, f A I A r M ; TWO OF THE MINISTERS RESIGfl THEIR POSITIONS. ove US1C Do You L IV. i "S " ( ry If you do (and the man who does not, according to Shakespeare, is "fit for stratagems, treasons and spoils"), you will find no music maker so easy to buy, so easy to play and so easy to listen to as the Phonograph. The Phonograph plays everybody's music. You can hear upon it just what you like the old ballads, songs that your mother sang when you were a boy, and the latest pop ular sketch from comic opera. They are all sung equally well and are reproduced perfectly in your home by the Phonograph. Victor 10 TO 60 Records $r oo 35c TO Y R safari ,;flPfr-rr-i & ?v-. - " - -. cnrt-j Edi $ ison 50 $ 12. TO55 Records L 35and75g CALL AND HEAR THEM OR SEND FOR CATALOGUE I NEW HOUSE BROTHERS i C.9 B. & Q. Watch Repairers vsVi nmmmmmiH?i-! Jewelers, and Optometrists. . ilia i ., .;i.L.-qij ' '-" OWT WORRY SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CHIEF KEEP SMILING READ THE NEWS County Treasurer's Semi-Annual Statement. Recapitulation, .showing tin- amount on liitncl July 1st, 1907, this collections since made, disbursements, and iiuiount remaining on hand nt the oloe ni the fcth iln.v of January, MHM, in t.a:i and nil of the several Funds stated. KIND OF FCNDS. Sehool awl University Land., State Consolidated 0 ninty General County Mridgc County Itailro.nl I torn! County Insane County Poor County Soldiers" Rolitif County Road District Hoad ' Onnmissioner District District Schools Statr Apportionment & n ICL. I c rt ? a C V 2 o e J Funds Transferred from I TOTAL a j Z A U r. 3 Funds Transferred to 2 - c 2 c S 3 SAIONJAI RETAINS PORTrOUO ReslgnHtlon of Prime Minister Not A ceptcd Policy of Increasing Taxa tion Causes Dissatisfaction Tluouol) out the Empire. Tokio, .Inn. in. A cnblncL uMs is Imminoiit. After a oonforonc1 ol U rabltioL inlnlHtors, iMur'tpilN aaionjai, tlio prliuo mlnlHtor, vlnltod tho em poror til tho palnco and wan iu)vUly followed by Prince Ito. It Is iNiderstood thai dilueultte.s u 1st over the budget, which re Uu j.t ciMable. It was announced that. Yoshiro ,5al; ntnnl, minister of lliinneo, and lsilium YannKli., inlubitur or cHimiiMial tlons, have rel;ned from th tablnet. Their rcUMtialloiiH have leeii accept ed. Tlw re.slKiiatlon or ManpilH Salon jai, the prime minister, ban "fccvn rv ftlH(!(l. aK'if.-altitm Matsiida, inlnlnlcr ot Jills' Uco, will combine tho portfolio if llnauce, and Keihara, minlHter . l.kn inturior, will combine that of the inbt Inter of communlentionH. Thin leaves tlio cabinet without tiny now element ami removes the dlsputauts, who Jiave boon tbu disfnrliliiK fiH'torH for noire time past. Tlie whole matter now is bollexed In be settled Therv pmbnbly will W some cliunges of Items in the budt.t and' probably the j;evernineiit inny de clde not to ineiease taxation, but in stead reduce the appropriation for tlio army and navy. It is possible. Hint it may be decided to issue a Uv.ui to covrr the deficiency. PRESIDENT CAUSE oFfLUBBY Count Von Knnitz Says Threati Against Trusts Is Cause of Trouble. Ibrlin, .Ian. 15.- In the course of an intui pollution in the reichstng, in ref erence t.o the IiIkIi into or discount c)iai;ed by the imperial bank, Count von Knnitz, Conservative, sukkchicc tliuU Viesldent Hoosevelt's "threfttJ j4Jilnt the t rusts" wa?, rspoiifdbU for the critical nnnneinl situation ex isting Vfiny throiiBhout the ntlr- world. I The speaker expressed the op'lii'Ioi. thai't! lUj,i!t(l Ktates will need' inu') JUire money and tkut this will u)H from I3tiioj)n. Ho then uHkuri wftat means would be ailojtfx'd to nivoy. tii outflow, which eve.B a hlgn baV rate of discount could not beep batik He BHRKOsted u moderate ret urn te blmetallisiu by issutaj; in Ct;jc.ii)V HMver-iriuige to tlio fimot vff i'f markJi pr capita whjyli, h f3K .would Itfrpiovc the .s4lnafion. He ap held tlie method' of the Jlanlt rV Franco, wliieh issues silver coinage to i the value ol 10 markR per. capita of )PiibUhn( as n model in I hi- direr , u7)ii, declaring that this Bystem per mitted Franco to have such nn enor mous gold reserve. Tlie shortage of money, according to Count von Kaniti, mnde tho restoration or ordinary finan cial conditions questionable, pnrtiru laily as there are Indications that a period of industrial adversity is begin ning. At the beginning of Decenilwr ilfero wore In Ilerlin alone 23,00f skilled workmen without employment! and since that time the figures bad been increased greatly. TOTAL :i . IS I J liliWi t5 (I'.llJ 50 tSU IS ??7 1 IL' W.) 10 S 7.ri ii ;vi 7S oo :S7 mi :w: in .