be on January 21. Red Cloud's latest addition to Uncle Sam's navy is Earl Dickerson, who en listed at Denver a short time ago. Rod Cloud now has five of her sons in the navy-Ralph Popo, Roy Dickey, Ralph McConkev, Mack Fentress and Earl Dickerson. Elsewhere in today's paper will be found the somi-nuntial statement of the county treasurer. This is some-1 thing that every property owner and taxpayer should read carefully, in order to learn the exact financial con dition of the county. Geo. Hill and Will Kimsey have i purchased the Lebanon Times from the Mays, and assumed control last week. Itoth are lirst class printers ami are well known in Lebanon, each having been connected with the Times for a number of years. We wish them suc cess. County Attorney Hlaekledgo went to Lincoln yesterday morning In response to a summons from Attorney General Thompson. Ills assistance was re quired at the hearing granted by Gov ernor Sheldon to the attorneys for Ftank Harker, which was hold Thurs day morning. The county commissioners met Tues day and organized. J. G. Overman was elected chairman. The principal business transacted was the awarding of the bridge and printing contracts, and the designation of the nine banks of this county as county depositories. The board adjourned to meet again February 1. At the meeting of Red Cloud Camp No. OOS, M. W. A., Inst night the fol lowing olllcers were installed: Consul, C. W. Grout; worthy adviser, E. W. Ross; banker, L. II. I'ort; clerk, E. II. Newhouse; escort, II. H. Clcmmons; watchman, George Sheldon; sentry, Guy Day; physicians, R. F. Raines, R. S. Mitchell and E. A. Creighton. Quite a number of Red Cloud people went down to Lincoln the first of the week to attend the Hryan banquet j Wednesday night, among whom were: , Dr. Damerell, N. Longtln, Hernard McNcny, T. J. Ward, John Polnicky, ! and Fred Temple. Some of these expect to remain in Lincoln until today to witness the hanging of Frank Harker. j Prof. August Meyer, a traveling ex-' pert pool player, gave an exhibition' at Taber's pool hall Tuesday evening. ; The large crowd was somewhat dis-. appointed, owing to the fact that the "expert's" exhibition of skill did not .,.,, come up to expectations. Red Cloud has some pool "sharks" of its own who could give the alleged expert a few pointers. President Turner of Hastings Col lege will lecture in the Congregational church Saturday evening, January 18. He is spoken of by the press as one of the strong and brilliant platform men on the stage today. He is a strong man and ought to be heard by the people of Red Cloud. Admission only 25 cents. All school children, 15 cents. Lecture will commence at 8:15. In the Chief of thirty years ago this week we fitid the following: During the trial of a scandal case in Smith county, Kansas, a lady witness was asked a question which slu declined to answer. Upon being pressed for a reason for not answering, she said: "It is not fit to tell to decent people." "All right, madam," said the lawyer, "just step up nnd whisper it to the judge." County Judge Edson went before fell few t--p 4p POWDER Absolutely Pure Tim only baking powder mml& witln SRoyatl Grape (Sfireant of Tartar i 1 MPt '; $ i-.'V U 2h Commencing Jan. 1, 1908, We will sell Suits, Pants and Overcoats For Men, Boys and Children at 20 per ct discount from regular prices. NUF SAID .V : "'.V Mi", US? : ; ;'.?; Mi this Gooiden-Haley Glothing Go. m mm$mmmimmi$iMm the board of commissioners yesterday afternoon and asked that a vault be built to protect the records of his cflice. Valuable records and illcs in probate cases, us well as marriage and other records, are piled around in boxes and on the tops of desks and safes, absolutely unprotected from lire. Should fire kreak out in his of fice the loss would be irreparable. UIIKUVIATISM CUItBD IN A DAY. Ur.DetclioiiH Itellof forI!licumatlnm anil Neural gla rmllcftlly ctiren In 1 lo.'tduyH. It notion upon tlio nyhlum In remarkable and niystorlous. It removes at once the cauco and tho dlseano Im . mediately dloappcarH. Tho tlrst done Rreatlj i Un-fl"; " '"" ft"(1 ,K Sn,d by "' B'R,0B driiBBlBt. lied Cloud, Saunders Bros. lumber 6 Coal Dealers RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Wo have in stock at all times a complete lino of Htiilding Material and Good Coal. Our prices are reasonable. We solicit your patron age. Boll Tel. GO. Farmers Iiid. 71. m 'S i r.: i ..r: w m fWL ;'; i. . Wfc m m fr-V: 9Sfi I it: Don't Buy land nor Loan Money on Real Estate without getting one of Tool's perfect Abstracts of Title. The oldest and most reliable set of Abstract books in Webster Co. Slo.OCO b ind Hied and approved. Kcpn scuts six of the best In surnnce companies doing busi ness in the state. " LOANS MADE on CITY PROPERTIES O. C. TEEL, Red Cloud, Nebr. Office In Ovcrlng Block. Phones: Boll 98, Farmcrs36 H. E. ASHER Veterinarian Hill -:- Nehraska Blue Will bo in Rod Cloud Saturdays at Smith's barn. Fulton Grocer Co Headquarters for GOOD THINGS TO EAT Telephone Your Orders BETTER STILL Call at Store and i Leave Your Order. I ! . ., r - - , ,j WPffJtS .. -v-v-..; 14 , 1.