-on vs 1 77 IS 7. Flues and Licenses School ISond Ited Cloud City lied Cloud Water llond Itl Cloud Klectric Light Koud Red Cloud F.leetrie Light Works Rod Cloud Water Works Hod Cloud Water Works Special Rod Cloud Judgment Red Cloud Sidewalk Blue Hill llluc Hill Water llond Illue Hill Special Cuide Rock (iuidc Rock Itridge llond Hlndeu Interest Advertising Redemption Miscellaneous. ... !i 10 11 l:.' Ct !! '"I 1". IK 10 ml '-'r, U7, SB, 20 ? 80o:t sn s ... . 12948 US 11.1 a .i07 oi :ioo oo 7389 18 1817 20 :io si 8 Various funds. ( :to i ! .oo oo! 2710 57; .11 20 .'O'.lli tt isr. oo, 2 75 :tl 02, .15' :i 77 c.:t rt,ri OVft 85' 8S1 18 08, 10.1 OH: 27 iJ:p tin 251 07(10 51' 25750 SI :not .17. 1102 85' ioi o:t rtOl 32' 591 10. 180 27 07' .171 01)1 120 50' S.V.I 02' 000 78 38 28 5 80 14 29 14 75 2 88 Distriet Hotel State Appor'ment I lMnes x. licenses ( State. Treasurer Various Parties I 09 07 31 lted Cloud (Jen'l 31' 32 33! .183 14 388 01 009 00' 100 80; 172 Oil 5 30 2 34 I 1807528 30;88i5508 OoJgflOO 00 it Various parties 355 .11 8 15800 28, 11400 97 .1330 72, 35.12 05i 018 00 I 2881 05 f I 1 18 00 32 32: 402 51 20003 39 14800 19: HI 100 30' 9S70 09, S 75 II 32, 110 88' 307 91)1 15792 15' 8918 00 17075 9.1 3532 05J.. 018 001 5880 83 ' 1238 40 2515 Mil 519 80 597 15 515 381 3 09 107 42' 198 081 1 190 771 1181 90. 08 j 723 13 27 03 835 00' 009 00J 100 80 855 18 102 51 10010 53' 11803 99, 10020 fill 1200 00 189 I 0330 lOCommY District 1029 30 27885 39, School District State Apport'm't 2195 .10 1121 llKcd Cloud iiidgt 979 70 7 28 501 89 4.vj 08 i ;..;.' ". o7 42 :.:;.:...::;;:::.;:.;. 195 95, 1017 30 ' "" 275 05 . .. "" .v.'ci 70 ."". V '. ...' ' i '" 0(5 .10 " '" ' 3330 8 4153 .11, S 3980 80 2 50, 139 01 8070 091 8 75! n 32 257 01 ! 307 99. 0125 03' 4918 01; 19190 51 3532 05 i (U lift' j in nu i. ! I . .i 002 80. , Various funds .. . County Heneral .1091 53, 81 PI': 1535 19 512 52 35 20 55 70 3 09' 2 73i 17.1 17 1209 31. 98 202 37 27 03 190 21 . 009 00, , 100 80' 'Various funds j 102 51 I-..I .i I 5800 28 20003 39 1 1800 19 1 0100 30 9870 09 8 75 14 .12 HO 88 307 99 15792 15 8918 00 17075 93 3532 05 018 00 5880 83 12.18 10 2515 19 519 80 597 15 515 38 3 09 107 12 198 08 1 190 ,77 I IS J 90 98 723 13 27 03 .15 00 009 00 1011 80 855 18 102 51 811338 90 8105981 32,8100875 80 I I 88001 40 850117 OO 8105981 32 Fees and Commissions received from Jul v 1st. 1907, to January 9th, 1908 81.150.00 Railroad Roods outstanding 830,000,00 I, W. C. Fnilim. County Treasurer, certify Unit the ubnve is a true and correct statement of the outstanding indebtedness of tlie count v and of all moneys received and disbursed by me as County Treasurer of Webster County, Nebraska, from the first day of July. 1907. to the ninth day of Jauuarv. MUM, to the best of my knowledge and belief, sis per statement submitted. W. C. FRAH.M, County Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of January, 1908. KAI, K. W. ROSS, Countv Clerk. Teachers'Scarce in Chicago. Chicago, Jan. 15.- -Tho sltnatioi caused by the scarcity of teachers ii the Chicago public schools hn reached a climax. In seventy-thre rooms, chiefly in element ury schools, the olllcials found it impossible to pro vide teachers and hnd to dismiss tJw pupils for the day. More l ban 3,004 school children spent tlie day at home. More than 1 ,0 vacancies were report ed. v Ice Breaks With Thirty Skaters. Paris, Jan. 15.- (Jieat excitement was caused by the breaking of th ice on the lake in tlie Hois do Itov logii". some thirty young people nlvn precipitated into tlie water. It wa feared ai llr.st that 'manj of (hen weie diowuetl, but altera detachment of firemen had dragged tho J;J1, b was foiimi that only two had bee di owned, both bodies being recovered. Sixty Thousand to Central Girl. Chicago. .Ian. 15. "I guess 1 wren" work any more," reinaiked Miss Hose Slianty.. a she resigned her position, as telephone operator at the Paluw House. Then she told Manager Vlev hiicheu that she bad Inherited $G(l,(i0v, left by an uncle in tlie far wofit,':mA had received the first installment oft the money. Burglars at Artist Earle's. Now York, Jan. in. -When a care taker visited the residence of Fred erick PInney lOarlc, the artist, at Jloa roe, he discovered that burglorR U4 been at the place, stealing or rummi pictures, china, rugs and brleabra valued at more than $25,000. i X s- . P-. -yr-iiwiniwnwi - v-"1 ' iv 4r r NK!Swffi"' "SM '- n i